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synced 2025-02-26 04:17:08 +00:00
First pass of 'clean-up': correcting comments, removing unused code
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 6 additions and 564 deletions
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
* A TilemapLayerGL is a Phaser.Image/Sprite that renders a specific TileLayer of a Tilemap.
* A TilemapLayerGL is a PIXI.Tilemap that renders a specific TileLayer of a Tilemap.
* Since a TilemapLayerGL is a Sprite it can be moved around the display, added to other groups or display objects, etc.
* Since a PIXI.Tilemap is a PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer it can be moved around the display, added to other groups or display objects, etc.
* By default TilemapLayers have fixedToCamera set to `true`. Changing this will break Camera follow and scrolling behavior.
@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ Phaser.TilemapLayerGL = function (game, tilemap, index, width, height) {
width |= 0;
height |= 0;
//Phaser.Sprite.call(this, game, 0, 0);
* The Tilemap to which this layer is bound.
* @property {Phaser.Tilemap} map
@ -222,11 +220,6 @@ Phaser.TilemapLayerGL = function (game, tilemap, index, width, height) {
this._results = [];
if (!game.device.canvasBitBltShift)
this.renderSettings.copyCanvas = Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.ensureSharedCopyCanvas();
var baseTexture = new PIXI.BaseTexture(this.map.tilesets[0].image);
PIXI.Tilemap.call(this, new PIXI.Texture(baseTexture), this.map.width, this.map.height, this.map.tileWidth, this.map.tileHeight, this.layer);
@ -240,23 +233,7 @@ Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.Tilemap.prototype);
Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.constructor = Phaser.TilemapLayerGL;
Phaser.Component.Core.install.call(Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype, [
Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.preUpdateCore = Phaser.Component.Core.preUpdate;
@ -265,33 +242,6 @@ Phaser.TileSprite.prototype.preUpdateLifeSpan = Phaser.Component.LifeSpan.preUpd
Phaser.TileSprite.prototype.preUpdateInWorld = Phaser.Component.InWorld.preUpdate;
Phaser.TileSprite.prototype.preUpdateCore = Phaser.Component.Core.preUpdate;
* The shared double-copy canvas, created as needed.
* @private
* @static
Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.sharedCopyCanvas = null;
* Create if needed (and return) a shared copy canvas that is shared across all TilemapLayers.
* Code that uses the canvas is responsible to ensure the dimensions and save/restore state as appropriate.
* @method Phaser.TilemapLayerGL#ensureSharedCopyCanvas
* @protected
* @static
Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.ensureSharedCopyCanvas = function () {
if (!this.sharedCopyCanvas)
this.sharedCopyCanvas = Phaser.Canvas.create(2, 2);
return this.sharedCopyCanvas;
* Automatically called by World.preUpdate.
@ -305,7 +255,7 @@ Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.preUpdate = function() {
* Automatically called by World.postUpdate. Handles cache updates.
* Automatically called by World.postUpdate. Handles camera scrolling.
* @method Phaser.TilemapLayerGL#postUpdate
* @protected
@ -320,8 +270,6 @@ Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.postUpdate = function () {
this.scrollX = camera.x * this.scrollFactorX / this.scale.x;
this.scrollY = camera.y * this.scrollFactorY / this.scale.y;
@ -338,7 +286,7 @@ Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.destroy = function() {
* Resizes the internal canvas and texture frame used by this TilemapLayerGL.
* Resizes the internal dimensions and texture frame used by this TilemapLayerGL.
* This is an expensive call, so don't bind it to a window resize event! But instead call it at carefully
* selected times.
@ -598,11 +546,8 @@ Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.getTiles = function (x, y, width, height, collid
var tw = Math.ceil((x + width) / (this._mc.cw * this.scale.x)) - tx;
var th = Math.ceil((y + height) / (this._mc.ch * this.scale.y)) - ty;
// Discard old results before storing the new ones
this._results = [];
// while (this._results.length)
// {
// this._results.pop();
// }
for (var wy = ty; wy < ty + th; wy++)
@ -674,6 +619,7 @@ Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.resetTilesetCache = function () {
var tilesets = this._mc.tilesets;
// TODO: why not just set this._mc.tilesets = []; ??
while (tilesets.length)
@ -713,510 +659,6 @@ Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.setScale = function (xScale, yScale) {
* Shifts the contents of the canvas - does extra math so that different browsers agree on the result.
