2014-01-20 20:14:34 +00:00
// Version 0.2 - Copyright 2013 - Jim Riecken <jimr@jimr.ca>
// Released under the MIT License - https://github.com/jriecken/sat-js
// A simple library for determining intersections of circles and
// polygons using the Separating Axis Theorem.
/** @preserve SAT.js - Version 0.2 - Copyright 2013 - Jim Riecken <jimr@jimr.ca> - released under the MIT License. https://github.com/jriecken/sat-js */
/*global define: false, module: false*/
/ * j s h i n t s h a d o w : t r u e , s u b : t r u e , f o r i n : t r u e , n o a r g : t r u e , n o e m p t y : t r u e ,
eqeqeq : true , bitwise : true , strict : true , undef : true ,
curly : true , browser : true * /
// Create a UMD wrapper for SAT. Works in:
// - Plain browser via global SAT variable
// - AMD loader (like require.js)
// - Node.js
// The quoted properties all over the place are used so that the Closure Compiler
// does not mangle the exposed API in advanced mode.
/ * *
* @ param { * } root - The global scope
* @ param { Function } factory - Factory that creates SAT module
* /
( function ( root , factory ) {
"use strict" ;
if ( typeof define === 'function' && define [ 'amd' ] ) {
define ( factory ) ;
} else if ( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
module [ 'exports' ] = factory ( ) ;
} else {
root [ 'SAT' ] = factory ( ) ;
} ( this , function ( ) {
"use strict" ;
var SAT = { } ;
// ## Vector
// Represents a vector in two dimensions with `x` and `y` properties.
// Create a new Vector, optionally passing in the `x` and `y` coordinates. If
// a coordinate is not specified, it will be set to `0`
/ * *
* @ param { ? number = } x The x position .
* @ param { ? number = } y The y position .
* @ constructor
* /
function Vector ( x , y ) {
this [ 'x' ] = x || 0 ;
this [ 'y' ] = y || 0 ;
SAT [ 'Vector' ] = Vector ;
// Alias `Vector` as `V`
SAT [ 'V' ] = Vector ;
// Copy the values of another Vector into this one.
/ * *
* @ param { Vector } other The other Vector .
* @ return { Vector } This for chaining .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'copy' ] = Vector . prototype . copy = function ( other ) {
this [ 'x' ] = other [ 'x' ] ;
this [ 'y' ] = other [ 'y' ] ;
return this ;
} ;
// Change this vector to be perpendicular to what it was before. (Effectively
// roatates it 90 degrees in a clockwise direction)
/ * *
* @ return { Vector } This for chaining .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'perp' ] = Vector . prototype . perp = function ( ) {
var x = this [ 'x' ] ;
this [ 'x' ] = this [ 'y' ] ;
this [ 'y' ] = - x ;
return this ;
} ;
// Rotate this vector (counter-clockwise) by the specified angle (in radians).
/ * *
* @ param { number } angle The angle to rotate ( in radians )
* @ return { Vector } This for chaining .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'rotate' ] = Vector . prototype . rotate = function ( angle ) {
var x = this [ 'x' ] ;
var y = this [ 'y' ] ;
this [ 'x' ] = x * Math . cos ( angle ) - y * Math . sin ( angle ) ;
this [ 'y' ] = x * Math . sin ( angle ) + y * Math . cos ( angle ) ;
return this ;
} ;
2014-01-21 16:12:50 +00:00
// Rotate this vector (counter-clockwise) by the specified angle (in radians) which has already been calculated into sin and cos.
/ * *
* @ param { number } sin - The Math . sin ( angle )
* @ param { number } cos - The Math . cos ( angle )
* @ return { Vector } This for chaining .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'rotatePrecalc' ] = Vector . prototype . rotatePrecalc = function ( sin , cos ) {
var x = this [ 'x' ] ;
var y = this [ 'y' ] ;
this [ 'x' ] = x * cos - y * sin ;
this [ 'y' ] = x * sin + y * cos ;
return this ;
} ;
2014-01-20 20:14:34 +00:00
// Reverse this vector.
