diff --git a/src/gameobjects/blitter/BlitterWebGLRenderer.js b/src/gameobjects/blitter/BlitterWebGLRenderer.js
index 607b0321d..641f709ec 100644
--- a/src/gameobjects/blitter/BlitterWebGLRenderer.js
+++ b/src/gameobjects/blitter/BlitterWebGLRenderer.js
@@ -1,82 +1,13 @@
 var GameObject = require('../GameObject');
-var BlitterWebGLRenderer = function (renderer, src, interpolationPercentage, camera)
+var BlitterWebGLRenderer = function (renderer, gameObject, interpolationPercentage, camera)
-    if (GameObject.RENDER_MASK !== src.renderFlags || (src.cameraFilter > 0 && (src.cameraFilter & camera._id)))
+    if (GameObject.RENDER_MASK !== gameObject.renderFlags || (gameObject.cameraFilter > 0 && (gameObject.cameraFilter & camera._id)))
-    var list = src.getRenderList();
-    var blitterBatch = renderer.blitterBatch;
-    var cameraMatrix = camera.matrix.matrix;
-    var a = cameraMatrix[0];
-    var b = cameraMatrix[1];
-    var c = cameraMatrix[2];
-    var d = cameraMatrix[3];
-    var e = cameraMatrix[4];
-    var f = cameraMatrix[5];
-    var cameraScrollX = camera.scrollX * src.scrollFactorX;
-    var cameraScrollY = camera.scrollY * src.scrollFactorY;
-    var renderTarget = src.renderTarget;
-    //  Render bobs
-    for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l; i++)
-    {
-        var bob = list[i];
-        var frame = bob.frame;
-        var alpha = bob.alpha;
-        var vertexDataBuffer = blitterBatch.vertexDataBuffer;
-        var vertexBuffer = vertexDataBuffer.floatView;
-        var vertexOffset = 0;
-        var uvs = frame.uvs;
-        var width = frame.width * (bob.flipX ? -1 : 1);
-        var height = frame.height * (bob.flipY ? -1 : 1);
-        var x = bob.x + frame.x - cameraScrollX + ((frame.width) * (bob.flipX ? 1 : 0.0));
-        var y = bob.y + frame.y - cameraScrollY + ((frame.height) * (bob.flipY ? 1 : 0.0));
-        var xw = x + width;
-        var yh = y + height;
-        var tx = x * a + y * c + e;
-        var ty = x * b + y * d + f;
-        var txw = xw * a + yh * c + e;
-        var tyh = xw * b + yh * d + f;
-        if (blitterBatch.elementCount >= blitterBatch.maxParticles)
-        {
-            blitterBatch.flush();
-        }
-        renderer.setRenderer(blitterBatch, frame.texture.source[frame.sourceIndex].glTexture, camera, renderTarget);
-        vertexOffset = vertexDataBuffer.allocate(20);
-        blitterBatch.elementCount += 6;
-        x += frame.x;
-        y += frame.y;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = tx;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = ty;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = uvs.x0;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = uvs.y0;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = alpha;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = tx;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = tyh;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = uvs.x1;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = uvs.y1;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = alpha;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = txw;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = tyh;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = uvs.x2;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = uvs.y2;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = alpha;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = txw;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = ty;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = uvs.x3;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = uvs.y3;
-        vertexBuffer[vertexOffset++] = alpha;
-    }
+    renderer.blitterBatch.drawBlitter(gameObject, camera)
 module.exports = BlitterWebGLRenderer;
diff --git a/src/gameobjects/tilemap/staticlayer/StaticTilemapLayer.js b/src/gameobjects/tilemap/staticlayer/StaticTilemapLayer.js
index 78bd26db4..2b18bddfc 100644
--- a/src/gameobjects/tilemap/staticlayer/StaticTilemapLayer.js
+++ b/src/gameobjects/tilemap/staticlayer/StaticTilemapLayer.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 var Class = require('../../../utils/Class');
 var GameObject = require('../../GameObject');
 var Components = require('../../components');
-var CONST = require('../../../renderer/webgl/renderers/tilemaprenderer/const');
+var CONST = require('../../../renderer/webgl/pipelines/tilemaprenderer/const');
 var StaticTilemapLayerRender = require('./StaticTilemapLayerRender');
 var TilemapComponents = require('../components');
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/Pipeline.js b/src/renderer/webgl/Pipeline.js
