mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 14:08:28 +00:00
Merge branch 'photonstorm/097'
This commit is contained in:
61 changed files with 8721 additions and 15828 deletions
@ -51,15 +51,23 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) {
comments: true
fx: {
src: ['SpecialFX/**/*.ts'],
dest: 'build/phaser-fx.js',
options: {
target: 'ES5',
declaration: true,
comments: true
//tests: {
// src: ['Tests/**/*.ts'],
// options: {
// target: 'ES5',
// declaration: true,
// comments: true
// }
// }
//fx: {
// src: ['SpecialFX/**/*.ts'],
// dest: 'build/phaser-fx.js',
// options: {
// target: 'ES5',
// declaration: true,
// comments: true
// }
copy: {
main: {
@ -82,18 +82,6 @@ module Phaser {
public _raf: RequestAnimationFrame;
* Max allowable accumulation.
* @type {number}
private _maxAccumulation: number = 32;
* Total number of milliseconds elapsed since last update loop.
* @type {number}
private _accumulator: number = 0;
* Milliseconds of time per step of the game loop.
* @type {number}
@ -231,6 +219,12 @@ module Phaser {
public world: World;
* Reference to the physics manager.
* @type {Physics.Manager}
public physics: Physics.Manager;
* Instance of repeatable random data generator helper.
* @type {RandomDataGenerator}
@ -293,6 +287,7 @@ module Phaser {
this.tweens = new TweenManager(this);
this.input = new Input(this);
this.rnd = new RandomDataGenerator([(Date.now() * Math.random()).toString()]);
this.physics = new Physics.Manager(this);
@ -300,12 +295,12 @@ module Phaser {
this.framerate = 60;
this.isBooted = true;
// Set-up some static helper references
DebugUtils.game = this;
ColorUtils.game = this;
DebugUtils.context = this.stage.context;
// Display the default game screen?
if (this.onInitCallback == null && this.onCreateCallback == null && this.onUpdateCallback == null && this.onRenderCallback == null && this._pendingState == null)
@ -396,20 +391,8 @@ module Phaser {
this._accumulator += this.time.delta;
if (this._accumulator > this._maxAccumulation)
this._accumulator = this._maxAccumulation;
while (this._accumulator >= this._step)
this.time.elapsed = this.time.timeScale * (this._step / 1000);
this._accumulator = this._accumulator - this._step;
if (this._loadComplete && this.onUpdateCallback)
@ -624,21 +607,6 @@ module Phaser {
public get framerate(): number {
return 1000 / this._step;
public set framerate(value: number) {
this._step = 1000 / value;
if (this._maxAccumulation < this._step)
this._maxAccumulation = this._step;
* Checks for overlaps between two objects using the world QuadTree. Can be GameObject vs. GameObject, GameObject vs. Group or Group vs. Group.
* Note: Does not take the objects scrollFactor into account. All overlaps are check in world space.
@ -650,7 +618,8 @@ module Phaser {
* @returns {boolean} true if the objects overlap, otherwise false.
public collide(objectOrGroup1 = null, objectOrGroup2 = null, notifyCallback = null, context? = this.callbackContext): bool {
return this.world.physics.overlap(objectOrGroup1, objectOrGroup2, notifyCallback, this.world.physics.separate, context);
//return this.world.physics.overlap(objectOrGroup1, objectOrGroup2, notifyCallback, this.world.physics.separate, context);
return false;
public get camera(): Camera {
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ module Phaser {
* @param {number} maxTime Time given in milliseconds (1000 = 1 sec). If set the speed is adjusted so the source will arrive at destination in the given number of ms
public moveTowardsObject(source: Sprite, dest: Sprite, speed: number = 60, maxTime: number = 0) {
var a: number = this.angleBetween(source, dest);
if (maxTime > 0)
@ -79,6 +80,8 @@ module Phaser {
* @param {number} ySpeedMax The maximum speed in pixels per second in which the sprite can move vertically
public accelerateTowardsObject(source: Sprite, dest: Sprite, speed: number, xSpeedMax: number, ySpeedMax: number) {
var a: number = this.angleBetween(source, dest);
source.body.velocity.x = 0;
@ -89,6 +92,7 @@ module Phaser {
source.body.maxVelocity.x = xSpeedMax;
source.body.maxVelocity.y = ySpeedMax;
@ -103,6 +107,7 @@ module Phaser {
* @param {number} maxTime Time given in milliseconds (1000 = 1 sec). If set the speed is adjusted so the source will arrive at destination in the given number of ms
public moveTowardsMouse(source: Sprite, speed: number = 60, maxTime: number = 0) {
var a: number = this.angleBetweenMouse(source);
if (maxTime > 0)
@ -129,6 +134,8 @@ module Phaser {
* @param {number} ySpeedMax The maximum speed in pixels per second in which the sprite can move vertically
public accelerateTowardsMouse(source: Sprite, speed: number, xSpeedMax: number, ySpeedMax: number) {
var a: number = this.angleBetweenMouse(source);
source.body.velocity.x = 0;
@ -139,6 +146,8 @@ module Phaser {
source.body.maxVelocity.x = xSpeedMax;
source.body.maxVelocity.y = ySpeedMax;
@ -153,6 +162,7 @@ module Phaser {
* @param {number} maxTime Time given in milliseconds (1000 = 1 sec). If set the speed is adjusted so the source will arrive at destination in the given number of ms
public moveTowardsPoint(source: Sprite, target: Point, speed: number = 60, maxTime: number = 0) {
var a: number = this.angleBetweenPoint(source, target);
if (maxTime > 0)
@ -179,6 +189,8 @@ module Phaser {
* @param {number} ySpeedMax The maximum speed in pixels per second in which the sprite can move vertically
public accelerateTowardsPoint(source: Sprite, target: Point, speed: number, xSpeedMax: number, ySpeedMax: number) {
var a: number = this.angleBetweenPoint(source, target);
source.body.velocity.x = 0;
@ -189,6 +201,8 @@ module Phaser {
source.body.maxVelocity.x = xSpeedMax;
source.body.maxVelocity.y = ySpeedMax;
@ -240,6 +254,7 @@ module Phaser {
* @return {number} The angle (in radians unless asDegrees is true)
public angleBetweenPoint(a: Sprite, target: Point, asDegrees: bool = false): number {
var dx: number = (target.x) - (a.x + a.transform.origin.x);
var dy: number = (target.y) - (a.y + a.transform.origin.y);
@ -251,6 +266,7 @@ module Phaser {
return Math.atan2(dy, dx);
@ -287,6 +303,8 @@ module Phaser {
* @return {Point} An Point where Point.x contains the velocity x value and Point.y contains the velocity y value
public velocityFromFacing(parent: Sprite, speed: number): Point {
var a: number;
if (parent.body.facing == Types.LEFT)
@ -307,6 +325,9 @@ module Phaser {
return new Point(Math.cos(a) * speed, Math.sin(a) * speed);
return new Point;
@ -56,9 +56,7 @@
<Folder Include="physics\arcade\" />
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@ -143,7 +141,6 @@
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<TypeScriptCompile Include="math\Mat3.ts" />
@ -177,83 +174,72 @@
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<Content Include="physics\advanced\shapes\Triangle.js">
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<Content Include="physics\shapes\Triangle.js">
<Content Include="physics\Space.js">
<Content Include="renderers\HeadlessRenderer.js">
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
/// <reference path="cameras/CameraManager.ts" />
/// <reference path="core/Group.ts" />
/// <reference path="geom/Rectangle.ts" />
/// <reference path="physics/PhysicsManager.ts" />
/// <reference path="physics/Manager.ts" />
* Phaser - World
@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ module Phaser {
public bounds: Rectangle;
* Reference to the physics manager.
* @type {Physics.PhysicsManager}
* The Gravity of the World (defaults to 0,0, or no gravity at all)
* @type {Vec2}
public physics: Physics.PhysicsManager;
public gravity: Phaser.Vec2;
* Object container stores every object created with `create*` methods.
@ -81,8 +81,6 @@ module Phaser {
this.group = new Group(this._game, 0);
this.physics = new Physics.PhysicsManager(this._game, this.width, this.height);
@ -90,7 +88,6 @@ module Phaser {
public update() {
@ -101,7 +98,6 @@ module Phaser {
public postUpdate() {
@ -112,7 +108,6 @@ module Phaser {
public destroy() {
@ -125,7 +120,7 @@ module Phaser {
* @param height {number} New height of the world.
* @param [updateCameraBounds] {boolean} Update camera bounds automatically or not. Default to true.
public setSize(width: number, height: number, updateCameraBounds: bool = true, updatePhysicsBounds: bool = true) {
public setSize(width: number, height: number, updateCameraBounds: bool = true) {
this.bounds.width = width;
this.bounds.height = height;
@ -135,11 +130,6 @@ module Phaser {
this._game.camera.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
if (updatePhysicsBounds == true)
// dispatch world resize event
@ -375,8 +375,7 @@ module Phaser {
this._tempBlockResults = [];
this.getTempBlock(this._tempTileX, this._tempTileY, this._tempTileW, this._tempTileH, true);
Phaser.Physics.PhysicsManager.TILE_OVERLAP = false;
for (var r = 0; r < this._tempTileBlock.length; r++)
if (this._game.world.physics.separateTile(object, this._tempTileBlock[r].x * this.tileWidth, this._tempTileBlock[r].y * this.tileHeight, this.tileWidth, this.tileHeight, this._tempTileBlock[r].tile.mass, this._tempTileBlock[r].tile.collideLeft, this._tempTileBlock[r].tile.collideRight, this._tempTileBlock[r].tile.collideUp, this._tempTileBlock[r].tile.collideDown, this._tempTileBlock[r].tile.separateX, this._tempTileBlock[r].tile.separateY) == true)
@ -384,6 +383,7 @@ module Phaser {
this._tempBlockResults.push({ x: this._tempTileBlock[r].x, y: this._tempTileBlock[r].y, tile: this._tempTileBlock[r].tile });
return this._tempBlockResults;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/// <reference path="../Game.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Mat3.ts" />
/// <reference path="../geom/Point.ts" />
* Phaser - Components - Transform
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ module Phaser.Components {
this._halfSize.y = this.parent.height / 2;
this._offset.x = this.origin.x * this.parent.width;
this._offset.y = this.origin.y * this.parent.height;
this._angle = Math.atan2(this.halfHeight - this._offset.y, this.halfWidth - this._offset.x);
this._angle = Math.atan2(this.halfHeight - this._offset.x, this.halfWidth - this._offset.y);
this._distance = Math.sqrt(((this._offset.x - this._halfSize.x) * (this._offset.x - this._halfSize.x)) + ((this._offset.y - this._halfSize.y) * (this._offset.y - this._halfSize.y)));
this._size.x = this.parent.width;
this._size.y = this.parent.height;
@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ module Phaser.Components {
dirty = true;
// If it has moved, updated the edges and center
// If it has moved, update the edges and center
if (dirty || this.parent.x != this._pos.x || this.parent.y != this._pos.y)
this.center.x = this.parent.x + this._distance * this._scA.y;
@ -240,22 +241,22 @@ module Phaser.Components {
* Scale of the object. A scale of 1.0 is the original size. 0.5 half size. 2.0 double sized.
public scale: Phaser.Vec2;
public scale: Vec2;
* Skew the object along the x and y axis. A skew value of 0 is no skew.
public skew: Phaser.Vec2;
public skew: Vec2;
* The influence of camera movement upon the object, if supported.
public scrollFactor: Phaser.Vec2;
public scrollFactor: Vec2;
* The origin is the point around which scale and rotation takes place and defaults to the top-left of the sprite.
public origin: Phaser.Vec2;
public origin: Vec2;
* This value is added to the rotation of the object.
@ -93,12 +93,13 @@ module Phaser {
public checkFrameName(name: string): bool {
if (this._frameNames[name])
if (this._frameNames[name] == null)
return true;
return false;
return false;
return true;
@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ module Phaser.Components.Sprite {
if (this.enabled)
this.enabled = false;
@ -578,7 +579,9 @@ module Phaser.Components.Sprite {
if (this.dragFromCenter)
// Move the sprite to the middle of the pointer
this._dragPoint.setTo(-this.sprite.worldView.halfWidth, -this.sprite.worldView.halfHeight);
//this._dragPoint.setTo(-this.sprite.worldView.halfWidth, -this.sprite.worldView.halfHeight);
//this._dragPoint.setTo(this.sprite.transform.center.x, this.sprite.transform.center.y);
this._dragPoint.setTo(this.sprite.x - pointer.x, this.sprite.y - pointer.y);
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@ module Phaser {
public remove(object, splice: bool = false) {
console.log('removing from group');
this._i = this.members.indexOf(object);
if (this._i < 0 || (this._i >= this.members.length))
@ -544,6 +546,8 @@ module Phaser {
this.members[this._i] = null;
if (object['events'])
object['events'].onRemovedFromGroup.dispatch(object, this);
@ -615,7 +619,7 @@ module Phaser {
public bringToTop(child): bool {
// If child not in this group, or is already at the top of the group, return false
if (child.group.ID != this.ID || child.z == this._zCounter)
if (!child || child.group == null || child.group.ID != this.ID || child.z == this._zCounter)
return false;
@ -238,19 +238,19 @@ module Phaser {
if (collide > 0)
particle.body.allowCollisions = Types.ANY;
//particle.body.allowCollisions = Types.ANY;
particle.body.type = Types.BODY_DYNAMIC;
particle.width *= collide;
particle.height *= collide;
particle.body.allowCollisions = Types.NONE;
//particle.body.allowCollisions = Types.NONE;
particle.exists = false;
// Center the origin for rotation assistance
particle.transform.origin.setTo(particle.body.bounds.halfWidth, particle.body.bounds.halfHeight);
//particle.transform.origin.setTo(particle.body.bounds.halfWidth, particle.body.bounds.halfHeight);
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ module Phaser {
var particle: Particle = this.recycle(Particle);
particle.lifespan = this.lifespan;
particle.body.bounce.setTo(this.bounce, this.bounce);
//particle.body.bounce.setTo(this.bounce, this.bounce);
SpriteUtils.reset(particle, this.x - (particle.width >> 1) + this.game.math.random() * this.width, this.y - (particle.height >> 1) + this.game.math.random() * this.height);
particle.visible = true;
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ module Phaser {
particle.body.velocity.y = this.minParticleSpeed.y;
particle.body.acceleration.y = this.gravity;
//particle.body.acceleration.y = this.gravity;
if (this.minRotation != this.maxRotation && this.minRotation !== 0 && this.maxRotation !== 0)
@ -401,8 +401,8 @@ module Phaser {
particle.rotation = this.game.math.random() * 360 - 180;
particle.body.drag.x = this.particleDrag.x;
particle.body.drag.y = this.particleDrag.y;
//particle.body.drag.x = this.particleDrag.x;
//particle.body.drag.y = this.particleDrag.y;
@ -457,8 +457,8 @@ module Phaser {
* @param Object {object} The <code>Object</code> that you want to sync up with.
public at(object: Sprite) {
this.x = object.body.bounds.halfWidth - (this.width >> 1);
this.y = object.body.bounds.halfHeight - (this.height >> 1);
//this.x = object.body.bounds.halfWidth - (this.width >> 1);
//this.y = object.body.bounds.halfHeight - (this.height >> 1);
@ -72,10 +72,25 @@ module Phaser {
* @param [bodyType] {number} The physics body type of the object (defaults to BODY_DISABLED)
* @returns {Sprite} The newly created sprite object.
public sprite(x: number, y: number, key?: string = '', frame? = null, bodyType?: number = Phaser.Types.BODY_DYNAMIC): Sprite {
public sprite(x: number, y: number, key?: string = '', frame? = null, bodyType?: number = Phaser.Types.BODY_DISABLED): Sprite {
return <Sprite> this._world.group.add(new Sprite(this._game, x, y, key, frame, bodyType));
* Create a new Sprite with the physics automatically created and set to DYNAMIC. The Sprite position offset is set to its center.
