use nu_test_support::nu;

fn capture_errors_works() {
    let actual = nu!("do -c {$env.use}");

    eprintln!("actual.err: {:?}", actual.err);


fn capture_errors_works_for_external() {
    let actual = nu!("do -c {nu --testbin fail}");
    assert!(actual.err.contains("exited with code"));
    assert_eq!(actual.out, "");

fn capture_errors_works_for_external_with_pipeline() {
    let actual = nu!("do -c {nu --testbin fail} | echo `text`");
    assert!(actual.err.contains("exited with code"));
    assert_eq!(actual.out, "");

fn capture_errors_works_for_external_with_semicolon() {
    let actual = nu!(r#"do -c {nu --testbin fail}; echo `text`"#);
    assert!(actual.err.contains("exited with code"));
    assert_eq!(actual.out, "");

fn do_with_semicolon_break_on_failed_external() {
    let actual = nu!(r#"do { nu --not_exist_flag }; `text`"#);

    assert_eq!(actual.out, "");

fn ignore_shell_errors_works_for_external_with_semicolon() {
    let actual = nu!(r#"do -s { open asdfasdf.txt }; "text""#);

    assert_eq!(actual.err, "");
    assert_eq!(actual.out, "text");

fn ignore_program_errors_works_for_external_with_semicolon() {
    let actual = nu!(r#"do -p { nu -n -c 'exit 1' }; "text""#);

    assert_eq!(actual.err, "");
    assert_eq!(actual.out, "text");

fn ignore_error_should_work_for_external_command() {
    let actual = nu!(r#"do -i { nu --testbin fail asdf }; echo post"#);

    assert_eq!(actual.err, "");
    assert_eq!(actual.out, "post");

fn ignore_error_works_with_list_stream() {
    let actual = nu!(r#"do -i { ["a", null, "b"] | ansi strip }"#);

fn run_closure_with_it_using() {
    let actual = nu!(r#"let x = {let it = 3; $it}; do $x"#);
    assert_eq!(actual.out, "3");