index 5cf98605b..e66ff350a 100644
--- a/src/renderer/webgl/Pipeline.js
+++ b/src/renderer/webgl/Pipeline.js
@@ -1,124 +1,163 @@
-var Class = require('../../../utils/Class');
+var Class = require('../../utils/Class');
 var Pipeline = new Class({
-	initialize: 
+    initialize: 
-	function Pipeline(config)
-	{
+    function Pipeline(config)
+    {
+        this.name = config.name;
+        this.game = config.game;
+        this.view = config.game.canvas;
+        this.resolution = config.game.config.resolution;
+        this.width = config.game.config.width * this.resolution;
+        this.height = config.game.config.height * this.resolution;
+        this.gl = config.gl;
+        this.vertexCount = 0;
+        this.vertexCapacity = config.vertexCapacity;
+        this.manager = config.manager;
+        this.resources = config.manager.resourceManager;
+        this.vertexData = new ArrayBuffer(config.vertexCapacity * config.vertexSize);
+        this.vertexBuffer = null;
+        this.program = null;
+        this.vertexLayout = config.vertexLayout;
+        this.vertexSize = config.vertexSize;
+        this.currentRenderTarget = null;
+        this.currentProgram = null;
+        this.topology = config.topology;
+        this.onBeginPassTarget = config.onBeginPassTarget || null;
+        this.onEndPassTarget = config.onBeginPassTarget || null;
+        this.onFlushTarget = config.onFlushTarget || null;
+        this.onBindTarget = config.onBindTarget || null;
+        this.onResizeTarget = config.onResizeTarget || null;
+        this.onBeginPass = config.onBeginPass || function onBeginPassStub(pipeline) {};
+        this.onEndPass = config.onEndPass || function onEndPassStub(pipeline) {};
+        this.onFlush = config.onFlush || function onFlushStub(pipeline) {};
+        this.onBind = config.onBind || function onBindStub(pipeline) {};
+        this.onResize = config.onResize || function onResize(width, height, resolution) {};
+        // Initialize Shaders and Buffers
+        {
+            var gl = this.gl;
+            var resources = this.resources;
+            var vertexSize = this.vertexSize;
+            var vertexLayout = this.vertexLayout;
+            var program = resources.createShader(this.name, config.shader);
+            var vertexBuffer = resources.createBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexData.byteLength, gl.STREAM_DRAW);
-		this.name = config.name;
-		this.game = config.game;
-		this.view = config.game.canvas;
-		this.resolution = config.game.config.resolution;
-		this.width = config.game.config.width * this.resolution;
-		this.height = config.game.config.height * this.resolution;
-		this.glContext = config.gl;
-		this.vertexCount = 0;
-		this.vertexCapacity = config.vertexCapacity;
-		this.manager = config.manager;
-		this.resources = config.manager.resourceManager;
-		this.vertexData = new ArrayBuffer(config.vertexCapacity * config.vertexSize);
-		this.vertexBuffer = null;
-		this.program = null;
-		this.vertexLayout = config.vertexLayout;
-		this.vertexSize = config.vertexSize;
-		this.currentRenderTarget = null;
-		this.currentProgram = null;
-		this.topology = config.topology;
-		// Initialize Shaders and Buffers
-		{
-			var gl = this.glContext;
-			var resources = this.resources;
-			var vertexSize = this.vertexSize;
-			var vertexLayout = this.vertexLayout;
-			var program = resources.createShader(this.name, config.shader);
-			var vertexBuffer = resources.createBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexCapacity, gl.STREAM_DRAW);
+            for (var key in vertexLayout)
+            {
+                var element = vertexLayout[key];
-			for (var key in vertexLayout)
-			{
-				var element = vertexLayout[key];
+                vertexBuffer.addAttribute(
+                    program.getAttribLocation(key),
+                    element.size,
+                    element.type,
+                    element.normalize,
+                    vertexSize,
+                    element.offset
+                );
+            }
-				vertexBuffer.addAttribute(
-					program.getAttribLocation(key),
-					element.size,
-					element.type,
-					element.normalize,
-					vertexSize,
-					element.offset
-				);
-			}
+            this.vertexBuffer = vertexBuffer;
+            this.program = program;
+        }
+    },
-			this.vertexBuffer = vertexBuffer;
-			this.program = program;
-		}
-	},
+    shouldFlush: function ()
+    {
+        return this.vertexCount >= this.vertexCapacity;
+    },
-	beginDraw: function (renderTarget, program)
-	{
-		if (this.currentRenderTarget !== null ||
-			this.currentProgram !== null)
