
464 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

var Between = require('../../math/Between');
var Class = require('../../utils/Class');
var Components = require('../components');
var DegToRad = require('../../math/DegToRad');
var Easing = require('../../math/easing');
var GameObject = require('../GameObject');
var GetEaseFunction = require('../../tweens/builder/GetEaseFunction');
var Particle = require('./Particle');
var StableSort = require('../../utils/array/StableSort');
var ParticleEmitter = new Class({
Mixins: [
function ParticleEmitter (manager, config)
if (config === undefined) { config = {}; }
this.manager = manager;
this.key = '';
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.frame = manager.frame;
this.classType = Particle;
this.dead = [];
this.alive = [];
this.minSpeed = 0;
this.maxSpeed = 0;
this.startScale = 1.0;
this.endScale = 1.0;
this.startAlpha = 1.0;
this.endAlpha = 1.0;
this.minEmitAngle = 0;
this.maxEmitAngle = 360;
this.startAngle = 0;
this.endAngle = 0;
this.gravityX = 0;
this.gravityY = 0; = 1.0;
this.delay = 0.0;
this.delayCounter = 0.0;
this.deathCallback = null;
this.deathCallbackScope = null;
this.emitCount = 1;
this.enabled = true;
this.allowCreation = true;
this.emitShape = null;
this.easingFunctionAlpha = Easing.Linear;
this.easingFunctionScale = Easing.Linear;
this.easingFunctionRotation = Easing.Linear; = true;
setFrame: function (frame)
this.frame = this.manager.texture.get(frame);
return this;
setPosition: function (x, y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return this;
setEase: function (easeName, easeParam)
var ease = GetEaseFunction(easeName, easeParam);
this.easingFunctionAlpha = ease;
this.easingFunctionScale = ease;
this.easingFunctionRotation = ease;
return this;
setAlphaEase: function (easeName, easeParam)
this.easingFunctionAlpha = GetEaseFunction(easeName, easeParam);
return this;
setScaleEase: function (easeName, easeParam)
this.easingFunctionScale = GetEaseFunction(easeName, easeParam);
return this;
setRotationEase: function (easeName, easeParam)
this.easingFunctionRotation = GetEaseFunction(easeName, easeParam);
return this;
setSpeed: function (min, max)
if (max === undefined) { max = min; }
this.minSpeed = min;
this.maxSpeed = max;
return this;
setEmitAngle: function (min, max)
if (max === undefined) { max = min; }
this.minEmitAngle = min;
this.maxEmitAngle = max;
return this;
setScale: function (start, end)
if (end === undefined) { end = start; }
this.startScale = start;
this.endScale = end;
return this;
setAlpha: function (start, end)
if (end === undefined) { end = start; }
this.startAlpha = start;
this.endAlpha = end;
return this;
setAngle: function (start, end)
if (end === undefined) { end = start; }
this.startAngle = start;
this.endAngle = end;
return this;
setGravity: function (x, y)
if (y === undefined) { y = x; }
this.gravityX = x;
this.gravityY = y;
return this;
setEmitterDelay: function (delay)
this.delay = delay;
this.delayCounter = delay / 1000;
return this;
setShape: function (shape)
this.emitShape = shape;
return this;
reserve: function (particleCount)
var dead = this.dead;
for (var count = 0; count < particleCount; ++count)
dead.push(new Particle(this.x, this.y));
return this;
getAliveParticleCount: function ()
return this.alive.length;
getDeadParticleCount: function ()
return this.dead.length;
getParticleCount: function ()
return this.getAliveParticleCount() + this.getDeadParticleCount();
onParticleDeath: function (callback, context)
if (callback === undefined)
// Clear any previously set callback
this.deathCallback = null;
this.deathCallbackScope = null;
else if (typeof callback === 'function')
this.deathCallback = callback;
if (context)
this.deathCallbackScope = context;
return this;
killAll: function ()
var dead = this.dead;
var alive = this.alive;
while (alive.length > 0)
return this;