/ * *
* @ return { Vector } This for chaining .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'reverse' ] = Vector . prototype . reverse = function ( ) {
this [ 'x' ] = - this [ 'x' ] ;
this [ 'y' ] = - this [ 'y' ] ;
return this ;
} ;
// Normalize this vector. (make it have length of `1`)
/ * *
* @ return { Vector } This for chaining .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'normalize' ] = Vector . prototype . normalize = function ( ) {
var d = this . len ( ) ;
if ( d > 0 ) {
this [ 'x' ] = this [ 'x' ] / d ;
this [ 'y' ] = this [ 'y' ] / d ;
return this ;
} ;
// Add another vector to this one.
/ * *
* @ param { Vector } other The other Vector .
* @ return { Vector } This for chaining .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'add' ] = Vector . prototype . add = function ( other ) {
this [ 'x' ] += other [ 'x' ] ;
this [ 'y' ] += other [ 'y' ] ;
return this ;
} ;
// Subtract another vector from this one.
/ * *
* @ param { Vector } other The other Vector .
* @ return { Vector } This for chaiing .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'sub' ] = Vector . prototype . sub = function ( other ) {
this [ 'x' ] -= other [ 'x' ] ;
this [ 'y' ] -= other [ 'y' ] ;
return this ;
} ;
// Scale this vector. An independant scaling factor can be provided
// for each axis, or a single scaling factor that will scale both `x` and `y`.
/ * *
* @ param { number } x The scaling factor in the x direction .
* @ param { ? number = } y The scaling factor in the y direction . If this
* is not specified , the x scaling factor will be used .
* @ return { Vector } This for chaining .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'scale' ] = Vector . prototype . scale = function ( x , y ) {
this [ 'x' ] *= x ;
this [ 'y' ] *= y || x ;
return this ;
} ;
// Project this vector on to another vector.
/ * *
* @ param { Vector } other The vector to project onto .
* @ return { Vector } This for chaining .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'project' ] = Vector . prototype . project = function ( other ) {
var amt = this . dot ( other ) / other . len2 ( ) ;
this [ 'x' ] = amt * other [ 'x' ] ;
this [ 'y' ] = amt * other [ 'y' ] ;
return this ;
} ;
// Project this vector onto a vector of unit length. This is slightly more efficient
// than `project` when dealing with unit vectors.
/ * *
* @ param { Vector } other The unit vector to project onto .
* @ return { Vector } This for chaining .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'projectN' ] = Vector . prototype . projectN = function ( other ) {
var amt = this . dot ( other ) ;
this [ 'x' ] = amt * other [ 'x' ] ;
this [ 'y' ] = amt * other [ 'y' ] ;
return this ;
} ;
// Reflect this vector on an arbitrary axis.
/ * *
* @ param { Vector } axis The vector representing the axis .
* @ return { Vector } This for chaining .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'reflect' ] = Vector . prototype . reflect = function ( axis ) {
var x = this [ 'x' ] ;
var y = this [ 'y' ] ;
this . project ( axis ) . scale ( 2 ) ;
this [ 'x' ] -= x ;
this [ 'y' ] -= y ;
return this ;
} ;
// Reflect this vector on an arbitrary axis (represented by a unit vector). This is
// slightly more efficient than `reflect` when dealing with an axis that is a unit vector.
/ * *
* @ param { Vector } axis The unit vector representing the axis .
* @ return { Vector } This for chaining .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'reflectN' ] = Vector . prototype . reflectN = function ( axis ) {
var x = this [ 'x' ] ;
var y = this [ 'y' ] ;
this . projectN ( axis ) . scale ( 2 ) ;
this [ 'x' ] -= x ;
this [ 'y' ] -= y ;
return this ;
} ;
// Get the dot product of this vector and another.
/ * *
* @ param { Vector } other The vector to dot this one against .
* @ return { number } The dot product .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'dot' ] = Vector . prototype . dot = function ( other ) {
return this [ 'x' ] * other [ 'x' ] + this [ 'y' ] * other [ 'y' ] ;
} ;
// Get the squared length of this vector.
