2022-07-22 00:14:37 -04:00
use std::{
process::{Command, Stdio},
2023-03-05 19:04:12 -08:00
atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering::Relaxed},
2022-07-22 00:14:37 -04:00
2023-03-05 19:04:12 -08:00
static CARGO_BUILD_LOCK: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(());
static PLUGINS_BUILT: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
// This runs `cargo build --package nu_plugin_*` to ensure that all plugins
// have been built before plugin tests run. We use a lock to avoid multiple
// simultaneous `cargo build` invocations clobbering each other.
pub fn ensure_plugins_built() {
let _guard = CARGO_BUILD_LOCK.lock().expect("could not get mutex lock");
if PLUGINS_BUILT.load(Relaxed) {
2022-07-22 00:14:37 -04:00
let cargo_path = env!("CARGO");
2023-03-05 19:04:12 -08:00
let mut arguments = vec!["build", "--package", "nu_plugin_*", "--quiet"];
2022-07-22 00:14:37 -04:00
let profile = std::env::var("NUSHELL_CARGO_TARGET");
if let Ok(profile) = &profile {
let mut command = Command::new(cargo_path)
.expect("Failed to spawn cargo build command");
let stderr = command.stderr.take();
let success = command
.expect("failed to wait cargo build command")
if let Some(mut stderr) = stderr {
let mut buffer = String::new();
.read_to_string(&mut buffer)
.expect("failed to read cargo build stderr");
if !buffer.is_empty() {
2023-01-30 02:37:54 +01:00
println!("=== cargo build stderr\n{buffer}");
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if !success {
panic!("cargo build failed");
2023-03-05 19:04:12 -08:00
PLUGINS_BUILT.store(true, Relaxed);
2022-07-22 00:14:37 -04:00