forEachAlive: function (callback, thisArg)
var alive = this.alive;
var length = alive.length;
for (var index = 0; index < length; ++index)
{, alive[index]);
return this;
forEachDead: function (callback, thisArg)
var dead = this.dead;
var length = dead.length;
for (var index = 0; index < length; ++index)
{, dead[index]);
return this;
pause: function ()
{ = false;
return this;
resume: function ()
{ = true;
return this;
explode: function (count)
return this;
emitAt: function (x, y, count)
var oldX = this.x;
var oldY = this.y;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
var particle = this.emit(count);
this.x = oldX;
this.y = oldY;
return particle;
emit: function (count)
if (count === undefined) { count = 1; }
var particle = null;
var x = this.x;
var y = this.y;
var shape = this.emitShape;
var dead = this.dead;
var allowCreation = this.allowCreation;
for (var index = 0; index < count; index++)
var rad = DegToRad(Between(this.minEmitAngle, this.maxEmitAngle));
var speed = Between(this.minSpeed, this.maxSpeed);
var vx = Math.cos(rad) * speed;
var vy = Math.sin(rad) * speed;
if (dead.length > 0)
particle = dead.pop();
particle.reset(x, y, this.frame);
else if (allowCreation)
particle = new this.classType(x, y, this.frame);
return null;
if (shape)
particle.x += x;
particle.y += y;
particle.velocityX = vx;
particle.velocityY = vy; = Math.max(, Number.MIN_VALUE);
particle.lifeStep =;
particle.start.scale = this.startScale;
particle.end.scale = this.endScale;
particle.scaleX = this.startScale;
particle.scaleY = this.startScale;
particle.start.alpha = this.startAlpha;
particle.end.alpha = this.endAlpha;
particle.start.rotation = DegToRad(this.startAngle);
particle.end.rotation = DegToRad(this.endAngle);
particle.color = (particle.color & 0x00FFFFFF) | (((this.startAlpha * 0xFF)|0) << 24);
particle.index = this.alive.length;
return particle;
preUpdate: function (time, delta)
var dead = this.dead;
var particles = this.alive;
var length = particles.length;
var emitterStep = (delta / 1000);
var gravityX = this.gravityX * emitterStep;
var gravityY = this.gravityY * emitterStep;
var deathCallback = this.deathCallback;
var deathCallbackScope = this.deathCallbackScope;
/* Simulation */
for (var index = 0; index < length; ++index)
var particle = particles[index];
particle.velocityX += gravityX;
particle.velocityY += gravityY;
particle.x += particle.velocityX * emitterStep;
particle.y += particle.velocityY * emitterStep;
particle.normLifeStep = particle.lifeStep /;
var norm = 1 - particle.normLifeStep;
var alphaEase = this.easingFunctionAlpha(norm);
var scaleEase = this.easingFunctionScale(norm);
var rotationEase = this.easingFunctionRotation(norm);
var alphaf = (particle.end.alpha - particle.start.alpha) * alphaEase + particle.start.alpha;
var scale = (particle.end.scale - particle.start.scale) * scaleEase + particle.start.scale;
var rotation = (particle.end.rotation - particle.start.rotation) * rotationEase + particle.start.rotation;
particle.scaleX = particle.scaleY = scale;
particle.color = (particle.color & 0x00FFFFFF) | (((alphaf * 0xFF)|0) << 24);
particle.rotation = rotation;
if (particle.lifeStep <= 0)
var last = particles[length - 1];
particles[length - 1] = particle;
particles[index] = last;
index -= 1;
length -= 1;
if (deathCallback)
{, particle);
particle.lifeStep -= emitterStep;
// Move dead particles to the dead array
// We can skip this for 'emitCount' number of particles if 'this.enabled'
var deadLength = particles.length - length;
if (deadLength > 0)
dead.push.apply(dead, particles.splice(particles.length - deadLength, deadLength));
StableSort(particles, this.indexSort);
this.delayCounter -= emitterStep;
if (this.delayCounter <= 0 && this.enabled)
this.delayCounter = this.delay / 1000;
indexSort: function (a, b)
return a.index - b.index;
module.exports = ParticleEmitter;