/ * *
* @ return { number } The length ^ 2 of this vector .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'len2' ] = Vector . prototype . len2 = function ( ) {
return this . dot ( this ) ;
} ;
// Get the length of this vector.
/ * *
* @ return { number } The length of this vector .
* /
Vector . prototype [ 'len' ] = Vector . prototype . len = function ( ) {
return Math . sqrt ( this . len2 ( ) ) ;
} ;
// ## Circle
// Represents a circle with a position and a radius.
// Create a new circle, optionally passing in a position and/or radius. If no position
// is given, the circle will be at `(0,0)`. If no radius is provided, the circle will
// have a radius of `0`.
/ * *
* @ param { Vector = } pos A vector representing the position of the center of the circle
* @ param { ? number = } r The radius of the circle
* @ constructor
* /
function Circle ( pos , r ) {
this [ 'pos' ] = pos || new Vector ( ) ;
this [ 'r' ] = r || 0 ;
SAT [ 'Circle' ] = Circle ;
// ## Polygon
// Represents a *convex* polygon with any number of points (specified in counter-clockwise order)
// The edges/normals of the polygon will be calculated on creation and stored in the
// `edges` and `normals` properties. If you change the polygon's points, you will need
// to call `recalc` to recalculate the edges/normals.
// Create a new polygon, passing in a position vector, and an array of points (represented
// by vectors relative to the position vector). If no position is passed in, the position
// of the polygon will be `(0,0)`.
/ * *
* @ param { Vector = } pos A vector representing the origin of the polygon . ( all other
* points are relative to this one )
* @ param { Array . < Vector >= } points An array of vectors representing the points in the polygon ,
* in counter - clockwise order .
* @ constructor
* /
function Polygon ( pos , points ) {
this [ 'pos' ] = pos || new Vector ( ) ;
this [ 'points' ] = points || [ ] ;
this . recalc ( ) ;
SAT [ 'Polygon' ] = Polygon ;
// Recalculates the edges and normals of the polygon. This **must** be called
// if the `points` array is modified at all and the edges or normals are to be
// accessed.
/ * *
* @ return { Polygon } This for chaining .
* /
Polygon . prototype [ 'recalc' ] = Polygon . prototype . recalc = function ( ) {
// The edges here are the direction of the `n`th edge of the polygon, relative to
// the `n`th point. If you want to draw a given edge from the edge value, you must
// first translate to the position of the starting point.
this [ 'edges' ] = [ ] ;
// The normals here are the direction of the normal for the `n`th edge of the polygon, relative
// to the position of the `n`th point. If you want to draw an edge normal, you must first
// translate to the position of the starting point.
this [ 'normals' ] = [ ] ;
var points = this [ 'points' ] ;
var len = points . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
var p1 = points [ i ] ;
var p2 = i < len - 1 ? points [ i + 1 ] : points [ 0 ] ;
var e = new Vector ( ) . copy ( p2 ) . sub ( p1 ) ;
var n = new Vector ( ) . copy ( e ) . perp ( ) . normalize ( ) ;
this [ 'edges' ] . push ( e ) ;
this [ 'normals' ] . push ( n ) ;
return this ;
} ;
// Rotates this polygon counter-clockwise around the origin of *its local coordinate system* (i.e. `pos`).
// Note: You do **not** need to call `recalc` after rotation.
/ * *
* @ param { number } angle The angle to rotate ( in radians )
* @ return { Polygon } This for chaining .
* /
Polygon . prototype [ 'rotate' ] = Polygon . prototype . rotate = function ( angle ) {
var i ;
var points = this [ 'points' ] ;
var edges = this [ 'edges' ] ;
var normals = this [ 'normals' ] ;
var len = points . length ;
2014-01-21 16:12:50 +00:00
// Calc it just the once, rather than 4 times per array element
var cos = Math . cos ( angle ) ;
var sin = Math . sin ( angle ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
points [ i ] . rotatePrecalc ( sin , cos ) ;
edges [ i ] . rotatePrecalc ( sin , cos ) ;
normals [ i ] . rotatePrecalc ( sin , cos ) ;
return this ;
} ;
// Rotates this polygon counter-clockwise around the origin of *its local coordinate system* (i.e. `pos`).