* @param x {number} X position of the new sprite.
* @param y {number} Y position of the new sprite.
* @param [key] {string} The image key as defined in the Game.Cache to use as the texture for this sprite
* @param [frame] {string|number} If the sprite uses an image from a texture atlas or sprite sheet you can pass the frame here. Either a number for a frame ID or a string for a frame name.
* @param [bodyType] {number} The physics body type of the object (defaults to BODY_DYNAMIC)
* @param [shapeType] The default body shape is either 0 for a Box or 1 for a Circle. See Sprite.body.addShape for custom shapes (polygons, etc)
* @returns {Sprite} The newly created sprite object.
public physicsSprite(x: number, y: number, key?: string = '', frame? = null, bodyType?: number = Phaser.Types.BODY_DYNAMIC, shapeType?:number = 0): Sprite {
return <Sprite> this._world.group.add(new Sprite(this._game, x, y, key, frame, bodyType, shapeType));
* Create a new DynamicTexture with specific size.
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ module Phaser {
this.body.type = Types.BODY_DYNAMIC;
this.lifespan = 0;
this.friction = 500;
@ -34,15 +33,7 @@ module Phaser {
public lifespan: number;
* Determines how quickly the particles come to rest on the ground.
* Only used if the particle has gravity-like acceleration applied.
* @default 500
public friction: number;
* The particle's main update logic. Basically it checks to see if it should
* be dead yet, and then has some special bounce behavior if there is some gravity on it.
* The particle's main update logic. Basically it checks to see if it should be dead yet.
public update() {
@ -59,42 +50,6 @@ module Phaser {
//simpler bounce/spin behavior for now
if (this.body.touching)
if (this.body.angularVelocity != 0)
this.body.angularVelocity = -this.body.angularVelocity;
if (this.body.acceleration.y > 0) //special behavior for particles with gravity
if (this.body.touching & Types.FLOOR)
this.body.drag.x = this.friction;
if (!(this.body.wasTouching & Types.FLOOR))
if (this.body.velocity.y < -this.body.bounce.y * 10)
if (this.body.angularVelocity != 0)
this.body.angularVelocity *= -this.body.bounce.y;
this.body.velocity.y = 0;
this.body.angularVelocity = 0;
this.body.drag.x = 0;
@ -23,9 +23,10 @@ module Phaser {
* @param [x] {number} the initial x position of the sprite.
* @param [y] {number} the initial y position of the sprite.
* @param [key] {string} Key of the graphic you want to load for this sprite.
* @param [bodyType] {number} The physics body type of the object (defaults to BODY_DYNAMIC)
* @param [bodyType] {number} The physics body type of the object (defaults to BODY_DISABLED)
* @param [shapeType] {number} The physics shape the body will consist of (either Box (0) or Circle (1), for custom types see body.addShape)
constructor(game: Game, x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0, key?: string = null, frame? = null, bodyType?: number = Phaser.Types.BODY_DYNAMIC) {
constructor(game: Game, x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0, key?: string = null, frame? = null, bodyType?: number = Phaser.Types.BODY_DISABLED, shapeType?:number = 0) {
this.game = game;
this.type = Phaser.Types.SPRITE;
@ -67,7 +68,13 @@ module Phaser {
this.body = new Phaser.Physics.Body(this, bodyType);
if (bodyType !== Phaser.Types.BODY_DISABLED)
this.body = new Phaser.Physics.Body(this, bodyType, 0, 0, shapeType);
this.transform.origin.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
this.worldView = new Rectangle(x, y, this.width, this.height);
this.cameraView = new Rectangle(x, y, this.width, this.height);
@ -118,7 +125,7 @@ module Phaser {
* Sprite physics body.
public body: Phaser.Physics.Body;
public body: Phaser.Physics.Body = null;
* The texture used to render the Sprite.
@ -268,8 +275,6 @@ module Phaser {
this.worldView.x = (this.x * this.transform.scrollFactor.x) - (this.width * this.transform.origin.x);
this.worldView.y = (this.y * this.transform.scrollFactor.y) - (this.height * this.transform.origin.y);
//this.worldView.x = this.x * this.transform.scrollFactor.x;
//this.worldView.y = this.y * this.transform.scrollFactor.y;
this.worldView.width = this.width;
this.worldView.height = this.height;
@ -281,7 +286,7 @@ module Phaser {
* Override this function to update your class's position and appearance.
* Override this function to update your sprites position and appearance.
public update() {
@ -292,7 +297,6 @@ module Phaser {
public postUpdate() {
if (this.worldBounds != null)
@ -229,6 +229,12 @@ module Phaser {
var layer: TilemapLayer = new TilemapLayer(this.game, this, key, Tilemap.FORMAT_TILED_JSON, json.layers[i].name, json.tilewidth, json.tileheight);
// Check it's a data layer
if (!json.layers[i].data)
layer.alpha = json.layers[i].opacity;
layer.visible = json.layers[i].visible;
layer.tileMargin = json.tilesets[0].margin;
@ -507,6 +507,7 @@ module Phaser {
if (this.inputObjects[index])
console.log('object removed from the input manager', index);
this.inputObjects[index] = null;
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module Phaser {
* @param {Number} height Desired height of this node.
* @param {Number} parent The parent branch or node. Pass null to create a root.
constructor(manager: Phaser.Physics.PhysicsManager, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, parent: QuadTree = null) {
constructor(manager: Phaser.Physics.Manager, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, parent: QuadTree = null) {
super(x, y, width, height);
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ module Phaser {
private _overlapProcessed: bool;
private _checkObject;
public static physics: Phaser.Physics.PhysicsManager;
public static physics: Phaser.Physics.Manager;
* Flag for specifying that you want to add an object to the A list.
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ module Phaser {
//if (QuadTree._object.body.bounds.checkHullIntersection(this._checkObject.body.bounds))
if (QuadTree.physics.checkHullIntersection(QuadTree._object.body, this._checkObject.body))
//Execute callback functions if they exist
@ -646,6 +646,7 @@ module Phaser {
QuadTree._iterator = QuadTree._iterator.next;
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ module Phaser {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return this;
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ module Phaser {
* @param {Vec2} out The output Vec2 that is the result of the operation.
* @return {Vec2} A Vec2 that is the scaled vector.
static scale(a: Vec2, s: number, out?: Vec2 = new Vec2): Vec2 {
static scale(a: Phaser.Vec2, s: number, out?: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2): Phaser.Vec2 {
return out.setTo(a.x * s, a.y * s);
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ module Phaser {
* @param {Vec2} out The output Vec2 that is the result of the operation.
* @return {Vec2} A Vec2.
static normalRightHand(a: Vec2, out?: Vec2 = this): Vec2 {
static normalRightHand(a: Vec2, out?: Vec2 = new Vec2): Vec2 {
return out.setTo(a.y * -1, a.x);
@ -1,19 +1,3 @@
* Phaser
* v1.0.0 - June XX 2013
* A small and feature-packed 2D canvas game framework born from the firey pits of Flixel and Kiwi.
* Richard Davey (@photonstorm)
* Many thanks to Adam Saltsman (@ADAMATOMIC) for releasing Flixel, from both which Phaser
* and my love of game development took a lot of inspiration.
* "If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales."
* "If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales."
* -- Albert Einstein
var Phaser;
(function (Phaser) {
Phaser.VERSION = 'Phaser version 1.0.0';
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,62 +1,113 @@
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Transform.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/TransformUtils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="joints/Joint.ts" />
/// <reference path="Bounds.ts" />
/// <reference path="Space.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/IShape.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Triangle.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Circle.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Box.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Poly.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Segment.ts" />
* Phaser - Physics - Body
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - Body
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics {
export class Body {
constructor(sprite: Phaser.Sprite, type: number) {
constructor(sprite: Phaser.Sprite, type: number, x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0, shapeType?: number = 0) {
this.sprite = sprite;
this.game = sprite.game;
this.id = Phaser.Physics.Manager.bodyCounter++;
this.name = 'body' + this.id;
this.type = type;
// Fixture properties
// Will extend into its own class at a later date - can move the fixture defs there and add shape support, but this will do for 1.0 release
this.bounds = new Rectangle;
this._width = sprite.width;
this._height = sprite.height;
// Body properties
this.gravity = Vec2Utils.clone(this.game.world.physics.gravity);
this.bounce = Vec2Utils.clone(this.game.world.physics.bounce);
this.velocity = new Vec2;
this.acceleration = new Vec2;
this.drag = Vec2Utils.clone(this.game.world.physics.drag);
this.maxVelocity = new Vec2(10000, 10000);
if (sprite)
this.sprite = sprite;
this.game = sprite.game;
this.position = new Phaser.Vec2(Phaser.Physics.Manager.pixelsToMeters(sprite.x), Phaser.Physics.Manager.pixelsToMeters(sprite.y));
this.angle = sprite.rotation;
this.position = new Phaser.Vec2(Phaser.Physics.Manager.pixelsToMeters(x), Phaser.Physics.Manager.pixelsToMeters(y));
this.angle = 0;
this.transform = new Phaser.Transform(this.position, this.angle);
this.centroid = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.velocity = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.force = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.angularVelocity = 0;
this.angularAcceleration = 0;
this.angularDrag = 0;
this.torque = 0;
this.linearDamping = 0;
this.angularDamping = 0;
this.sleepTime = 0;
this.awaked = false;
this.touching = Types.NONE;
this.wasTouching = Types.NONE;
this.allowCollisions = Types.ANY;
this.shapes = [];
this.joints = [];
this.jointHash = {};
this.position = new Vec2(sprite.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, sprite.y + this.bounds.halfHeight);
this.oldPosition = new Vec2(sprite.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, sprite.y + this.bounds.halfHeight);
this.offset = new Vec2;
this.bounds = new Bounds;
this.allowCollisions = Phaser.Types.ANY;
this.fixedRotation = false;
this.categoryBits = 0x0001;
this.maskBits = 0xFFFF;
this.stepCount = 0;
if (sprite)
if (shapeType == 0)
this.addBox(0, 0, this.sprite.width, this.sprite.height, 1, 1, 1);
this.addCircle(Math.max(this.sprite.width, this.sprite.height) / 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1);
public toString(): string {
return "[{Body (name=" + this.name + " velocity=" + this.velocity.toString() + " angularVelocity: " + this.angularVelocity + ")}]";
private _tempVec2: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
* Reference to Phaser.Game
public game: Game;
public game: Phaser.Game;
* Reference to the parent Sprite
public sprite: Phaser.Sprite;
* The Body ID
public id: number;
* The Body name
public name: string;
* The type of Body (disabled, dynamic, static or kinematic)
* Disabled = skips all physics operations / tests (default)
@ -67,243 +118,586 @@ module Phaser.Physics {
public type: number;
public gravity: Vec2;
public bounce: Vec2;
public angle: number;
public velocity: Vec2;
public acceleration: Vec2;
public drag: Vec2;
public maxVelocity: Vec2;
// Local to world transform
public transform: Phaser.Transform;
public angularVelocity: number = 0;
public angularAcceleration: number = 0;
public angularDrag: number = 0;
public maxAngular: number = 10000;
// Local center of mass
public centroid: Phaser.Vec2;
* Orientation of the object.
* @type {number}
public facing: number;
// World position of centroid
public position: Phaser.Vec2;
public touching: number;
// Velocity
public velocity: Phaser.Vec2;
// Force
public force: Phaser.Vec2;
// Angular velocity
public angularVelocity: number;
// Torque
public torque: number;
// Linear damping
public linearDamping: number;
// Angular damping
public angularDamping: number;
// Sleep time
public sleepTime: number;
// Awaked
public awaked: bool;
// Allow Collisions
public allowCollisions: number;
public wasTouching: number;
public mass: number = 1;
public position: Vec2;
public oldPosition: Vec2;
public offset: Vec2;
public bounds: Rectangle;
// Shapes
public shapes: IShape[] = [];
// Length of the shapes array
public shapesLength: number;
// Joints
public joints: IJoint[] = [];
public jointHash = {};
private _width: number = 0;
private _height: number = 0;
// Bounds of all shapes
public bounds: Bounds;
public get x(): number {
return this.sprite.x + this.offset.x;
public mass: number;
public massInverted: number;
public inertia: number;
public inertiaInverted: number;
public get y(): number {
return this.sprite.y + this.offset.y;
public fixedRotation = false;
public categoryBits = 0x0001;
public maskBits = 0xFFFF;
public stepCount = 0;
public space: Space;
public set width(value: number) {
this._width = value;
public duplicate() {
public set height(value: number) {
this._height = value;
console.log('body duplicate called');
public get width(): number {
return this._width * this.sprite.transform.scale.x;
//var body = new Body(this.type, this.transform.t, this.angle);
//for (var i = 0; i < this.shapes.length; i++)
// body.addShape(this.shapes[i].duplicate());
public get height(): number {
return this._height * this.sprite.transform.scale.y;
public preUpdate() {
//return body;
this.bounds.x = this.x;
this.bounds.y = this.y;
this.bounds.width = this.width;
this.bounds.height = this.height;
public get isDisabled(): bool {
return this.type == Phaser.Types.BODY_DISABLED ? true : false;
public get isStatic(): bool {
return this.type == Phaser.Types.BODY_STATIC ? true : false;
// Shall we do this? Or just update the values directly in the separate functions? But then the bounds will be out of sync - as long as
// the bounds are updated and used in calculations then we can do one final sprite movement here I guess?
