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synced 2025-02-25 03:47:24 +00:00
42 lines
992 B
42 lines
992 B
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, 'phaser-example', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });
function preload() {
game.load.image('font', 'assets/fonts/gold_font.png');
var font;
function create() {
// text = game.add.bitmapText(100, 100, 'carrier', 'Phaser and Pixi\nrocking!', 32);
font = new Phaser.BitmapFont(game, 'font', 16, 16, "! :() ,?." + Phaser.BitmapFont.TEXT_SET10, 20, 0, 0);
font.text = "using bitmap fonts rocks";
// font = new FlxBitmapFont(AssetsRegistry.goldFontPNG, 16, 16, "! :() ,?." + FlxBitmapFont.TEXT_SET10, 20, 0, 0);
// font.setText("using bitmap fonts\nin flixel is", true, 0, 8, FlxBitmapFont.ALIGN_CENTER, false);
// game.input.onDown.add(change, this);
function change() {
// text.align = 'center';
// text2.tint = Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF;
function update() {
// text.text = 'Phaser & Pixi\nrocking!\n' + Math.round(game.time.now);