// Note: You do **not** need to call `recalc` after rotation.
/ * *
* @ param { number } angle The angle to rotate ( in radians )
* @ return { Polygon } This for chaining .
* /
Polygon . prototype [ 'scale' ] = Polygon . prototype . scale = function ( x , y ) {
var i ;
var points = this [ 'points' ] ;
var edges = this [ 'edges' ] ;
var normals = this [ 'normals' ] ;
var len = points . length ;
2014-01-20 20:14:34 +00:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
2014-01-21 16:12:50 +00:00
points [ i ] . scale ( x , y ) ;
edges [ i ] . scale ( x , y ) ;
normals [ i ] . scale ( x , y ) ;
2014-01-20 20:14:34 +00:00
return this ;
} ;
// Translates the points of this polygon by a specified amount relative to the origin of *its own coordinate
// system* (i.e. `pos`).
// This is most useful to change the "center point" of a polygon.
// Note: You do **not** need to call `recalc` after translation.
/ * *
* @ param { number } x The horizontal amount to translate .
* @ param { number } y The vertical amount to translate .
* @ return { Polygon } This for chaining .
* /
Polygon . prototype [ 'translate' ] = Polygon . prototype . translate = function ( x , y ) {
var i ;
var points = this [ 'points' ] ;
var len = points . length ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
points [ i ] . x += x ;
points [ i ] . y += y ;
return this ;
} ;
// ## Box
// Represents an axis-aligned box, with a width and height.
// Create a new box, with the specified position, width, and height. If no position
// is given, the position will be `(0,0)`. If no width or height are given, they will
// be set to `0`.
/ * *
* @ param { Vector = } pos A vector representing the top - left of the box .
* @ param { ? number = } w The width of the box .
* @ param { ? number = } h The height of the box .
* @ constructor
* /
function Box ( pos , w , h ) {
this [ 'pos' ] = pos || new Vector ( ) ;
this [ 'w' ] = w || 0 ;
this [ 'h' ] = h || 0 ;
SAT [ 'Box' ] = Box ;
// Returns a polygon whose edges are the same as this box.
/ * *
* @ return { Polygon } A new Polygon that represents this box .
* /
Box . prototype [ 'toPolygon' ] = Box . prototype . toPolygon = function ( ) {
var pos = this [ 'pos' ] ;
var w = this [ 'w' ] ;
var h = this [ 'h' ] ;
return new Polygon ( new Vector ( pos [ 'x' ] , pos [ 'y' ] ) , [
new Vector ( ) , new Vector ( w , 0 ) ,
new Vector ( w , h ) , new Vector ( 0 , h )
] ) ;
} ;
// ## Response
// An object representing the result of an intersection. Contains:
// - The two objects participating in the intersection
// - The vector representing the minimum change necessary to extract the first object
// from the second one (as well as a unit vector in that direction and the magnitude
// of the overlap)
// - Whether the first object is entirely inside the second, and vice versa.
/ * *
* @ constructor
* /
function Response ( ) {
this [ 'a' ] = null ;
this [ 'b' ] = null ;
this [ 'overlapN' ] = new Vector ( ) ;
this [ 'overlapV' ] = new Vector ( ) ;
this . clear ( ) ;
SAT [ 'Response' ] = Response ;
// Set some values of the response back to their defaults. Call this between tests if
// you are going to reuse a single Response object for multiple intersection tests (recommented
// as it will avoid allcating extra memory)
/ * *
* @ return { Response } This for chaining
* /
Response . prototype [ 'clear' ] = Response . prototype . clear = function ( ) {
this [ 'aInB' ] = true ;
this [ 'bInA' ] = true ;
this [ 'overlap' ] = Number . MAX _VALUE ;
return this ;
} ;
// ## Object Pools
// A pool of `Vector` objects that are used in calculations to avoid
// allocating memory.
