use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; #[cfg(test)] use strum_macros::EnumIter; use std::fmt::Display; use crate::SyntaxShape; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, Hash)] #[cfg_attr(test, derive(EnumIter))] pub enum Type { Any, Binary, Block, Bool, CellPath, Closure, Custom(Box<str>), Date, Duration, Error, Filesize, Float, Int, List(Box<Type>), ListStream, #[default] Nothing, Number, Range, Record(Box<[(String, Type)]>), Signature, String, Glob, Table(Box<[(String, Type)]>), } impl Type { pub fn record() -> Self { Self::Record([].into()) } pub fn table() -> Self { Self::Table([].into()) } pub fn is_subtype(&self, other: &Type) -> bool { // Structural subtyping let is_subtype_collection = |this: &[(String, Type)], that: &[(String, Type)]| { if this.is_empty() || that.is_empty() { true } else if this.len() < that.len() { false } else { that.iter().all(|(col_y, ty_y)| { if let Some((_, ty_x)) = this.iter().find(|(col_x, _)| col_x == col_y) { ty_x.is_subtype(ty_y) } else { false } }) } }; match (self, other) { (t, u) if t == u => true, (Type::Float, Type::Number) => true, (Type::Int, Type::Number) => true, (_, Type::Any) => true, (Type::List(t), Type::List(u)) if t.is_subtype(u) => true, // List is covariant (Type::Record(this), Type::Record(that)) | (Type::Table(this), Type::Table(that)) => { is_subtype_collection(this, that) } (Type::Table(_), Type::List(_)) => true, _ => false, } } pub fn is_numeric(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, Type::Int | Type::Float | Type::Number) } pub fn is_list(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, Type::List(_)) } /// Does this type represent a data structure containing values that can be addressed using 'cell paths'? pub fn accepts_cell_paths(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, Type::List(_) | Type::Record(_) | Type::Table(_)) } pub fn to_shape(&self) -> SyntaxShape { let mk_shape = |tys: &[(String, Type)]| { tys.iter() .map(|(key, val)| (key.clone(), val.to_shape())) .collect() }; match self { Type::Int => SyntaxShape::Int, Type::Float => SyntaxShape::Float, Type::Range => SyntaxShape::Range, Type::Bool => SyntaxShape::Boolean, Type::String => SyntaxShape::String, Type::Block => SyntaxShape::Block, // FIXME needs more accuracy Type::Closure => SyntaxShape::Closure(None), // FIXME needs more accuracy Type::CellPath => SyntaxShape::CellPath, Type::Duration => SyntaxShape::Duration, Type::Date => SyntaxShape::DateTime, Type::Filesize => SyntaxShape::Filesize, Type::List(x) => SyntaxShape::List(Box::new(x.to_shape())), Type::Number => SyntaxShape::Number, Type::Nothing => SyntaxShape::Nothing, Type::Record(entries) => SyntaxShape::Record(mk_shape(entries)), Type::Table(columns) => SyntaxShape::Table(mk_shape(columns)), Type::ListStream => SyntaxShape::List(Box::new(SyntaxShape::Any)), Type::Any => SyntaxShape::Any, Type::Error => SyntaxShape::Any, Type::Binary => SyntaxShape::Binary, Type::Custom(_) => SyntaxShape::Any, Type::Signature => SyntaxShape::Signature, Type::Glob => SyntaxShape::GlobPattern, } } /// Get a string representation, without inner type specification of lists, /// tables and records (get `list` instead of `list<any>` pub fn get_non_specified_string(&self) -> String { match self { Type::Block => String::from("block"), Type::Closure => String::from("closure"), Type::Bool => String::from("bool"), Type::CellPath => String::from("cell-path"), Type::Date => String::from("date"), Type::Duration => String::from("duration"), Type::Filesize => String::from("filesize"), Type::Float => String::from("float"), Type::Int => String::from("int"), Type::Range => String::from("range"), Type::Record(_) => String::from("record"), Type::Table(_) => String::from("table"), Type::List(_) => String::from("list"), Type::Nothing => String::from("nothing"), Type::Number => String::from("number"), Type::String => String::from("string"), Type::ListStream => String::from("list-stream"), Type::Any => String::from("any"), Type::Error => String::from("error"), Type::Binary => String::from("binary"), Type::Custom(_) => String::from("custom"), Type::Signature => String::from("signature"), Type::Glob => String::from("glob"), } } } impl Display for Type { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Type::Block => write!(f, "block"), Type::Closure => write!(f, "closure"), Type::Bool => write!(f, "bool"), Type::CellPath => write!(f, "cell-path"), Type::Date => write!(f, "date"), Type::Duration => write!(f, "duration"), Type::Filesize => write!(f, "filesize"), Type::Float => write!(f, "float"), Type::Int => write!(f, "int"), Type::Range => write!(f, "range"), Type::Record(fields) => { if fields.is_empty() { write!(f, "record") } else { write!( f, "record<{}>", fields .iter() .map(|(x, y)| format!("{x}: {y}")) .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(", "), ) } } Type::Table(columns) => { if columns.is_empty() { write!(f, "table") } else { write!( f, "table<{}>", columns .iter() .map(|(x, y)| format!("{x}: {y}")) .collect::<Vec<String>>() .join(", ") ) } } Type::List(l) => write!(f, "list<{l}>"), Type::Nothing => write!(f, "nothing"), Type::Number => write!(f, "number"), Type::String => write!(f, "string"), Type::ListStream => write!(f, "list-stream"), Type::Any => write!(f, "any"), Type::Error => write!(f, "error"), Type::Binary => write!(f, "binary"), Type::Custom(custom) => write!(f, "{custom}"), Type::Signature => write!(f, "signature"), Type::Glob => write!(f, "glob"), } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::Type; use strum::IntoEnumIterator; mod subtype_relation { use super::*; #[test] fn test_reflexivity() { for ty in Type::iter() { assert!(ty.is_subtype(&ty)); } } #[test] fn test_any_is_top_type() { for ty in Type::iter() { assert!(ty.is_subtype(&Type::Any)); } } #[test] fn test_number_supertype() { assert!(Type::Int.is_subtype(&Type::Number)); assert!(Type::Float.is_subtype(&Type::Number)); } #[test] fn test_list_covariance() { for ty1 in Type::iter() { for ty2 in Type::iter() { let list_ty1 = Type::List(Box::new(ty1.clone())); let list_ty2 = Type::List(Box::new(ty2.clone())); assert_eq!(list_ty1.is_subtype(&list_ty2), ty1.is_subtype(&ty2)); } } } } }