Jan Tojnar 05407a5a2f epub: Remove extra page breaks before headings
The sections are pretty short, leading to unnecessary pagination being required.
2024-04-09 01:46:32 +02:00

104 lines
3 KiB

{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
html-split = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = "nix-pills";
src = ./.;
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
# We can't check external links inside the sandbox, but it's good to check them outside the sandbox.
substituteInPlace book.toml --replace-fail 'follow-web-links = true' 'follow-web-links = false'
mdbook build
runHook postBuild
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
# The nix pills were originally built into this directory, and consumers of the nix pills expect to find it there. Do not change unless you also change other code that depends on this directory structure.
mkdir -p "$dst"
mv book/html/* "$dst"/
mkdir -p "$out/nix-support"
echo "nix-build out $out" >> "$out/nix-support/hydra-build-products"
echo "doc nix-pills $dst" >> "$out/nix-support/hydra-build-products"
runHook postInstall
epub = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = "nix-pills-epub";
src = ./.;
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
installCheckInputs = with pkgs; [
doInstallCheck = true;
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
mdbook-epub --standalone${pkgs.lib.optionalString (pkgs.mdbook-epub.version != "unstable-2022-12-25") " true"}
# Work around bugs in mdbook-epub.
mkdir nix-pills.epub-fix
( cd nix-pills.epub-fix
unzip -q "../book/epub/Nix Pills.epub"
# Fix invalid ids.
sed -Ei 's/(id(ref)?=")([0-9])/\1p\3/g' OEBPS/content.opf
sed -Ei 's/(id="|href="#)([0-9])/\1fn\2/g' OEBPS/20-basic-dependencies-and-hooks.html
# Fix anchors.
sed -Ei 's~(<h[1-6])(>.+) \{#([^\}]+)\}(</h[1-6]>)~\1 id="\3"\2\4~g' OEBPS/*.html
# Fix broken links in body.
sed -Ei 's/("[0-9a-z-]+\.)md(["#])/\1html\2/g' OEBPS/*.html
# Remove unnecessary page breaks, the sections are short.
substituteInPlace OEBPS/stylesheet.css --replace-fail "page-break-before: always;" ""
zip -q "../book/epub/Nix Pills.epub" **/*
runHook postBuild
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
# The nix pills were originally built into this directory, and consumers of the nix pills expect to find it there. Do not change unless you also change other code that depends on this directory structure.
mkdir -p "$dst"
mv "book/epub/Nix Pills.epub" "$manual"
mkdir -p "$out/nix-support"
echo "nix-build out $out" >> "$out/nix-support/hydra-build-products"
echo "doc-epub nix-pills $manual" >> "$out/nix-support/hydra-build-products"
runHook postInstall
installCheckPhase = ''
runHook preInstallCheck
epubcheck "$manual"
runHook postInstallCheck