* The specified (x/y) will be shifted to (0,0) after the copy and the newly exposed canvas area will need to be filled in.
* @method Phaser.TilemapLayerGL#shiftCanvas
* @private
* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context - The context to shift
* @param {integer} x
* @param {integer} y
Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.shiftCanvas = function (context, x, y) {
var canvas = context.canvas;
var copyW = canvas.width - Math.abs(x);
var copyH = canvas.height - Math.abs(y);
// When x/y non-negative
var dx = 0;
var dy = 0;
var sx = x;
var sy = y;
if (x < 0)
dx = -x;
sx = 0;
if (y < 0)
dy = -y;
sy = 0;
var copyCanvas = this.renderSettings.copyCanvas;
if (copyCanvas)
// Use a second copy buffer, without slice support, for Safari .. again.
// Ensure copy canvas is large enough
if (copyCanvas.width < copyW || copyCanvas.height < copyH)
copyCanvas.width = copyW;
copyCanvas.height = copyH;
var copyContext = copyCanvas.getContext('2d');
copyContext.clearRect(0, 0, copyW, copyH);
copyContext.drawImage(canvas, dx, dy, copyW, copyH, 0, 0, copyW, copyH);
// clear allows default 'source-over' semantics
context.clearRect(sx, sy, copyW, copyH);
context.drawImage(copyCanvas, 0, 0, copyW, copyH, sx, sy, copyW, copyH);
// Avoids a second copy but flickers in Safari / Safari Mobile
// Ref. https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/issues/1439
context.globalCompositeOperation = 'copy';
context.drawImage(canvas, dx, dy, copyW, copyH, sx, sy, copyW, copyH);
* Render tiles in the given area given by the virtual tile coordinates biased by the given scroll factor.
* This will constrain the tile coordinates based on wrapping but not physical coordinates.
* @method Phaser.TilemapLayerGL#renderRegion
* @private
* @param {integer} scrollX - Render x offset/scroll.
* @param {integer} scrollY - Render y offset/scroll.
* @param {integer} left - Leftmost column to render.
* @param {integer} top - Topmost row to render.
* @param {integer} right - Rightmost column to render.
* @param {integer} bottom - Bottommost row to render.
Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.renderRegion = function (scrollX, scrollY, left, top, right, bottom) {
var context = this.context;
var width = this.layer.width;
var height = this.layer.height;
var tw = this._mc.tileWidth;
var th = this._mc.tileHeight;
var tilesets = this._mc.tilesets;
var lastAlpha = NaN;
if (!this._wrap)
if (left <= right) // Only adjust if going to render
left = Math.max(0, left);
right = Math.min(width - 1, right);
if (top <= bottom)
top = Math.max(0, top);
bottom = Math.min(height - 1, bottom);
// top-left pixel of top-left cell
var baseX = (left * tw) - scrollX;
var baseY = (top * th) - scrollY;
// Fix normStartX/normStartY such it is normalized [0..width/height). This allows a simple conditional and decrement to always keep in range [0..width/height) during the loop. The major offset bias is to take care of negative values.
