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synced 2025-02-25 20:07:08 +00:00
183 lines
4.8 KiB
183 lines
4.8 KiB
(function(sunlight, undefined){
if (sunlight === undefined || sunlight["registerLanguage"] === undefined) {
throw "Include sunlight.js before including language files";
sunlight.registerLanguage("javascript", {
keywords: [
"break", "case", "catch", "continue", "default", "delete", "do",
"else", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "in", "instanceof",
"new", "return", "switch", "this", "throw", "try", "typeof",
"var", "void", "while", "with",
"true", "false", "null"
customTokens: {
reservedWord: {
values: [
"abstract", "boolean", "byte", "char", "class", "const", "debugger", "double",
"enum", "export", "extends", "final", "float", "goto", "implements", "import",
"int", "interface", "long", "native", "package", "private", "protected", "public",
"short", "static", "super", "synchronized", "throws", "transient", "volatile"
boundary: "\\b"
globalVariable: {
values: ["NaN", "Infinity", "undefined"],
boundary: "\\b"
globalFunction: {
values: ["encodeURI", "encodeURIComponent", "decodeURI", "decodeURIComponent", "parseInt", "parseFloat", "isNaN", "isFinite", "eval"],
boundary: "\\b"
globalObject: {
values: [
"Math", "JSON",
"XMLHttpRequest", "XDomainRequest", "ActiveXObject",
"Boolean", "Date", "Array", "Image", "Function", "Object", "Number", "RegExp", "String"
boundary: "\\b"
scopes: {
string: [ ["\"", "\"", sunlight.util.escapeSequences.concat(["\\\""])], ["'", "'", sunlight.util.escapeSequences.concat(["\\\'", "\\\\"])] ],
comment: [ ["//", "\n", null, true], ["/*", "*/"] ]
customParseRules: [
//regex literal
function(context) {
var peek = context.reader.peek(),
regexLiteral = "/",
line = context.reader.getLine(),
column = context.reader.getColumn(),
charClass = false,
if (context.reader.current() !== "/" || peek === "/" || peek === "*") {
//doesn't start with a / or starts with // (comment) or /* (multi line comment)
return null;
isValid = function() {
var previousNonWsToken = context.token(context.count() - 1),
previousToken = null;
if (context.defaultData.text !== "") {
previousToken = context.createToken("default", context.defaultData.text);
if (!previousToken) {
previousToken = previousNonWsToken;
//first token of the string
if (previousToken === undefined) {
return true;
//since JavaScript doesn't require statement terminators, if the previous token was whitespace and contained a newline, then we're good
if (previousToken.name === "default" && previousToken.value.indexOf("\n") > -1) {
return true;
if (sunlight.util.contains(["keyword", "ident", "number"], previousNonWsToken.name)) {
return false;
if (previousNonWsToken.name === "punctuation" && !sunlight.util.contains(["(", "{", "[", ",", ";"], previousNonWsToken.value)) {
return false;
return true;
if (!isValid) {
return null;
//read the regex literal
while (context.reader.peek() !== context.reader.EOF) {
peek2 = context.reader.peek(2);
if (peek2 === "\\/" || peek2 === "\\\\") {
//escaped backslash or escaped forward slash
regexLiteral += context.reader.read(2);
if (peek2 === "\\[" || peek2 === "\\]") {
regexLiteral += context.reader.read(2);
} else if (next === "[") {
charClass = true;
} else if (next === "]") {
charClass = false;
regexLiteral += (next = context.reader.read());
if (next === "/" && !charClass) {
//read the regex modifiers
//only "g", "i" and "m" are allowed, but for the sake of simplicity we'll just say any alphabetical character is valid
while (context.reader.peek() !== context.reader.EOF) {
if (!/[A-Za-z]/.test(context.reader.peek())) {
regexLiteral += context.reader.read();
return context.createToken("regexLiteral", regexLiteral, line, column);
identFirstLetter: /[$A-Za-z_]/,
identAfterFirstLetter: /[\w\$]/,
namedIdentRules: {
follows: [
[{ token: "keyword", values: ["function"] }, sunlight.util.whitespace]
operators: [
"++", "+=", "+",
"--", "-=", "-",
"*=", "*",
"/=", "/",
"%=", "%",
"&&", "||",
"|=", "|",
"&=", "&",
"^=", "^",
">>>=", ">>>", ">>=", ">>",
"<<=", "<<",
"<=", "<",
">=", ">",
"===", "==", "!==", "!=",
"!", "~",
"?", ":", ".", "="