-		{
-			this.draw();
-			this.endDraw();
-		}
+    bind: function ()
+    {
+        this.onBind.call(this.onBindTarget, this);
+        return this;
+    },
-		this.currentRenderTarget = (renderTarget || null);
-		this.currentProgram = (program || this.program);
-		this.currentProgram.bind();
-		this.vertexBuffer.bind();
+    resize: function (width, height, resolution)
+    {
+        this.onResize.call(this.onResizeTarget, width, height, resolution);
+        return this;
+    },
-		gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this.currentRenderTarget.framebufferObject);
+    beginPass: function (renderTarget, program)
+    {
+        if (this.currentRenderTarget !== null ||
+            this.currentProgram !== null)
+        {
+            this.flush();
+            this.endPass();
+        }
-		return this;
-	},
+        this.currentRenderTarget = (renderTarget || null);
+        this.currentProgram = (program || this.program);
+        this.currentProgram.bind();
+        this.vertexBuffer.bind();
-	draw: function ()
-	{
-		var gl = this.glContext;
-		var vertexCount = this.vertexCount;
-		var vertexBuffer = this.vertexBuffer;
-		var vertexData = this.vertexData;
-		var topology = this.topology;
+        if (this.currentRenderTarget !== null)
+        {
+            this.gl.bindFramebuffer(this.gl.FRAMEBUFFER, this.currentRenderTarget.framebufferObject);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            this.gl.bindFramebuffer(this.gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
+        }
-		if (vertexCount === 0) return;
+        this.onBeginPass.call(this.onBeginPassTarget, this);
-		vertexBuffer.updateResource(vertexData, 0);
-		gl.drawArrays(topology, 0, vertexCount);
+        return this;
+    },
-		this.vertexCount = 0;
+    flush: function ()
+    {
+        var gl = this.gl;
+        var vertexCount = this.vertexCount;
+        var vertexBuffer = this.vertexBuffer;
+        var vertexData = this.vertexData;
+        var topology = this.topology;
-		return this;
-	},
+        if (vertexCount === 0) return;
-	endDraw: function ()
-	{
-		var renderTarget = this.currentRenderTarget;
-		var program = this.currentProgram;
+        vertexBuffer.updateResource(vertexData, 0);
+        gl.drawArrays(topology, 0, vertexCount);
-		gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
+        this.vertexCount = 0;
-		this.currentRenderTarget = null;
-		this.program = null;
-		this.vertexCount = 0;
+        this.onFlush.call(this.onFlushTarget, this);
-		return this;
-	},
+        return this;
+    },
-	destroy: function ()
-	{
-		var resources = this.resources;
+    endPass: function ()
+    {
+        var renderTarget = this.currentRenderTarget;
+        var program = this.currentProgram;
+        this.gl.bindFramebuffer(this.gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
+        this.currentRenderTarget = null;
+        this.currentProgram = null;
+        this.vertexCount = 0;
+        this.onEndPass.call(this.onEndPassTarget, this);
+        return this;
+    },
+    destroy: function ()
+    {
+        var resources = this.resources;
-		resources.deleteBuffer(this.vertexBuffer);
+        resources.deleteBuffer(this.vertexBuffer);
-		this.program = null;
-		this.vertexBuffer = null;
+        this.program = null;
+        this.vertexBuffer = null;
-		return this;
-	}
+        return this;
+    }
-module.exports = BaseRenderer;
+module.exports = Pipeline;
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/WebGLRenderer.js b/src/renderer/webgl/WebGLRenderer.js
index 0dd4f5383..9a7077b29 100644
--- a/src/renderer/webgl/WebGLRenderer.js
+++ b/src/renderer/webgl/WebGLRenderer.js
@@ -6,28 +6,28 @@
 var BlendModes = require('../BlendModes');
-var BlitterBatch = require('./renderers/blitterbatch/BlitterBatch');
+var BlitterBatch = require('./pipelines/blitterbatch/BlitterBatch');
 var Class = require('../../utils/Class');
 var CONST = require('../../const');
-var EffectRenderer = require('./renderers/effectrenderer/EffectRenderer');
+var EffectRenderer = require('./pipelines/effectrenderer/EffectRenderer');
 var IsSizePowerOfTwo = require('../../math/pow2/IsSizePowerOfTwo');
-var MaskRenderer = require('./renderers/maskrenderer/MaskRenderer');
-var QuadBatch = require('./renderers/quadbatch/QuadBatch');
-var ParticleRenderer = require('./renderers/particlerenderer/ParticleRenderer');
+var MaskRenderer = require('./pipelines/maskrenderer/MaskRenderer');
+var QuadBatch = require('./pipelines/quadbatch/QuadBatch');
+var ParticleRenderer = require('./pipelines/particlerenderer/ParticleRenderer');
