rnd updated so the array picks use length -1 (fixes #541)

This commit is contained in:
photonstorm 2014-03-11 10:56:54 +00:00
parent 384451bef7
commit 170776ada1
4 changed files with 211 additions and 61 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
// var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render });
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.CANVAS, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render });
function preload() {
game.load.image('block', 'assets/sprites/block.png');
game.load.spritesheet('ninja-tiles', 'assets/physics/ninja-tiles128.png', 128, 128, 34);
var sprite1;
var sprite2;
var tile;
var cursors;
function create() {
sprite1 = game.add.sprite(100, 450, 'block');
sprite1.name = 'blockA';
sprite2 = game.add.sprite(600, 450, 'block');
sprite2.name = 'blockB';
sprite2.tint = Math.random() * 0xffffff;
game.physics.ninja.enableAABB([sprite1, sprite2]);
// sprite1.body.immovable = true;
sprite1.body.immovable = false;
// sprite2.body.immovable = true;
sprite2.body.immovable = false;
cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
game.input.onDown.add(t, this);
function t() {
sprite1.body.shape.oldpos.x = sprite1.body.shape.pos.x - 20;
sprite2.body.shape.oldpos.x = sprite2.body.shape.pos.x + 20;
function update() {
// Whichever one goes first utterly changes how the collision happens!
game.physics.ninja.collide(sprite1, sprite2);
// game.physics.ninja.collide(sprite2, sprite1);
// game.physics.ninja.collide(sprite1, tile);
// game.physics.ninja.collide(sprite2, tile);
// sprite1.body.moveRight(5);
if (cursors.left.isDown)
else if (cursors.right.isDown)
// if (cursors.up.isDown && sprite1.body.touching.down)
if (cursors.up.isDown)
// sprite1.body.moveUp(1000);
// else if (cursors.down.isDown)
// {
// sprite1.body.moveDown(20);
// }
function render() {
game.debug.text('left: ' + sprite1.body.touching.left, 32, 32);
game.debug.text('right: ' + sprite1.body.touching.right, 256, 32);
game.debug.text('up: ' + sprite1.body.touching.up, 32, 64);
game.debug.text('down: ' + sprite1.body.touching.down, 256, 64);

View file

@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ Phaser.RandomDataGenerator.prototype = {
* @return {any} A random member of the array.
pick: function (ary) {
return ary[this.integerInRange(0, ary.length)];
return ary[this.integerInRange(0, ary.length - 1)];
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ Phaser.RandomDataGenerator.prototype = {
* @return {any} A random member of the array.
weightedPick: function (ary) {
return ary[~~(Math.pow(this.frac(), 2) * ary.length)];
return ary[~~(Math.pow(this.frac(), 2) * (ary.length - 1))];

