use crate::tests::{fail_test, run_test, TestResult}; #[test] fn add_simple() -> TestResult { run_test("3 + 4", "7") } #[test] fn add_simple2() -> TestResult { run_test("3 + 4 + 9", "16") } #[test] fn broken_math() -> TestResult { fail_test("3 + ", "incomplete") } #[test] fn modulo1() -> TestResult { run_test("5 mod 2", "1") } #[test] fn modulo2() -> TestResult { run_test("5.25 mod 2", "1.25") } #[test] fn bit_shr() -> TestResult { run_test("16 bit-shr 1", "8") } #[test] fn bit_shl() -> TestResult { run_test("5 bit-shl 1", "10") } #[test] fn bit_shl_add() -> TestResult { run_test("2 bit-shl 1 + 2", "16") } #[test] fn sub_bit_shr() -> TestResult { run_test("10 - 2 bit-shr 2", "2") } #[test] fn and() -> TestResult { run_test("true and false", "false") } #[test] fn or() -> TestResult { run_test("true or false", "true") } #[test] fn xor_1() -> TestResult { run_test("false xor true", "true") } #[test] fn xor_2() -> TestResult { run_test("true xor true", "false") } #[test] fn bit_xor() -> TestResult { run_test("4 bit-xor 4", "0") } #[test] fn bit_xor_add() -> TestResult { run_test("4 bit-xor 2 + 2", "0") } #[test] fn bit_and() -> TestResult { run_test("2 bit-and 4", "0") } #[test] fn bit_or() -> TestResult { run_test("2 bit-or 4", "6") } #[test] fn bit_and_or() -> TestResult { run_test("2 bit-or 4 bit-and 1 + 2", "2") } #[test] fn pow() -> TestResult { run_test("3 ** 3", "27") } #[test] fn contains() -> TestResult { run_test("'testme' =~ 'test'", "true") } #[test] fn not_contains() -> TestResult { run_test("'testme' !~ 'test'", "false") } #[test] fn not_precedence() -> TestResult { run_test("not false and false", "false") } #[test] fn not_precedence2() -> TestResult { run_test("(not false) and false", "false") } #[test] fn not_precedence3() -> TestResult { run_test("not not true and true", "true") } #[test] fn not_precedence4() -> TestResult { run_test("not not true and not not true", "true") } #[test] fn floating_add() -> TestResult { run_test("10.1 + 0.8", "10.9") } #[test] fn precedence_of_or_groups() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"4 mod 3 == 0 or 5 mod 5 == 0"#, "true") } #[test] fn test_filesize_op() -> TestResult { run_test("-5kb + 4.5kb", "-500 B") } #[test] fn test_duration_op() -> TestResult { run_test("4min + 20sec", "4min 20sec").unwrap(); run_test("42sec * 2", "1min 24sec").unwrap(); run_test("(3min + 14sec) / 2", "1min 37sec").unwrap(); run_test("(4min + 20sec) mod 69sec", "53sec") } #[test] fn lt() -> TestResult { run_test("1 < 3", "true").unwrap(); run_test("3 < 3", "false").unwrap(); run_test("3 < 1", "false") } // Comparison operators return null if 1 side or both side is null. // The motivation for this behaviour: JT asked the C# devs and they said this is // the behaviour they would choose if they were starting from scratch. #[test] fn lt_null() -> TestResult { run_test("3 < null | to nuon", "null").unwrap(); run_test("null < 3 | to nuon", "null").unwrap(); run_test("null < null | to nuon", "null") } #[test] fn lte() -> TestResult { run_test("1 <= 3", "true").unwrap(); run_test("3 <= 3", "true").unwrap(); run_test("3 <= 1", "false") } #[test] fn lte_null() -> TestResult { run_test("3 <= null | to nuon", "null").unwrap(); run_test("null <= 3 | to nuon", "null").unwrap(); run_test("null <= null | to nuon", "null") } #[test] fn gt() -> TestResult { run_test("1 > 3", "false").unwrap(); run_test("3 > 3", "false").unwrap(); run_test("3 > 1", "true") } #[test] fn gt_null() -> TestResult { run_test("3 > null | to nuon", "null").unwrap(); run_test("null > 3 | to nuon", "null").unwrap(); run_test("null > null | to nuon", "null") } #[test] fn gte() -> TestResult { run_test("1 >= 3", "false").unwrap(); run_test("3 >= 3", "true").unwrap(); run_test("3 >= 1", "true") } #[test] fn gte_null() -> TestResult { run_test("3 >= null | to nuon", "null").unwrap(); run_test("null >= 3 | to nuon", "null").unwrap(); run_test("null >= null | to nuon", "null") }