 var ResourceManager = require('./ResourceManager');
 var Resources = require('./resources');
 var ScaleModes = require('../ScaleModes');
-var ShapeBatch = require('./renderers/shapebatch/ShapeBatch');
-var SpriteBatch = require('./renderers/spritebatch/SpriteBatch');
-var TileBatch = require('./renderers/tilebatch/TileBatch');
-var TilemapRenderer = require('./renderers/tilemaprenderer/TilemapRenderer');
+var ShapeBatch = require('./pipelines/shapebatch/ShapeBatch');
+var SpriteBatch = require('./pipelines/spritebatch/SpriteBatch');
+var TileBatch = require('./pipelines/tilebatch/TileBatch');
+var TilemapRenderer = require('./pipelines/tilemaprenderer/TilemapRenderer');
 var WebGLSnapshot = require('../snapshot/WebGLSnapshot');
-var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
+var WebGLpipeline = new Class({
-    function WebGLRenderer (game)
+    function WebGLpipeline (game)
         var _this = this;
         this.game = game;
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
         this.view = game.canvas;
         this.view.addEventListener('webglcontextlost', function (evt) {
             var callbacks = _this.onContextLostCallbacks;
-            var renderers = _this.rendererArray;
-            for (var index = 0; index < renderers.length; ++index)
+            var pipelines = _this.pipelines;
+            for (var index = 0; index < pipelines.length; ++index)
-                renderers[index].destroy();
+                pipelines[index].destroy();
             _this.contextLost = true;
             for (var index = 0; index < callbacks.length; ++index)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
         this.view.addEventListener('webglcontextrestored', function (evt) {
             var callbacks = _this.onContextRestoredCallbacks;
-            _this.rendererArray.length = 0;
+            _this.pipelines.length = 0;
             _this.resourceManager.shaderCache = {};
             _this.resourceManager.shaderCount = 0;
             _this.contextLost = false;
@@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
         this.gl = null;
         this.extensions = null;
         this.extensionList = {};
-        this.rendererArray = [];
+        this.pipelines = [];
         this.blitterBatch = null;
         this.aaQuadBatch = null;
         this.spriteBatch = null;
         this.shapeBatch = null;
-        this.effectRenderer = null;
-        this.maskRenderer =  null;
-        this.currentRenderer = null;
+        this.EffectRenderer = null;
+        this.MaskRenderer =  null;
+        this.currentPipeline = null;
         this.currentTexture = [];
         this.shaderCache = {};
         this.currentShader = null;
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
         if (!this.gl)
             this.contextLost = true;
-            throw new Error('This browser does not support WebGL. Try using the Canvas renderer.');
+            throw new Error('This browser does not support WebGL. Try using the Canvas pipeline.');
         var gl = this.gl;
@@ -164,16 +164,16 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
         this.blendMode = -1;
         this.extensions = gl.getSupportedExtensions();
-        this.blitterBatch = this.addRenderer(new BlitterBatch(this.game, gl, this));
-        this.quadBatch = this.addRenderer(new QuadBatch(this.game, gl, this));
-        this.spriteBatch = this.addRenderer(new SpriteBatch(this.game, gl, this));
-        this.shapeBatch = this.addRenderer(new ShapeBatch(this.game, gl, this));
-        this.effectRenderer = this.addRenderer(new EffectRenderer(this.game, gl, this));
-        this.tileBatch = this.addRenderer(new TileBatch(this.game, gl, this));
-        this.tilemapRenderer = this.addRenderer(new TilemapRenderer(this.game, gl, this));
-        this.particleRenderer = this.addRenderer(new ParticleRenderer(this.game, gl, this));
-        this.maskRenderer = this.addRenderer(new MaskRenderer(this.game, gl, this));
-        this.currentRenderer = this.spriteBatch;
+        this.blitterBatch = this.addPipeline(new BlitterBatch(this.game, gl, this));
+        //this.quadBatch = this.addPipeline(new QuadBatch(this.game, gl, this));
+        //this.spriteBatch = this.addPipeline(new SpriteBatch(this.game, gl, this));
+        //this.shapeBatch = this.addPipeline(new ShapeBatch(this.game, gl, this));
+        //this.EffectRenderer = this.addPipeline(new EffectRenderer(this.game, gl, this));
+        //this.tileBatch = this.addPipeline(new TileBatch(this.game, gl, this));
+        //this.TilemapRenderer = this.addPipeline(new TilemapRenderer(this.game, gl, this));