public postUpdate() {
public get isKinetic(): bool {
return this.type == Phaser.Types.BODY_KINETIC ? true : false;
// if this is all it does maybe move elsewhere? Sprite postUpdate?
if (this.type !== Phaser.Types.BODY_DISABLED)
public get isDynamic(): bool {
return this.type == Phaser.Types.BODY_DYNAMIC ? true : false;
public setType(type: number) {
if (type == this.type)
this.force.setTo(0, 0);
this.velocity.setTo(0, 0);
this.torque = 0;
this.angularVelocity = 0;
this.type = type;
public addPoly(verts, elasticity?: number = 1, friction?: number = 1, density?: number = 1): Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly {
var poly: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly = new Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly(verts);
poly.elasticity = elasticity;
poly.friction = friction;
poly.density = density;
return poly;
public addTriangle(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number, elasticity?: number = 1, friction?: number = 1, density?: number = 1): Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Triangle {
var tri: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Triangle = new Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
tri.elasticity = elasticity;
tri.friction = friction;
tri.density = density;
return tri;
public addBox(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, elasticity?: number = 1, friction?: number = 1, density?: number = 1): Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Box {
var box: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Box = new Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Box(x, y, width, height);
box.elasticity = elasticity;
box.friction = friction;
box.density = density;
return box;
public addCircle(radius: number, x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0, elasticity?: number = 1, friction?: number = 1, density?: number = 1): Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Circle {
var circle: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Circle = new Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Circle(radius, x, y);
circle.elasticity = elasticity;
circle.friction = friction;
circle.density = density;
return circle;
public addShape(shape) {
// Check not already part of this body
shape.body = this;
this.shapesLength = this.shapes.length;
return shape;
public removeShape(shape) {
var index = this.shapes.indexOf(shape);
if (index != -1)
this.shapes.splice(index, 1);
shape.body = undefined;
this.shapesLength = this.shapes.length;
private setMass(mass) {
this.mass = mass;
this.massInverted = mass > 0 ? 1 / mass : 0;
private setInertia(inertia) {
this.inertia = inertia;
this.inertiaInverted = inertia > 0 ? 1 / inertia : 0;
public setTransform(pos, angle) {
// inject the transform into this.position
this.transform.setTo(pos, angle);
Manager.write('setTransform: ' + this.position.toString());
Manager.write('centroid: ' + this.centroid.toString());
Phaser.TransformUtils.transform(this.transform, this.centroid, this.position);
Manager.write('post setTransform: ' + this.position.toString());
this.angle = angle;
public syncTransform() {
Manager.write('p: ' + this.position.toString());
Manager.write('centroid: ' + this.centroid.toString());
Manager.write('xf: ' + this.transform.toString());
Manager.write('a: ' + this.angle);
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(this.position, Phaser.TransformUtils.rotate(this.transform, this.centroid), this.transform.t);
Manager.write('xf: ' + this.transform.toString());
public getWorldPoint(p:Phaser.Vec2) {
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
return Phaser.TransformUtils.transform(this.transform, p);
public getWorldVector(v:Phaser.Vec2) {
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
return Phaser.TransformUtils.rotate(this.transform, v);
public getLocalPoint(p:Phaser.Vec2) {
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
return Phaser.TransformUtils.untransform(this.transform, p);
public getLocalVector(v:Phaser.Vec2) {
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
return Phaser.TransformUtils.unrotate(this.transform, v);
public setFixedRotation(flag) {
this.fixedRotation = flag;
public resetMassData() {
this.centroid.setTo(0, 0);
this.mass = 0;
this.massInverted = 0;
this.inertia = 0;
this.inertiaInverted = 0;
if (this.isDynamic == false)
Phaser.TransformUtils.transform(this.transform, this.centroid, this.position);
var totalMassCentroid = new Phaser.Vec2(0, 0);
var totalMass = 0;
var totalInertia = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.shapes.length; i++)
var shape = this.shapes[i];
var centroid = shape.centroid();
var mass = shape.area() * shape.density;
var inertia = shape.inertia(mass);
//console.log('rmd', centroid, shape);
totalMassCentroid.multiplyAddByScalar(centroid, mass);
totalMass += mass;
totalInertia += inertia;
//this.centroid.copy(vec2.scale(totalMassCentroid, 1 / totalMass));
Phaser.Vec2Utils.scale(totalMassCentroid, 1 / totalMass, this.centroid);
if (!this.fixedRotation)
this.setInertia(totalInertia - totalMass * Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(this.centroid, this.centroid));
// Move center of mass
var oldPosition: Phaser.Vec2 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.clone(this.position);
Phaser.TransformUtils.transform(this.transform, this.centroid, this.position);
// Update center of mass velocity
this.velocity.multiplyAddByScalar(Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(oldPosition, oldPosition), this.angularVelocity);
public resetJointAnchors() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++)
var joint = this.joints[i];
if (!joint)
var anchor1 = joint.getWorldAnchor1();
var anchor2 = joint.getWorldAnchor2();
public cacheData(source:string = '') {
Manager.write('cacheData -- start');
Manager.write('p: ' + this.position.toString());
Manager.write('xf: ' + this.transform.toString());
for (var i = 0; i < this.shapesLength; i++)
var shape: IShape = this.shapes[i];
Manager.write('bounds: ' + this.bounds.toString());
Manager.write('p: ' + this.position.toString());
Manager.write('xf: ' + this.transform.toString());
Manager.write('cacheData -- stop');
public updateVelocity(gravity, dt, damping) {
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(gravity, this.force, this.massInverted, this._tempVec2);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(this.velocity, this._tempVec2, dt, this.velocity);
this.angularVelocity = this.angularVelocity + this.torque * this.inertiaInverted * dt;
// Apply damping.
// ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0
// Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t)
// Time step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt)
// v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1
// Taylor expansion:
// v2 = (1.0f - c * dt) * v1
this.velocity.scale(this.clamp(1 - dt * (damping + this.linearDamping), 0, 1));
this.angularVelocity *= this.clamp(1 - dt * (damping + this.angularDamping), 0, 1);
this.force.setTo(0, 0);
this.torque = 0;
public inContact(body2: Body): bool {
if (!body2 || this.stepCount == body2.stepCount)
return false;
if (!(this.isAwake && this.isStatic == false) && !(body2.isAwake && body2.isStatic == false))
return false;
if (this.isCollidable(body2) == false)
return false;
if (!this.bounds.intersectsBounds(body2.bounds))
this.wasTouching = this.touching;
this.touching = Phaser.Types.NONE;
return false;
this.position.setTo(this.x, this.y);
return true;
public clamp(v, min, max) {
return v < min ? min : (v > max ? max : v);
public get hullWidth(): number {
public updatePosition(dt:number) {
if (this.deltaX > 0)
this.position.add(Phaser.Vec2Utils.scale(this.velocity, dt, this._tempVec2));
this.angle += this.angularVelocity * dt;
if (this.sprite)
return this.bounds.width + this.deltaX;
return this.bounds.width - this.deltaX;
this.sprite.x = this.position.x * 50;
this.sprite.y = this.position.y * 50;
// Obey fixed rotation?
this.sprite.rotation = this.game.math.radiansToDegrees(this.angle);
public get hullHeight(): number {
public resetForce() {
this.force.setTo(0, 0);
this.torque = 0;
if (this.deltaY > 0)
return this.bounds.height + this.deltaY;
return this.bounds.height - this.deltaY;
public applyForce(force:Phaser.Vec2, p:Phaser.Vec2) {
if (this.isDynamic == false)
public get hullX(): number {
if (this.isAwake == false)
if (this.position.x < this.oldPosition.x)
return this.position.x;
return this.oldPosition.x;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(p, this.position, this._tempVec2);
public get hullY(): number {
this.torque += Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(this._tempVec2, force);
if (this.position.y < this.oldPosition.y)
return this.position.y;
return this.oldPosition.y;
public applyForceToCenter(force:Phaser.Vec2) {
public get deltaXAbs(): number {
return (this.deltaX > 0 ? this.deltaX : -this.deltaX);
if (this.isDynamic == false)
public get deltaYAbs(): number {
return (this.deltaY > 0 ? this.deltaY : -this.deltaY);
if (this.isAwake == false)
public get deltaX(): number {
return this.position.x - this.oldPosition.x;
public get deltaY(): number {
return this.position.y - this.oldPosition.y;
public applyTorque(torque:number) {
if (this.isDynamic == false)
if (this.isAwake == false)
this.torque += torque;
public applyLinearImpulse(impulse:Phaser.Vec2, p:Phaser.Vec2) {
if (this.isDynamic == false)
if (this.isAwake == false)
this.velocity.multiplyAddByScalar(impulse, this.massInverted);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(p, this.position, this._tempVec2);
public render(context:CanvasRenderingContext2D) {
this.angularVelocity += Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(this._tempVec2, impulse) * this.inertiaInverted;
context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(0,255,0)';
context.strokeRect(this.position.x - this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y - this.bounds.halfHeight, this.bounds.width, this.bounds.height);
// center point
context.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,255,0)';
context.fillRect(this.position.x, this.position.y, 2, 2);
public applyAngularImpulse(impulse: number) {
if (this.touching & Phaser.Types.LEFT)
context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)';
context.moveTo(this.position.x - this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y - this.bounds.halfHeight);
context.lineTo(this.position.x - this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y + this.bounds.halfHeight);
if (this.touching & Phaser.Types.RIGHT)
context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)';
context.moveTo(this.position.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y - this.bounds.halfHeight);
context.lineTo(this.position.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y + this.bounds.halfHeight);
if (this.isDynamic == false)
if (this.touching & Phaser.Types.UP)
context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)';
context.moveTo(this.position.x - this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y - this.bounds.halfHeight);
context.lineTo(this.position.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y - this.bounds.halfHeight);
if (this.touching & Phaser.Types.DOWN)
context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(255,0,0)';
context.moveTo(this.position.x - this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y + this.bounds.halfHeight);
context.lineTo(this.position.x + this.bounds.halfWidth, this.position.y + this.bounds.halfHeight);
if (this.isAwake == false)
this.angularVelocity += impulse * this.inertiaInverted;
* Render debug infos. (including name, bounds info, position and some other properties)
* @param x {number} X position of the debug info to be rendered.
* @param y {number} Y position of the debug info to be rendered.
* @param [color] {number} color of the debug info to be rendered. (format is css color string)
public renderDebugInfo(x: number, y: number, color?: string = 'rgb(255,255,255)') {
public kineticEnergy() {
this.sprite.texture.context.fillStyle = color;
this.sprite.texture.context.fillText('Sprite: (' + this.sprite.width + ' x ' + this.sprite.height + ')', x, y);
//this.sprite.texture.context.fillText('x: ' + this._sprite.frameBounds.x.toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + this._sprite.frameBounds.y.toFixed(1) + ' rotation: ' + this._sprite.rotation.toFixed(1), x, y + 14);
this.sprite.texture.context.fillText('x: ' + this.bounds.x.toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + this.bounds.y.toFixed(1) + ' rotation: ' + this.sprite.transform.rotation.toFixed(0), x, y + 14);
this.sprite.texture.context.fillText('vx: ' + this.velocity.x.toFixed(1) + ' vy: ' + this.velocity.y.toFixed(1), x, y + 28);
this.sprite.texture.context.fillText('acx: ' + this.acceleration.x.toFixed(1) + ' acy: ' + this.acceleration.y.toFixed(1), x, y + 42);
this.sprite.texture.context.fillText('angVx: ' + this.angularVelocity.toFixed(1) + ' angAc: ' + this.angularAcceleration.toFixed(1), x, y + 56);
var vsq = this.velocity.dot(this.velocity);
var wsq = this.angularVelocity * this.angularVelocity;
return 0.5 * (this.mass * vsq + this.inertia * wsq);
public get isAwake(): bool {
return this.awaked;
public awake(flag) {
this.awaked = flag;
if (flag)
this.sleepTime = 0;
this.velocity.setTo(0, 0);
this.angularVelocity = 0;
this.force.setTo(0, 0);
this.torque = 0;
public isCollidable(other:Body) {
if (this == other)
return false;
if (this.isDynamic == false && other.isDynamic == false)
return false;
if (!(this.maskBits & other.categoryBits) || !(other.maskBits & this.categoryBits))
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++)
var joint = this.joints[i];
if (!this.joints[i] || (!this.joints[i].collideConnected && other.jointHash[this.joints[i].id] != undefined))
return false;
return true;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/// <reference path="../../Game.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Game.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
* Phaser - 2D AABB
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* A 2D AABB object
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
module Phaser.Physics {
export class Bounds {
@ -72,19 +72,27 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
public get x(): number {
return Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.metersToPixels(this.mins.x);
return Phaser.Physics.Manager.metersToPixels(this.mins.x);
public get y(): number {
return Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.metersToPixels(this.mins.y);
return Phaser.Physics.Manager.metersToPixels(this.mins.y);
public get width(): number {
return Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.metersToPixels(this.maxs.x - this.mins.x);
return Phaser.Physics.Manager.metersToPixels(this.maxs.x - this.mins.x);
public get height(): number {
return Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.metersToPixels(this.maxs.y - this.mins.y);
return Phaser.Physics.Manager.metersToPixels(this.maxs.y - this.mins.y);
public get right(): number {
return this.x + this.width;
public get bottom(): number {
return this.y + this.height;
public isEmpty(): bool {
@ -125,11 +133,13 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
return this;
public addBounds2(mins, maxs) {
public addBounds2(mins, maxs): Bounds {
if (this.mins.x > mins.x) this.mins.x = mins.x;
if (this.maxs.x < maxs.x) this.maxs.x = maxs.x;
if (this.mins.y > mins.y) this.mins.y = mins.y;
if (this.maxs.y < maxs.y) this.maxs.y = maxs.y;
return this;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Shape.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Circle.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Poly.ts" />
@ -15,13 +15,10 @@
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
module Phaser.Physics {
export class Collision {
constructor() {
public collide(a, b, contacts: Contact[]) {
// Circle (a is the circle)
@ -114,11 +111,11 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
public circle2Circle(circ1: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Circle, circ2: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Circle, contactArr: Contact[]) {
public circle2Circle(circ1: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Circle, circ2: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Circle, contactArr: Contact[]) {
return this._circle2Circle(circ1.tc, circ1.radius, circ2.tc, circ2.radius, contactArr);
public circle2Segment(circ: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Circle, seg: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Segment, contactArr: Contact[]) {
public circle2Segment(circ: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Circle, seg: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Segment, contactArr: Contact[]) {
var rsum = circ.radius + seg.radius;
@ -179,7 +176,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
public circle2Poly(circ: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Circle, poly: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly, contactArr: Contact[]) {
public circle2Poly(circ: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Circle, poly: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly, contactArr: Contact[]) {
var minDist = -999999;
var minIdx = -1;
@ -230,7 +227,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
public segmentPointDistanceSq(seg: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Segment, p) {
public segmentPointDistanceSq(seg: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Segment, p) {
var w: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
var d: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
@ -259,7 +256,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
// FIXME and optimise me lots!!!
