2013-08-09 02:12:33 +00:00
/// <reference path="../_definitions.ts" />
/ * *
* Phaser - Loader
* The Loader handles loading all external content such as Images , Sounds , Texture Atlases and data files .
* It uses a combination of Image ( ) loading and xhr and provides for progress and completion callbacks .
* /
var Phaser ;
( function ( Phaser ) {
var Loader = ( function ( ) {
/ * *
* Loader constructor
* @ param game { Phaser . Game } Current game instance .
* /
function Loader ( game ) {
/ * *
* The crossOrigin value applied to loaded images
* @ type { string }
* /
this . crossOrigin = '' ;
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// If you want to append a URL before the path of any asset you can set this here.
// Useful if you need to allow an asset url to be configured outside of the game code.
// MUST have / on the end of it!
this . baseURL = '' ;
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this . game = game ;
this . _keys = [ ] ;
this . _fileList = { } ;
this . _xhr = new XMLHttpRequest ( ) ;
this . _queueSize = 0 ;
this . isLoading = false ;
this . onFileComplete = new Phaser . Signal ( ) ;
this . onFileError = new Phaser . Signal ( ) ;
this . onLoadStart = new Phaser . Signal ( ) ;
this . onLoadComplete = new Phaser . Signal ( ) ;
/ * *
* Reset loader , this will remove all loaded assets .
* /
Loader . prototype . reset = function ( ) {
this . _queueSize = 0 ;
this . isLoading = false ;
} ;
Object . defineProperty ( Loader . prototype , "queueSize" , {
get : function ( ) {
return this . _queueSize ;
} ,
enumerable : true ,
configurable : true
} ) ;
/ * *
* Add a new image asset loading request with key and url .
* @ param key { string } Unique asset key of this image file .
* @ param url { string } URL of image file .
* /
Loader . prototype . image = function ( key , url , overwrite ) {
if ( typeof overwrite === "undefined" ) { overwrite = false ; }
if ( overwrite == true || this . checkKeyExists ( key ) == false ) {
this . _queueSize ++ ;
this . _fileList [ key ] = { type : 'image' , key : key , url : url , data : null , error : false , loaded : false } ;
this . _keys . push ( key ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Add a new sprite sheet loading request .
* @ param key { string } Unique asset key of the sheet file .
* @ param url { string } URL of sheet file .
* @ param frameWidth { number } Width of each single frame .
* @ param frameHeight { number } Height of each single frame .
* @ param frameMax { number } How many frames in this sprite sheet .
* /
Loader . prototype . spritesheet = function ( key , url , frameWidth , frameHeight , frameMax ) {
if ( typeof frameMax === "undefined" ) { frameMax = - 1 ; }
if ( this . checkKeyExists ( key ) === false ) {
this . _queueSize ++ ;
this . _fileList [ key ] = { type : 'spritesheet' , key : key , url : url , data : null , frameWidth : frameWidth , frameHeight : frameHeight , frameMax : frameMax , error : false , loaded : false } ;
this . _keys . push ( key ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Add a new texture atlas loading request .
* @ param key { string } Unique asset key of the texture atlas file .
* @ param textureURL { string } The url of the texture atlas image file .
* @ param [ atlasURL ] { string } The url of the texture atlas data file ( json / xml )
* @ param [ atlasData ] { object } A JSON or XML data object .
* @ param [ format ] { number } A value describing the format of the data .
