use super::support::Trusted; use nu_test_support::fs::Stub::FileWithContent; use nu_test_support::playground::Playground; use nu_test_support::{nu, pipeline}; use serial_test::serial; // Windows uses a different command to create an empty file // so we need to have different content on windows. const SCRIPTS: &str = if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { r#"[scripts] entryscripts = ["echo nul > hello.txt"] exitscripts = ["echo nul > bye.txt"]"# } else { r#"[scripts] entryscripts = ["touch hello.txt"] exitscripts = ["touch bye.txt"]"# }; #[test] #[serial] fn picks_up_env_keys_when_entering_trusted_directory() { Playground::setup("autoenv_test_1", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContent( ".nu-env", &format!( "{}\n{}", r#"[env] testkey = "testvalue" [scriptvars] myscript = "echo myval" "#, SCRIPTS ), )]); let expected = "testvalue"; let actual = Trusted::in_path(&dirs, || nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), "echo $nu.env.testkey")); assert_eq!(actual.out, expected); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn picks_up_script_vars_when_entering_trusted_directory() { Playground::setup("autoenv_test_2", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContent( ".nu-env", &format!( "{}\n{}", r#"[env] testkey = "testvalue" [scriptvars] myscript = "echo myval" "#, SCRIPTS ), )]); let expected = "myval"; let actual = Trusted::in_path(&dirs, || nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), "echo $nu.env.myscript")); assert_eq!(actual.out, expected); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn picks_up_env_keys_when_entering_trusted_directory_indirectly() { Playground::setup("autoenv_test_3", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.mkdir("crates"); sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContent( ".nu-env", r#"[env] nu-version = "0.28.0" "#, )]); let expected = "0.28.0"; let actual = Trusted::in_path(&dirs, || { nu!(cwd: dirs.test().join("crates"), r#" cd ../../autoenv_test_3 echo $ "#) }); assert_eq!(actual.out, expected); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn entering_a_trusted_directory_runs_entry_scripts() { Playground::setup("autoenv_test_4", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContent( ".nu-env", &format!( "{}\n{}", r#"[env] testkey = "testvalue" [scriptvars] myscript = "echo myval" "#, SCRIPTS ), )]); let actual = Trusted::in_path(&dirs, || { nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline(r#" ls | where name == "hello.txt" | get name "#)) }); assert_eq!(actual.out, "hello.txt"); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn leaving_a_trusted_directory_runs_exit_scripts() { Playground::setup("autoenv_test_5", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContent( ".nu-env", &format!( "{}\n{}", r#"[env] testkey = "testvalue" [scriptvars] myscript = "echo myval" "#, SCRIPTS ), )]); let actual = Trusted::in_path(&dirs, || { nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), r#" cd .. ls autoenv_test_5 | get name | path basename | where $it == "bye.txt" "#) }); assert_eq!(actual.out, "bye.txt"); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn entry_scripts_are_called_when_revisiting_a_trusted_directory() { Playground::setup("autoenv_test_6", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContent( ".nu-env", &format!( "{}\n{}", r#"[env] testkey = "testvalue" [scriptvars] myscript = "echo myval" "#, SCRIPTS ), )]); let actual = Trusted::in_path(&dirs, || { nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), r#" do { rm hello.txt ; = $nothing } ; # Silence file deletion message from output cd .. cd autoenv_test_6 ls | where name == "hello.txt" | get name "#) }); assert_eq!(actual.out, "hello.txt"); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn given_a_trusted_directory_with_entry_scripts_when_entering_a_subdirectory_entry_scripts_are_not_called( ) { Playground::setup("autoenv_test_7", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.mkdir("time_to_cook_arepas"); sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContent( ".nu-env", &format!( "{}\n{}", r#"[env] testkey = "testvalue" [scriptvars] myscript = "echo myval" "#, SCRIPTS ), )]); let actual = Trusted::in_path(&dirs, || { nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), r#" cd time_to_cook_arepas ls | where name == "hello.txt" | length "#) }); assert_eq!(actual.out, "0"); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn given_a_trusted_directory_with_exit_scripts_when_entering_a_subdirectory_exit_scripts_are_not_called( ) { Playground::setup("autoenv_test_8", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.mkdir("time_to_cook_arepas"); sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContent( ".nu-env", &format!( "{}\n{}", r#"[env] testkey = "testvalue" [scriptvars] myscript = "echo myval" "#, SCRIPTS ), )]); let actual = Trusted::in_path(&dirs, || { nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), r#" cd time_to_cook_arepas ls | where name == "bye.txt" | length "#) }); assert_eq!(actual.out, "0"); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn given_a_hierachy_of_trusted_directories_when_entering_in_any_nested_ones_should_carry_over_variables_set_from_the_root( ) { Playground::setup("autoenv_test_9", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.mkdir("nu_plugin_rb"); sandbox.with_files(vec![ FileWithContent( ".nu-env", r#"[env] organization = "nushell""#, ), FileWithContent( "nu_plugin_rb/.nu-env", r#"[env] language = "Ruby""#, ), ]); let actual = Trusted::in_path(&dirs, || { nu!(cwd: dirs.test().parent().unwrap(), r#" do { autoenv trust autoenv_test_9/nu_plugin_rb ; = $nothing } # Silence autoenv trust message from output cd autoenv_test_9/nu_plugin_rb echo $nu.env.organization "#) }); assert_eq!(actual.out, "nushell"); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn given_a_hierachy_of_trusted_directories_nested_ones_should_overwrite_variables_from_parent_directories( ) { Playground::setup("autoenv_test_10", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.mkdir("nu_plugin_rb"); sandbox.with_files(vec![ FileWithContent( ".nu-env", r#"[env] organization = "nushell""#, ), FileWithContent( "nu_plugin_rb/.nu-env", r#"[env] organization = "Andrab""#, ), ]); let actual = Trusted::in_path(&dirs, || { nu!(cwd: dirs.test().parent().unwrap(), r#" do { autoenv trust autoenv_test_10/nu_plugin_rb ; = $nothing } # Silence autoenv trust message from output cd autoenv_test_10/nu_plugin_rb echo $nu.env.organization "#) }); assert_eq!(actual.out, "Andrab"); }) } #[test] #[serial] fn given_a_hierachy_of_trusted_directories_going_back_restores_overwritten_variables() { Playground::setup("autoenv_test_11", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.mkdir("nu_plugin_rb"); sandbox.with_files(vec![ FileWithContent( ".nu-env", r#"[env] organization = "nushell""#, ), FileWithContent( "nu_plugin_rb/.nu-env", r#"[env] organization = "Andrab""#, ), ]); let actual = Trusted::in_path(&dirs, || { nu!(cwd: dirs.test().parent().unwrap(), r#" do { autoenv trust autoenv_test_11/nu_plugin_rb ; = $nothing } # Silence autoenv trust message from output cd autoenv_test_11 cd nu_plugin_rb do { rm ../.nu-env ; = $nothing } # By deleting the root nu-env we have guarantees that the variable gets restored (not by autoenv when re-entering) cd .. echo $nu.env.organization "#) }); assert_eq!(actual.out, "nushell"); }) }