public segment2Segment(seg1: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Segment, seg2: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Segment, contactArr: Contact[]) {
public segment2Segment(seg1: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Segment, seg2: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Segment, contactArr: Contact[]) {
var d = [];
d[0] = this.segmentPointDistanceSq(seg1, seg2.ta);
@ -307,7 +304,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
// Identify vertexes that have penetrated the segment.
public findPointsBehindSeg(contactArr: Contact[], seg: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Segment, poly: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly, dist: number, coef: number) {
public findPointsBehindSeg(contactArr: Contact[], seg: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Segment, poly: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly, dist: number, coef: number) {
var dta = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(seg.tn, seg.ta);
var dtb = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(seg.tn, seg.tb);
@ -332,7 +329,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
public segment2Poly(seg: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Segment, poly: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly, contactArr: Contact[]) {
public segment2Poly(seg: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Segment, poly: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly, contactArr: Contact[]) {
var seg_td = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(seg.tn, seg.ta);
var seg_d1 = poly.distanceOnPlane(seg.tn, seg_td) - seg.radius;
@ -442,7 +439,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
// Find the minimum separating axis for the given poly and plane list.
public findMSA(poly: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly, planes: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Plane[], num: number) {
public findMSA(poly: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly, planes: Phaser.Physics.Plane[], num: number) {
var min_dist: number = -999999;
var min_index: number = -1;
@ -468,7 +465,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
public findVertsFallback(contactArr: Contact[], poly1: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly, poly2: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly, n, dist: number) {
public findVertsFallback(contactArr: Contact[], poly1: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly, poly2: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly, n, dist: number) {
var num = 0;
@ -499,7 +496,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
// Find the overlapped vertices.
public findVerts(contactArr: Contact[], poly1: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly, poly2: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly, n, dist: number) {
public findVerts(contactArr: Contact[], poly1: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly, poly2: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly, n, dist: number) {
var num = 0;
@ -529,7 +526,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
public poly2Poly(poly1: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly, poly2: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly, contactArr: Contact[]) {
public poly2Poly(poly1: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly, poly2: Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly, contactArr: Contact[]) {
var msa1 = this.findMSA(poly2, poly1.tplanes, poly1.verts.length);
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Shape.ts" />
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
module Phaser.Physics {
export class Contact {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Shape.ts" />
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
// NOTE: lambda is an impulse in constraint space.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
module Phaser.Physics {
export class ContactSolver {
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
/// <reference path="../../Game.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Game.ts" />
/// <reference path="Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="joints/Joint.ts" />
* Phaser - Advanced Physics Manager
* Phaser - Physics Manager
* Your game only has one PhysicsManager instance and it's responsible for looking after, creating and colliding
* all of the physics objects in the world.
* The Physics Manager is responsible for looking after, creating and colliding
* all of the physics bodies and joints in the world.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
module Phaser.Physics {
export class Manager {
@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
this.game = game;
this.space = new Space();
this.gravity = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.space = new Space(this);
Manager.collision = new Collision();
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
public static debug: HTMLTextAreaElement;
public static clear() {
Manager.debug.textContent = "";
//Manager.debug.textContent = "";
Manager.log = [];
@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
public static dump(phase: string, body: Body) {
var s = "\n\nPhase: " + phase + "\n";
s += "Position: " + body.position.toString() + "\n";
s += "Velocity: " + body.velocity.toString() + "\n";
@ -78,6 +81,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
s += "TPlane 3: " + body.shapes[0].tplanes[3].normal.toString() + "\n";
@ -98,9 +102,9 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
public static JOINT_TYPE_MOUSE: number = 7;
public static JOINT_LINEAR_SLOP: number = 0.0008;
public static JOINT_ANGULAR_SLOP: number = 2 * Phaser.GameMath.DEG_TO_RAD;
public static JOINT_ANGULAR_SLOP: number = 2 * 0.017453292519943294444444444444444;
public static JOINT_MAX_LINEAR_CORRECTION: number = 0.5;
public static JOINT_MAX_ANGULAR_CORRECTION: number = 8 * Phaser.GameMath.DEG_TO_RAD;
public static JOINT_MAX_ANGULAR_CORRECTION: number = 8 * 0.017453292519943294444444444444444;
public static JOINT_LIMIT_STATE_INACTIVE: number = 0;
public static JOINT_LIMIT_STATE_AT_LOWER: number = 1;
@ -125,13 +129,15 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
//public step: bool = false; // step through the simulation (i.e. per click)
public velocityIterations: number = 8;
public positionIterations: number = 4;
//public velocityIterations: number = 1;
//public positionIterations: number = 1;
public allowSleep: bool = true;
public warmStarting: bool = true;
public gravity: Phaser.Vec2;
public update() {
// Get these from Phaser.Time instead
var time = Date.now();
var frameTime = (time - this.lastTime) / 1000;
this.lastTime = time;
@ -170,18 +176,28 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
this.timeDelta = 0;
//if (sceneIndex < demoArr.length)
// demo = demoArr[sceneIndex];
// demo.runFrame();
public addBody(body: Body) {
public removeBody(body: Body) {
public addJoint(joint: IJoint) {
public removeJoint(joint: IJoint) {
public pixelsToMeters(value: number): number {
return value * 0.02;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="Body.ts" />
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
module Phaser.Physics {
export class Plane {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Shape.ts" />
@ -14,39 +14,71 @@
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
module Phaser.Physics {
export class Space {
constructor() {
constructor(manager: Phaser.Physics.Manager) {
this.bodyArr = [];
this._manager = manager;
this.bodies = [];
this.bodyHash = {};
this.jointArr = [];
this.joints = [];
this.jointHash = {};
this.numContacts = 0;
this.contactSolvers = [];
//this.postSolve(arb) { };
this.gravity = new Phaser.Vec2(0, 10);
this.gravity = this._manager.gravity;
this.damping = 0;
private _manager: Phaser.Physics.Manager;
// Delta Timer
private _delta: number;
private _deltaInv: number;
// Body array length
private _bl: number;
// Joints array length
private _jl: number;
// Contact Solvers array length
private _cl: number;
private _linTolSqr: number;
private _angTolSqr: number;
// Minimum sleep time (used in the sleep process solver)
private _minSleepTime: number;
private _positionSolved: bool;
private _shape1: IShape;
private _shape2: IShape;
private _contactsOk: bool;
private _jointsOk: bool;
private bodyHash;
private jointHash;
public static TIME_TO_SLEEP = 0.5;
public static SLEEP_LINEAR_TOLERANCE = 0.5;
public static SLEEP_ANGULAR_TOLERANCE = 2 * Phaser.GameMath.DEG_TO_RAD;
public static SLEEP_ANGULAR_TOLERANCE = 2 * 0.017453292519943294444444444444444;
public bodyArr: Body[];
public bodyHash;
public jointArr: IJoint[];
public jointHash;
public bodies: Body[];
public joints: IJoint[];
public numContacts: number;
public contactSolvers: ContactSolver[];
public postSolve;
public postSolve = null;
public gravity: Phaser.Vec2;
public damping: number;
public stepCount: number = 0;
@ -57,18 +89,18 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
Manager.bodyCounter = 0;
Manager.jointCounter = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodyArr.length; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodies.length; i++)
if (this.bodyArr[i])
if (this.bodies[i])
this.bodyArr = [];
this.bodies = [];
this.bodyHash = {};
this.jointArr = [];
this.joints = [];
this.jointHash = {};
this.contactSolvers = [];
@ -84,7 +116,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
var index = this.bodyArr.push(body) - 1;
var index = this.bodies.push(body) - 1;
this.bodyHash[body.id] = index;
@ -100,7 +132,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
// Remove linked joint
// Remove linked joints
for (var i = 0; i < body.joints.length; i++)
if (body.joints[i])
@ -113,7 +145,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
var index = this.bodyHash[body.id];
delete this.bodyHash[body.id];
delete this.bodyArr[index];
delete this.bodies[index];
@ -127,7 +159,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
var index = this.jointArr.push(joint) - 1;
var index = this.joints.push(joint) - 1;
this.jointHash[joint.id] = index;
var index = joint.body1.joints.push(joint) - 1;
@ -158,7 +190,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
var index = this.jointHash[joint.id];
delete this.jointHash[joint.id];
delete this.jointArr[index];
delete this.joints[index];
@ -166,9 +198,9 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
var firstShape;
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodyArr.length; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodies.length; i++)
var body = this.bodyArr[i];
var body = this.bodies[i];
if (!body)
@ -206,9 +238,9 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
var firstBody;
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodyArr.length; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodies.length; i++)
var body = this.bodyArr[i];
var body = this.bodies[i];
if (!body)
@ -245,14 +277,14 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
// TODO: Replace this function to shape hashing
public shapeById(id) {
var shape;
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodyArr.length; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodies.length; i++)
var body = this.bodyArr[i];
var body: Body = this.bodies[i];
if (!body)
@ -276,7 +308,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
if (index != undefined)
return this.jointArr[index];
return this.joints[index];
return null;
@ -288,9 +320,9 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
refVertexId = refVertexId || -1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodyArr.length; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodies.length; i++)
var body = this.bodyArr[i];
var body = this.bodies[i];
if (!body)
@ -334,9 +366,9 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
refEdgeId = refEdgeId || -1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodyArr.length; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodies.length; i++)
var body = this.bodyArr[i];
var body = this.bodies[i];
if (!body)
@ -387,9 +419,9 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
refJointId = refJointId || -1;
for (var i = 0; i < this.jointArr.length; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++)
var joint = this.jointArr[i];
var joint = this.joints[i];
if (!joint)
@ -429,13 +461,13 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
return firstJointId;
public findContactSolver(shape1, shape2) {
private findContactSolver(shape1:IShape, shape2:IShape):ContactSolver {
Manager.write('findContactSolver. Length: ' + this.contactSolvers.length);
Manager.write('findContactSolver. Length: ' + this._cl);
for (var i = 0; i < this.contactSolvers.length; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this._cl; i++)
var contactSolver = this.contactSolvers[i];
var contactSolver: ContactSolver = this.contactSolvers[i];
if (shape1 == contactSolver.shape1 && shape2 == contactSolver.shape2)
@ -444,363 +476,346 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
return null;
public genTemporalContactSolvers() {
private genTemporalContactSolvers() {
var newContactSolverArr = [];
var bl: number = this.bodyArr.length;
this._cl = 0;
this.contactSolvers.length = 0;
this.numContacts = 0;
for (var body1_index = 0; body1_index < bl; body1_index++)
for (var body1Index = 0; body1Index < this._bl; body1Index++)
var body1: Body = this.bodyArr[body1_index];
if (!body1)
if (!this.bodies[body1Index])
body1.stepCount = this.stepCount;
this.bodies[body1Index].stepCount = this.stepCount;
for (var body2_index = 0; body2_index < bl; body2_index++)
for (var body2Index = 0; body2Index < this._bl; body2Index++)
var body2: Body = this.bodyArr[body2_index];
if (body1.inContact(body2) == false)
if (this.bodies[body1Index].inContact(this.bodies[body2Index]) == false)
Manager.write('body1 and body2 intersect');
for (var i = 0; i < body1.shapes.length; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodies[body1Index].shapesLength; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < body2.shapes.length; j++)
for (var j = 0; j < this.bodies[body2Index].shapesLength; j++)
var shape1 = body1.shapes[i];
var shape2 = body2.shapes[j];
this._shape1 = this.bodies[body1Index].shapes[i];
this._shape2 = this.bodies[body2Index].shapes[j];
var contactArr = [];
if (!Manager.collision.collide(shape1, shape2, contactArr))
if (!Manager.collision.collide(this._shape1, this._shape2, contactArr))
if (shape1.type > shape2.type)
if (this._shape1.type > this._shape2.type)
var temp = shape1;
shape1 = shape2;
shape2 = temp;
var temp = this._shape1;
this._shape1 = this._shape2;
this._shape2 = temp;
this.numContacts += contactArr.length;
var contactSolver = this.findContactSolver(shape1, shape2);
// Result stored in this._contactSolver (see what we can do about generating some re-usable solvers)
var contactSolver: ContactSolver = this.findContactSolver(this._shape1, this._shape2);
Manager.write('findContactSolver result: ' + contactSolver);
if (contactSolver)
Manager.write('awake both bodies');
var newContactSolver = new ContactSolver(shape1, shape2);
var newContactSolver = new ContactSolver(this._shape1, this._shape2);
newContactSolver.contacts = contactArr;
newContactSolver.elasticity = Math.max(shape1.elasticity, shape2.elasticity);
newContactSolver.friction = Math.sqrt(shape1.friction * shape2.friction);
newContactSolver.elasticity = Math.max(this._shape1.elasticity, this._shape2.elasticity);
newContactSolver.friction = Math.sqrt(this._shape1.friction * this._shape2.friction);
Manager.write('new contact solver');
return newContactSolverArr;
this._cl = this.contactSolvers.length;
public initSolver(dt, dt_inv, warmStarting) {
private initSolver(warmStarting) {
Manager.write('contactSolvers.length: ' + this.contactSolvers.length);
//var t0 = Date.now();
Manager.write('contactSolvers.length: ' + this._cl);
// Initialize contact solvers
for (var i = 0; i < this.contactSolvers.length; i++)
for (var c = 0; c < this._cl; c++)
// Warm starting (apply cached impulse)
if (warmStarting)
// Initialize joint solver
for (var i = 0; i < this.jointArr.length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < this.joints.length; j++)
if (this.jointArr[i])
if (this.joints[j])
this.jointArr[i].initSolver(dt, warmStarting);
this.joints[j].initSolver(this._delta, warmStarting);
// Warm starting (apply cached impulse)
if (warmStarting)
for (var i = 0; i < this.contactSolvers.length; i++)
for (var c = 0; c < this._cl; c++)
//stats.timeInitSolver = Date.now() - t0;
public velocitySolver(iteration) {
private velocitySolver(iterations:number) {
Manager.write('velocitySolver, iterations: ' + iteration + ' csa len: ' + this.contactSolvers.length);
Manager.write('velocitySolver, iterations: ' + iterations + ' csa len: ' + this._cl);
//var t0 = Date.now();
for (var i = 0; i < iteration; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < this.jointArr.length; j++)
for (var j = 0; j < this._jl; j++)
if (this.jointArr[j])
if (this.joints[j])
for (var j = 0; j < this.contactSolvers.length; j++)
for (var c = 0; c < this._cl; c++)
public positionSolver(iteration) {
