mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 15:08:31 +00:00
Added lots more classes into the Advanced Physics package
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 4486 additions and 31 deletions
@ -184,6 +184,18 @@
<Content Include="physics\advanced\Bounds.js">
<TypeScriptCompile Include="physics\advanced\Contact.ts" />
<TypeScriptCompile Include="physics\advanced\Collision.ts" />
<Content Include="physics\advanced\Collision.js">
<Content Include="physics\advanced\Contact.js">
<TypeScriptCompile Include="physics\advanced\ContactSolver.ts" />
<Content Include="physics\advanced\ContactSolver.js">
<Content Include="physics\advanced\Joint.js">
@ -196,9 +208,25 @@
<TypeScriptCompile Include="physics\advanced\ShapeCircle.ts" />
<TypeScriptCompile Include="physics\advanced\ShapeBox.ts" />
<Content Include="physics\advanced\ShapeBox.js">
<Content Include="physics\advanced\ShapeCircle.js">
<TypeScriptCompile Include="physics\advanced\ShapeSegment.ts" />
<TypeScriptCompile Include="physics\advanced\ShapePoly.ts" />
<Content Include="physics\advanced\ShapePoly.js">
<Content Include="physics\advanced\ShapeSegment.js">
<TypeScriptCompile Include="physics\advanced\ShapeTriangle.ts" />
<Content Include="physics\advanced\ShapeTriangle.js">
<Content Include="physics\ArcadePhysics.js">
@ -137,6 +137,20 @@ module Phaser {
return (this.x * this.x) + (this.y * this.y);
* Normalize this vector.
* @return {Vec2} This for chaining.
public normalize(): Vec2 {
var inv = (this.x != 0 || this.y != 0) ? 1 / Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y) : 0;
this.x *= inv;
this.y *= inv;
return this;
* The dot product of two 2D vectors.
@ -85,6 +85,17 @@ module Phaser {
return out.setTo(a.x + b.x * s, a.y + b.y * s);
* Return a negative vector.
* @param {Vec2} a Reference to a source Vec2 object.
* @param {Vec2} out The output Vec2 that is the result of the operation.
* @return {Vec2} A Vec2 that is the negative vector.
static negative(a: Vec2, out?: Vec2 = new Vec2): Vec2 {
return out.setTo(-a.x, -a.y);
* Return a perpendicular vector (90 degrees rotation)
@ -277,12 +288,30 @@ module Phaser {
* @param {Vec2} out The output Vec2 that is the result of the operation.
* @return {Vec2} A Vec2.
static rotate(a: Vec2, b: Vec2, theta: number, out?: Vec2 = new Vec2): Vec2 {
static rotateAroundOrigin(a: Vec2, b: Vec2, theta: number, out?: Vec2 = new Vec2): Vec2 {
var x = a.x - b.x;
var y = a.y - b.y;
return out.setTo(x * Math.cos(theta) - y * Math.sin(theta) + b.x, x * Math.sin(theta) + y * Math.cos(theta) + b.y);
* Rotate a 2D vector to the given angle (theta).
* @param {Vec2} a Reference to a source Vec2 object.
* @param {Vec2} b Reference to a source Vec2 object.
* @param {Number} theta The angle of rotation in radians.
* @param {Vec2} out The output Vec2 that is the result of the operation.
* @return {Vec2} A Vec2.
static rotate(a: Vec2, theta: number, out?: Vec2 = new Vec2): Vec2 {
var c = Math.cos(theta);
var s = Math.sin(theta);
return out.setTo(a.x * c - a.y * s, a.x * s + a.y * c);
* Clone a 2D vector.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="Shape.ts" />
/// <reference path="Contact.ts" />
/// <reference path="ShapeCircle.ts" />
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - Collision Handlers
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
export class Collision {
constructor() {
public collide(a, b, contacts: Contact[]) {
// Circle (a is the circle)
if (a.type == Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_CIRCLE)
if (b.type == Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_CIRCLE)
return this.circle2Circle(a, b, contacts);
else if (b.type == Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_SEGMENT)
return this.circle2Segment(a, b, contacts);
else if (b.type == Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_POLY)
return this.circle2Poly(a, b, contacts);
// Segment (a is the segment)
if (a.type == Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_SEGMENT)
if (b.type == Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_CIRCLE)
return this.circle2Segment(b, a, contacts);
else if (b.type == Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_SEGMENT)
return this.segment2Segment(a, b, contacts);
else if (b.type == Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_POLY)
return this.segment2Poly(a, b, contacts);
// Poly (a is the poly)
if (a.type == Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_POLY)
if (b.type == Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_CIRCLE)
return this.circle2Poly(b, a, contacts);
else if (b.type == Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_SEGMENT)
return this.segment2Poly(b, a, contacts);
else if (b.type == Manager.SHAPE_TYPE_POLY)
return this.poly2Poly(a, b, contacts);
private _circle2Circle(c1, r1, c2, r2, contactArr) {
var rmax = r1 + r2;
var t: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
//var t = vec2.sub(c2, c1);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(c2, c1, t);
var distsq = t.lengthSq();
if (distsq > rmax * rmax)
return 0;
var dist = Math.sqrt(distsq);
var p: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(c1, t, 0.5 + (r1 - r2) * 0.5 / dist, p);
//var p = vec2.mad(c1, t, 0.5 + (r1 - r2) * 0.5 / dist);
var n: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
//var n = (dist != 0) ? vec2.scale(t, 1 / dist) : vec2.zero;
if (dist != 0)
Phaser.Vec2Utils.scale(t, 1 / dist, n);
var d = dist - rmax;
contactArr.push(new Contact(p, n, d, 0));
return 1;
public circle2Circle(circ1, circ2, contactArr) {
return this._circle2Circle(circ1.tc, circ1.r, circ2.tc, circ2.r, contactArr);
public circle2Segment(circ: ShapeCircle, seg, contactArr: Contact[]) {
var rsum = circ.radius + seg.r;
// Normal distance from segment
var dn = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(circ.tc, seg.tn) - Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(seg.ta, seg.tn);
var dist = (dn < 0 ? dn * -1 : dn) - rsum;
if (dist > 0)
return 0;
// Tangential distance along segment
var dt = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(circ.tc, seg.tn);
var dtMin = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(seg.ta, seg.tn);
var dtMax = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(seg.tb, seg.tn);