var normStartX = (left + ((1 << 20) * width)) % width;
var normStartY = (top + ((1 << 20) * height)) % height;
// tx/ty - are pixel coordinates where tile is drawn
// x/y - is cell location, normalized [0..width/height) in loop
// xmax/ymax - remaining cells to render on column/row
var tx, ty, x, y, xmax, ymax;
context.fillStyle = this.tileColor;
for (y = normStartY, ymax = bottom - top, ty = baseY;
ymax >= 0;
y++, ymax--, ty += th)
if (y >= height) { y -= height; }
var row = this.layer.data[y];
for (x = normStartX, xmax = right - left, tx = baseX;
xmax >= 0;
x++, xmax--, tx += tw)
if (x >= width) { x -= width; }
var tile = row[x];
if (!tile || tile.index < 0)
var index = tile.index;
var set = tilesets[index];
if (set === undefined)
set = this.resolveTileset(index);
// Setting the globalAlpha is "surprisingly expensive" in Chrome (38)
if (tile.alpha !== lastAlpha && !this.debug)
context.globalAlpha = tile.alpha;
lastAlpha = tile.alpha;
if (set)
if (tile.rotation || tile.flipped)
context.translate(tx + tile.centerX, ty + tile.centerY);
if (tile.flipped)
context.scale(-1, 1);
set.draw(context, -tile.centerX, -tile.centerY, index);
set.draw(context, tx, ty, index);
else if (this.debugSettings.missingImageFill)
context.fillStyle = this.debugSettings.missingImageFill;
context.fillRect(tx, ty, tw, th);
if (tile.debug && this.debugSettings.debuggedTileOverfill)
context.fillStyle = this.debugSettings.debuggedTileOverfill;
context.fillRect(tx, ty, tw, th);
* Shifts the canvas and render damaged edge tiles.
* @method Phaser.TilemapLayerGL#renderDeltaScroll
* @private
Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.renderDeltaScroll = function (shiftX, shiftY) {
var scrollX = this._mc.scrollX;
var scrollY = this._mc.scrollY;
//var renderW = this.canvas.width;
//var renderH = this.canvas.height;
var tw = this._mc.tileWidth;
var th = this._mc.tileHeight;
// Only cells with coordinates in the "plus" formed by `left <= x <= right` OR `top <= y <= bottom` are drawn. These coordinates may be outside the layer bounds.
// Start in pixels
var left = 0;
var right = -tw;
var top = 0;
var bottom = -th;
if (shiftX < 0) // layer moving left, damage right
left = renderW + shiftX; // shiftX neg.
right = renderW - 1;
else if (shiftX > 0)
// left -> 0
right = shiftX;
if (shiftY < 0) // layer moving down, damage top
top = renderH + shiftY; // shiftY neg.
bottom = renderH - 1;
else if (shiftY > 0)
// top -> 0
bottom = shiftY;
this.shiftCanvas(this.context, shiftX, shiftY);
// Transform into tile-space
left = Math.floor((left + scrollX) / tw);
right = Math.floor((right + scrollX) / tw);
top = Math.floor((top + scrollY) / th);
bottom = Math.floor((bottom + scrollY) / th);
if (left <= right)
// Clear left or right edge
this.context.clearRect(((left * tw) - scrollX), 0, (right - left + 1) * tw, renderH);
var trueTop = Math.floor((0 + scrollY) / th);
var trueBottom = Math.floor((renderH - 1 + scrollY) / th);
this.renderRegion(scrollX, scrollY, left, trueTop, right, trueBottom);
if (top <= bottom)
// Clear top or bottom edge
this.context.clearRect(0, ((top * th) - scrollY), renderW, (bottom - top + 1) * th);
var trueLeft = Math.floor((0 + scrollX) / tw);
var trueRight = Math.floor((renderW - 1 + scrollX) / tw);
this.renderRegion(scrollX, scrollY, trueLeft, top, trueRight, bottom);
* Clear and render the entire canvas.
* @method Phaser.TilemapLayerGL#renderFull
* @private
Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.renderFull = function () {
var scrollX = this._mc.scrollX;
var scrollY = this._mc.scrollY;
//var renderW = this.canvas.width;
//var renderH = this.canvas.height;
var tw = this._mc.tileWidth;
var th = this._mc.tileHeight;
var left = Math.floor(scrollX / tw);
var right = Math.floor((renderW - 1 + scrollX) / tw);
var top = Math.floor(scrollY / th);
var bottom = Math.floor((renderH - 1 + scrollY) / th);
this.context.clearRect(0, 0, renderW, renderH);
this.renderRegion(scrollX, scrollY, left, top, right, bottom);
* Renders the tiles to the layer canvas and pushes to the display.