private positionSolver(iterations:number):bool {
var positionSolved = false;
this._positionSolved = false;
for (var i = 0; i < iteration; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
var contactsOk = true;
var jointsOk = true;
this._contactsOk = true;
this._jointsOk = true;
for (var j = 0; j < this.contactSolvers.length; j++)
for (var c = 0; c < this._cl; c++)
var contactOk = this.contactSolvers[j].solvePositionConstraints();
contactsOk = contactOk && contactsOk;
this._contactsOk = this.contactSolvers[c].solvePositionConstraints() && this._contactsOk;
for (var j = 0; j < this.jointArr.length; j++)
for (var j = 0; j < this._jl; j++)
if (this.jointArr[j])
if (this.joints[j])
var jointOk = this.jointArr[j].solvePositionConstraints();
jointsOk = jointOk && jointsOk;
this._jointsOk = this.joints[j].solvePositionConstraints() && this._jointsOk;
if (contactsOk && jointsOk)
if (this._contactsOk && this._jointsOk)
// exit early if the position errors are small
positionSolved = true;
this._positionSolved = true;
return positionSolved;
return this._positionSolved;
public step(dt, vel_iteration, pos_iteration, warmStarting, allowSleep) {
// Step through the physics simulation
public step(dt: number, velocityIterations: number, positionIterations: number, warmStarting: bool, allowSleep: bool) {
Manager.write('Space step ' + this.stepCount);
var dt_inv: number = 1 / dt;
var bl: number = this.bodyArr.length;
var jl: number = this.jointArr.length;
this._delta = dt;
this._deltaInv = 1 / dt;
this._bl = this.bodies.length;
this._jl = this.joints.length;
// 1) Generate Contact Solvers
this.contactSolvers = this.genTemporalContactSolvers();
// 1) Generate Contact Solvers (into the this.contactSolvers array)
Manager.dump("Contact Solvers", this.bodyArr[1]);
Manager.dump("Contact Solvers", this.bodies[1]);
// 2) Initialize the Contact Solvers
this.initSolver(dt, dt_inv, warmStarting);
Manager.dump("Init Solver", this.bodyArr[1]);
Manager.dump("Init Solver", this.bodies[1]);
// 3) Intergrate velocity
for (var i = 0; i < bl; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this._bl; i++)
if (this.bodyArr[i] && this.bodyArr[i].isDynamic && this.bodyArr[i].isAwake)
if (this.bodies[i] && this.bodies[i].isDynamic && this.bodies[i].isAwake)
this.bodyArr[i].updateVelocity(this.gravity, dt, this.damping);
this.bodies[i].updateVelocity(this.gravity, this._delta, this.damping);
Manager.dump("Update Velocity", this.bodyArr[1]);
Manager.dump("Update Velocity", this.bodies[1]);
// 4) Awaken bodies
for (var j = 0; i < jl; j++)
// 4) Awaken bodies via joints
for (var j = 0; i < this._jl; j++)
var joint = this.jointArr[j];
if (!joint)
if (!this.joints[j])
var body1 = joint.body1;
var body2 = joint.body2;
var awake1 = body1.isAwake && !body1.isStatic;
var awake2 = body2.isAwake && !body2.isStatic;
// combine
var awake1 = this.joints[j].body1.isAwake && !this.joints[j].body1.isStatic;
var awake2 = this.joints[j].body2.isAwake && !this.joints[j].body2.isStatic;
if (awake1 ^ awake2)
if (!awake1)
if (!awake2)
// 5) Iterative velocity constraints solver
Manager.dump("Velocity Solvers", this.bodyArr[1]);
Manager.dump("Velocity Solvers", this.bodies[1]);
// 6) Intergrate position
for (var i = 0; i < bl; i++)
// 6) Integrate position
for (var i = 0; i < this._bl; i++)
if (this.bodyArr[i] && this.bodyArr[i].isDynamic && this.bodyArr[i].isAwake)
if (this.bodies[i] && this.bodies[i].isDynamic && this.bodies[i].isAwake)
Manager.dump("Update Position", this.bodyArr[1]);
Manager.dump("Update Position", this.bodies[1]);
// 7) Process breakable joint
for (var i = 0; i < jl; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this._jl; i++)
if (this.jointArr[i] && this.jointArr[i].breakable && (this.jointArr[i].getReactionForce(dt_inv).lengthSq() >= this.jointArr[i].maxForce * this.jointArr[i].maxForce))
if (this.joints[i] && this.joints[i].breakable && (this.joints[i].getReactionForce(this._deltaInv).lengthSq() >= this.joints[i].maxForce * this.joints[i].maxForce))
// 8) Iterative position constraints solver
var positionSolved = this.positionSolver(pos_iteration);
// 8) Iterative position constraints solver (result stored in this._positionSolved)
Manager.dump("Position Solver", this.bodyArr[1]);
Manager.dump("Position Solver", this.bodies[1]);
// 9) Sync the Transforms
for (var i = 0; i < bl; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this._bl; i++)
if (this.bodyArr[i])
if (this.bodies[i])
Manager.dump("Sync Transform", this.bodyArr[1]);
Manager.dump("Sync Transform", this.bodies[1]);
// 10) Post solve collision callback
for (var i = 0; i < this.contactSolvers.length; i++)
if (this.postSolve)
var arb = this.contactSolvers[i];
// Re-enable this
for (var i = 0; i < this._cl; i++)
// 11) Cache Body Data
for (var i = 0; i < bl; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this._bl; i++)
if (this.bodyArr[i] && this.bodyArr[i].isDynamic && this.bodyArr[i].isAwake)
if (this.bodies[i] && this.bodies[i].isDynamic && this.bodies[i].isAwake)
this.bodyArr[i].cacheData('post solve collision callback');
this.bodies[i].cacheData('post solve collision callback');
Manager.dump("Cache Data", this.bodyArr[1]);
Manager.dump("Cache Data", this.bodies[1]);
// 12) Process sleeping
if (allowSleep)
var minSleepTime = 999999;
this._minSleepTime = 999999;
for (var i = 0; i < bl; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this._bl; i++)
var body = this.bodyArr[i];
if (!this.bodyArr[i] || this.bodyArr[i].isDynamic == false)
if (!this.bodies[i] || this.bodies[i].isDynamic == false)
if (body.angularVelocity * body.angularVelocity > angTolSqr || body.velocity.dot(body.velocity) > linTolSqr)
if (this.bodies[i].angularVelocity * this.bodies[i].angularVelocity > this._angTolSqr || this.bodies[i].velocity.dot(this.bodies[i].velocity) > this._linTolSqr)
body.sleepTime = 0;
minSleepTime = 0;
this.bodies[i].sleepTime = 0;
this._minSleepTime = 0;
body.sleepTime += dt;
minSleepTime = Math.min(minSleepTime, body.sleepTime);
this.bodies[i].sleepTime += this._delta;
this._minSleepTime = Math.min(this._minSleepTime, this.bodies[i].sleepTime);
if (positionSolved && minSleepTime >= Space.TIME_TO_SLEEP)
if (this._positionSolved && this._minSleepTime >= Space.TIME_TO_SLEEP)
for (var i = 0; i < this.bodyArr.length; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < this._bl; i++)
var body = this.bodyArr[i];
if (!body)
if (this.bodies[i])
@ -1,692 +0,0 @@
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Transform.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/TransformUtils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="joints/Joint.ts" />
/// <reference path="Bounds.ts" />
/// <reference path="Space.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/IShape.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Triangle.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Circle.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Box.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Poly.ts" />
/// <reference path="shapes/Segment.ts" />
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - Body
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
export class Body {
constructor(sprite: Phaser.Sprite, type: number, x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0) {
this.id = Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.bodyCounter++;
this.name = 'body' + this.id;
this.type = type;
if (sprite)
this.sprite = sprite;
this.game = sprite.game;
this.position = new Phaser.Vec2(Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.pixelsToMeters(sprite.x), Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.pixelsToMeters(sprite.y));
this.angle = sprite.rotation;
this.position = new Phaser.Vec2(Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.pixelsToMeters(x), Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.pixelsToMeters(y));
this.angle = 0;
this.transform = new Phaser.Transform(this.position, this.angle);
this.centroid = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.velocity = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.force = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.angularVelocity = 0;
this.torque = 0;
this.linearDamping = 0;
this.angularDamping = 0;
this.sleepTime = 0;
this.awaked = false;
this.shapes = [];
this.joints = [];
this.jointHash = {};
this.bounds = new Bounds;
this.fixedRotation = false;
this.categoryBits = 0x0001;
this.maskBits = 0xFFFF;
this.stepCount = 0;
public toString(): string {
return "[{Body (name=" + this.name + " velocity=" + this.velocity.toString() + " angularVelocity: " + this.angularVelocity + ")}]";
private _tempVec2: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
* Reference to Phaser.Game
public game: Game;
* Reference to the parent Sprite
public sprite: Phaser.Sprite;
* The Body ID
public id: number;
* The Body name
public name: string;
* The type of Body (disabled, dynamic, static or kinematic)
* Disabled = skips all physics operations / tests (default)
* Dynamic = gives and receives impacts
* Static = gives but doesn't receive impacts, cannot be moved by physics
* Kinematic = gives impacts, but never receives, can be moved by physics
* @type {number}
public type: number;
public angle: number;
// Local to world transform
public transform: Phaser.Transform;
// Local center of mass
public centroid: Phaser.Vec2;
// World position of centroid
public position: Phaser.Vec2;
// Velocity
public velocity: Phaser.Vec2;
// Force
public force: Phaser.Vec2;
// Angular velocity
public angularVelocity: number;
// Torque
public torque: number;
// Linear damping
public linearDamping: number;
// Angular damping
public angularDamping: number;
// Sleep time
public sleepTime: number;
// Awaked
public awaked: bool;
// Shapes
public shapes: IShape[] = [];
// Joints
public joints: IJoint[] = [];
public jointHash = {};
// Bounds of all shapes
public bounds: Bounds;
public mass: number;
public massInverted: number;
public inertia: number;
public inertiaInverted: number;
public fixedRotation = false;
public categoryBits = 0x0001;
public maskBits = 0xFFFF;
public stepCount = 0;
public space: Space;
public duplicate() {
//console.log('body duplicate called');
//var body = new Body(this.type, this.transform.t, this.angle);
//for (var i = 0; i < this.shapes.length; i++)
// body.addShape(this.shapes[i].duplicate());
//return body;
public get isDisabled(): bool {
return this.type == Phaser.Types.BODY_DISABLED ? true : false;
public get isStatic(): bool {
return this.type == Phaser.Types.BODY_STATIC ? true : false;
public get isKinetic(): bool {
return this.type == Phaser.Types.BODY_KINETIC ? true : false;
public get isDynamic(): bool {
return this.type == Phaser.Types.BODY_DYNAMIC ? true : false;
public setType(type: number) {
if (type == this.type)
this.force.setTo(0, 0);
this.velocity.setTo(0, 0);
this.torque = 0;
this.angularVelocity = 0;
this.type = type;
public addPoly(verts, elasticity?: number = 1, friction?: number = 1, density?: number = 1): Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly {
var poly: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly = new Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly(verts);
poly.elasticity = elasticity;
poly.friction = friction;
poly.density = density;
return poly;
public addTriangle(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number, elasticity?: number = 1, friction?: number = 1, density?: number = 1): Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Triangle {
var tri: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Triangle = new Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
tri.elasticity = elasticity;
tri.friction = friction;
tri.density = density;
return tri;
public addBox(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, elasticity?: number = 1, friction?: number = 1, density?: number = 1): Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Box {
var box: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Box = new Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Box(x, y, width, height);
box.elasticity = elasticity;
box.friction = friction;
box.density = density;
return box;
public addCircle(radius: number, x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0, elasticity?: number = 1, friction?: number = 1, density?: number = 1): Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Circle {
var circle: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Circle = new Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Circle(radius, x, y);
circle.elasticity = elasticity;
circle.friction = friction;
circle.density = density;
return circle;
public addShape(shape) {
// Check not already part of this body
shape.body = this;
return shape;
public removeShape(shape) {
var index = this.shapes.indexOf(shape);
if (index != -1)
this.shapes.splice(index, 1);
shape.body = undefined;
private setMass(mass) {
this.mass = mass;
this.massInverted = mass > 0 ? 1 / mass : 0;
private setInertia(inertia) {
this.inertia = inertia;
this.inertiaInverted = inertia > 0 ? 1 / inertia : 0;
public setTransform(pos, angle) {
this.transform.setTo(pos, angle);
// inject the transform into this.position
Manager.write('setTransform: ' + this.position.toString());
Manager.write('centroid: ' + this.centroid.toString());
Phaser.TransformUtils.transform(this.transform, this.centroid, this.position);
Manager.write('post setTransform: ' + this.position.toString());
this.angle = angle;
public syncTransform() {
Manager.write('p: ' + this.position.toString());
Manager.write('centroid: ' + this.centroid.toString());
Manager.write('xf: ' + this.transform.toString());
Manager.write('a: ' + this.angle);
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(this.position, Phaser.TransformUtils.rotate(this.transform, this.centroid), this.transform.t);
Manager.write('xf: ' + this.transform.toString());
public getWorldPoint(p:Phaser.Vec2) {
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
return Phaser.TransformUtils.transform(this.transform, p);
public getWorldVector(v:Phaser.Vec2) {
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
return Phaser.TransformUtils.rotate(this.transform, v);
public getLocalPoint(p:Phaser.Vec2) {
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
return Phaser.TransformUtils.untransform(this.transform, p);
public getLocalVector(v:Phaser.Vec2) {
// OPTIMISE: Creating new vector
return Phaser.TransformUtils.unrotate(this.transform, v);
public setFixedRotation(flag) {
this.fixedRotation = flag;
public resetMassData() {
this.centroid.setTo(0, 0);
this.mass = 0;
this.massInverted = 0;
this.inertia = 0;
this.inertiaInverted = 0;
if (this.isDynamic == false)
Phaser.TransformUtils.transform(this.transform, this.centroid, this.position);
var totalMassCentroid = new Phaser.Vec2(0, 0);
var totalMass = 0;
var totalInertia = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.shapes.length; i++)
var shape = this.shapes[i];
var centroid = shape.centroid();
var mass = shape.area() * shape.density;
var inertia = shape.inertia(mass);
//console.log('rmd', centroid, shape);
totalMassCentroid.multiplyAddByScalar(centroid, mass);
totalMass += mass;
totalInertia += inertia;
//this.centroid.copy(vec2.scale(totalMassCentroid, 1 / totalMass));
Phaser.Vec2Utils.scale(totalMassCentroid, 1 / totalMass, this.centroid);
if (!this.fixedRotation)
//this.setInertia(totalInertia - totalMass * vec2.dot(this.centroid, this.centroid));
this.setInertia(totalInertia - totalMass * Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(this.centroid, this.centroid));
//console.log("mass = " + this.m + " inertia = " + this.i);
// Move center of mass
var oldPosition: Phaser.Vec2 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.clone(this.position);
Phaser.TransformUtils.transform(this.transform, this.centroid, this.position);
// Update center of mass velocity
//this.velocity.mad(vec2.perp(vec2.sub(this.position, old_p)), this.angularVelocity);
this.velocity.multiplyAddByScalar(Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(oldPosition, oldPosition), this.angularVelocity);
public resetJointAnchors() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++)
var joint = this.joints[i];
if (!joint)
var anchor1 = joint.getWorldAnchor1();
var anchor2 = joint.getWorldAnchor2();
public cacheData(source:string = '') {
Manager.write('cacheData -- start');
Manager.write('p: ' + this.position.toString());
Manager.write('xf: ' + this.transform.toString());
for (var i = 0; i < this.shapes.length; i++)
var shape: IShape = this.shapes[i];
Manager.write('bounds: ' + this.bounds.toString());
Manager.write('p: ' + this.position.toString());
Manager.write('xf: ' + this.transform.toString());
Manager.write('cacheData -- stop');
public updateVelocity(gravity, dt, damping) {
// this.velocity = vec2.mad(this.velocity, vec2.mad(gravity, this.force, this.massInverted), dt);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(gravity, this.force, this.massInverted, this._tempVec2);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(this.velocity, this._tempVec2, dt, this.velocity);
this.angularVelocity = this.angularVelocity + this.torque * this.inertiaInverted * dt;
// Apply damping.