if (dt < dtMin)
if (dt < dtMin - rsum)
return 0;
return this._circle2Circle(circ.tc, circ.radius, seg.ta, seg.r, contactArr);
else if (dt > dtMax)
if (dt > dtMax + rsum)
return 0;
return this._circle2Circle(circ.tc, circ.radius, seg.tb, seg.r, contactArr);
var n: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
if (dn > 0)
Phaser.Vec2Utils.negative(seg.tn, n);
//var n = (dn > 0) ? seg.tn : vec2.neg(seg.tn);
var c1: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(circ.tc, n, -(circ.radius + dist * 0.5), c1);
var c2: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.negative(n, c2);
contactArr.push(new Contact(c1, c2, dist, 0));
//contactArr.push(new Contact(vec2.mad(circ.tc, n, -(circ.r + dist * 0.5)), vec2.neg(n), dist, 0));
return 1;
public circle2Poly(circ: ShapeCircle, poly, contactArr: Contact[]) {
var minDist = -999999;
var minIdx = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < poly.verts.length; i++)
var plane = poly.tplanes[i];
var dist = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(circ.tc, plane.n) - plane.d - circ.radius;
if (dist > 0)
return 0;
else if (dist > minDist)
minDist = dist;
minIdx = i;
var n = poly.tplanes[minIdx].n;
var a = poly.tverts[minIdx];
var b = poly.tverts[(minIdx + 1) % poly.verts.length];
var dta = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(a, n);
var dtb = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(b, n);
var dt = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(circ.tc, n);
if (dt > dta)
return this._circle2Circle(circ.tc, circ.radius, a, 0, contactArr);
else if (dt < dtb)
return this._circle2Circle(circ.tc, circ.radius, b, 0, contactArr);
var c1: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(circ.tc, n, -(circ.radius + minDist * 0.5), c1);
var c2: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.negative(n, c2);
contactArr.push(new Contact(c1, c2, minDist, 0));
//contactArr.push(new Contact(vec2.mad(circ.tc, n, -(circ.r + minDist * 0.5)), vec2.neg(n), minDist, 0));
return 1;
public segmentPointDistanceSq(seg, p) {
var w: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
var d: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(p, seg.ta, w);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(seg.tb, seg.ta, d);
//var w = vec2.sub(p, seg.ta);
//var d = vec2.sub(seg.tb, seg.ta);
var proj = w.dot(d);
if (proj <= 0)
return w.dot(w);
var vsq = d.dot(d);
if (proj >= vsq)
return w.dot(w) - 2 * proj + vsq;
return w.dot(w) - proj * proj / vsq;
// FIXME and optimise me lots!!!
public segment2Segment(seg1, seg2, contactArr) {
var d = [];
d[0] = this.segmentPointDistanceSq(seg1, seg2.ta);
d[1] = this.segmentPointDistanceSq(seg1, seg2.tb);
d[2] = this.segmentPointDistanceSq(seg2, seg1.ta);
d[3] = this.segmentPointDistanceSq(seg2, seg1.tb);
var idx1 = d[0] < d[1] ? 0 : 1;
var idx2 = d[2] < d[3] ? 2 : 3;
var idxm = d[idx1] < d[idx2] ? idx1 : idx2;
var s, t;
var u = Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(seg1.tb, seg1.ta);
var v = Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(seg2.tb, seg2.ta);
switch (idxm)
case 0:
s = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(seg2.ta, seg1.ta), u) / Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(u, u);
s = s < 0 ? 0 : (s > 1 ? 1 : s);
t = 0;
case 1:
s = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(seg2.tb, seg1.ta), u) / Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(u, u);
s = s < 0 ? 0 : (s > 1 ? 1 : s);
t = 1;
case 2:
s = 0;
t = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(seg1.ta, seg2.ta), v) / Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(v, v);
t = t < 0 ? 0 : (t > 1 ? 1 : t);
case 3:
s = 1;
t = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(seg1.tb, seg2.ta), v) / Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(v, v);
t = t < 0 ? 0 : (t > 1 ? 1 : t);
var minp1 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(seg1.ta, u, s);
var minp2 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(seg2.ta, v, t);
return this._circle2Circle(minp1, seg1.r, minp2, seg2.r, contactArr);
// Identify vertexes that have penetrated the segment.
public findPointsBehindSeg(contactArr, seg, poly, dist, coef) {
var dta = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(seg.tn, seg.ta);
var dtb = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(seg.tn, seg.tb);
var n: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.scale(seg.tn, coef, n);
//var n = vec2.scale(seg.tn, coef);
for (var i = 0; i < poly.verts.length; i++)
var v = poly.tverts[i];
if (Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(v, n) < Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(seg.tn, seg.ta) * coef + seg.r)
var dt = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(seg.tn, v);
if (dta >= dt && dt >= dtb)
contactArr.push(new Contact(v, n, dist, (poly.id << 16) | i));
public segment2Poly(seg, poly, contactArr) {
var seg_td = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(seg.tn, seg.ta);
var seg_d1 = poly.distanceOnPlane(seg.tn, seg_td) - seg.r;
if (seg_d1 > 0)
return 0;
var n: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.negative(seg.tn, n);
var seg_d2 = poly.distanceOnPlane(n, -seg_td) - seg.r;
//var seg_d2 = poly.distanceOnPlane(vec2.neg(seg.tn), -seg_td) - seg.r;
if (seg_d2 > 0)
return 0;
var poly_d = -999999;
var poly_i = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < poly.verts.length; i++)
var plane = poly.tplanes[i];
var dist = seg.distanceOnPlane(plane.n, plane.d);
if (dist > 0)
return 0;
if (dist > poly_d)
poly_d = dist;
poly_i = i;
var poly_n: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.negative(poly.tplanes[poly_i].n, poly_n);
//var poly_n = vec2.neg(poly.tplanes[poly_i].n);
var va: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(seg.ta, poly_n, seg.r, va);
//var va = vec2.mad(seg.ta, poly_n, seg.r);
var vb: Phaser.Vec2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(seg.tb, poly_n, seg.r, vb);
//var vb = vec2.mad(seg.tb, poly_n, seg.r);
if (poly.containPoint(va))
contactArr.push(new Contact(va, poly_n, poly_d, (seg.id << 16) | 0));
if (poly.containPoint(vb))
contactArr.push(new Contact(vb, poly_n, poly_d, (seg.id << 16) | 1));
// Floating point precision problems here.