+        //this.ParticleRenderer = this.addPipeline(new ParticleRenderer(this.game, gl, this));
+        //this.MaskRenderer = this.addPipeline(new MaskRenderer(this.game, gl, this));
+        this.currentPipeline = this.blitterBatch;
         this.currentVertexBuffer = null;
         this.resize(this.width, this.height);
@@ -298,7 +298,8 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
             var gl = this.gl;
-            this.currentRenderer.flush();
+            this.currentPipeline.flush();
+            this.currentPipeline.endPass();
             gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + unit);
@@ -315,15 +316,14 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
-    setRenderer: function (renderer, texture, renderTarget)
+    setPipeline: function (pipeline)
-        this.setTexture(texture);
-        this.setRenderTarget(renderTarget);
-        if (this.currentRenderer !== renderer || this.currentRenderer.shouldFlush())
+        if (this.currentPipeline !== pipeline || 
+            this.currentPipeline.shouldFlush())
-            this.currentRenderer.flush();
-            this.currentRenderer = renderer;
+            this.currentPipeline.flush();
+            this.currentPipeline.endPass();
+            this.currentPipeline = pipeline;
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
         if (this.currentRenderTarget !== renderTarget)
-            this.currentRenderer.flush();
+            this.currentPipeline.flush();
             if (renderTarget !== null)
@@ -374,13 +374,13 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
         this.gl.viewport(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
-        for (var i = 0, l = this.rendererArray.length; i < l; ++i)
+        for (var i = 0, l = this.pipelines.length; i < l; ++i)
-            this.rendererArray[i].bind();
-            this.rendererArray[i].resize(width, height, resolution);
+            //this.pipelines[i].bind();
+            //this.pipelines[i].resize(width, height, resolution);
-        this.currentRenderer.bind();
+        //this.currentPipeline.bind();
     //  Call at the start of the render loop
@@ -442,21 +442,18 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
             var color = camera.backgroundColor;
-            quadBatch.bind();
-            quadBatch.add(
-                camera.x, camera.y, camera.width, camera.height,
-                color.redGL, color.greenGL, color.blueGL, color.alphaGL
-            );
-            quadBatch.flush();
-            this.currentRenderer.bind();
+            //quadBatch.bind();
+            //quadBatch.add(
+            //    camera.x, camera.y, camera.width, camera.height,
+            //    color.redGL, color.greenGL, color.blueGL, color.alphaGL
+            //);
+            //quadBatch.flush();
+            //this.currentPipeline.bind();
         var list = children.list;
         var length = list.length;
-        var renderer;
+        var pipeline;
         for (var index = 0; index < length; ++index)
@@ -485,42 +482,39 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
                 child.mask.postRenderWebGL(this, child);
-            renderer = this.currentRenderer;
+            pipeline = this.currentPipeline;
-            if (renderer.isFull() || renderer.shouldFlush())
+            if (pipeline.shouldFlush())
-                renderer.flush();
+                pipeline.flush();
-        this.currentRenderer.flush();
+        this.currentPipeline.flush();
         if (camera._fadeAlpha > 0 || camera._flashAlpha > 0)
-            // fade rendering
-            quadBatch.add(
-                camera.x, camera.y, camera.width, camera.height,
-                camera._fadeRed,
-                camera._fadeGreen,
-                camera._fadeBlue,
-                camera._fadeAlpha
-            );
-            // flash rendering
-            quadBatch.add(
-                camera.x, camera.y, camera.width, camera.height,
-                camera._flashRed,
-                camera._flashGreen,
-                camera._flashBlue,
-                camera._flashAlpha
-            );
-            quadBatch.flush();
-            this.currentRenderer.bind();
+            // // fade rendering
+            // quadBatch.add(
+            //     camera.x, camera.y, camera.width, camera.height,
+            //     camera._fadeRed,
+            //     camera._fadeGreen,
+            //     camera._fadeBlue,
+            //     camera._fadeAlpha
+            // );
+            // // flash rendering
+            // quadBatch.add(
+            //     camera.x, camera.y, camera.width, camera.height,
+            //     camera._flashRed,