* /
Loader . prototype . atlas = function ( key , textureURL , atlasURL , atlasData , format ) {
if ( typeof atlasURL === "undefined" ) { atlasURL = null ; }
if ( typeof atlasData === "undefined" ) { atlasData = null ; }
if ( typeof format === "undefined" ) { format = Loader . TEXTURE _ATLAS _JSON _ARRAY ; }
if ( this . checkKeyExists ( key ) === false ) {
if ( atlasURL !== null ) {
// A URL to a json/xml file has been given
this . _queueSize ++ ;
this . _fileList [ key ] = { type : 'textureatlas' , key : key , url : textureURL , atlasURL : atlasURL , data : null , format : format , error : false , loaded : false } ;
this . _keys . push ( key ) ;
} else {
if ( format == Loader . TEXTURE _ATLAS _JSON _ARRAY ) {
if ( typeof atlasData === 'string' ) {
atlasData = JSON . parse ( atlasData ) ;
this . _queueSize ++ ;
this . _fileList [ key ] = { type : 'textureatlas' , key : key , url : textureURL , data : null , atlasURL : null , atlasData : atlasData , format : format , error : false , loaded : false } ;
this . _keys . push ( key ) ;
} else if ( format == Loader . TEXTURE _ATLAS _XML _STARLING ) {
if ( typeof atlasData === 'string' ) {
var xml ;
try {
if ( window [ 'DOMParser' ] ) {
var domparser = new DOMParser ( ) ;
xml = domparser . parseFromString ( atlasData , "text/xml" ) ;
} else {
xml = new ActiveXObject ( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" ) ;
xml . async = 'false' ;
xml . loadXML ( atlasData ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
xml = undefined ;
if ( ! xml || ! xml . documentElement || xml . getElementsByTagName ( "parsererror" ) . length ) {
throw new Error ( "Phaser.Loader. Invalid Texture Atlas XML given" ) ;
} else {
atlasData = xml ;
this . _queueSize ++ ;
this . _fileList [ key ] = { type : 'textureatlas' , key : key , url : textureURL , data : null , atlasURL : null , atlasData : atlasData , format : format , error : false , loaded : false } ;
this . _keys . push ( key ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Add a new audio file loading request .
* @ param key { string } Unique asset key of the audio file .
* @ param urls { Array } An array containing the URLs of the audio files , i . e . : [ 'jump.mp3' , 'jump.ogg' , 'jump.m4a' ]
* @ param autoDecode { boolean } When using Web Audio the audio files can either be decoded at load time or run - time . They can 't be played until they are decoded, but this let' s you control when that happens . Decoding is a non - blocking async process .
* /
Loader . prototype . audio = function ( key , urls , autoDecode ) {
if ( typeof autoDecode === "undefined" ) { autoDecode = true ; }
if ( this . checkKeyExists ( key ) === false ) {
this . _queueSize ++ ;
this . _fileList [ key ] = { type : 'audio' , key : key , url : urls , data : null , buffer : null , error : false , loaded : false , autoDecode : autoDecode } ;
this . _keys . push ( key ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Add a new text file loading request .
* @ param key { string } Unique asset key of the text file .
* @ param url { string } URL of text file .
* /
Loader . prototype . text = function ( key , url ) {
if ( this . checkKeyExists ( key ) === false ) {
this . _queueSize ++ ;
this . _fileList [ key ] = { type : 'text' , key : key , url : url , data : null , error : false , loaded : false } ;
this . _keys . push ( key ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Remove loading request of a file .
* @ param key { string } Key of the file you want to remove .
* /
Loader . prototype . removeFile = function ( key ) {
delete this . _fileList [ key ] ;
} ;
/ * *
* Remove all file loading requests .
* /
Loader . prototype . removeAll = function ( ) {
this . _fileList = { } ;
} ;
/ * *
* Load assets .
* /
Loader . prototype . start = function ( ) {
if ( this . isLoading ) {
return ;
this . progress = 0 ;
this . hasLoaded = false ;
this . isLoading = true ;
this . onLoadStart . dispatch ( this . queueSize ) ;
if ( this . _keys . length > 0 ) {
this . _progressChunk = 100 / this . _keys . length ;
this . loadFile ( ) ;
} else {
this . progress = 100 ;
this . hasLoaded = true ;
this . onLoadComplete . dispatch ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Load files . Private method ONLY used by loader .