// This will have to do for now.
poly_d -= 0.1
if (seg_d1 >= poly_d || seg_d2 >= poly_d)
if (seg_d1 > seg_d2)
this.findPointsBehindSeg(contactArr, seg, poly, seg_d1, 1);
this.findPointsBehindSeg(contactArr, seg, poly, seg_d2, -1);
// If no other collision points are found, try colliding endpoints.
if (contactArr.length == 0)
var poly_a = poly.tverts[poly_i];
var poly_b = poly.tverts[(poly_i + 1) % poly.verts.length];
if (this._circle2Circle(seg.ta, seg.r, poly_a, 0, contactArr))
return 1;
if (this._circle2Circle(seg.tb, seg.r, poly_a, 0, contactArr))
return 1;
if (this._circle2Circle(seg.ta, seg.r, poly_b, 0, contactArr))
return 1;
if (this._circle2Circle(seg.tb, seg.r, poly_b, 0, contactArr))
return 1;
return contactArr.length;
// Find the minimum separating axis for the given poly and plane list.
public findMSA(poly, planes, num) {
var min_dist = -999999;
var min_index = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++)
var dist = poly.distanceOnPlane(planes[i].n, planes[i].d);
if (dist > 0)
{ // no collision
return { dist: 0, index: -1 };
else if (dist > min_dist)
min_dist = dist;
min_index = i;
// new object - see what we can do here
return { dist: min_dist, index: min_index };
public findVertsFallback(contactArr, poly1, poly2, n, dist) {
var num = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < poly1.verts.length; i++)
var v = poly1.tverts[i];
if (poly2.containPointPartial(v, n))
contactArr.push(new Contact(v, n, dist, (poly1.id << 16) | i));
for (var i = 0; i < poly2.verts.length; i++)
var v = poly2.tverts[i];
if (poly1.containPointPartial(v, n))
contactArr.push(new Contact(v, n, dist, (poly2.id << 16) | i));
return num;
// Find the overlapped vertices.
public findVerts(contactArr, poly1, poly2, n, dist) {
var num = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < poly1.verts.length; i++)
var v = poly1.tverts[i];
if (poly2.containPoint(v))
contactArr.push(new Contact(v, n, dist, (poly1.id << 16) | i));
for (var i = 0; i < poly2.verts.length; i++)
var v = poly2.tverts[i];
if (poly1.containPoint(v))
contactArr.push(new Contact(v, n, dist, (poly2.id << 16) | i));
return num > 0 ? num : this.findVertsFallback(contactArr, poly1, poly2, n, dist);
public poly2Poly(poly1, poly2, contactArr) {
var msa1 = this.findMSA(poly2, poly1.tplanes, poly1.verts.length);
if (msa1.index == -1)
return 0;
var msa2 = this.findMSA(poly1, poly2.tplanes, poly2.verts.length);
if (msa2.index == -1)
return 0;
// Penetration normal direction shoud be from poly1 to poly2
if (msa1.dist > msa2.dist)
return this.findVerts(contactArr, poly1, poly2, poly1.tplanes[msa1.index].n, msa1.dist);
return this.findVerts(contactArr, poly1, poly2, Phaser.Vec2Utils.negative(poly2.tplanes[msa2.index].n), msa2.dist);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="Shape.ts" />
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - Contact
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
export class Contact {
constructor(p, n, d, hash) {
this.hash = hash;
this.point = p;
this.normal = n;
this.depth = d;
this.lambdaNormal = 0;
this.lambdaTangential = 0;
public hash;
// Linear velocities at contact point
public r1: Phaser.Vec2;
public r2: Phaser.Vec2;
public r1_local;
public r2_local;
// Bounce velocity
public bounce;
public emn;
public emt;
// Contact point
public point;
// Contact normal (toward shape2)
public normal: Phaser.Vec2;
// Penetration depth (d < 0)
public depth;
// Accumulated normal constraint impulse
public lambdaNormal;
// Accumulated tangential constraint impulse
public lambdaTangential;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="Shape.ts" />
/// <reference path="Contact.ts" />
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - ContactSolver
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
// Contact Constraint
// Non-penetration constraint:
// C = dot(p2 - p1, n)
// Cdot = dot(v2 - v1, n)
// J = [ -n, -cross(r1, n), n, cross(r2, n) ]
// impulse = JT * lambda = [ -n * lambda, -cross(r1, n) * lambda, n * lambda, cross(r1, n) * lambda ]
// Friction constraint:
// C = dot(p2 - p1, t)
// Cdot = dot(v2 - v1, t)
// J = [ -t, -cross(r1, t), t, cross(r2, t) ]
// impulse = JT * lambda = [ -t * lambda, -cross(r1, t) * lambda, t * lambda, cross(r1, t) * lambda ]
// NOTE: lambda is an impulse in constraint space.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
export class ContactSolver {
constructor(shape1, shape2) {
this.shape1 = shape1;
this.shape2 = shape2;
this.contacts = [];
this.elasticity = 1;
this.friction = 1;
public shape1;
public shape2;
// Contact list
public contacts: Contact[];
// Coefficient of restitution (elasticity)
public elasticity: number;
// Frictional coefficient
public friction: number;
public update(newContactArr: Contact[]) {
for (var i = 0; i < newContactArr.length; i++)
var newContact = newContactArr[i];
var k = -1;
for (var j = 0; j < this.contacts.length; j++)
if (newContact.hash == this.contacts[j].hash)
k = j;
if (k > -1)
newContact.lambdaNormal = this.contacts[k].lambdaNormal;
newContact.lambdaTangential = this.contacts[k].lambdaTangential;
this.contacts = newContactArr;
public initSolver(dt_inv) {
var body1: Body = this.shape1.body;
var body2: Body = this.shape2.body;
var sum_m_inv = body1.massInverted + body2.massInverted;
for (var i = 0; i < this.contacts.length; i++)
var con = this.contacts[i];
// Transformed r1, r2
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(con.point, body1.position, con.r1);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(con.point, body2.position, con.r2);
