Update documentation on using compressed textures.

Correct the multiAtlas example.
Remove link to Mali, which has been discontinued.
Expand guidance on making valid compressed textures.
This commit is contained in:
Ben Richards 2024-03-07 18:06:51 +13:00
parent 0a2bede95e
commit 9898a6aaae

View file

@ -379,10 +379,10 @@ var CompressedTextureFile = new Class({
* const path = 'assets/compressed';
* this.load.texture('yourAtlas', {
* 'ASTC': { type: 'PVR', atlasURL: `${path}/textures.json` },
* 'PVRTC': { type: 'PVR', atlasURL: `${path}/textures-pvrtc-4bpp-rgba.json` },
* 'S3TC': { type: 'PVR', atlasURL: `${path}/textures-dxt5.json` },
* 'IMG': { atlasURL: `${path}/textures.json` }
* 'ASTC': { type: 'PVR', multiAtlasURL: `${path}/textures.json`, multiPath: `${path}` },
* 'PVRTC': { type: 'PVR', multiAtlasURL: `${path}/textures-pvrtc-4bpp-rgba.json`, multiPath: `${path}` },
* 'S3TC': { type: 'PVR', multiAtlasURL: `${path}/textures-dxt5.json`, multiPath: `${path}` },
* 'IMG': { multiAtlasURL: `${path}/textures.json`, multiPath: `${path}` }
* });
* }
* ```
@ -434,10 +434,26 @@ var CompressedTextureFile = new Class({
* Texture Packer (https://www.codeandweb.com/texturepacker/tutorials/how-to-create-sprite-sheets-for-phaser3?utm_source=ad&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=phaser-2018-10-16)
* PVRTexTool (https://developer.imaginationtech.com/pvrtextool/) - available for Windows, macOS and Linux.
* Mali Texture Compression Tool (https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/graphics-and-gaming/mali-texture-compression-tool)
* ASTC Encoder (https://github.com/ARM-software/astc-encoder)
* ASTCs must have a Channel Type of Unsigned Normalized Bytes (UNorm).
* Compressed textures will appear darker than normal textures. This is because
* the Web uses sRGB colorspace, but compressed textures are sampled as linear
* colorspace. You must adjust your textures to be lighter before compression.
* See https://imagemagick.org/Usage/color_basics/#srgb for more details.
* You can do this with ImageMagick (https://imagemagick.org/index.php) using
* the following command:
* `magick input.png -set colorspace RGB -colorspace sRGB output.png`
* You must ensure that compressed textures meet the following standards for use
* in WebGL and Phaser:
* - PVRTC must have a power-of-two width and height.
* - MIPMaps, if present, must have a power-of-two width and height.
* - S3TC S3TCSRGB, RGTC, and BPTC must have width and height divisible by 4.
* - ASTC must have a Channel Type of Unsigned Normalized Bytes (UNorm). In fact, all compressed textures should be UNorm, but ASTC presents many other options.
* If in doubt, a power-of-two resolution is always a safe bet.
* The file is **not** loaded right away. It is added to a queue ready to be loaded either when the loader starts,
* or if it's already running, when the next free load slot becomes available. This happens automatically if you