* @method Phaser.TilemapLayerGL#render
* @protected
Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.render = function () {
var redrawAll = false;
if (!this.visible)
if (this.dirty || this.layer.dirty)
this.layer.dirty = false;
redrawAll = true;
var renderWidth = this.game.width;
var renderHeight = this.game.height;
// Scrolling bias; whole pixels only
var scrollX = this._scrollX | 0;
var scrollY = this._scrollY | 0;
var mc = this._mc;
var shiftX = mc.scrollX - scrollX; // Negative when scrolling right/down
var shiftY = mc.scrollY - scrollY;
if (!redrawAll &&
shiftX === 0 && shiftY === 0 &&
mc.renderWidth === renderWidth && mc.renderHeight === renderHeight)
// No reason to redraw map, looking at same thing and not invalidated.
// this.context.save();
mc.scrollX = scrollX;
mc.scrollY = scrollY;
if (mc.renderWidth !== renderWidth || mc.renderHeight !== renderHeight)
// Could support automatic canvas resizing
mc.renderWidth = renderWidth;
mc.renderHeight = renderHeight;
if (this.debug)
//this.context.globalAlpha = this.debugSettings.debugAlpha;
if (this.debugSettings.forceFullRedraw)
redrawAll = true;
if (!redrawAll &&
this.renderSettings.enableScrollDelta &&
(Math.abs(shiftX) + Math.abs(shiftY)) < Math.min(renderWidth, renderHeight))
this.renderDeltaScroll(shiftX, shiftY);
// Too much change or otherwise requires full render
if (this.debug)
//this.context.globalAlpha = 1;
this.dirty = false;
return true;
* Renders a debug overlay on-top of the canvas. Called automatically by render when `debug` is true.
* See `debugSettings` for assorted configuration options.
* @method Phaser.TilemapLayerGL#renderDebug
* @private
Phaser.TilemapLayerGL.prototype.renderDebug = function () {
var scrollX = this._mc.scrollX;
var scrollY = this._mc.scrollY;
var context = this.context;
var renderW = this.canvas.width;
var renderH = this.canvas.height;
var width = this.layer.width;
var height = this.layer.height;
var tw = this._mc.tileWidth;
var th = this._mc.tileHeight;
var left = Math.floor(scrollX / tw);
var right = Math.floor((renderW - 1 + scrollX) / tw);
var top = Math.floor(scrollY / th);
var bottom = Math.floor((renderH - 1 + scrollY) / th);
var baseX = (left * tw) - scrollX;
var baseY = (top * th) - scrollY;
var normStartX = (left + ((1 << 20) * width)) % width;
var normStartY = (top + ((1 << 20) * height)) % height;
var tx, ty, x, y, xmax, ymax;
context.strokeStyle = this.debugSettings.facingEdgeStroke;
for (y = normStartY, ymax = bottom - top, ty = baseY;
ymax >= 0;
y++, ymax--, ty += th)
if (y >= height) { y -= height; }
var row = this.layer.data[y];
for (x = normStartX, xmax = right - left, tx = baseX;
xmax >= 0;
x++, xmax--, tx += tw)
if (x >= width) { x -= width; }
var tile = row[x];
if (!tile || tile.index < 0 || !tile.collides)
if (this.debugSettings.collidingTileOverfill)
context.fillStyle = this.debugSettings.collidingTileOverfill;
context.fillRect(tx, ty, this._mc.cw, this._mc.ch);
if (this.debugSettings.facingEdgeStroke)
if (tile.faceTop)
context.moveTo(tx, ty);
context.lineTo(tx + this._mc.cw, ty);
if (tile.faceBottom)
context.moveTo(tx, ty + this._mc.ch);
context.lineTo(tx + this._mc.cw, ty + this._mc.ch);
if (tile.faceLeft)
context.moveTo(tx, ty);
context.lineTo(tx, ty + this._mc.ch);
if (tile.faceRight)
context.moveTo(tx + this._mc.cw, ty);
context.lineTo(tx + this._mc.cw, ty + this._mc.ch);
* Flag controlling if the layer tiles wrap at the edges. Only works if the World size matches the Map size.
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