+            //     camera._flashGreen,
+            //     camera._flashBlue,
+            //     camera._flashAlpha
+            // );
+            // quadBatch.flush();
+            // this.currentPipeline.bind();
         if (this.scissor.enabled)
@@ -534,7 +528,7 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
         if (this.contextLost) return;
-        this.currentRenderer.flush();
+        this.currentPipeline.flush();
         if (this.snapshotCallback)
@@ -565,13 +559,13 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
-        var renderer = this.currentRenderer;
+        var pipeline = this.currentPipeline;
         if (this.blendMode !== newBlendMode)
-            if (renderer)
+            if (pipeline)
-                renderer.flush();
+                pipeline.flush();
             var blend = this.blendModes[newBlendMode].func;
@@ -592,14 +586,14 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
-    addRenderer: function (rendererInstance)
+    addPipeline: function (pipelineInstance)
-        var index = this.rendererArray.indexOf(rendererInstance);
+        var index = this.pipelines.indexOf(pipelineInstance);
         if (index < 0)
-            this.rendererArray.push(rendererInstance);
-            return rendererInstance;
+            this.pipelines.push(pipelineInstance);
+            return pipelineInstance;
         return null;
@@ -640,7 +634,7 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
         if (dstTexture != this.currentTexture[0])
-            this.currentRenderer.flush();
+            this.currentPipeline.flush();
@@ -684,4 +678,4 @@ var WebGLRenderer = new Class({
-module.exports = WebGLRenderer;
+module.exports = WebGLpipeline;
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/blitterbatch/BlitterBatch2.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/blitterbatch/BlitterBatch.js
similarity index 90%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/blitterbatch/BlitterBatch2.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/blitterbatch/BlitterBatch.js
index b44ca23bd..369604248 100644
--- a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/blitterbatch/BlitterBatch2.js
+++ b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/blitterbatch/BlitterBatch.js
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ var BlitterBatch = new Class({
     function BlitterBatch(game, gl, manager)
-        Pipeline.call(this, game, {
+        Pipeline.call(this, {
             name: 'BlitterBatch',
             game: game,
             gl: gl,
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ var BlitterBatch = new Class({
             topology: gl.TRIANGLES,
             shader: ShaderSource,
             vertexCapacity: 12000,
                 Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * 2 + 
                 Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * 2 + 
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ var BlitterBatch = new Class({
                     type: gl.FLOAT,
                     normalize: false,
                     offset: Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * 2
-                }
+                },
                 'inTint': {
                     size: 4,
                     type: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,
@@ -75,11 +75,15 @@ var BlitterBatch = new Class({
     drawBlitter: function (blitter, camera)
-        this.beginDraw(blitter.shader, blitter.renderTarget);
+        this.manager.setPipeline(this);
+        this.beginPass(blitter.shader, blitter.renderTarget);
         var vertexViewF32 = this.vertexViewF32;
         var vertexViewU32 = this.vertexViewU32;
+        var orthoViewMatrix = this.orthoViewMatrix;
         var manager = this.manager;
+        var gl = this.gl;
+        var shader = this.currentProgram;
         var list = blitter.getRenderList();
         var length = list.length;
         var cameraMatrix = camera.matrix.matrix;
@@ -94,6 +98,11 @@ var BlitterBatch = new Class({
         var batchCount = Math.ceil(length / 2000);
         var batchOffset = 0;
+        orthoViewMatrix[0] = +2.0 / this.width;
+        orthoViewMatrix[5] = -2.0 / this.height;
+        shader.setConstantMatrix4x4(shader.getUniformLocation('uOrthoMatrix'), orthoViewMatrix);
         for (var batchIndex = 0; batchIndex < batchCount; ++batchIndex)
             var batchSize = Math.min(length, 2000);
@@ -122,8 +131,7 @@ var BlitterBatch = new Class({
                 // Bind Texture if texture wasn't bound.
                 // This needs to be here because of multiple
                 // texture atlas.
