# ansi
Output ANSI codes to change color.

For escape sequences:
Escape: `\x1b[` is not required for --escape parameter

Format: `#(;#)m`

Example: 1;31m for bold red or 2;37;41m for dimmed white fg with red bg
There can be multiple text formatting sequence numbers
separated by a ; and ending with an m where the # is of the
following values:

* 0    reset / normal display
* 1    bold or increased intensity
* 2    faint or decreased intensity
* 3    italic on (non-mono font)
* 4    underline on
* 5    slow blink on
* 6    fast blink on
* 7    reverse video on
* 8    nondisplayed (invisible) on
* 9    strike-through on

    foreground/bright colors    background/bright colors
    30/90    black              40/100    black
    31/91    red                41/101    red
    32/92    green              42/102    green
    33/93    yellow             43/103    yellow
    34/94    blue               44/104    blue
    35/95    magenta            45/105    magenta
    36/96    cyan               46/106    cyan
    37/97    white              47/107    white
OSC: `\x1b]` is not required for --osc parameter

Example: `echo [(ansi -o '0') 'some title' (char bel)] | str collect`

* 0 Set window title and icon name
* 1 Set icon name
* 2 Set window title
* 4 Set/read color palette
* 9 iTerm2 Grown notifications
* 10 Set foreground color (x11 color spec)
* 11 Set background color (x11 color spec)
* ... others

## Usage
> ansi (code) <subcommand> {flags} 

## Subcommands
* ansi strip - strip ansi escape sequences from string

## Parameters
* `(code)` the name of the code to use like 'green' or 'reset' to reset the color

## Flags
* -h, --help: Display this help message
* -e, --escape <any>: escape sequence without the escape character(s)
* -o, --osc <any>: operating system command (ocs) escape sequence without the escape character(s)

## Examples
  Change color to green
> ansi green

  Reset the color
> ansi reset

  Use ansi to color text (rb = red bold, gb = green bold, pb = purple bold)
> echo [(ansi rb) Hello " " (ansi gb) Nu " " (ansi pb) World] | str collect

  Use ansi to color text (rb = red bold, gb = green bold, pb = purple bold)
> echo [(ansi -e '3;93;41m') Hello (ansi reset) " " (ansi gb) Nu " " (ansi pb) World] | str collect