* /
Loader . prototype . loadFile = function ( ) {
var _this = this ;
var file = this . _fileList [ this . _keys . pop ( ) ] ;
switch ( file . type ) {
case 'image' :
case 'spritesheet' :
case 'textureatlas' :
file . data = new Image ( ) ;
file . data . name = file . key ;
file . data . onload = function ( ) {
return _this . fileComplete ( file . key ) ;
} ;
file . data . onerror = function ( ) {
return _this . fileError ( file . key ) ;
} ;
file . data . crossOrigin = this . crossOrigin ;
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file . data . src = this . baseURL + file . url ;
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break ;
case 'audio' :
file . url = this . getAudioURL ( file . url ) ;
if ( file . url !== null ) {
if ( this . game . sound . usingWebAudio ) {
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this . _xhr . open ( "GET" , this . baseURL + file . url , true ) ;
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this . _xhr . responseType = "arraybuffer" ;
this . _xhr . onload = function ( ) {
return _this . fileComplete ( file . key ) ;
} ;
this . _xhr . onerror = function ( ) {
return _this . fileError ( file . key ) ;
} ;
this . _xhr . send ( ) ;
} else if ( this . game . sound . usingAudioTag ) {
if ( this . game . sound . touchLocked ) {
// If audio is locked we can't do this yet, so need to queue this load request somehow. Bum.
file . data = new Audio ( ) ;
file . data . name = file . key ;
file . data . preload = 'auto' ;
2013-08-09 17:44:45 +00:00
file . data . src = this . baseURL + file . url ;
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this . fileComplete ( file . key ) ;
} else {
file . data = new Audio ( ) ;
file . data . name = file . key ;
file . data . onerror = function ( ) {
return _this . fileError ( file . key ) ;
} ;
file . data . preload = 'auto' ;
2013-08-09 17:44:45 +00:00
file . data . src = this . baseURL + file . url ;
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file . data . addEventListener ( 'canplaythrough' , Phaser . GAMES [ this . game . id ] . load . fileComplete ( file . key ) , false ) ;
file . data . load ( ) ;
break ;
case 'text' :
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this . _xhr . open ( "GET" , this . baseURL + file . url , true ) ;
2013-08-09 02:12:33 +00:00
this . _xhr . responseType = "text" ;
this . _xhr . onload = function ( ) {
return _this . fileComplete ( file . key ) ;
} ;
this . _xhr . onerror = function ( ) {
return _this . fileError ( file . key ) ;
} ;
this . _xhr . send ( ) ;
break ;
} ;
Loader . prototype . getAudioURL = function ( urls ) {
var extension ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < urls . length ; i ++ ) {
extension = urls [ i ] . toLowerCase ( ) ;
extension = extension . substr ( ( Math . max ( 0 , extension . lastIndexOf ( "." ) ) || Infinity ) + 1 ) ;
if ( this . game . device . canPlayAudio ( extension ) ) {
return urls [ i ] ;
return null ;
} ;
/ * *
* Error occured when load a file .
* @ param key { string } Key of the error loading file .
* /
Loader . prototype . fileError = function ( key ) {
this . _fileList [ key ] . loaded = true ;
this . _fileList [ key ] . error = true ;
this . onFileError . dispatch ( key ) ;
throw new Error ( "Phaser.Loader error loading file: " + key ) ;
this . nextFile ( key , false ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Called when a file is successfully loaded .
* @ param key { string } Key of the successfully loaded file .