/ * *
* @ type { Array . < Vector > }
* /
var T _VECTORS = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ ) { T _VECTORS . push ( new Vector ( ) ) ; }
// A pool of arrays of numbers used in calculations to avoid allocating
// memory.
/ * *
* @ type { Array . < Array . < number >> }
* /
var T _ARRAYS = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i ++ ) { T _ARRAYS . push ( [ ] ) ; }
// ## Helper Functions
// Flattens the specified array of points onto a unit vector axis,
// resulting in a one dimensional range of the minimum and
// maximum value on that axis.
/ * *
* @ param { Array . < Vector > } points The points to flatten .
* @ param { Vector } normal The unit vector axis to flatten on .
* @ param { Array . < number > } result An array . After calling this function ,
* result [ 0 ] will be the minimum value ,
* result [ 1 ] will be the maximum value .
* /
function flattenPointsOn ( points , normal , result ) {
var min = Number . MAX _VALUE ;
var max = - Number . MAX _VALUE ;
var len = points . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
// The magnitude of the projection of the point onto the normal
var dot = points [ i ] . dot ( normal ) ;
if ( dot < min ) { min = dot ; }
if ( dot > max ) { max = dot ; }
result [ 0 ] = min ; result [ 1 ] = max ;
// Check whether two convex polygons are separated by the specified
// axis (must be a unit vector).
/ * *
* @ param { Vector } aPos The position of the first polygon .
* @ param { Vector } bPos The position of the second polygon .
* @ param { Array . < Vector > } aPoints The points in the first polygon .
* @ param { Array . < Vector > } bPoints The points in the second polygon .
* @ param { Vector } axis The axis ( unit sized ) to test against . The points of both polygons
* will be projected onto this axis .
* @ param { Response = } response A Response object ( optional ) which will be populated
* if the axis is not a separating axis .
* @ return { boolean } true if it is a separating axis , false otherwise . If false ,
* and a response is passed in , information about how much overlap and
* the direction of the overlap will be populated .
* /
function isSeparatingAxis ( aPos , bPos , aPoints , bPoints , axis , response ) {
var rangeA = T _ARRAYS . pop ( ) ;
var rangeB = T _ARRAYS . pop ( ) ;
// The magnitude of the offset between the two polygons
var offsetV = T _VECTORS . pop ( ) . copy ( bPos ) . sub ( aPos ) ;
var projectedOffset = offsetV . dot ( axis ) ;
// Project the polygons onto the axis.
flattenPointsOn ( aPoints , axis , rangeA ) ;
flattenPointsOn ( bPoints , axis , rangeB ) ;
// Move B's range to its position relative to A.
rangeB [ 0 ] += projectedOffset ;
rangeB [ 1 ] += projectedOffset ;
// Check if there is a gap. If there is, this is a separating axis and we can stop
if ( rangeA [ 0 ] > rangeB [ 1 ] || rangeB [ 0 ] > rangeA [ 1 ] ) {
T _VECTORS . push ( offsetV ) ;
T _ARRAYS . push ( rangeA ) ;
T _ARRAYS . push ( rangeB ) ;
return true ;
// This is not a separating axis. If we're calculating a response, calculate the overlap.
if ( response ) {
var overlap = 0 ;
// A starts further left than B
if ( rangeA [ 0 ] < rangeB [ 0 ] ) {
response [ 'aInB' ] = false ;
// A ends before B does. We have to pull A out of B
if ( rangeA [ 1 ] < rangeB [ 1 ] ) {
overlap = rangeA [ 1 ] - rangeB [ 0 ] ;
response [ 'bInA' ] = false ;
// B is fully inside A. Pick the shortest way out.
} else {
var option1 = rangeA [ 1 ] - rangeB [ 0 ] ;
var option2 = rangeB [ 1 ] - rangeA [ 0 ] ;
overlap = option1 < option2 ? option1 : - option2 ;
// B starts further left than A
} else {
response [ 'bInA' ] = false ;
// B ends before A ends. We have to push A out of B
if ( rangeA [ 1 ] > rangeB [ 1 ] ) {
overlap = rangeA [ 0 ] - rangeB [ 1 ] ;
response [ 'aInB' ] = false ;
// A is fully inside B. Pick the shortest way out.
