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synced 2025-02-17 14:38:30 +00:00
Modified my PIXI.Tilemap class to accept the glBatch list of tile source and destination coordinates, convert them into a GL TRIANGLE_STRIP data buffer, then draw them as a single batch WebGL draw.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 90 additions and 250 deletions
@ -64,39 +64,11 @@ PIXI.Tilemap = function(texture, mapwidth, mapheight, tilewidth, tileheight, lay
// calculate size of map
var mapSize = mapwidth * mapheight * 16;
// create buffer with all data required by shader to draw this object
// create buffer data for the webgl rendering of this tile
this.buffer = new PIXI.Float32Array( mapSize * 16 );
* create buffer data for the webgl rendering of this tile
* the buffer has parts of it overwritten for each tile
* but other parts remain constant throughout
// screen destination position of tile corners relative to 0,0 (constant)
// l, b, 0,1
// l, t, 4,5
// r, b, 8,9
// r, t, 12,13
var l = 0;
var r = l + this.tileWide;
var t = 0;
var b = t + this.tileHigh;
for(var i = 0; i < mapSize; i++)
var b = i * 16;
this.buffer[ b + 0 ] = this.buffer[ b + 4 ] = l;
this.buffer[ b + 1 ] = this.buffer[ b + 9 ] = b;
this.buffer[ b + 8 ] = this.buffer[ b + 12] = r;
this.buffer[ b + 5 ] = this.buffer[ b + 13] = t;
this.buffer[ b + 2 ] = this.buffer[ b + 6 ] = 0;
this.buffer[ b + 3 ] = this.buffer[ b + 11] = 1;
this.buffer[ b + 10] = this.buffer[ b + 14] = 1;
this.buffer[ b + 7 ] = this.buffer[ b + 15] = 0;
// constructor
PIXI.Tilemap.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype);
PIXI.Tilemap.prototype.constructor = PIXI.Tilemap;
@ -105,6 +77,7 @@ PIXI.Tilemap.prototype.update = function() {};
PIXI.Tilemap.prototype.postUpdate = function() {};
// override PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer _renderWebGL
PIXI.Tilemap.prototype._renderWebGL = function(renderSession)
// if the sprite is not visible or the alpha is 0 then no need to render this element
@ -123,16 +96,7 @@ PIXI.Tilemap.prototype._renderWebGL = function(renderSession)
switch( this._renderMode )
case 0:
case 1:
@ -149,6 +113,7 @@ PIXI.Tilemap.prototype._initWebGL = function(renderSession)
// create a GL buffer to transfer all the vertex position data through
this.positionBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
// bind the buffer to the RAM resident positionBuffer
gl.bindBuffer( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.positionBuffer );
gl.bufferData( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.buffer, gl.STATIC_DRAW );
@ -191,168 +156,109 @@ PIXI.Tilemap.prototype.makeTransform = function(_x, _y, _angleInRadians, _scaleX
m[8] = 1;
return m;
* render only the visible portion of the tilemap, one layer at a time, one tile at a time
* using a fast webgl tile render
* @param {[type]} renderSession [description]
PIXI.Tilemap.prototype._renderVisibleTiles = function(renderSession)
PIXI.Tilemap.prototype._renderBatch = function( renderSession )
var gl = renderSession.gl;
var shader = renderSession.shaderManager.tilemapShader;
// set the uniforms and texture
gl.uniformMatrix3fv( shader.uProjectionMatrix, false, this.makeProjection(gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight) );
gl.uniform1i( shader.uImageSampler, 0 );
gl.uniform2f(shader.uTileSize, this.tileWide, this.tileHigh);
// check if a texture is dirty..