* /
Loader . prototype . fileComplete = function ( key ) {
var _this = this ;
if ( ! this . _fileList [ key ] ) {
throw new Error ( 'Phaser.Loader fileComplete invalid key ' + key ) ;
return ;
this . _fileList [ key ] . loaded = true ;
var file = this . _fileList [ key ] ;
var loadNext = true ;
switch ( file . type ) {
case 'image' :
this . game . cache . addImage ( file . key , file . url , file . data ) ;
break ;
case 'spritesheet' :
this . game . cache . addSpriteSheet ( file . key , file . url , file . data , file . frameWidth , file . frameHeight , file . frameMax ) ;
break ;
case 'textureatlas' :
if ( file . atlasURL == null ) {
this . game . cache . addTextureAtlas ( file . key , file . url , file . data , file . atlasData , file . format ) ;
} else {
// Load the JSON or XML before carrying on with the next file
loadNext = false ;
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this . _xhr . open ( "GET" , this . baseURL + file . atlasURL , true ) ;
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this . _xhr . responseType = "text" ;
if ( file . format == Loader . TEXTURE _ATLAS _JSON _ARRAY ) {
this . _xhr . onload = function ( ) {
return _this . jsonLoadComplete ( file . key ) ;
} ;
} else if ( file . format == Loader . TEXTURE _ATLAS _XML _STARLING ) {
this . _xhr . onload = function ( ) {
return _this . xmlLoadComplete ( file . key ) ;
} ;
this . _xhr . onerror = function ( ) {
return _this . dataLoadError ( file . key ) ;
} ;
this . _xhr . send ( ) ;
break ;
case 'audio' :
if ( this . game . sound . usingWebAudio ) {
file . data = this . _xhr . response ;
this . game . cache . addSound ( file . key , file . url , file . data , true , false ) ;
if ( file . autoDecode ) {
this . game . cache . updateSound ( key , 'isDecoding' , true ) ;
var that = this ;
var key = file . key ;
this . game . sound . context . decodeAudioData ( file . data , function ( buffer ) {
if ( buffer ) {
that . game . cache . decodedSound ( key , buffer ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
file . data . removeEventListener ( 'canplaythrough' , Phaser . GAMES [ this . game . id ] . load . fileComplete ) ;
this . game . cache . addSound ( file . key , file . url , file . data , false , true ) ;
break ;
case 'text' :
file . data = this . _xhr . response ;
this . game . cache . addText ( file . key , file . url , file . data ) ;
break ;
if ( loadNext ) {
this . nextFile ( key , true ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Successfully loaded a JSON file .
* @ param key { string } Key of the loaded JSON file .
* /
Loader . prototype . jsonLoadComplete = function ( key ) {
var data = JSON . parse ( this . _xhr . response ) ;
var file = this . _fileList [ key ] ;
this . game . cache . addTextureAtlas ( file . key , file . url , file . data , data , file . format ) ;
this . nextFile ( key , true ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Error occured when load a JSON .
* @ param key { string } Key of the error loading JSON file .
* /
Loader . prototype . dataLoadError = function ( key ) {
var file = this . _fileList [ key ] ;
file . error = true ;
throw new Error ( "Phaser.Loader dataLoadError: " + key ) ;
this . nextFile ( key , true ) ;
} ;
Loader . prototype . xmlLoadComplete = function ( key ) {
var atlasData = this . _xhr . response ;
var xml ;
try {
if ( window [ 'DOMParser' ] ) {
var domparser = new DOMParser ( ) ;
xml = domparser . parseFromString ( atlasData , "text/xml" ) ;
} else {
xml = new ActiveXObject ( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" ) ;
xml . async = 'false' ;
xml . loadXML ( atlasData ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
xml = undefined ;
if ( ! xml || ! xml . documentElement || xml . getElementsByTagName ( "parsererror" ) . length ) {
throw new Error ( "Phaser.Loader. Invalid XML given" ) ;
var file = this . _fileList [ key ] ;
this . game . cache . addTextureAtlas ( file . key , file . url , file . data , xml , file . format ) ;
this . nextFile ( key , true ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Handle loading next file .
* @ param previousKey { string } Key of previous loaded asset .
* @ param success { boolean } Whether the previous asset loaded successfully or not .
* /
Loader . prototype . nextFile = function ( previousKey , success ) {
this . progress = Math . round ( this . progress + this . _progressChunk ) ;
if ( this . progress > 100 ) {
this . progress = 100 ;
this . onFileComplete . dispatch ( this . progress , previousKey , success , this . _queueSize - this . _keys . length , this . _queueSize ) ;
if ( this . _keys . length > 0 ) {
this . loadFile ( ) ;
} else {
this . hasLoaded = true ;
this . isLoading = false ;
this . removeAll ( ) ;
this . onLoadComplete . dispatch ( ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* Check whether asset exists with a specific key .
* @ param key { string } Key of the asset you want to check .
* @ return { boolean } Return true if exists , otherwise return false .
* /
Loader . prototype . checkKeyExists = function ( key ) {
if ( this . _fileList [ key ] ) {
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
} ;
return Loader ;
} ) ( ) ;
Phaser . Loader = Loader ;
} ) ( Phaser || ( Phaser = { } ) ) ;