use ansi_term::Colour; use crossterm::{cursor, terminal, ClearType, InputEvent, KeyEvent, RawScreen}; use std::io::Write; use sublime_fuzzy::best_match; pub enum SelectionResult { Selected(String), Edit(String), NoSelection, } pub fn select_from_list(lines: &Vec<&str>) -> SelectionResult { const MAX_RESULTS: usize = 5; #[derive(PartialEq)] enum State { Selecting, Quit, Selected(usize), Edit(usize), } let mut state = State::Selecting; if let Ok(_raw) = RawScreen::into_raw_mode() { // User input for search let mut searchinput = String::new(); let mut selected = 0; let mut cursor = cursor(); let _ = cursor.hide(); let input = crossterm::input(); let mut sync_stdin = input.read_sync(); while state == State::Selecting { let search_result = search(&searchinput, &lines, MAX_RESULTS); let selected_lines: Vec<&str> = search_result .iter() .map(|item| &item.highlighted_text as &str) .collect(); paint_selection_list(&selected_lines, selected); if let Some(ev) = { match ev { InputEvent::Keyboard(k) => match k { KeyEvent::Esc | KeyEvent::Ctrl('c') => { state = State::Quit; } KeyEvent::Up => { if selected > 0 { selected -= 1; } } KeyEvent::Down => { if selected + 1 < selected_lines.len() { selected += 1; } } KeyEvent::Char('\n') => { state = State::Selected(search_result[selected].text_idx); } KeyEvent::Char('\t') | KeyEvent::Right => { state = State::Edit(search_result[selected].text_idx); } KeyEvent::Char(ch) => { searchinput.push(ch); selected = 0; } KeyEvent::Backspace => { searchinput.pop(); selected = 0; } _ => { // println!("{}", format!("OTHER InputEvent: {:?}\n\n", k)); } }, _ => {} } } cursor.move_up(selected_lines.len() as u16); } let (_x, y) = cursor.pos(); let _ = cursor.goto(0, y - 1); let _ =; let _ = RawScreen::disable_raw_mode(); } let terminal = terminal(); terminal.clear(ClearType::FromCursorDown).unwrap(); match state { State::Selected(idx) => SelectionResult::Selected(lines[idx].to_string()), State::Edit(idx) => SelectionResult::Edit(lines[idx].to_string()), _ => SelectionResult::NoSelection, } } struct Match { highlighted_text: String, text_idx: usize, } fn search(input: &String, lines: &Vec<&str>, max_results: usize) -> Vec { if input.is_empty() { return lines .iter() .take(max_results) .enumerate() .map(|(i, line)| Match { highlighted_text: line.to_string(), text_idx: i, }) .collect(); } let mut matches = lines .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(idx, line)| (idx, best_match(&input, line))) .filter(|(_i, m)| m.is_some()) .map(|(i, m)| (i, m.unwrap())) .collect::>(); matches.sort_by(|a, b| b.1.score().cmp(&a.1.score())); let highlight = Colour::Cyan; let results: Vec = matches .iter() .take(max_results) .map(|(i, m)| { let r = &lines[*i]; let mut outstr = String::with_capacity(r.len()); let mut idx = 0; for (match_idx, len) in m.continuous_matches() { outstr.push_str(&r[idx..match_idx]); idx = match_idx + len; outstr.push_str(&format!("{}", highlight.paint(&r[match_idx..idx]))); } if idx < r.len() { outstr.push_str(&r[idx..r.len()]); } Match { highlighted_text: outstr, text_idx: *i, } }) .collect(); results } fn paint_selection_list(lines: &Vec<&str>, selected: usize) { let dimmed = Colour::White.dimmed(); let cursor = cursor(); let (_x, y) = cursor.pos(); for (i, line) in lines.iter().enumerate() { let _ = cursor.goto(0, y + (i as u16)); if selected == i { println!("{}", *line); } else { println!("{}", dimmed.paint(*line)); } } let _ = cursor.goto(0, y + (lines.len() as u16)); print!( "{}", Colour::Blue.paint("[ESC to quit, Enter to execute, Tab to edit]") ); let _ = std::io::stdout().flush(); // Clear additional lines from previous selection terminal().clear(ClearType::FromCursorDown).unwrap(); }