} else {
var option1 = rangeA [ 1 ] - rangeB [ 0 ] ;
var option2 = rangeB [ 1 ] - rangeA [ 0 ] ;
overlap = option1 < option2 ? option1 : - option2 ;
// If this is the smallest amount of overlap we've seen so far, set it as the minimum overlap.
var absOverlap = Math . abs ( overlap ) ;
if ( absOverlap < response [ 'overlap' ] ) {
response [ 'overlap' ] = absOverlap ;
response [ 'overlapN' ] . copy ( axis ) ;
if ( overlap < 0 ) {
response [ 'overlapN' ] . reverse ( ) ;
T _VECTORS . push ( offsetV ) ;
T _ARRAYS . push ( rangeA ) ;
T _ARRAYS . push ( rangeB ) ;
return false ;
// Calculates which Vornoi region a point is on a line segment.
// It is assumed that both the line and the point are relative to `(0,0)`
// | (0) |
// (-1) [S]--------------[E] (1)
// | (0) |
/ * *
* @ param { Vector } line The line segment .
* @ param { Vector } point The point .
* @ return { number } LEFT _VORNOI _REGION ( - 1 ) if it is the left region ,
* MIDDLE _VORNOI _REGION ( 0 ) if it is the middle region ,
* RIGHT _VORNOI _REGION ( 1 ) if it is the right region .
* /
function vornoiRegion ( line , point ) {
var len2 = line . len2 ( ) ;
var dp = point . dot ( line ) ;
// If the point is beyond the start of the line, it is in the
// left vornoi region.
if ( dp < 0 ) { return LEFT _VORNOI _REGION ; }
// If the point is beyond the end of the line, it is in the
// right vornoi region.
else if ( dp > len2 ) { return RIGHT _VORNOI _REGION ; }
// Otherwise, it's in the middle one.
else { return MIDDLE _VORNOI _REGION ; }
// Constants for Vornoi regions
/ * *
* @ const
* /
var LEFT _VORNOI _REGION = - 1 ;
/ * *
* @ const
* /
/ * *
* @ const
* /
// ## Collision Tests
// Check if two circles collide.
/ * *
* @ param { Circle } a The first circle .
* @ param { Circle } b The second circle .
* @ param { Response = } response Response object ( optional ) that will be populated if
* the circles intersect .
* @ return { boolean } true if the circles intersect , false if they don ' t .
* /
function testCircleCircle ( a , b , response ) {
// Check if the distance between the centers of the two
// circles is greater than their combined radius.
var differenceV = T _VECTORS . pop ( ) . copy ( b [ 'pos' ] ) . sub ( a [ 'pos' ] ) ;
var totalRadius = a [ 'r' ] + b [ 'r' ] ;
var totalRadiusSq = totalRadius * totalRadius ;
var distanceSq = differenceV . len2 ( ) ;
// If the distance is bigger than the combined radius, they don't intersect.
if ( distanceSq > totalRadiusSq ) {
T _VECTORS . push ( differenceV ) ;
return false ;
// They intersect. If we're calculating a response, calculate the overlap.
if ( response ) {
var dist = Math . sqrt ( distanceSq ) ;
response [ 'a' ] = a ;
response [ 'b' ] = b ;
response [ 'overlap' ] = totalRadius - dist ;
response [ 'overlapN' ] . copy ( differenceV . normalize ( ) ) ;
response [ 'overlapV' ] . copy ( differenceV ) . scale ( response [ 'overlap' ] ) ;
response [ 'aInB' ] = a [ 'r' ] <= b [ 'r' ] && dist <= b [ 'r' ] - a [ 'r' ] ;
response [ 'bInA' ] = b [ 'r' ] <= a [ 'r' ] && dist <= a [ 'r' ] - b [ 'r' ] ;
T _VECTORS . push ( differenceV ) ;
return true ;
SAT [ 'testCircleCircle' ] = testCircleCircle ;
// Check if a polygon and a circle collide.