// ODE: dv/dt + c * v = 0
// Solution: v(t) = v0 * exp(-c * t)
// Time step: v(t + dt) = v0 * exp(-c * (t + dt)) = v0 * exp(-c * t) * exp(-c * dt) = v * exp(-c * dt)
// v2 = exp(-c * dt) * v1
// Taylor expansion:
// v2 = (1.0f - c * dt) * v1
this.velocity.scale(this.clamp(1 - dt * (damping + this.linearDamping), 0, 1));
this.angularVelocity *= this.clamp(1 - dt * (damping + this.angularDamping), 0, 1);
this.force.setTo(0, 0);
this.torque = 0;
public inContact(body2: Body): bool {
if (!body2 || this.stepCount == body2.stepCount)
return false;
if (!(this.isAwake && this.isStatic == false) && !(body2.isAwake && body2.isStatic == false))
return false;
if (this.isCollidable(body2) == false)
return false;
if (!this.bounds.intersectsBounds(body2.bounds))
return false;
return true;
public clamp(v, min, max) {
return v < min ? min : (v > max ? max : v);
public updatePosition(dt) {
//console.log('body update pos', this.position.y);
//console.log('pre add temp', this._tempVec2.y);
//this.position.addself(vec2.scale(this.velocity, dt));
this.position.add(Phaser.Vec2Utils.scale(this.velocity, dt, this._tempVec2));
//console.log('post add temp', this._tempVec2.y);
//console.log('post add', this.position.y);
this.angle += this.angularVelocity * dt;
public resetForce() {
this.force.setTo(0, 0);
this.torque = 0;
public applyForce(force:Phaser.Vec2, p:Phaser.Vec2) {
if (this.isDynamic == false)
if (this.isAwake == false)
// this.f.addself(force);
// this.torque += vec2.cross(vec2.sub(p, this.p), force);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(p, this.position, this._tempVec2);
this.torque += Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(this._tempVec2, force);
public applyForceToCenter(force:Phaser.Vec2) {
if (this.isDynamic == false)
if (this.isAwake == false)
public applyTorque(torque:number) {
if (this.isDynamic == false)
if (this.isAwake == false)
this.torque += torque;
public applyLinearImpulse(impulse:Phaser.Vec2, p:Phaser.Vec2) {
if (this.isDynamic == false)
if (this.isAwake == false)
this.velocity.multiplyAddByScalar(impulse, this.massInverted);
// this.angularVelocity += vec2.cross(vec2.sub(p, this.position), impulse) * this.inertiaInverted;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(p, this.position, this._tempVec2);
this.angularVelocity += Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(this._tempVec2, impulse) * this.inertiaInverted;
public applyAngularImpulse(impulse: number) {
if (this.isDynamic == false)
if (this.isAwake == false)
this.angularVelocity += impulse * this.inertiaInverted;
public kineticEnergy() {
var vsq = this.velocity.dot(this.velocity);
var wsq = this.angularVelocity * this.angularVelocity;
return 0.5 * (this.mass * vsq + this.inertia * wsq);
public get isAwake(): bool {
return this.awaked;
public awake(flag) {
this.awaked = flag;
if (flag)
this.sleepTime = 0;
this.velocity.setTo(0, 0);
this.angularVelocity = 0;
this.force.setTo(0, 0);
this.torque = 0;
public isCollidable(other:Body) {
if (this == other)
return false;
if (this.isDynamic == false && other.isDynamic == false)
return false;
if (!(this.maskBits & other.categoryBits) || !(other.maskBits & this.categoryBits))
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < this.joints.length; i++)
var joint = this.joints[i];
if (!this.joints[i] || (!this.joints[i].collideConnected && other.jointHash[this.joints[i].id] != undefined))
return false;
return true;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Body.ts" />
@ -10,15 +10,15 @@
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
module Phaser.Physics {
export interface IJoint {
id: number;
type: number;
body1: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Body;
body2: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Body;
body1: Phaser.Physics.Body;
body2: Phaser.Physics.Body;
collideConnected; // bool?
maxForce: number;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Body.ts" />
@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
module Phaser.Physics {
export class Joint {
constructor(type: number, body1:Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Body, body2:Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Body, collideConnected) {
constructor(type: number, body1:Phaser.Physics.Body, body2:Phaser.Physics.Body, collideConnected) {
this.id = Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.jointCounter++;
this.id = Phaser.Physics.Manager.jointCounter++;
this.type = type;
this.body1 = body1;
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
public id: number;
public type: number;
public body1: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Body;
public body2: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Body;
public body1: Phaser.Physics.Body;
public body2: Phaser.Physics.Body;
public collideConnected; // bool?
public maxForce: number;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="Shape.ts" />
@ -10,21 +10,27 @@
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes {
module Phaser.Physics.Shapes {
export class Box extends Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly {
export class Box extends Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly {
// Give in pixels
constructor(x, y, width, height) {
//x = Manager.pixelsToMeters(x);
//y = Manager.pixelsToMeters(y);
//width = Manager.pixelsToMeters(width);
//height = Manager.pixelsToMeters(height);
console.log('Box px', x, y, width, height);
x = Manager.pixelsToMeters(x);
y = Manager.pixelsToMeters(y);
width = Manager.pixelsToMeters(width);
height = Manager.pixelsToMeters(height);
console.log('Box m', x, y, width, height);
var hw = width * 0.5;
var hh = height * 0.5;
console.log('Box hh', hw, hh);
{ x: -hw + x, y: +hh + y },
{ x: -hw + x, y: -hh + y },
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="Shape.ts" />
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes {
module Phaser.Physics.Shapes {
export class Circle extends Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shape implements IShape {
export class Circle extends Phaser.Physics.Shape implements IShape {
constructor(radius: number, x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0) {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="Shape.ts" />
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
module Phaser.Physics {
export interface IShape {
@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
findEdgeByPoint(p: Phaser.Vec2, minDist: number): number;
findVertexByPoint(p: Phaser.Vec2, minDist: number): number;
// The verts of the shape (in local coordinate space)
verts: Phaser.Vec2[];
planes: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Plane[];
planes: Phaser.Physics.Plane[];
// The translated verts (in world space)
tverts: Phaser.Vec2[];
tplanes: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Plane[];
tplanes: Phaser.Physics.Plane[];
convexity: bool;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Plane.ts" />
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes {
module Phaser.Physics.Shapes {
export class Poly extends Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shape implements IShape {
export class Poly extends Phaser.Physics.Shape implements IShape {
// Verts is an optional array of objects, the objects must have public x and y properties which will be used
// to seed this polygon (i.e. Vec2 objects, or just straight JS objects) and must wind COUNTER clockwise
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes {
this.verts[i] = new Phaser.Vec2(verts[i].x, verts[i].y);
this.tverts[i] = this.verts[i];
//this.tverts[i] = new Phaser.Vec2(verts[i].x, verts[i].y);
this.tplanes[i] = new Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Plane(new Phaser.Vec2, 0);
this.tplanes[i] = new Phaser.Physics.Plane(new Phaser.Vec2, 0);
@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes {
var b = this.verts[(i + 1) % this.verts.length];
var n = Phaser.Vec2Utils.normalize(Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(a, b)));
this.planes[i] = new Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Plane(n, Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(n, a));
this.planes[i] = new Phaser.Physics.Plane(n, Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(n, a));
this.tverts[i] = Phaser.Vec2Utils.clone(this.verts[i]); // reference???
//this.tverts[i] = this.verts[i]; // reference???
this.tplanes[i] = new Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Plane(new Phaser.Vec2, 0);
this.tplanes[i] = new Phaser.Physics.Plane(new Phaser.Vec2, 0);
for (var i = 0; i < this.verts.length; i++)
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes {
public duplicate() {
return new Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly(this.verts);
return new Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly(this.verts);
public recenter(c) {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="Shape.ts" />
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes {
module Phaser.Physics.Shapes {
export class Segment extends Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shape implements IShape {
export class Segment extends Phaser.Physics.Shape implements IShape {
constructor(a, b, radius: number) {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes {
public duplicate() {
return new Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Segment(this.a, this.b, this.radius);
return new Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Segment(this.a, this.b, this.radius);
public recenter(c) {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Bounds.ts" />
@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
module Phaser.Physics {
export class Shape {
constructor(type: number) {
this.id = Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Manager.shapeCounter++;
this.id = Phaser.Physics.Manager.shapeCounter++;
this.type = type;
this.elasticity = 0.0;
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
public body: Body;
public verts: Phaser.Vec2[];
public planes: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Plane[];
public planes: Phaser.Physics.Plane[];
public tverts: Phaser.Vec2[];
public tplanes: Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Plane[];
public tplanes: Phaser.Physics.Plane[];
public convexity: bool;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/// <reference path="../../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="../Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="Shape.ts" />
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes {
module Phaser.Physics.Shapes {
export class Triangle extends Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shapes.Poly {
export class Triangle extends Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Poly {
constructor(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number) {
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ module Phaser {
if (threshold >= 359 || threshold <= 0)
throw Error("FlxColor Warning: Invalid threshold given to getSplitComplementHarmony()");
throw Error("ColorUtils Warning: Invalid threshold given to getSplitComplementHarmony()");
var opposite: number = ColorUtils.game.math.wrapValue(hsv.hue, 180, 359);
@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ module Phaser {
static game: Game;
* Render context of stage's canvas.
* @type {CanvasRenderingContext2D}
static context: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
* Render debug infos. (including name, bounds info, position and some other properties)
* @param x {number} X position of the debug info to be rendered.
@ -25,14 +31,48 @@ module Phaser {
static renderSpriteInfo(sprite: Sprite, x: number, y: number, color?: string = 'rgb(255,255,255)') {
DebugUtils.game.stage.context.fillStyle = color;
DebugUtils.game.stage.context.fillText('Sprite: ' + ' (' + sprite.width + ' x ' + sprite.height + ') origin: ' + sprite.transform.origin.x + ' x ' + sprite.transform.origin.y, x, y);
DebugUtils.game.stage.context.fillText('x: ' + sprite.x.toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + sprite.y.toFixed(1) + ' rotation: ' + sprite.rotation.toFixed(1), x, y + 14);
DebugUtils.game.stage.context.fillText('wx: ' + sprite.worldView.x + ' wy: ' + sprite.worldView.y + ' ww: ' + sprite.worldView.width.toFixed(1) + ' wh: ' + sprite.worldView.height.toFixed(1) + ' wb: ' + sprite.worldView.bottom + ' wr: ' + sprite.worldView.right, x, y + 28);
DebugUtils.game.stage.context.fillText('sx: ' + sprite.transform.scale.x.toFixed(1) + ' sy: ' + sprite.transform.scale.y.toFixed(1), x, y + 42);
DebugUtils.game.stage.context.fillText('tx: ' + sprite.texture.width.toFixed(1) + ' ty: ' + sprite.texture.height.toFixed(1), x, y + 56);
DebugUtils.game.stage.context.fillText('cx: ' + sprite.cameraView.x + ' cy: ' + sprite.cameraView.y + ' cw: ' + sprite.cameraView.width + ' ch: ' + sprite.cameraView.height + ' cb: ' + sprite.cameraView.bottom + ' cr: ' + sprite.cameraView.right, x, y + 70);
DebugUtils.game.stage.context.fillText('inCamera: ' + DebugUtils.game.renderer.inCamera(DebugUtils.game.camera, sprite), x, y + 84);
DebugUtils.context.fillStyle = color;
DebugUtils.context.fillText('Sprite: ' + ' (' + sprite.width + ' x ' + sprite.height + ') origin: ' + sprite.transform.origin.x + ' x ' + sprite.transform.origin.y, x, y);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('x: ' + sprite.x.toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + sprite.y.toFixed(1) + ' rotation: ' + sprite.rotation.toFixed(1), x, y + 14);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('wx: ' + sprite.worldView.x + ' wy: ' + sprite.worldView.y + ' ww: ' + sprite.worldView.width.toFixed(1) + ' wh: ' + sprite.worldView.height.toFixed(1) + ' wb: ' + sprite.worldView.bottom + ' wr: ' + sprite.worldView.right, x, y + 28);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('sx: ' + sprite.transform.scale.x.toFixed(1) + ' sy: ' + sprite.transform.scale.y.toFixed(1), x, y + 42);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('tx: ' + sprite.texture.width.toFixed(1) + ' ty: ' + sprite.texture.height.toFixed(1), x, y + 56);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('cx: ' + sprite.cameraView.x + ' cy: ' + sprite.cameraView.y + ' cw: ' + sprite.cameraView.width + ' ch: ' + sprite.cameraView.height + ' cb: ' + sprite.cameraView.bottom + ' cr: ' + sprite.cameraView.right, x, y + 70);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('inCamera: ' + DebugUtils.game.renderer.inCamera(DebugUtils.game.camera, sprite), x, y + 84);
* Render debug infos. (including name, bounds info, position and some other properties)
* @param x {number} X position of the debug info to be rendered.
* @param y {number} Y position of the debug info to be rendered.