//con.r1 = vec2.sub(con.point, body1.p);
//con.r2 = vec2.sub(con.point, body2.p);
// Local r1, r2
con.r1_local = body1.transform.unrotate(con.r1);
con.r2_local = body2.transform.unrotate(con.r2);
var n = con.normal;
var t = Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(con.normal);
// invEMn = J * invM * JT
// J = [ -n, -cross(r1, n), n, cross(r2, n) ]
var sn1 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(con.r1, n);
var sn2 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(con.r2, n);
var emn_inv = sum_m_inv + body1.inertiaInverted * sn1 * sn1 + body2.inertiaInverted * sn2 * sn2;
con.emn = emn_inv == 0 ? 0 : 1 / emn_inv;
// invEMt = J * invM * JT
// J = [ -t, -cross(r1, t), t, cross(r2, t) ]
var st1 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(con.r1, t);
var st2 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(con.r2, t);
var emt_inv = sum_m_inv + body1.inertiaInverted * st1 * st1 + body2.inertiaInverted * st2 * st2;
con.emt = emt_inv == 0 ? 0 : 1 / emt_inv;
// Linear velocities at contact point
// in 2D: cross(w, r) = perp(r) * w
var v1 = new Phaser.Vec2;
var v2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(body1.velocity, Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(con.r1), body1.angularVelocity, v1);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(body2.velocity, Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(con.r2), body2.angularVelocity, v2);
//var v1 = vec2.mad(body1.v, vec2.perp(con.r1), body1.w);
//var v2 = vec2.mad(body2.v, vec2.perp(con.r2), body2.w);
// relative velocity at contact point
var rv = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(v2, v1, rv);
//var rv = vec2.sub(v2, v1);
// bounce velocity dot n
con.bounce = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(rv, con.normal) * this.elasticity;
public warmStart() {
var body1: Body = this.shape1.body;
var body2: Body = this.shape2.body;
for (var i = 0; i < this.contacts.length; i++)
var con = this.contacts[i];
var n = con.normal;
var lambda_n = con.lambdaNormal;
var lambda_t = con.lambdaTangential;
// Apply accumulated impulses
//var impulse = vec2.rotate_vec(new vec2(lambda_n, lambda_t), n);
//var impulse = new vec2(lambda_n * n.x - lambda_t * n.y, lambda_t * n.x + lambda_n * n.y);
var impulse = new Phaser.Vec2(lambda_n * n.x - lambda_t * n.y, lambda_t * n.x + lambda_n * n.y);
body1.velocity.multiplyAddByScalar(impulse, -body1.massInverted);
//body1.v.mad(impulse, -body1.m_inv);
body1.angularVelocity -= Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(con.r1, impulse) * body1.inertiaInverted;
//body1.w -= vec2.cross(con.r1, impulse) * body1.i_inv;
body2.velocity.multiplyAddByScalar(impulse, -body2.massInverted);
//body2.v.mad(impulse, body2.m_inv);
body2.angularVelocity -= Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(con.r2, impulse) * body2.inertiaInverted;
//body2.w += vec2.cross(con.r2, impulse) * body2.i_inv;
public solveVelocityConstraints() {
var body1: Body = this.shape1.body;
var body2: Body = this.shape2.body;
var m1_inv = body1.massInverted;
var i1_inv = body1.inertiaInverted;
var m2_inv = body2.massInverted;
var i2_inv = body2.inertiaInverted;
for (var i = 0; i < this.contacts.length; i++)
var con = this.contacts[i];
var n = con.normal;
var t = Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(n);
var r1 = con.r1;
var r2 = con.r2;
// Linear velocities at contact point
// in 2D: cross(w, r) = perp(r) * w
var v1 = new Phaser.Vec2;
var v2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(body1.velocity, Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(r1), body1.angularVelocity, v1);
//var v1 = vec2.mad(body1.v, vec2.perp(r1), body1.w);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.multiplyAdd(body2.velocity, Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(r2), body2.angularVelocity, v2);
//var v2 = vec2.mad(body2.v, vec2.perp(r2), body2.w);
// Relative velocity at contact point
var rv = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(v2, v1, rv);
//var rv = vec2.sub(v2, v1);
// Compute normal constraint impulse + adding bounce as a velocity bias
// lambda_n = -EMn * J * V
var lambda_n = -con.emn * (Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(n, rv) + con.bounce);
// Accumulate and clamp
var lambda_n_old = con.lambdaNormal;
con.lambdaNormal = Math.max(lambda_n_old + lambda_n, 0);
lambda_n = con.lambdaNormal - lambda_n_old;
// Compute frictional constraint impulse
// lambda_t = -EMt * J * V
var lambda_t = -con.emt * Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(t, rv);
// Max friction constraint impulse (Coulomb's Law)
var lambda_t_max = con.lambdaNormal * this.friction;
// Accumulate and clamp
var lambda_t_old = con.lambdaTangential;
con.lambdaTangential = this.clamp(lambda_t_old + lambda_t, -lambda_t_max, lambda_t_max);
lambda_t = con.lambdaTangential - lambda_t_old;
// Apply the final impulses
//var impulse = vec2.rotate_vec(new vec2(lambda_n, lambda_t), n);
var impulse = new Phaser.Vec2(lambda_n * n.x - lambda_t * n.y, lambda_t * n.x + lambda_n * n.y);
body1.velocity.multiplyAddByScalar(impulse, -m1_inv);
//body1.v.mad(impulse, -m1_inv);
body1.angularVelocity -= Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(r1, impulse) * i1_inv;
//body1.w -= vec2.cross(r1, impulse) * i1_inv;
body2.velocity.multiplyAddByScalar(impulse, m2_inv);
//body2.v.mad(impulse, m2_inv);
body1.angularVelocity += Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(r2, impulse) * i2_inv;
//body2.w += vec2.cross(r2, impulse) * i2_inv;
public solvePositionConstraints() {
var body1: Body = this.shape1.body;