/ * *
* @ param { Polygon } polygon The polygon .
* @ param { Circle } circle The circle .
* @ param { Response = } response Response object ( optional ) that will be populated if
* they interset .
* @ return { boolean } true if they intersect , false if they don ' t .
* /
function testPolygonCircle ( polygon , circle , response ) {
// Get the position of the circle relative to the polygon.
var circlePos = T _VECTORS . pop ( ) . copy ( circle [ 'pos' ] ) . sub ( polygon [ 'pos' ] ) ;
var radius = circle [ 'r' ] ;
var radius2 = radius * radius ;
var points = polygon [ 'points' ] ;
var len = points . length ;
var edge = T _VECTORS . pop ( ) ;
var point = T _VECTORS . pop ( ) ;
// For each edge in the polygon:
for ( var i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
var next = i === len - 1 ? 0 : i + 1 ;
var prev = i === 0 ? len - 1 : i - 1 ;
var overlap = 0 ;
var overlapN = null ;
// Get the edge.
edge . copy ( polygon [ 'edges' ] [ i ] ) ;
// Calculate the center of the circle relative to the starting point of the edge.
point . copy ( circlePos ) . sub ( points [ i ] ) ;
// If the distance between the center of the circle and the point
// is bigger than the radius, the polygon is definitely not fully in
// the circle.
if ( response && point . len2 ( ) > radius2 ) {
response [ 'aInB' ] = false ;
// Calculate which Vornoi region the center of the circle is in.
var region = vornoiRegion ( edge , point ) ;
// If it's the left region:
if ( region === LEFT _VORNOI _REGION ) {
// We need to make sure we're in the RIGHT_VORNOI_REGION of the previous edge.
edge . copy ( polygon [ 'edges' ] [ prev ] ) ;
// Calculate the center of the circle relative the starting point of the previous edge
var point2 = T _VECTORS . pop ( ) . copy ( circlePos ) . sub ( points [ prev ] ) ;
region = vornoiRegion ( edge , point2 ) ;
if ( region === RIGHT _VORNOI _REGION ) {
// It's in the region we want. Check if the circle intersects the point.
var dist = point . len ( ) ;
if ( dist > radius ) {
// No intersection
T _VECTORS . push ( circlePos ) ;
T _VECTORS . push ( edge ) ;
T _VECTORS . push ( point ) ;
T _VECTORS . push ( point2 ) ;
return false ;
} else if ( response ) {
// It intersects, calculate the overlap.
response [ 'bInA' ] = false ;
overlapN = point . normalize ( ) ;
overlap = radius - dist ;
T _VECTORS . push ( point2 ) ;
// If it's the right region:
} else if ( region === RIGHT _VORNOI _REGION ) {
// We need to make sure we're in the left region on the next edge
edge . copy ( polygon [ 'edges' ] [ next ] ) ;
// Calculate the center of the circle relative to the starting point of the next edge.
point . copy ( circlePos ) . sub ( points [ next ] ) ;
region = vornoiRegion ( edge , point ) ;
if ( region === LEFT _VORNOI _REGION ) {
// It's in the region we want. Check if the circle intersects the point.
var dist = point . len ( ) ;
if ( dist > radius ) {
// No intersection
T _VECTORS . push ( circlePos ) ;
T _VECTORS . push ( edge ) ;
T _VECTORS . push ( point ) ;
return false ;
} else if ( response ) {
// It intersects, calculate the overlap.
response [ 'bInA' ] = false ;
overlapN = point . normalize ( ) ;
overlap = radius - dist ;
// Otherwise, it's the middle region:
} else {
// Need to check if the circle is intersecting the edge,
// Change the edge into its "edge normal".
var normal = edge . perp ( ) . normalize ( ) ;
// Find the perpendicular distance between the center of the
// circle and the edge.
var dist = point . dot ( normal ) ;
var distAbs = Math . abs ( dist ) ;
// If the circle is on the outside of the edge, there is no intersection.
if ( dist > 0 && distAbs > radius ) {
// No intersection
T _VECTORS . push ( circlePos ) ;
T _VECTORS . push ( normal ) ;
T _VECTORS . push ( point ) ;
return false ;
} else if ( response ) {
// It intersects, calculate the overlap.
overlapN = normal ;
overlap = radius - dist ;
// If the center of the circle is on the outside of the edge, or part of the
// circle is on the outside, the circle is not fully inside the polygon.
if ( dist >= 0 || overlap < 2 * radius ) {
response [ 'bInA' ] = false ;
// If this is the smallest overlap we've seen, keep it.