* @param [color] {number} color of the debug info to be rendered. (format is css color string)
static renderPhysicsBodyInfo(body: Phaser.Physics.Body, x: number, y: number, color?: string = 'rgb(255,255,255)') {
DebugUtils.context.fillStyle = color;
DebugUtils.context.fillText('Body ID: ' + body.name, x, y);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('Position x: ' + body.position.x.toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + body.position.y.toFixed(1) + ' rotation: ' + body.angle.toFixed(1), x, y + 14);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('World x: ' + (body.position.x * 50).toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + (body.position.y * 50).toFixed(1), x, y + 28);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('Velocity x: ' + body.velocity.x.toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + body.velocity.y.toFixed(1), x, y + 42);
if (body.shapes[0].verts.length > 0)
DebugUtils.context.fillText('Vert 1 x: ' + (body.shapes[0].verts[0].x * 50) + ' y: ' + (body.shapes[0].verts[0].y * 50), x, y + 56);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('Vert 2 x: ' + (body.shapes[0].verts[1].x * 50) + ' y: ' + (body.shapes[0].verts[1].y * 50), x, y + 70);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('Vert 3 x: ' + (body.shapes[0].tverts[2].x * 50) + ' y: ' + (body.shapes[0].tverts[2].y * 50), x, y + 84);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('Vert 4 x: ' + (body.shapes[0].tverts[3].x * 50) + ' y: ' + (body.shapes[0].tverts[3].y * 50), x, y + 98);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('Vert 1 x: ' + body.shapes[0].verts[0].x.toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + body.shapes[0].verts[0].y.toFixed(1), x, y + 56);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('Vert 2 x: ' + body.shapes[0].verts[1].x.toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + body.shapes[0].verts[1].y.toFixed(1), x, y + 70);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('Vert 3 x: ' + body.shapes[0].verts[2].x.toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + body.shapes[0].verts[2].y.toFixed(1), x, y + 84);
DebugUtils.context.fillText('Vert 4 x: ' + body.shapes[0].verts[3].x.toFixed(1) + ' y: ' + body.shapes[0].verts[3].y.toFixed(1), x, y + 98);
@ -43,29 +83,56 @@ module Phaser {
camera = DebugUtils.game.camera;
//var dx = (camera.screenView.x * sprite.transform.scrollFactor.x) + sprite.x - (camera.worldView.x * sprite.transform.scrollFactor.x);
//var dy = (camera.screenView.y * sprite.transform.scrollFactor.y) + sprite.y - (camera.worldView.y * sprite.transform.scrollFactor.y);
var dx = sprite.worldView.x;
var dy = sprite.worldView.y;
DebugUtils.game.stage.context.fillStyle = color;
DebugUtils.game.stage.context.fillRect(dx, dy, sprite.width, sprite.height);
DebugUtils.context.fillStyle = color;
DebugUtils.context.fillRect(dx, dy, sprite.width, sprite.height);
static renderSpritePhysicsBody(sprite: Sprite, camera?: Camera = null, color?: string = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.2)') {
static renderPhysicsBody(body: Phaser.Physics.Body, lineWidth: number = 1, fillStyle: string = 'rgba(0,255,0,0.2)', sleepStyle: string = 'rgba(100,100,100,0.2)') {
if (camera == null)
for (var s = 0; s < body.shapesLength; s++)
camera = DebugUtils.game.camera;
if (body.shapes[s].type == Phaser.Physics.Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_POLY)
var verts = body.shapes[s].tverts;
// DebugUtils.context.moveTo(body.position.x * 50 + verts[0].x, body.position.y * 50 + verts[0].y);
DebugUtils.context.moveTo(verts[0].x * 50, verts[0].y * 50);
for (var i = 1; i < verts.length; i++) {
// DebugUtils.context.lineTo(body.position.x * 50 + verts[i].x, body.position.y * 50 + verts[i].y);
DebugUtils.context.lineTo(verts[i].x * 50, verts[i].y * 50);
// DebugUtils.context.lineTo(body.position.x * 50 + verts[0].x, body.position.y * 50 + verts[0].y);
DebugUtils.context.lineTo(verts[0].x * 50, verts[0].y * 50);
else if (body.shapes[s].type == Phaser.Physics.Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_CIRCLE)
var circle = <Phaser.Physics.Shapes.Circle> body.shapes[s];
DebugUtils.context.arc(circle.tc.x * 50, circle.tc.y * 50, circle.radius * 50, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
if (body.isAwake)
DebugUtils.context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
DebugUtils.context.fillStyle = sleepStyle;
var dx = (camera.screenView.x * sprite.transform.scrollFactor.x) + sprite.body.x - (camera.worldView.x * sprite.transform.scrollFactor.x);
var dy = (camera.screenView.y * sprite.transform.scrollFactor.y) + sprite.body.y - (camera.worldView.y * sprite.transform.scrollFactor.y);
DebugUtils.game.stage.context.fillStyle = color;
DebugUtils.game.stage.context.fillRect(dx, dy, sprite.body.width, sprite.body.height);
@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ module Phaser {
static reset(sprite: Sprite, x: number, y: number) {
sprite.body.touching = Types.NONE;
sprite.body.wasTouching = Types.NONE;
//sprite.body.touching = Types.NONE;
//sprite.body.wasTouching = Types.NONE;
sprite.x = x;
sprite.y = y;
sprite.body.velocity.x = 0;
@ -41,14 +41,20 @@ TODO:
* Add clip support + shape options to Texture Component.
* Make sure I'm using Point and not Vec2 when it's not a directional vector I need
* Bug with setting scale or anything on a Sprite inside a Group, or maybe group.addNewSprite issue
* Drag Sprite with "snap to center" uses local coords not world, so fails on scrolling world (no center lock works fine)
* Need to be able to set the current tilemap layer, then the getTileXY default layer uses that one if no other given
* Pointer worldX/Y don't appear to be correct for some reason
* Create a Pixel game object type (useful for particles / fx)
* Sprite collision events
* See which functions in the input component can move elsewhere (utils)
* Move all of the renderDebugInfo methods to the DebugUtils class
* Check bounds/edge points when sprite is only 1x1 sized :)
* See what I can move out of Body and into a BodyUtils class.
* See about optimising Advanced Physics a lot more, so it doesn't create lots of Vec2s everywhere.
* QuadTree.physics.checkHullIntersection
* Fix the Motion methods for the new physics system
* Moved findShapeByPoint etc from Space to Manager (or at least add a proxy to them)
@ -67,7 +73,7 @@ V1.0.0
* Added Tween.loop property so they can now re-run themselves indefinitely.
* Added Tween.yoyo property so they can reverse themselves after completing.
* Added Gravity to the Physics component.
* Removed Sprite.rotation - use Sprite.angle instead
* Removed Sprite.angle - use Sprite.rotation instead
* Optimised separateX/Y and overlap so they don't use any temporary vars any more.
* Added the new Physics.Body object to all Sprites. Used for all physics calculations in-game. Will be extended for Fixtures/Joints in future.
* Added SpriteUtils.setOriginToCenter to quickly set the origin of a sprite based on either frameBounds or body.bounds
@ -79,7 +85,7 @@ V1.0.0
* Added Group.addNewSprite(x,y,key) for quick addition of new Sprites to a Group
* Fixed Group.sort so the sortHandler is called correctly
* Added Group.swap(a,b) to swap the z-index of 2 objects with optional rendering update boolean
* Sprites dispatch killed/revived and added to and removed from Group events.
* Sprites dispatch new events for: killed, revived, added to Group and removed from Group.
* Added Input drag, bounds, sprite bounds and snapping support.
* Added the new ColorUtils class full of lots of handy color manipulation functions.
* Fixed issue in Camera.inCamera check where it wouldn't take into consideration the Sprites scrollFactor.
@ -117,6 +123,9 @@ V1.0.0
* Added Cache.getImageKeys (and similar) to return an array of all the keys for all currently cached objects.
* Added Group.bringToTop feature. Will sort the Group, move the given sprites z-index to the top and shift the rest down by one.
* Brand new Advanced Physics system added and working! Woohoo :)
* Fixed issue in Tilemap.parseTiledJSON where it would accidentally think image and object layers were map data.
* Fixed bug in Group.bringToTop if the child didn't have a group property yet.
* Fixed bug in FrameData.checkFrameName where the first index of the _frameNames array would be skipped.
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
<Content Include="cameras\scrollfactor 2.js">
<DependentUpon>scrollfactor 2.ts</DependentUpon>
<TypeScriptCompile Include="physics\aabb 1.ts" />
<TypeScriptCompile Include="particles\graphic emitter.ts" />
<TypeScriptCompile Include="input\over sprite 1.ts" />
<TypeScriptCompile Include="groups\create group 1.ts" />
@ -174,25 +173,14 @@
<Content Include="particles\when particles collide.js">
<DependentUpon>when particles collide.ts</DependentUpon>
<Content Include="physics\aabb 1.js">
<DependentUpon>aabb 1.ts</DependentUpon>
<TypeScriptCompile Include="scrollzones\simple scrollzone.ts" />
<TypeScriptCompile Include="scrollzones\scroll window.ts" />
<TypeScriptCompile Include="scrollzones\region demo.ts" />
<TypeScriptCompile Include="scrollzones\parallax.ts" />
<TypeScriptCompile Include="scrollzones\ballscroller.ts" />
<TypeScriptCompile Include="physics\aabb vs aabb 1.ts" />
<Content Include="physics\aabb vs aabb 1.js">
<DependentUpon>aabb vs aabb 1.ts</DependentUpon>
<TypeScriptCompile Include="physics\obb vs obb.ts" />
<TypeScriptCompile Include="physics\body1.ts" />
<Content Include="physics\body1.js">
<Content Include="physics\obb vs obb.js">
<DependentUpon>obb vs obb.ts</DependentUpon>
<TypeScriptCompile Include="physics\simple test 1.ts" />
<Content Include="physics\simple test 1.js">
<DependentUpon>simple test 1.ts</DependentUpon>
<Content Include="scrollzones\ballscroller.js">
@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
function create() {
game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'backdrop');
ball = game.add.sprite(200, 200, 'ball');
ball.body.offset.setTo(-16, -16);
ball.body.width = 100;
ball.body.height = 100;
ball.body.velocity.x = 50;
ball.transform.scale.setTo(2, 2);
@ -56,7 +53,5 @@
function render() {
game.camera.renderDebugInfo(32, 32);
Phaser.DebugUtils.renderSpriteInfo(ball, 32, 200);
@ -24,10 +24,6 @@
ball = game.add.sprite(200, 200, 'ball');
ball.body.offset.setTo(-16, -16);
ball.body.width = 100;
ball.body.height = 100;
ball.body.velocity.x = 50;
ball.transform.scale.setTo(2, 2);
@ -83,8 +79,6 @@
game.camera.renderDebugInfo(32, 32);
Phaser.DebugUtils.renderSpriteInfo(ball, 32, 200);
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
function render() {
game.camera.renderDebugInfo(32, 32);
test.body.renderDebugInfo(300, 32);
Phaser.DebugUtils.renderSpriteInfo(test, 32, 200);
game.input.renderDebugInfo(300, 200);
@ -62,8 +62,6 @@
game.camera.renderDebugInfo(32, 32);
test.body.renderDebugInfo(300, 32);
Phaser.DebugUtils.renderSpriteInfo(test, 32, 200);
game.input.renderDebugInfo(300, 200);
@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
var Phaser;
(function (Phaser) {
(function (FX) {
/// <reference path="../../build/phaser.d.ts" />
* Phaser - FX - Camera - Flash
* The camera is filled with the given color and returns to normal at the given duration.
(function (Camera) {
var Flash = (function () {
function Flash(game) {
@ -15,21 +9,12 @@ var Phaser;
this._fxFlashAlpha = 0;
this._game = game;
Flash.prototype.start = /**
* The camera is filled with this color and returns to normal at the given duration.
* @param Color The color you want to use in 0xRRGGBB format, i.e. 0xffffff for white.
* @param Duration How long it takes for the flash to fade.
* @param OnComplete An optional function you want to run when the flash finishes. Set to null for no callback.
* @param Force Force an already running flash effect to reset.
function (color, duration, onComplete, force) {
Flash.prototype.start = function (color, duration, onComplete, force) {
if (typeof color === "undefined") { color = 0xffffff; }
if (typeof duration === "undefined") { duration = 1; }
if (typeof onComplete === "undefined") { onComplete = null; }
if (typeof force === "undefined") { force = false; }
if(force === false && this._fxFlashAlpha > 0) {
// You can't flash again unless you force it
if(duration <= 0) {
@ -44,7 +29,6 @@ var Phaser;
this._fxFlashComplete = onComplete;
Flash.prototype.postUpdate = function () {
// Update the Flash effect
if(this._fxFlashAlpha > 0) {
this._fxFlashAlpha -= this._game.time.elapsed / this._fxFlashDuration;
if(this._game.math.roundTo(this._fxFlashAlpha, -2) <= 0) {
@ -72,38 +56,17 @@ var Phaser;
var Phaser;
(function (Phaser) {
(function (FX) {
/// <reference path="../../build/phaser.d.ts" />
* Phaser - FX - Camera - Border
* Creates a border around a camera.
(function (Camera) {
var Border = (function () {
function Border(game, parent) {
* Whether render border of this camera or not. (default is false)
* @type {boolean}
this.showBorder = false;
* Color of border of this camera. (in css color string)
* @type {string}
this.borderColor = 'rgb(255,255,255)';
this._game = game;
this._parent = parent;
Border.prototype.start = /**
* You can name the function that starts the effect whatever you like, but we used 'start' in our effects.
function () {
Border.prototype.start = function () {
Border.prototype.postRender = /**
* Post-render is called during the objects render cycle, after the children/image data has been rendered.
* It happens directly BEFORE a canvas context.restore has happened if added to a Camera.
function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
Border.prototype.postRender = function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
if(this.showBorder == true) {
this._game.stage.context.strokeStyle = this.borderColor;
this._game.stage.context.lineWidth = 1;
@ -122,50 +85,23 @@ var Phaser;
var Phaser;
(function (Phaser) {
(function (FX) {
/// <reference path="../../build/phaser.d.ts" />
* Phaser - FX - Camera - Template
* A Template FX file you can use to create your own Camera FX.
* If you don't use any of the methods below (i.e. preUpdate, render, etc) then DELETE THEM to avoid un-necessary calls by the FXManager.