var body2: Body = this.shape2.body;
var m1_inv = body1.massInverted;
var i1_inv = body1.inertiaInverted;
var m2_inv = body2.massInverted;
var i2_inv = body2.inertiaInverted;
var sum_m_inv = m1_inv + m2_inv;
var max_penetration = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.contacts.length; i++)
var con = this.contacts[i];
var n = con.normal;
var r1 = new Phaser.Vec2;
var r2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
// Transformed r1, r2
Phaser.Vec2Utils.rotate(con.r1_local, body1.angle, r1);
//var r1 = vec2.rotate(con.r1_local, body1.a);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.rotate(con.r2_local, body2.angle, r2);
//var r2 = vec2.rotate(con.r2_local, body2.a);
// Contact points (corrected)
var p1 = new Phaser.Vec2;
var p2 = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.add(body1.position, r1, p1);
//var p1 = vec2.add(body1.p, r1);
Phaser.Vec2Utils.add(body2.position, r2, p2);
//var p2 = vec2.add(body2.p, r2);
// Corrected delta vector
var dp = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(p2, p1);
//var dp = vec2.sub(p2, p1);
// Position constraint
var c = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(dp, n) + con.depth;
if (correction == 0)
// We don't need max_penetration less than or equal slop
max_penetration = Math.max(max_penetration, -c);
// Compute lambda for position constraint
// Solve (J * invM * JT) * lambda = -C / dt
var sn1 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(r1, n);
var sn2 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(r2, n);
var em_inv = sum_m_inv + body1.inertiaInverted * sn1 * sn1 + body2.inertiaInverted * sn2 * sn2;
var lambda_dt = em_inv == 0 ? 0 : -correction / em_inv;
// Apply correction impulses
var impulse_dt = new Phaser.Vec2;
Phaser.Vec2Utils.scale(n, lambda_dt, impulse_dt);
//var impulse_dt = vec2.scale(n, lambda_dt);
body1.position.multiplyAddByScalar(impulse_dt, -m1_inv);
//body1.p.mad(impulse_dt, -m1_inv);
body1.angle -= sn1 * lambda_dt * i1_inv;
body2.position.multiplyAddByScalar(impulse_dt, m2_inv);
//body2.p.mad(impulse_dt, m2_inv);
body2.angle += sn2 * lambda_dt * i2_inv;
return max_penetration <= Manager.CONTACT_SOLVER_COLLISION_SLOP * 3;
public clamp(v, min, max) {
return v < min ? min : (v > max ? max : v);
@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
public static JOINT_LIMIT_STATE_AT_UPPER: number = 2;
public static JOINT_LIMIT_STATE_EQUAL_LIMITS: number = 3;
public static CONTACT_SOLVER_COLLISION_SLOP: number = 0.0008;
public static CONTACT_SOLVER_BAUMGARTE: number = 0.28;
public static CONTACT_SOLVER_MAX_LINEAR_CORRECTION: number = 1;//Infinity;
public static bodyCounter: number = 0;
public static jointCounter: number = 0;
public static shapeCounter: number = 0;
@ -68,6 +72,159 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
return value * 50;
public static areaForCircle(radius_outer, radius_inner) {
return Math.PI * (radius_outer * radius_outer - radius_inner * radius_inner);
public static inertiaForCircle(mass, center, radius_outer, radius_inner) {
return mass * ((radius_outer * radius_outer + radius_inner * radius_inner) * 0.5 + center.lengthsq());
public static areaForSegment(a, b, radius) {
return radius * (Math.PI * radius + 2 * Phaser.Vec2Utils.distance(a, b));
public static centroidForSegment(a, b) {
return Phaser.Vec2Utils.scale(Phaser.Vec2Utils.add(a, b), 0.5);
public static inertiaForSegment(mass, a, b) {
var distsq = Phaser.Vec2Utils.distanceSq(b, a);
var offset: Phaser.Vec2 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.scale(Phaser.Vec2Utils.add(a, b), 0.5);
return mass * (distsq / 12 + offset.lengthSq());
public static areaForPoly(verts) {
var area = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < verts.length; i++)
area += Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(verts[i], verts[(i + 1) % verts.length]);
return area / 2;
public static centroidForPoly(verts) {
var area = 0;
var vsum = new Phaser.Vec2;
for (var i = 0; i < verts.length; i++)
var v1 = verts[i];
var v2 = verts[(i + 1) % verts.length];
var cross = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(v1, v2);
area += cross;
// SO many vecs created here - unroll these bad boys
vsum.add(Phaser.Vec2Utils.scale(Phaser.Vec2Utils.add(v1, v2), cross));
return Phaser.Vec2Utils.scale(vsum, 1 / (3 * area));
public static inertiaForPoly(mass, verts, offset) {
var sum1 = 0;
var sum2 = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < verts.length; i++)
var v1 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.add(verts[i], offset);
var v2 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.add(verts[(i + 1) % verts.length], offset);
var a = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(v2, v1);
var b = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(v1, v1) + Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(v1, v2) + Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(v2, v2);
sum1 += a * b;
sum2 += a;
return (mass * sum1) / (6 * sum2);
public static inertiaForBox(mass, w, h) {
return mass * (w * w + h * h) / 12;
// Create the convex hull using the Gift wrapping algorithm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gift_wrapping_algorithm)
public static createConvexHull(points) {
// Find the right most point on the hull
var i0 = 0;
var x0 = points[0].x;
for (var i = 1; i < points.length; i++)
var x = points[i].x;
if (x > x0 || (x == x0 && points[i].y < points[i0].y))
i0 = i;
x0 = x;
var n = points.length;
var hull = [];
var m = 0;
var ih = i0;
while (1)
hull[m] = ih;
var ie = 0;