View file

@ -212,82 +212,140 @@ Phaser.Physics.Ninja.AABB.prototype = {
reportCollisionVsBody: function (px, py, dx, dy, obj) {
// Here - we check if obj is immovable, etc and then we canswap the p/o values below depending on which is heavy
// But then still need to work out how to split force
var vx1 = this.pos.x - this.oldpos.x; // Calc velocity of this object
var vy1 = this.pos.y - this.oldpos.y;
var dp1 = (vx1 * dx + vy1 * dy); // Find component of velocity parallel to collision normal
var nx1 = dp1 * dx; // Project velocity onto collision normal
var ny1 = dp1 * dy; // nx, ny is normal velocity
var p = this.pos;
var o = this.oldpos;
var dx2 = dx * -1;
var dy2 = dy * -1;
var vx2 = obj.pos.x - obj.oldpos.x; // Calc velocity of colliding object
var vy2 = obj.pos.y - obj.oldpos.y;
var dp2 = (vx2 * dx2 + vy2 * dy2); // Find component of velocity parallel to collision normal
var nx2 = dp2 * dx2; // Project velocity onto collision normal
var ny2 = dp2 * dy2; // nx, ny is normal velocity
// Calc velocity
var vx = p.x - o.x;
var vy = p.y - o.y;
// Find component of velocity parallel to collision normal
var dp = (vx * dx + vy * dy);
var nx = dp * dx; //project velocity onto collision normal
var ny = dp * dy; //nx,ny is normal velocity
var tx = vx - nx; //px,py is tangent velocity
var ty = vy - ny;
console.log(this.body.sprite.name, 'hit', obj.body.sprite.name, 'at', px, py, 'dx', dx, dy, 'dx2', dx2, dy2);
console.log(this.body.sprite.name, 'x', (this.pos.x + this.xw), obj.body.sprite.name, 'x', (obj.pos.x - obj.xw));
console.log('vx1', vx1, vy1, 'dp1', dp1, 'nx1', nx1, ny1);
console.log('vx2', vx2, vy2, 'dp2', dp2, 'nx2', nx2, ny2);
// We only want to apply collision response forces if the object is travelling into, and not out of, the collision
var b, bx, by, fx, fy;
if (dp < 0)
if (this.body.immovable && obj.body.immovable)
fx = tx * this.body.friction;
fy = ty * this.body.friction;
// Split the separation then return, no forces applied as they come to a stand-still
px *= 0.5;
py *= 0.5;
b = 1 + this.body.bounce;
this.pos.add(px, py);
this.oldpos.set(this.pos.x, this.pos.y);
bx = (nx * b);
by = (ny * b);
obj.pos.subtract(px, py);
obj.oldpos.set(obj.pos.x, obj.pos.y);
else if (!this.body.immovable && !obj.body.immovable)
// Moving out of collision, do not apply forces
bx = by = fx = fy = 0;
px *= 0.5;
py *= 0.5;
this.pos.add(px, py);
this.oldpos.set(this.pos.x, this.pos.y);
obj.pos.subtract(px, py);
obj.oldpos.set(obj.pos.x, obj.pos.y);
// x velocity
var nv1 = Math.sqrt((vx2 * vx2 * 1) / 1) * ((vx2 > 0) ? 1 : -1);
var nv2 = Math.sqrt((vx1 * vx1 * 1) / 1) * ((vx1 > 0) ? 1 : -1);
var avg = (nv1 + nv2) * 0.5;
nv1 -= avg;
nv2 -= avg;
this.pos.x += avg + nv1 * this.body.bounce;
obj.pos.x += avg + nv2 * obj.body.bounce;
// y velocity
var nv1 = Math.sqrt((vy2 * vy2 * 1) / 1) * ((vy2 > 0) ? 1 : -1);
var nv2 = Math.sqrt((vy1 * vy1 * 1) / 1) * ((vy1 > 0) ? 1 : -1);
var avg = (nv1 + nv2) * 0.5;
nv1 -= avg;
nv2 -= avg;
this.pos.y += avg + nv1 * this.body.bounce;
obj.pos.y += avg + nv2 * obj.body.bounce;
else if (!this.body.immovable)
if (dp1 < 0)
this.pos.add(px, py);
// px + bounce + friction
this.oldpos.x += px + (nx1 * (1 + this.body.bounce)) + ((vx2 - nx1) * this.body.friction);
this.oldpos.y += py + (ny1 * (1 + this.body.bounce)) + ((vy2 - ny1) * this.body.friction);
// Moving out of collision, do not apply forces
this.pos.add(px, py);
this.oldpos.add(px, py);
else if (!obj.body.immovable)
if (dp2 < 0)
obj.pos.add(px, py);
// px + bounce + friction
obj.oldpos.x += px + (nx2 * (1 + obj.body.bounce)) + ((vx2 - nx2) * obj.body.friction);
obj.oldpos.y += py + (ny2 * (1 + obj.body.bounce)) + ((vy2 - ny2) * obj.body.friction);
// Moving out of collision, do not apply forces
obj.pos.add(px, py);
obj.oldpos.add(px, py);
// working version
// p.x += px;
// p.y += py;
// o.x += px + bx + fx;
// o.y += py + by + fy;
// Project object out of collision (applied to the position value)
p.x += px;
p.y += py;
// obj.pos.x += px;
// obj.pos.y += py;
// Apply bounce+friction impulses which alter velocity (applied to old position, thus setting a sort of velocity up)
var rx = px + bx + fx;
var ry = py + by + fy;
if (!body1.immovable && !body2.immovable)
this._overlap *= 0.5;
// let's pretend obj is immovable
// rx *= -1;
// ry *= -1;
body1.x = body1.x - this._overlap;
body2.x += this._overlap;
this._newVelocity1 = Math.sqrt((this._velocity2 * this._velocity2 * body2.mass) / body1.mass) * ((this._velocity2 > 0) ? 1 : -1);
this._newVelocity2 = Math.sqrt((this._velocity1 * this._velocity1 * body1.mass) / body2.mass) * ((this._velocity1 > 0) ? 1 : -1);
this._average = (this._newVelocity1 + this._newVelocity2) * 0.5;
this._newVelocity1 -= this._average;
this._newVelocity2 -= this._average;
// Now let's share the load
o.x += rx;
o.y += ry;
body1.velocity.x = this._average + this._newVelocity1 * body1.bounce.x;
body2.velocity.x = this._average + this._newVelocity2 * body2.bounce.x;
else if (!body1.immovable)
body1.x = body1.x - this._overlap;
body1.velocity.x = this._velocity2 - this._velocity1 * body1.bounce.x;
else if (!body2.immovable)
body2.x += this._overlap;
body2.velocity.x = this._velocity1 - this._velocity2 * body2.bounce.x;
// work out objs velocity
// rx *= -1;
// ry *= -1;
// obj.oldpos.x += rx;
// obj.oldpos.y += ry;
// console.log(this.body.sprite.name, 'o.x', rx, ry, obj);

View file

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Phaser.Physics.Ninja.prototype = {
* @method Phaser.Physics.Ninja#enableBody
* @param {object} object - The game object to create the physics body on. A body will only be created if this object has a null `body` property.
enableBody: function (object) {
enableBody: function (object, type, id, radius) {
if (object.hasOwnProperty('body') && object.body === null)