(function (Camera) {
var Template = (function () {
function Template(game, parent) {
this._game = game;
this._parent = parent;
Template.prototype.start = /**
* You can name the function that starts the effect whatever you like, but we used 'start' in our effects.
function () {
Template.prototype.start = function () {
Template.prototype.preUpdate = /**
* Pre-update is called at the start of the objects update cycle, before any other updates have taken place.
function () {
Template.prototype.preUpdate = function () {
Template.prototype.postUpdate = /**
* Post-update is called at the end of the objects update cycle, after other update logic has taken place.
function () {
Template.prototype.postUpdate = function () {
Template.prototype.preRender = /**
* Pre-render is called at the start of the object render cycle, before any transforms have taken place.
* It happens directly AFTER a canvas context.save has happened if added to a Camera.
function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
Template.prototype.preRender = function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
Template.prototype.render = /**
* render is called during the objects render cycle, right after all transforms have finished, but before any children/image data is rendered.
function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
Template.prototype.render = function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
Template.prototype.postRender = /**
* Post-render is called during the objects render cycle, after the children/image data has been rendered.
* It happens directly BEFORE a canvas context.restore has happened if added to a Camera.
function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
Template.prototype.postRender = function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
return Template;
@ -178,13 +114,6 @@ var Phaser;
var Phaser;
(function (Phaser) {
(function (FX) {
/// <reference path="../../build/phaser.d.ts" />
* Phaser - FX - Camera - Mirror
* Creates a mirror effect for a camera.
* Can mirror the camera image horizontally, vertically or both with an optional fill color overlay.
(function (Camera) {
var Mirror = (function () {
function Mirror(game, parent) {
@ -199,11 +128,7 @@ var Phaser;
this._canvas.height = parent.height;
this._context = this._canvas.getContext('2d');
Mirror.prototype.start = /**
* This is the rectangular region to grab from the Camera used in the Mirror effect
* It is rendered to the Stage at Mirror.x/y (note the use of Stage coordinates, not World coordinates)
function (x, y, region, fillColor) {
Mirror.prototype.start = function (x, y, region, fillColor) {
if (typeof fillColor === "undefined") { fillColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 100, 0.5)'; }
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
@ -216,15 +141,7 @@ var Phaser;
this._context.fillStyle = this._mirrorColor;
Mirror.prototype.postRender = /**
* Post-render is called during the objects render cycle, after the children/image data has been rendered.
* It happens directly BEFORE a canvas context.restore has happened if added to a Camera.
function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
//if (this.cls)
// this._context.clearRect(0, 0, this._mirrorWidth, this._mirrorHeight);
Mirror.prototype.postRender = function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
this._sx = cameraX + this._mirrorX;
this._sy = cameraY + this._mirrorY;
if(this.flipX == true && this.flipY == false) {
@ -232,16 +149,7 @@ var Phaser;
} else if(this.flipY == true && this.flipX == false) {
this._sy = 0;
this._context.drawImage(this._game.stage.canvas, // Source Image
this._sx, // Source X (location within the source image)
this._sy, // Source Y
this._mirrorWidth, // Source Width
this._mirrorHeight, // Source Height
0, // Destination X (where on the canvas it'll be drawn)
0, // Destination Y
this._mirrorWidth, // Destination Width (always same as Source Width unless scaled)
// Destination Height (always same as Source Height unless scaled)
this._context.drawImage(this._game.stage.canvas, this._sx, this._sy, this._mirrorWidth, this._mirrorHeight, 0, 0, this._mirrorWidth, this._mirrorHeight);
if(this._mirrorColor) {
this._context.fillRect(0, 0, this._mirrorWidth, this._mirrorHeight);
@ -267,49 +175,19 @@ var Phaser;
var Phaser;
(function (Phaser) {
(function (FX) {
/// <reference path="../../build/phaser.d.ts" />
* Phaser - FX - Camera - Shadow
* Creates a drop-shadow effect on the camera window.
(function (Camera) {
var Shadow = (function () {
function Shadow(game, parent) {
* Render camera shadow or not. (default is false)
* @type {boolean}
this.showShadow = false;
* Color of shadow, in css color string.
* @type {string}
this.shadowColor = 'rgb(0,0,0)';
* Blur factor of shadow.
* @type {number}
this.shadowBlur = 10;
* Offset of the shadow from camera's position.
* @type {Point}
this.shadowOffset = new Phaser.Point(4, 4);
this._game = game;
this._parent = parent;
Shadow.prototype.start = /**
* You can name the function that starts the effect whatever you like, but we used 'start' in our effects.
function () {
Shadow.prototype.start = function () {
Shadow.prototype.preRender = /**
* Pre-render is called at the start of the object render cycle, before any transforms have taken place.
* It happens directly AFTER a canvas context.save has happened if added to a Camera.
function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
// Shadow
Shadow.prototype.preRender = function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
if(this.showShadow == true) {
this._game.stage.context.shadowColor = this.shadowColor;
this._game.stage.context.shadowBlur = this.shadowBlur;
@ -317,11 +195,7 @@ var Phaser;
this._game.stage.context.shadowOffsetY = this.shadowOffset.y;
Shadow.prototype.render = /**
* render is called during the objects render cycle, right after all transforms have finished, but before any children/image data is rendered.
function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
// Shadow off
Shadow.prototype.render = function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
if(this.showShadow == true) {
this._game.stage.context.shadowBlur = 0;
this._game.stage.context.shadowOffsetX = 0;
@ -339,12 +213,6 @@ var Phaser;
var Phaser;
(function (Phaser) {
(function (FX) {
/// <reference path="../../build/phaser.d.ts" />
* Phaser - FX - Camera - Scanlines
* Give your game that classic retro feel!
(function (Camera) {
var Scanlines = (function () {
function Scanlines(game, parent) {
@ -370,12 +238,6 @@ var Phaser;
var Phaser;
(function (Phaser) {
(function (FX) {
/// <reference path="../../build/phaser.d.ts" />
* Phaser - FX - Camera - Shake
* A simple camera shake effect.
(function (Camera) {
var Shake = (function () {
function Shake(game, camera) {
@ -392,16 +254,7 @@ var Phaser;
Shake.prototype.start = /**
* A simple camera shake effect.
* @param Intensity Percentage of screen size representing the maximum distance that the screen can move while shaking.
* @param Duration The length in seconds that the shaking effect should last.
* @param OnComplete A function you want to run when the shake effect finishes.
* @param Force Force the effect to reset (default = true, unlike flash() and fade()!).
* @param Direction Whether to shake on both axes, just up and down, or just side to side (use class constants SHAKE_BOTH_AXES, SHAKE_VERTICAL_ONLY, or SHAKE_HORIZONTAL_ONLY).
function (intensity, duration, onComplete, force, direction) {
Shake.prototype.start = function (intensity, duration, onComplete, force, direction) {
if (typeof intensity === "undefined") { intensity = 0.05; }
if (typeof duration === "undefined") { duration = 0.5; }
if (typeof onComplete === "undefined") { onComplete = null; }
@ -410,7 +263,6 @@ var Phaser;
if(!force && ((this._fxShakeOffset.x != 0) || (this._fxShakeOffset.y != 0))) {
// If a shake is not already running we need to store the offsets here
if(this._fxShakeOffset.x == 0 && this._fxShakeOffset.y == 0) {
this._fxShakePrevX = this._parent.x;
this._fxShakePrevY = this._parent.y;
@ -422,7 +274,6 @@ var Phaser;
this._fxShakeOffset.setTo(0, 0);
Shake.prototype.postUpdate = function () {
// Update the "shake" special effect
if(this._fxShakeDuration > 0) {
this._fxShakeDuration -= this._game.time.elapsed;
if(this._game.math.roundTo(this._fxShakeDuration, -2) <= 0) {
@ -435,11 +286,9 @@ var Phaser;
} else {
if((this._fxShakeDirection == Shake.SHAKE_BOTH_AXES) || (this._fxShakeDirection == Shake.SHAKE_HORIZONTAL_ONLY)) {
//this._fxShakeOffset.x = ((this._game.math.random() * this._fxShakeIntensity * this.worldView.width * 2 - this._fxShakeIntensity * this.worldView.width) * this._zoom;
this._fxShakeOffset.x = (this._game.math.random() * this._fxShakeIntensity * this._parent.worldView.width * 2 - this._fxShakeIntensity * this._parent.worldView.width);
if((this._fxShakeDirection == Shake.SHAKE_BOTH_AXES) || (this._fxShakeDirection == Shake.SHAKE_VERTICAL_ONLY)) {
//this._fxShakeOffset.y = (this._game.math.random() * this._fxShakeIntensity * this.worldView.height * 2 - this._fxShakeIntensity * this.worldView.height) * this._zoom;
this._fxShakeOffset.y = (this._game.math.random() * this._fxShakeIntensity * this._parent.worldView.height * 2 - this._fxShakeIntensity * this._parent.worldView.height);
@ -462,12 +311,6 @@ var Phaser;
var Phaser;
(function (Phaser) {
(function (FX) {
/// <reference path="../../build/phaser.d.ts" />
* Phaser - FX - Camera - Fade
* The camera is filled with the given color and returns to normal at the given duration.
(function (Camera) {
var Fade = (function () {
function Fade(game) {
@ -476,21 +319,12 @@ var Phaser;
this._fxFadeAlpha = 0;
this._game = game;
Fade.prototype.start = /**
* The camera is gradually filled with this color.
* @param Color The color you want to use in 0xRRGGBB format, i.e. 0xffffff for white.
* @param Duration How long it takes for the flash to fade.
* @param OnComplete An optional function you want to run when the flash finishes. Set to null for no callback.
* @param Force Force an already running flash effect to reset.
function (color, duration, onComplete, force) {
Fade.prototype.start = function (color, duration, onComplete, force) {
if (typeof color === "undefined") { color = 0x000000; }
if (typeof duration === "undefined") { duration = 1; }
if (typeof onComplete === "undefined") { onComplete = null; }
if (typeof force === "undefined") { force = false; }
if(force === false && this._fxFadeAlpha > 0) {
// You can't fade again unless you force it
if(duration <= 0) {
@ -505,7 +339,6 @@ var Phaser;
this._fxFadeComplete = onComplete;
Fade.prototype.postUpdate = function () {
// Update the Fade effect
if(this._fxFadeAlpha > 0) {
this._fxFadeAlpha += this._game.time.elapsed / this._fxFadeDuration;
if(this._game.math.roundTo(this._fxFadeAlpha, -2) >= 1) {
@ -517,7 +350,6 @@ var Phaser;
Fade.prototype.postRender = function (camera, cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight) {
// "Fade" FX
if(this._fxFadeAlpha > 0) {
this._game.stage.context.fillStyle = this._fxFadeColor + this._fxFadeAlpha + ')';
this._game.stage.context.fillRect(cameraX, cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -18,13 +18,6 @@
var walls;
var t;
function create() {
//debug = <HTMLTextAreaElement> document.createElement('textarea');
//debug.style.position = 'absolute';
//debug.style.left = '850px';
//debug.style.top = '32px';
//debug.style.width = '600px';
//debug.style.height = '600px';
//atari = game.add.sprite(200, 100, 'atari');
// need to get the physics bounds around the sprite center, regardless of origin
//atari.transform.origin.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
@ -26,14 +26,6 @@
function create() {
//debug = <HTMLTextAreaElement> document.createElement('textarea');
//debug.style.position = 'absolute';
//debug.style.left = '850px';
//debug.style.top = '32px';
//debug.style.width = '600px';
//debug.style.height = '600px';
//atari = game.add.sprite(200, 100, 'atari');
// need to get the physics bounds around the sprite center, regardless of origin
Tests/physics/simple test 1.js
Normal file
Tests/physics/simple test 1.js
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
(function () {
var game = new Phaser.Game(this, 'game', 800, 600, init, create, null, render);
function init() {
game.load.image('atari', 'assets/sprites/atari130xe.png');
game.load.image('ball', 'assets/sprites/shinyball.png');
var atari;
var ball;
function create() {
game.physics.gravity.setTo(0, 5);
atari = game.add.physicsSprite(300, 450, 'atari', null, Phaser.Types.BODY_STATIC);
ball = game.add.physicsSprite(300 - 20, 0, 'ball');
function render() {
Phaser.DebugUtils.renderPhysicsBodyInfo(atari.body, 32, 32);
Phaser.DebugUtils.renderPhysicsBodyInfo(ball.body, 320, 32);
Tests/physics/simple test 1.ts
Normal file
Tests/physics/simple test 1.ts
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
/// <reference path="../../Phaser/Game.ts" />
(function () {
var game = new Phaser.Game(this, 'game', 800, 600, init, create, null, render);
function init() {
// Using Phasers asset loader we load up a PNG from the assets folder
game.load.image('atari', 'assets/sprites/atari130xe.png');
game.load.image('ball', 'assets/sprites/shinyball.png');
var atari: Phaser.Sprite;
var ball: Phaser.Sprite;
function create() {
// Add some gravity to the world, otherwise nothing will actually happen
game.physics.gravity.setTo(0, 5);
// We'll make the atari sprite a static body, so it won't be influenced by gravity or other forces
atari = game.add.physicsSprite(300, 450, 'atari', null, Phaser.Types.BODY_STATIC);
// atari = 220px width (110 = center x)
// ball = 32px width (16 = center x)
// Ball will be a dynamic body and fall based on gravity
ball = game.add.physicsSprite(300-20, 0, 'ball');
function render() {
Phaser.DebugUtils.renderPhysicsBodyInfo(atari.body, 32, 32);
Phaser.DebugUtils.renderPhysicsBodyInfo(ball.body, 320, 32);
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
function render() {
ship.body.renderDebugInfo(32, 32);
//ship.body.renderDebugInfo(32, 32);
function recycleBullet(bullet) {
if(bullet.exists && bullet.x < -40 || bullet.x > 840 || bullet.y < -40 || bullet.y > 640) {
bullet.exists = false;
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
function render() {
ship.body.renderDebugInfo(32, 32);
//ship.body.renderDebugInfo(32, 32);
@ -9,10 +9,7 @@
function create() {
// This will create a Sprite positioned at the top-left of the game (0,0)
// Try changing the 0, 0 values
game.add.sprite(200, 100, 'bunny');
game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'bunny');
game.camera.texture.alpha = 0.5;
//game.world.group.texture.flippedX = true;
//game.world.group.transform.origin.setTo(game.stage.centerX, game.stage.centerY);
//game.world.group.transform.skew.x = 1.2;
@ -16,12 +16,9 @@
// This will create a Sprite positioned at the top-left of the game (0,0)
// Try changing the 0, 0 values
game.add.sprite(200, 100, 'bunny');
game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'bunny');
game.camera.texture.alpha = 0.5;
//game.world.group.texture.flippedX = true;
//game.world.group.transform.origin.setTo(game.stage.centerX, game.stage.centerY);
//game.world.group.transform.skew.x = 1.2;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Add table
Reference in a new issue