for (var j = 1; j < n; j++)
if (ie == ih)
ie = j;
var r = Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(points[ie], points[hull[m]]);
var v = Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(points[j], points[hull[m]]);
var c = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(r, v);
if (c < 0)
ie = j;
// Collinearity check
if (c == 0 && v.lengthSq() > r.lengthSq())
ie = j;
ih = ie;
if (ie == i0)
// Copy vertices
var newPoints = [];
for (var i = 0; i < m; ++i)
return newPoints;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="Shape.ts" />
/// <reference path="ShapePoly.ts" />
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - ShapeBox
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
export class ShapeBox extends Phaser.Physics.Advanced.ShapePoly {
constructor(x, y, width, height) {
var hw = width * 0.5;
var hh = height * 0.5;
new Phaser.Vec2(-hw + x, +hh + y),
new Phaser.Vec2(-hw + x, -hh + y),
new Phaser.Vec2(+hw + x, -hh + y),
new Phaser.Vec2(+hw + x, +hh + y)
@ -15,14 +15,81 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
export class ShapeCircle extends Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shape {
constructor() {
constructor(radius: number, x?: number = 0, y?: number = 0) {
this.center = new Phaser.Vec2(x, y);
this.radius = radius;
this.tc = new Phaser.Vec2;
public radius: number;
public center: Phaser.Vec2;
public tc: Phaser.Vec2;
public finishVerts() {
this.radius = Math.abs(this.radius);
public duplicate() {
return new ShapeCircle(this.center.x, this.center.y, this.radius);
public recenter(c) {
public transform(xf) {
this.center = xf.transform(this.center);
public untransform(xf) {
this.center = xf.untransform(this.center);
public area() {
return Manager.areaForCircle(this.radius, 0);
public centroid() {
//return this.center.duplicate();
public inertia(mass) {
return Manager.inertiaForCircle(mass, this.center, this.radius, 0);
public cacheData(xf) {
this.tc = xf.transform(this.center);
this.bounds.mins.set(this.tc.x - this.radius, this.tc.y - this.radius);
this.bounds.maxs.set(this.tc.x + this.radius, this.tc.y + this.radius);
public pointQuery(p) {
//return vec2.distsq(this.tc, p) < (this.r * this.r);
return Phaser.Vec2Utils.distanceSq(this.tc, p) < (this.radius * this.radius);
public findVertexByPoint(p, minDist) {
var dsq = minDist * minDist;
if (Phaser.Vec2Utils.distanceSq(this.tc, p) < dsq)
return 0;
return -1;
public distanceOnPlane(n, d) {
Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(n, this.tc) - this.radius - d;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="Shape.ts" />
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - ShapePoly (convex only)
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
export class ShapePoly extends Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shape {
constructor(verts?:Phaser.Vec2[]) {
this.verts = [];
this.planes = [];
this.tverts = [];
this.tplanes = [];
if (verts)
for (var i = 0; i < verts.length; i++)
Phaser.Vec2Utils.clone(verts[i], this.verts[i]);
this.tverts[i] = this.verts[i];
this.tplanes[i] = {};
this.tplanes[i].n = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.tplanes[i].d = 0;
public verts: Phaser.Vec2[];
public planes;
public tverts;
public tplanes;
public convexity: bool;
public finishVerts() {
if (this.verts.length < 2)
this.convexity = false;
this.planes = [];
this.convexity = true;
this.tverts = [];
this.tplanes = [];
// Must be counter-clockwise verts
for (var i = 0; i < this.verts.length; i++)
var a = this.verts[i];
var b = this.verts[(i + 1) % this.verts.length];
var n = Phaser.Vec2Utils.normalize(Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(a, b)));
this.planes[i] = {};
this.planes[i].n = n;
this.planes[i].d = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(n, a);
this.tverts[i] = this.verts[i];
this.tplanes[i] = {};
this.tplanes[i].n = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.tplanes[i].d = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.verts.length; i++)
var b = this.verts[(i + 2) % this.verts.length];
var n = this.planes[i].n;
var d = this.planes[i].d;
if (Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(n, b) - d > 0)
this.convexity = false;
public duplicate() {
return new ShapePoly(this.verts);
public recenter(c) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.verts.length; i++)
public transform(xf) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.verts.length; i++)
this.verts[i] = xf.transform(this.verts[i]);
public untransform(xf) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.verts.length; i++)
this.verts[i] = xf.untransform(this.verts[i]);
public area() {
return Manager.areaForPoly(this.verts);
public centroid() {
return Manager.centroidForPoly(this.verts);
public inertia(mass) {
return Manager.inertiaForPoly(mass, this.verts, new Phaser.Vec2);
public cacheData(xf) {
var numVerts = this.verts.length;
if (numVerts == 0)
for (var i = 0; i < numVerts; i++)
this.tverts[i] = xf.transform(this.verts[i]);
if (numVerts < 2)
for (var i = 0; i < numVerts; i++)
var a = this.tverts[i];
var b = this.tverts[(i + 1) % numVerts];
var n = Phaser.Vec2Utils.normalize(Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(a, b)));
this.tplanes[i].n = n;
this.tplanes[i].d = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(n, a);
public pointQuery(p) {
if (!this.bounds.containPoint(p))
return false;
return this.containPoint(p);
public findVertexByPoint(p, minDist) {
var dsq = minDist * minDist;
for (var i = 0; i < this.tverts.length; i++)
if (Phaser.Vec2Utils.distanceSq(this.tverts[i], p) < dsq)