if ( this.glBatch )
// bind the current texture
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.texture.baseTexture._glTextures[gl.id]);
var gl = renderSession.gl;
// bind the source buffer
gl.bindBuffer( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.positionBuffer );
// TODO: should probably use destination buffer dimensions (halved)
var screenWide2 = this.game.width * 0.5;
var screenHigh2 = this.game.height * 0.5;
// draw the visible portion of the map layer
this._renderVisibleLayer(this.layer, renderSession);
// size of one pixel in the source texture
var iTextureWide = 1.0 / this.texture.width;
var iTextureHigh = 1.0 / this.texture.height;
// size of one tile in the source texture
var srcWide = this.tileWide * iTextureWide;
var srcHigh = this.tileHigh * iTextureHigh;
PIXI.Tilemap.prototype._renderVisibleLayer = function( _layer, renderSession )
var gl = renderSession.gl;
var shader = renderSession.shaderManager.tilemapShader;
// pre-calculate inverse half-buffer dimensions
var iWide = 1.0 / screenWide2;
var iHigh = 1.0 / screenHigh2;
// calculate visible tile extents
var firstX = Math.max(Math.floor(this.scrollX / this.tileWide), 0);
var lastX = Math.min(firstX + Math.ceil(this.game.width / this.tileWide) + 1, this.mapWide);
var firstY = Math.max(Math.floor(this.scrollY / this.tileHigh), 0);
var lastY = Math.min(firstY + Math.ceil(this.game.height / this.tileHigh) + 1, this.mapHigh);
var wide = this.tileWide * 0.5 / screenWide2;
var high = this.tileHigh * 0.5 / screenHigh2;
// TODO: switch to game.width or PIXI equivalent
var screenWide2 = gl.drawingBufferWidth * 0.5;
var screenHigh2 = gl.drawingBufferHeight * 0.5;
var buffer = this.buffer;
var oldR, oldT, uvl, uvt;
// calculate inverse to avoid division in loop
var iWide = 1.0 / screenWide2;
var iHigh = 1.0 / screenHigh2;
// scale tile dimensions for drawing surface size (this shader doesn't do any conversion)
var wide = this.tileWide * 0.5 / screenWide2;
var high = this.tileHigh * 0.5 / screenHigh2;
var buffer = this.buffer;
var oldT, oldR;
var c = 0;
// for all tiles in the visible screen area
for(var ty = firstY; ty < lastY; ty++)
// local row pointer to speed up x access
var layerRow = _layer.data[ty];
// calculate screen position of centre of this tile (in pixels)
var sy = ty * this.tileHigh + this.tileHigh * 0.5;
for(var tx = firstX; tx < lastX; tx++)
// process entire glBatch into a single webGl draw buffer for a TRIANGLE_STRIP blit
var c = 0;
for(var i = 0, l = this.glBatch.length; i < l; i++)
// get the tile index from the map
// TODO: hardwired to the first tileset, should use TilemapLayerGL.resolveTileset to work out the correct one(?)
var tile = layerRow[tx].index - this.map.tilesets[0].firstgid;
// sx: this.drawCoords[coordIndex],
// sy: this.drawCoords[coordIndex + 1],
// sw: this.tileWidth,
// sh: this.tileHeight,
// dx: x,
// dy: y,
// dw: this.tileWidth,
// dh: this.tileHeight
var t = this.glBatch[i];
// if it's not an empty tile...
if ( tile >= 0 )
var x = t.dx * iWide - 1;
var y = 1 - t.dy * iHigh;
var lft = x - wide;
var bot = y + high;
var uvl = t.sx * iTextureWide;
var uvt = t.sy * iTextureHigh;
// for every tile except the first one, use degenerate triangle to separate the tiles
// TODO: it might be possible to avoid this by drawing triangles more intelligently (e.g. each row with inverting the first/second triangle alternately)
if ( c > 0 )
var sx = tx * this.tileWide + this.tileWide * 0.5;
// calculate the source position of this tile index (in whole tiles)
var tmx = tile % this.texTilesWide;
var tmy = Math.floor(tile / this.texTilesWide);
// calculate the uv values for each corner of the tile in the source
var uvl = tmx * this.scalex;
var uvr = uvl + this.scalex;
var uvt = tmy * this.scaley;
var uvb = uvt + this.scaley;
// calculate the destination location of the tile in screen units (-1..1)
var x = sx * iWide - 1;
var y = 1 - sy * iHigh;
// calculate the bottom-left corner of the tile in screen units
var l = x - wide;
var b = y + high;
// for every tile except the first one...
if ( c > 0 )
// add a degenerate triangle: repeat the last vertex
buffer[ c ] = oldR;
buffer[ c + 1 ] = oldT;
// then repeat the next vertex
buffer[ c + 4 ] = l;
buffer[ c + 5 ] = b;
// pad with texture coordinates (probably not needed)
buffer[ c + 2 ] = buffer[ c + 6 ] = uvl;
buffer[ c + 3 ] = buffer[ c + 7 ] = uvt;
// advance the buffer index
c += 8;
// screen destination into the VBO
// l, b, 0,1
// l, t, 4,5
// r, b, 8,9
// r, t, 12,13
buffer[ c ] = buffer[ c + 4 ] = l;
buffer[ c + 1 ] = buffer[ c + 9 ] = b;
buffer[ c + 8 ] = buffer[ c + 12] = oldR = x + wide;
buffer[ c + 5 ] = buffer[ c + 13] = oldT = y - high;
// texture source position into the VBO
// l, b, 2,3
// l, t, 6,7
// r, b, 10,11