-                // manager.setTexture(frame.texture.source[frame.sourceIndex].glTexture, 0);
+                manager.setTexture(frame.texture.source[frame.sourceIndex].glTexture, 0);
                 vertexViewF32[vertexOffset + 0] = tx;
                 vertexViewF32[vertexOffset + 1] = ty;
@@ -168,10 +176,10 @@ var BlitterBatch = new Class({
             length -= batchSize;
             this.vertexCount = (batchSize * 6);
-            this.draw();
+            this.flush();
-        this.endDraw();
+        this.endPass();
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/blitterbatch/const.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/blitterbatch/const.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/blitterbatch/const.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/blitterbatch/const.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/effectrenderer/EffectRenderer.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/effectrenderer/EffectRenderer.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/effectrenderer/EffectRenderer.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/effectrenderer/EffectRenderer.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/effectrenderer/const.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/effectrenderer/const.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/effectrenderer/const.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/effectrenderer/const.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/maskrenderer/MaskRenderer.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/maskrenderer/MaskRenderer.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/maskrenderer/MaskRenderer.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/maskrenderer/MaskRenderer.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/particlerenderer/ParticleRenderer.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/particlerenderer/ParticleRenderer.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/particlerenderer/ParticleRenderer.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/particlerenderer/ParticleRenderer.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/particlerenderer/const.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/particlerenderer/const.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/particlerenderer/const.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/particlerenderer/const.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/quadbatch/QuadBatch.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/quadbatch/QuadBatch.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/quadbatch/QuadBatch.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/quadbatch/QuadBatch.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/quadbatch/const.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/quadbatch/const.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/quadbatch/const.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/quadbatch/const.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/shapebatch/ShapeBatch.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/shapebatch/ShapeBatch.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/shapebatch/ShapeBatch.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/shapebatch/ShapeBatch.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/shapebatch/const.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/shapebatch/const.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/shapebatch/const.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/shapebatch/const.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/spritebatch/SpriteBatch.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/spritebatch/SpriteBatch.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/spritebatch/SpriteBatch.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/spritebatch/SpriteBatch.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/spritebatch/const.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/spritebatch/const.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/spritebatch/const.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/spritebatch/const.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/tilebatch/TileBatch.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/tilebatch/TileBatch.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/tilebatch/TileBatch.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/tilebatch/TileBatch.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/tilebatch/const.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/tilebatch/const.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/tilebatch/const.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/tilebatch/const.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/tilemaprenderer/TilemapRenderer.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/tilemaprenderer/TilemapRenderer.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/tilemaprenderer/TilemapRenderer.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/tilemaprenderer/TilemapRenderer.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/tilemaprenderer/const.js b/src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/tilemaprenderer/const.js
similarity index 100%
rename from src/renderer/webgl/renderers/tilemaprenderer/const.js
rename to src/renderer/webgl/pipelines/tilemaprenderer/const.js
diff --git a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/blitterbatch/BlitterBatch.js b/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/blitterbatch/BlitterBatch.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d9ebc838a..000000000
--- a/src/renderer/webgl/renderers/blitterbatch/BlitterBatch.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-var Class = require('../../../../utils/Class');
-var CONST = require('./const');
