This commit is contained in:
Ryan Yin 2023-08-13 12:37:28 +08:00
parent af34724e5a
commit d7b1518882
4 changed files with 6 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ I delved into some details regarding Flakes:
- [[RFC 0136] A Plan to Stabilize Flakes and the New CLI Incrementally]( A plan to incrementally stabilize Flakes and the new CLI, still a work in progress.
- [Why Are Flakes Still Experimental? - NixOS Discourse]( A post discussing why Flakes are still considered experimental.
- [Flakes Are Such an Obviously Good Thing - Graham Christensen]( An article emphasizing the advantages of Flakes while suggesting areas for improvement in its design and development process.
- [ teaching Nix 3 CLI and Flakes #281 -]( An issue about "Teaching Nix 3 CLI and Flakes" in, and the conclusion is that we should not promote unstable features in
- [Draft: 1-year Roadmap - NixOS Foundation]( A roadmap provided by the NixOS Foundation, which includes plans regarding the stabilization of Flakes.
After reviewing these resources, it seems likely that Flakes will be stabilized within one or two years, possibly accompanied by some breaking changes.

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@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ However, as Flakes is still an experimental feature, it is not enabled by defaul
# Set default editor to vim
environment.variables.EDITOR = "vim";
# Omit the rest of the configuration...

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@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ Nix 于 2020 年推出了 `nix-command` & `flakes` 两个新特性,它们提
- [[RFC 0136] A plan to stabilize Flakes and the new CLI incrementally]( 一份渐进式地将 Flakes 与 new CLI 两个实验性特性推向稳定的 RFC目前还在讨论中。
- [Why are flakes still experimental? - NixOS Discourse]( 最近的一次关于 Flakes 稳定性的讨论,可以看到大家的疑惑,以及社区对 Flakes 的态度。
- [Flakes are such an obviously good thing - Graham Christensen]( NixOS 社区成员的文章,记录了他对 Flakes 的看法,以及对社区当初添加 Flakes 特性时的不当举措的懊悔。
- [ teaching Nix 3 CLI and Flakes #281 -]( 社区关于是否应该在 NixOS 官方文档中介绍 Flakes 的讨论,当前结论是官方文档不应该推广使用 unstable 功能。
- [Draft: 1 year roadmap - NixOS Foundation]( NixOS Fundation 的一份 Roadmap其中提到了 Flakes 的计划:`Stabilize flakes and release Nix 3.0. Flakes are widely used (there are more GitHub repos being created with a flake.nix than a default.nix) but theyre still marked as experimental, which is not a good situation. The same applies to the new nix CLI.`
读完上述内容后,个人猜测,**Flakes 可能会在未来一两年内成为稳定特性**。

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@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
# 将默认编辑器设置为 vim
environment.variables.EDITOR = "vim";
# 省略其他配置......