return i;
return -1;
public findEdgeByPoint(p, minDist) {
var dsq = minDist * minDist;
var numVerts = this.tverts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < this.tverts.length; i++)
var v1 = this.tverts[i];
var v2 = this.tverts[(i + 1) % numVerts];
var n = this.tplanes[i].n;
var dtv1 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(v1, n);
var dtv2 = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(v2, n);
var dt = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(p, n);
if (dt > dtv1)
if (Phaser.Vec2Utils.distanceSq(v1, p) < dsq)
return i;
else if (dt < dtv2)
if (Phaser.Vec2Utils.distanceSq(v2, p) < dsq)
return i;
var dist = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(n, p) - Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(n, v1);
if (dist * dist < dsq)
return i;
return -1;
public distanceOnPlane(n, d) {
var min = 999999;
for (var i = 0; i < this.verts.length; i++)
min = Math.min(min, Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(n, this.tverts[i]));
return min - d;
public containPoint(p) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.verts.length; i++)
var plane = this.tplanes[i];
if (Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(plane.n, p) - plane.d > 0)
return false;
return true;
public containPointPartial(p, n) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.verts.length; i++)
var plane = this.tplanes[i];
if (Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(plane.n, n) < 0.0001)
if (Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(plane.n, p) - plane.d > 0)
return false;
return true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="Shape.ts" />
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - Shape
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
export class ShapeSegment extends Phaser.Physics.Advanced.Shape {
constructor(a, b, radius: number) {
// What types are A and B??!
this.a = a.duplicate();
this.b = b.duplicate();
this.radius = radius;
this.normal = Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(b, a));
this.ta = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.tb = new Phaser.Vec2;
this.tn = new Phaser.Vec2;
public a: Phaser.Vec2;
public b: Phaser.Vec2;
public radius: number;
public normal: Phaser.Vec2;
public ta: Phaser.Vec2;
public tb: Phaser.Vec2;
public tn: Phaser.Vec2;
public finishVerts() {
this.normal = Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(this.b, this.a));
this.radius = Math.abs(this.radius);
public duplicate() {
return new ShapeSegment(this.a, this.b, this.radius);
public recenter(c) {
public transform(xf) {
this.a = xf.transform(this.a);
this.b = xf.transform(this.b);
public untransform(xf) {
this.a = xf.untransform(this.a);
this.b = xf.untransform(this.b);
public area() {
return Manager.areaForSegment(this.a, this.b, this.radius);
public centroid() {
return Manager.centroidForSegment(this.a, this.b);
public inertia(mass) {
return Manager.inertiaForSegment(mass, this.a, this.b);
public cacheData(xf) {
this.ta = xf.transform(this.a);
this.tb = xf.transform(this.b);
this.tn = Phaser.Vec2Utils.perp(Phaser.Vec2Utils.subtract(this.tb, this.ta)).normalize();
var l;
var r;
var t;
var b;
if (this.ta.x < this.tb.x)
l = this.ta.x;
r = this.tb.x;
l = this.tb.x;
r = this.ta.x;
if (this.ta.y < this.tb.y)
b = this.ta.y;
t = this.tb.y;
} else
b = this.tb.y;
t = this.ta.y;
this.bounds.mins.set(l - this.radius, b - this.radius);
this.bounds.maxs.set(r + this.radius, t + this.radius);
public pointQuery(p) {
if (!this.bounds.containPoint(p))
return false;
var dn = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(this.tn, p) - Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(this.ta, this.tn);
var dist = Math.abs(dn);
if (dist > this.radius)
return false;
var dt = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(p, this.tn);
var dta = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(this.ta, this.tn);
var dtb = Phaser.Vec2Utils.cross(this.tb, this.tn);
if (dt <= dta)
if (dt < dta - this.radius)
return false;
return Phaser.Vec2Utils.distanceSq(this.ta, p) < (this.radius * this.radius);
else if (dt > dtb)
if (dt > dtb + this.radius)
return false;
return Phaser.Vec2Utils.distanceSq(this.tb, p) < (this.radius * this.radius);
return true;
public findVertexByPoint(p, minDist) {
var dsq = minDist * minDist;
if (Phaser.Vec2Utils.distanceSq(this.ta, p) < dsq)
return 0;
if (Phaser.Vec2Utils.distanceSq(this.tb, p) < dsq)
return 1;
return -1;
public distanceOnPlane(n, d) {
var a = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(n, this.ta) - this.radius;
var b = Phaser.Vec2Utils.dot(n, this.tb) - this.radius;
return Math.min(a, b) - d;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../geom/Point.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../math/Vec2Utils.ts" />
/// <reference path="Manager.ts" />
/// <reference path="Body.ts" />
/// <reference path="Shape.ts" />
/// <reference path="ShapePoly.ts" />
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - ShapeTriangle
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
export class ShapeTriangle extends Phaser.Physics.Advanced.ShapePoly {
constructor(p1, p2, p3) {
super( [ new Phaser.Vec2(p1.x, p1.y), new Phaser.Vec2(p2.x, p2.y), new Phaser.Vec2(p3.x, p3.y) ] );
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -572,6 +572,12 @@ module Phaser {
public lengthSq(): number;
* Normalize this vector.
* @return {Vec2} This for chaining.
public normalize(): Vec2;
* The dot product of two 2D vectors.
* @param {Vec2} a Reference to a source Vec2 object.