// (overlapN may be null if the circle was in the wrong Vornoi region).
if ( overlapN && response && Math . abs ( overlap ) < Math . abs ( response [ 'overlap' ] ) ) {
response [ 'overlap' ] = overlap ;
response [ 'overlapN' ] . copy ( overlapN ) ;
// Calculate the final overlap vector - based on the smallest overlap.
if ( response ) {
response [ 'a' ] = polygon ;
response [ 'b' ] = circle ;
response [ 'overlapV' ] . copy ( response [ 'overlapN' ] ) . scale ( response [ 'overlap' ] ) ;
T _VECTORS . push ( circlePos ) ;
T _VECTORS . push ( edge ) ;
T _VECTORS . push ( point ) ;
return true ;
SAT [ 'testPolygonCircle' ] = testPolygonCircle ;
// Check if a circle and a polygon collide.
// **NOTE:** This is slightly less efficient than polygonCircle as it just
// runs polygonCircle and reverses everything at the end.
/ * *
* @ param { Circle } circle The circle .
* @ param { Polygon } polygon The polygon .
* @ param { Response = } response Response object ( optional ) that will be populated if
* they interset .
* @ return { boolean } true if they intersect , false if they don ' t .
* /
function testCirclePolygon ( circle , polygon , response ) {
// Test the polygon against the circle.
var result = testPolygonCircle ( polygon , circle , response ) ;
if ( result && response ) {
// Swap A and B in the response.
var a = response [ 'a' ] ;
var aInB = response [ 'aInB' ] ;
response [ 'overlapN' ] . reverse ( ) ;
response [ 'overlapV' ] . reverse ( ) ;
response [ 'a' ] = response [ 'b' ] ;
response [ 'b' ] = a ;
response [ 'aInB' ] = response [ 'bInA' ] ;
response [ 'bInA' ] = aInB ;
return result ;
SAT [ 'testCirclePolygon' ] = testCirclePolygon ;
// Checks whether polygons collide.
/ * *
* @ param { Polygon } a The first polygon .
* @ param { Polygon } b The second polygon .
* @ param { Response = } response Response object ( optional ) that will be populated if
* they interset .
* @ return { boolean } true if they intersect , false if they don ' t .
* /
function testPolygonPolygon ( a , b , response ) {
var aPoints = a [ 'points' ] ;
var aLen = aPoints . length ;
var bPoints = b [ 'points' ] ;
var bLen = bPoints . length ;
// If any of the edge normals of A is a separating axis, no intersection.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < aLen ; i ++ ) {
if ( isSeparatingAxis ( a [ 'pos' ] , b [ 'pos' ] , aPoints , bPoints , a [ 'normals' ] [ i ] , response ) ) {
return false ;
// If any of the edge normals of B is a separating axis, no intersection.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < bLen ; i ++ ) {
if ( isSeparatingAxis ( a [ 'pos' ] , b [ 'pos' ] , aPoints , bPoints , b [ 'normals' ] [ i ] , response ) ) {
return false ;
// Since none of the edge normals of A or B are a separating axis, there is an intersection
// and we've already calculated the smallest overlap (in isSeparatingAxis). Calculate the
// final overlap vector.
if ( response ) {
response [ 'a' ] = a ;
response [ 'b' ] = b ;
response [ 'overlapV' ] . copy ( response [ 'overlapN' ] ) . scale ( response [ 'overlap' ] ) ;
return true ;
SAT [ 'testPolygonPolygon' ] = testPolygonPolygon ;
return SAT ;
} ) ) ;