-var DataBuffer16 = require('../../utils/DataBuffer16');
-var DataBuffer32 = require('../../utils/DataBuffer32');
-var PHASER_CONST = require('../../../../const');
-var TexturedAndAlphaShader = require('../../shaders/TexturedAndAlphaShader');
-var BlitterBatch = new Class({
-    initialize:
-    function BlitterBatch (game, gl, manager)
-    {
-        this.game = game;
-        this.type = PHASER_CONST.WEBGL;
-        this.view = game.canvas;
-        this.resolution = game.config.resolution;
-        this.width = game.config.width * game.config.resolution;
-        this.height = game.config.height * game.config.resolution;
-        this.glContext = gl;
-        this.maxParticles = null;
-        this.shader = null;
-        this.vertexBufferObject = null;
-        this.indexBufferObject = null;
-        this.vertexDataBuffer = null;
-        this.indexDataBuffer = null;
-        this.elementCount = 0;
-        this.currentTexture2D = null;
-        this.viewMatrixLocation = null;
-        //   All of these settings will be able to be controlled via the Game Config
-        this.config = {
-            clearBeforeRender: true,
-            transparent: false,
-            autoResize: false,
-            preserveDrawingBuffer: false,
-            WebGLContextOptions: {
-                alpha: true,
-                antialias: true,
-                premultipliedAlpha: true,
-                stencil: true,
-                preserveDrawingBuffer: false
-            }
-        };
-        this.manager = manager;
-        this.dirty = false;
-        this.init(this.glContext);
-    },
-    init: function (gl)
-    {
-        var vertexDataBuffer = new DataBuffer32(CONST.VERTEX_SIZE * CONST.PARTICLE_VERTEX_COUNT * CONST.MAX_PARTICLES);
-        var indexDataBuffer = new DataBuffer16(CONST.INDEX_SIZE * CONST.PARTICLE_INDEX_COUNT * CONST.MAX_PARTICLES);
-        var shader = this.manager.resourceManager.createShader('TexturedAndAlphaShader', TexturedAndAlphaShader);
-        var indexBufferObject = this.manager.resourceManager.createBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexDataBuffer.getByteCapacity(), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
-        var vertexBufferObject = this.manager.resourceManager.createBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexDataBuffer.getByteCapacity(), gl.STREAM_DRAW);
-        var viewMatrixLocation = shader.getUniformLocation('u_view_matrix');
-        var indexBuffer = indexDataBuffer.uintView;
-        vertexBufferObject.addAttribute(shader.getAttribLocation('a_position'), 2, gl.FLOAT, false, CONST.VERTEX_SIZE, 0);
-        vertexBufferObject.addAttribute(shader.getAttribLocation('a_tex_coord'), 2, gl.FLOAT, false, CONST.VERTEX_SIZE, 8);
-        vertexBufferObject.addAttribute(shader.getAttribLocation('a_alpha'), 1, gl.FLOAT, false, CONST.VERTEX_SIZE, 16);
-        this.vertexDataBuffer = vertexDataBuffer;
-        this.indexDataBuffer = indexDataBuffer;
-        this.shader = shader;
-        this.indexBufferObject = indexBufferObject;
-        this.vertexBufferObject = vertexBufferObject;
-        this.viewMatrixLocation = viewMatrixLocation;
-        this.maxParticles = max;
-        // Populate the index buffer only once
-        for (var indexA = 0, indexB = 0; indexA < max; indexA += CONST.PARTICLE_INDEX_COUNT, indexB += CONST.PARTICLE_VERTEX_COUNT)
-        {
-            indexBuffer[indexA + 0] = indexB + 0;
-            indexBuffer[indexA + 1] = indexB + 1;
-            indexBuffer[indexA + 2] = indexB + 2;
-            indexBuffer[indexA + 3] = indexB + 0;
-            indexBuffer[indexA + 4] = indexB + 2;
-            indexBuffer[indexA + 5] = indexB + 3;
-        }
-        indexBufferObject.updateResource(indexBuffer, 0);
-        this.resize(this.width, this.height, this.game.config.resolution);
-    },
-    shouldFlush: function ()
-    {
-        return false;
-    },
-    isFull: function ()
-    {
-        return (this.vertexDataBuffer.getByteLength() >= this.vertexDataBuffer.getByteCapacity());
-    },
-    bind: function (shader)
-    {
-        if (!shader)
-        {
-            this.shader.bind();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            shader.bind();
-            this.resize(this.width, this.height, this.game.config.resolution, shader);
-        }
-        this.indexBufferObject.bind();
-        this.vertexBufferObject.bind();
-    },
-    flush: function (shader)
-    {
-        var gl = this.glContext;
-        var vertexDataBuffer = this.vertexDataBuffer;
-        if (this.elementCount === 0)
-        {
-            return;
-        }
-        this.bind(shader);
-        this.vertexBufferObject.updateResource(vertexDataBuffer.getUsedBufferAsFloat(), 0);
-        gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, this.elementCount, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
-        vertexDataBuffer.clear();
-        this.elementCount = 0;
-    },
-    resize: function (width, height, resolution, shader)
-    {
-        var activeShader = shader ? shader : this.shader;
-        this.width = width * resolution;
-        this.height = height * resolution;
-        activeShader.setConstantMatrix4x4(
-            this.viewMatrixLocation,
-            new Float32Array([
-                2 / this.width, 0, 0, 0,
-                0, -2 / this.height, 0, 0,
-                0, 0, 1, 1,
-                -1, 1, 0, 0
-            ])
-        );
-    },
-    destroy: function ()
-    {
-        this.manager.resourceManager.deleteShader(this.shader);
-        this.manager.resourceManager.deleteBuffer(this.indexBufferObject);
-        this.manager.resourceManager.deleteBuffer(this.vertexBufferObject);
-        this.shader = null;
-        this.indexBufferObject = null;
-        this.vertexBufferObject = null;
-    }
-module.exports = BlitterBatch;