@ -2396,6 +2402,14 @@ module Phaser {
static multiplyAdd(a: Vec2, b: Vec2, s: number, out?: Vec2): Vec2;
* Return a negative vector.
* @param {Vec2} a Reference to a source Vec2 object.
* @param {Vec2} out The output Vec2 that is the result of the operation.
* @return {Vec2} A Vec2 that is the negative vector.
static negative(a: Vec2, out?: Vec2): Vec2;
* Return a perpendicular vector (90 degrees rotation)
* @param {Vec2} a Reference to a source Vec2 object.
@ -2519,7 +2533,17 @@ module Phaser {
* @param {Vec2} out The output Vec2 that is the result of the operation.
* @return {Vec2} A Vec2.
static rotate(a: Vec2, b: Vec2, theta: number, out?: Vec2): Vec2;
static rotateAroundOrigin(a: Vec2, b: Vec2, theta: number, out?: Vec2): Vec2;
* Rotate a 2D vector to the given angle (theta).
* @param {Vec2} a Reference to a source Vec2 object.
* @param {Vec2} b Reference to a source Vec2 object.
* @param {Number} theta The angle of rotation in radians.
* @param {Vec2} out The output Vec2 that is the result of the operation.
* @return {Vec2} A Vec2.
static rotate(a: Vec2, theta: number, out?: Vec2): Vec2;
* Clone a 2D vector.
@ -9579,6 +9603,9 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
static bodyCounter: number;
static jointCounter: number;
static shapeCounter: number;
@ -9586,6 +9613,16 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
static metersToPixels(value: number): number;
static p2m(value: number): number;
static m2p(value: number): number;
static areaForCircle(radius_outer, radius_inner): number;
static inertiaForCircle(mass, center, radius_outer, radius_inner): number;
static areaForSegment(a, b, radius): number;
static centroidForSegment(a, b): Vec2;
static inertiaForSegment(mass, a, b): number;
static areaForPoly(verts): number;
static centroidForPoly(verts): Vec2;
static inertiaForPoly(mass, verts, offset): number;
static inertiaForBox(mass, w, h): number;
static createConvexHull(points): any[];
@ -9728,13 +9765,172 @@ module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - Contact
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
class Contact {
constructor(p, n, d, hash);
public hash;
public r1: Vec2;
public r2: Vec2;
public r1_local;
public r2_local;
public bounce;
public emn;
public emt;
public point;
public normal: Vec2;
public depth;
public lambdaNormal;
public lambdaTangential;
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - Shape
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
class ShapeCircle extends Shape {
constructor(radius: number, x?: number, y?: number);
public radius: number;
public center: Vec2;
public tc: Vec2;
public finishVerts(): void;
public duplicate(): ShapeCircle;
public recenter(c): void;
public transform(xf): void;
public untransform(xf): void;
public area(): number;
public centroid(): void;
public inertia(mass): number;
public cacheData(xf): void;
public pointQuery(p): bool;
public findVertexByPoint(p, minDist): number;
public distanceOnPlane(n, d): void;
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - Collision Handlers
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
class Collision {
public collide(a, b, contacts: Contact[]);
private _circle2Circle(c1, r1, c2, r2, contactArr);
public circle2Circle(circ1, circ2, contactArr): number;
public circle2Segment(circ: ShapeCircle, seg, contactArr: Contact[]): number;
public circle2Poly(circ: ShapeCircle, poly, contactArr: Contact[]): number;
public segmentPointDistanceSq(seg, p): number;
public segment2Segment(seg1, seg2, contactArr): number;
public findPointsBehindSeg(contactArr, seg, poly, dist, coef): void;
public segment2Poly(seg, poly, contactArr);
public findMSA(poly, planes, num): {
dist: number;
index: number;
public findVertsFallback(contactArr, poly1, poly2, n, dist): number;
public findVerts(contactArr, poly1, poly2, n, dist): number;
public poly2Poly(poly1, poly2, contactArr): number;
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
class ContactSolver {
constructor(shape1, shape2);
public shape1;
public shape2;
public contacts: Contact[];
public elasticity: number;
public friction: number;
public update(newContactArr: Contact[]): void;
public initSolver(dt_inv): void;
public warmStart(): void;
public solveVelocityConstraints(): void;
public solvePositionConstraints(): bool;
public clamp(v, min, max);
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - ShapePoly (convex only)
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
class ShapePoly extends Shape {
constructor(verts?: Vec2[]);
public verts: Vec2[];
public planes;
public tverts;
public tplanes;
public convexity: bool;
public finishVerts(): void;
public duplicate(): ShapePoly;
public recenter(c): void;
public transform(xf): void;
public untransform(xf): void;
public area(): number;
public centroid(): Vec2;
public inertia(mass): number;
public cacheData(xf): void;
public pointQuery(p): bool;
public findVertexByPoint(p, minDist): number;
public findEdgeByPoint(p, minDist): number;
public distanceOnPlane(n, d): number;
public containPoint(p): bool;
public containPointPartial(p, n): bool;
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - ShapeBox
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
class ShapeBox extends ShapePoly {
constructor(x, y, width, height);
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - Shape
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
class ShapeSegment extends Shape {
constructor(a, b, radius: number);
public a: Vec2;
public b: Vec2;
public radius: number;
public normal: Vec2;
public ta: Vec2;
public tb: Vec2;
public tn: Vec2;
public finishVerts(): void;
public duplicate(): ShapeSegment;
public recenter(c): void;
public transform(xf): void;
public untransform(xf): void;
public area(): number;
public centroid(): Vec2;
public inertia(mass): number;
public cacheData(xf): void;
public pointQuery(p): bool;
public findVertexByPoint(p, minDist): number;
public distanceOnPlane(n, d): number;
* Phaser - Advanced Physics - ShapeTriangle
* Based on the work Ju Hyung Lee started in JS PhyRus.
module Phaser.Physics.Advanced {
class ShapeTriangle extends ShapePoly {
constructor(p1, p2, p3);
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