#[macro_export] macro_rules! nu { (cwd: $cwd:expr, $path:expr, $($part:expr),*) => {{ use $crate::fs::DisplayPath; let path = format!($path, $( $part.display_path() ),*); nu!($cwd, &path) }}; (cwd: $cwd:expr, $path:expr) => {{ nu!($cwd, $path) }}; ($cwd:expr, $path:expr) => {{ pub use itertools::Itertools; pub use std::error::Error; pub use std::io::prelude::*; pub use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; pub use $crate::NATIVE_PATH_ENV_VAR; // let commands = &*format!( // " // {} // exit", // $crate::fs::DisplayPath::display_path(&$path) // ); let test_bins = $crate::fs::binaries(); let cwd = std::env::current_dir().expect("Could not get current working directory."); let test_bins = nu_path::canonicalize_with(&test_bins, cwd).unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!( "Couldn't canonicalize dummy binaries path {}: {:?}", test_bins.display(), e ) }); let mut paths = $crate::shell_os_paths(); paths.insert(0, test_bins); let path = $path.lines().collect::>().join("; "); let paths_joined = match std::env::join_paths(paths) { Ok(all) => all, Err(_) => panic!("Couldn't join paths for PATH var."), }; let target_cwd = $crate::fs::in_directory(&$cwd); let mut process = match Command::new($crate::fs::executable_path()) .env("PWD", &target_cwd) // setting PWD is enough to set cwd .env(NATIVE_PATH_ENV_VAR, paths_joined) // .arg("--skip-plugins") // .arg("--no-history") // .arg("--config-file") // .arg($crate::fs::DisplayPath::display_path(&$crate::fs::fixtures().join("playground/config/default.toml"))) .arg(format!("-c '{}'", $crate::fs::DisplayPath::display_path(&path))) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) // .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() { Ok(child) => child, Err(why) => panic!("Can't run test {:?} {}", $crate::fs::executable_path(), why.to_string()), }; // let stdin = process.stdin.as_mut().expect("couldn't open stdin"); // stdin // .write_all(b"exit\n") // .expect("couldn't write to stdin"); let output = process .wait_with_output() .expect("couldn't read from stdout/stderr"); let out = $crate::macros::read_std(&output.stdout); let err = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr); println!("=== stderr\n{}", err); $crate::Outcome::new(out,err.into_owned()) }}; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! nu_with_plugins { (cwd: $cwd:expr, $path:expr, $($part:expr),*) => {{ use $crate::fs::DisplayPath; let path = format!($path, $( $part.display_path() ),*); nu_with_plugins!($cwd, &path) }}; (cwd: $cwd:expr, $path:expr) => {{ nu_with_plugins!($cwd, $path) }}; ($cwd:expr, $path:expr) => {{ pub use std::error::Error; pub use std::io::prelude::*; pub use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; pub use crate::NATIVE_PATH_ENV_VAR; let commands = &*format!( " {} exit", $crate::fs::DisplayPath::display_path(&$path) ); let test_bins = $crate::fs::binaries(); let test_bins = nu_path::canonicalize(&test_bins).unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!( "Couldn't canonicalize dummy binaries path {}: {:?}", test_bins.display(), e ) }); let mut paths = $crate::shell_os_paths(); paths.insert(0, test_bins); let paths_joined = match std::env::join_paths(paths) { Ok(all) => all, Err(_) => panic!("Couldn't join paths for PATH var."), }; let target_cwd = $crate::fs::in_directory(&$cwd); let mut process = match Command::new($crate::fs::executable_path()) .env("PWD", &target_cwd) // setting PWD is enough to set cwd .env(NATIVE_PATH_ENV_VAR, paths_joined) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() { Ok(child) => child, Err(why) => panic!("Can't run test {}", why.to_string()), }; let stdin = process.stdin.as_mut().expect("couldn't open stdin"); stdin .write_all(commands.as_bytes()) .expect("couldn't write to stdin"); let output = process .wait_with_output() .expect("couldn't read from stdout/stderr"); let out = $crate::macros::read_std(&output.stdout); let err = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr); println!("=== stderr\n{}", err); $crate::Outcome::new(out,err.into_owned()) }}; } pub fn read_std(std: &[u8]) -> String { let out = String::from_utf8_lossy(std); let out = out.lines().collect::>().join("\n"); let out = out.replace("\r\n", ""); out.replace('\n', "") }