title: update
layout: command
version: 0.59.0

Update an existing column to have a new value.

## Signature

```> update (field) (replacement value)```

## Parameters

 -  `field`: the name of the column to update
 -  `replacement value`: the new value to give the cell(s)

## Examples

Update a column value
> echo {'name': 'nu', 'stars': 5} | update name 'Nushell'

Use in block form for more involved updating logic
> echo [[count fruit]; [1 'apple']] | update count {|f| $f.count + 1}

Use in block form for more involved updating logic
> echo [[project, authors]; ['nu', ['Andrés', 'JT', 'Yehuda']]] | update authors { get authors | str collect ',' }