// r, t, 14,15
buffer[ c + 2 ] = buffer[ c + 6 ] = uvl; // l
buffer[ c + 3 ] = buffer[ c + 11] = uvt; // t
buffer[ c + 10] = buffer[ c + 14] = uvr; // r
buffer[ c + 7 ] = buffer[ c + 15] = uvb; // b
// add a degenerate triangle: repeat the last vertex
buffer[ c ] = oldR;
buffer[ c + 1 ] = oldT;
// then repeat the next vertex
buffer[ c + 4 ] = lft;
buffer[ c + 5 ] = bot;
// pad with texture coordinates (probably not needed)
buffer[ c + 2 ] = buffer[ c + 6 ] = uvl;
buffer[ c + 3 ] = buffer[ c + 7 ] = uvt;
// advance the buffer index
c += 16;
c += 8;
// calculate the destination location of the tile in screen units (-1..1)
buffer[ c ] = buffer[ c + 4 ] = lft;
buffer[ c + 1 ] = buffer[ c + 9 ] = bot;
buffer[ c + 8 ] = buffer[ c + 12] = oldR = x + wide;
buffer[ c + 5 ] = buffer[ c + 13] = oldT = y - high;
// calculate the uv coordinates of the tile source image
buffer[ c + 2 ] = buffer[ c + 6 ] = uvl;
buffer[ c + 3 ] = buffer[ c + 11] = uvt;
buffer[ c + 10] = buffer[ c + 14] = uvl + srcWide;
buffer[ c + 7 ] = buffer[ c + 15] = uvt + srcHigh;
// advance the buffer index
c += 16;
if ( c > 0 )
// set the scroll offset (in screen units)
gl.uniform2f( shader.uScrollOffset, this.scrollX * iWide, -this.scrollY * iHigh );
if ( c > 0 )
var shader = renderSession.shaderManager.tilemapShader;
// upload the VBO
gl.bufferData( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer, gl.STATIC_DRAW );
// set the scroll offset (in screen units)
gl.uniform2f( shader.uScrollOffset, this.scrollX * iWide, -this.scrollY * iHigh );
// prepare the shader attributes
gl.vertexAttribPointer( shader.aPosition, 4, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0 );
// upload the VBO
gl.bufferData( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer, gl.STATIC_DRAW );
// draw the entire VBO in one call
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, Math.floor(c / 4));
// prepare the shader attributes
gl.vertexAttribPointer( shader.aPosition, 4, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0 );
// draw the entire VBO in one call
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, Math.floor(c / 4));
@ -371,7 +277,7 @@ PIXI.Tilemap.prototype._renderWholeTilemap = function(renderSession)
// set the uniforms and texture
gl.uniformMatrix3fv( shader.uProjectionMatrix, false, this.makeProjection(gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight) );
gl.uniformMatrix3fv( shader.uProjectionMatrix, false, this.makeProjection(this.game.width, this.game.height) );
gl.uniform1i( shader.uImageSampler, 0 );
gl.uniform2f(shader.uTileSize, this.tileWide, this.tileHigh);
@ -390,77 +296,11 @@ PIXI.Tilemap.prototype._renderWholeTilemap = function(renderSession)
// bind the source buffer
gl.bindBuffer( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.positionBuffer );
// draw the entire map layer
this._renderLayer(this.layer, renderSession);
// draw the batched tile list
this._renderBatch( renderSession );
PIXI.Tilemap.prototype._renderLayer = function( _layer, renderSession )
var gl = renderSession.gl;
var shader = renderSession.shaderManager.tilemapShader;
var bi = 0;
var wide = _layer.width, high = _layer.height;
for(var y = 0; y < high; y++)
var layerRow = _layer.data[y];
for(var x = 0; x < wide; x++)
var tile = layerRow[x].index;
if ( tile >= 0 )
this._renderTile(gl, shader, bi, x * this.tileWide, y * this.tileHigh, tile);
bi += 16;
PIXI.Tilemap.prototype._renderTile = function(gl, shader, bufferIndex, x, y, tile)
// if repeating same tile, skip almost everything...
if ( tile != this.lastTile )
// tile coordinates in the source texture
var tx = tile % this.texTilesWide;
var ty = Math.floor(tile / this.texTilesWide);
var l = tx * this.sx;
var r = l + this.sx;
var t = ty * this.sy;
var b = t + this.sy;
// texture source position for this tile (uv values)
// l, b, 2,3
// l, t, 6,7
// r, b, 10,11
// r, t, 14,15
this.buffer[ 2 ] = this.buffer[ 6 ] = l;
this.buffer[ 3 ] = this.buffer[ 11] = b;
this.buffer[ 10] = this.buffer[ 14] = r;
this.buffer[ 7 ] = this.buffer[ 15] = t;
this.lastTile = tile;
// send the latest buffer
gl.bufferData( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.buffer, gl.STATIC_DRAW );
gl.vertexAttribPointer( shader.aPosition, 4, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0 );
// draw the tile after applying the base coordinates (scrolling offset)
gl.uniform2f(shader.uScreenPosition, x - this.scrollX, y - this.scrollY);
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
PIXI.Tilemap.prototype.updateTransform = function()
PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer.prototype.updateTransform.call( this );
* When the texture is updated, this event will fire to update the scale and frame
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