# These are the common keys acrosso modes taken directly from Rustyline. If # you want to change the keybinding you should change the letter after # "key:". If you want to change the modifier you should change or add the # modifier after "key:", such as: # key: # Ctrl: A # Available modifiers are Ctrl, F (for function), Meta (escape-char, alt-char) # Common From https://github.com/kkawakam/rustyline#actions # Move cursor to the beginning of line - key: Home: binding: Move: BeginningOfLine # Move cursor to end of line - key: End: binding: Move: EndOfLine # Move cursor one character left - key: Left: #Left Arrow Key binding: Move: BackwardChar: 1 # Move cursor one character right - key: Right: #Right Arrow Key binding: Move: ForwardChar: 1 # Interrupt/Cancel edition - key: Ctrl: C binding: Interrupt: # (if line is not empty) Delete character under cursor - key: Ctrl: D binding: EndOfFile: # Delete character under cursor - key: Delete: binding: Kill: ForwardChar: 1 # Finish the line entry - key: Ctrl: J binding: AcceptLine: - key: Ctrl: M binding: AcceptLine: - key: Enter: binding: AcceptLine: # Next match from history - key: Down: #Down Arrow Key binding: LineDownOrNextHistory: 1 # Previous match from history - key: Up: #Up Arrow Key binding: LineUpOrPreviousHistory: 1 # Reverse Search history (Ctrl-S forward, Ctrl-G cancel) - key: Ctrl: R binding: ReverseSearchHistory: # Forward Search history (Ctrl-R backward, Ctrl-G cancel) - key: Ctrl: S binding: ForwardSearchHistory: # Transpose previous character with current character - key: Ctrl: T binding: TransposeChars: # Delete from start of line to cursor - key: Ctrl: U binding: Kill: BeginningOfLine # Insert any special character without performing its associated action (#65) - key: Ctrl: Q binding: QuotedInsert: - key: Ctrl: V binding: QuotedInsert: # Delete word leading up to cursor (using white space as a word boundary) - key: Ctrl: W binding: Kill: BackwardWord: repeat: 1 word: Big # Paste from Yank buffer - key: Ctrl: Y binding: Yank: repeat: 1 anchor: Before # Suspend (Unix only) - key: Ctrl: Z binding: Suspend: # Undo - key: Ctrl: '_' binding: Undo: 1 # KeyPress::UnknownEscSeq => Cmd::Noop, - key: UnknownEscSeq: binding: Noop: