use crate::display; use crate::filesystem; use crate::structures::cheat::VariableMap; use crate::structures::fnv::HashLine; use crate::structures::fzf::{Opts as FzfOpts, SuggestionType}; use crate::structures::{error::filesystem::InvalidPath, option::Config}; use crate::welcome; use anyhow::{Context, Error}; use regex::Regex; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::fs; use std::io::Write; lazy_static! { pub static ref VAR_LINE_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r"^\$\s*([^:]+):(.*)").expect("Invalid regex"); } fn parse_opts(text: &str) -> Result { let mut multi = false; let mut prevent_extra = false; let mut opts = FzfOpts::default(); let parts = shellwords::split(text) .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Given options are missing a closing quote"))?; parts .into_iter() .filter(|part| { // We'll take parts in pairs of 2: (argument, value). Flags don't have a value tho, so we filter and handle them beforehand. match part.as_str() { "--multi" => { multi = true; false } "--prevent-extra" => { prevent_extra = true; false } _ => true, } }) .collect::>() .chunks(2) .map(|flag_and_value| { if let [flag, value] = flag_and_value { match flag.as_str() { "--headers" | "--header-lines" => { opts.header_lines = value .parse::() .context("Value for `--headers` is invalid u8")? } "--column" => { opts.column = Some( value .parse::() .context("Value for `--column` is invalid u8")?, ) } "--delimiter" => opts.delimiter = Some(value.to_string()), "--query" => opts.query = Some(value.to_string()), "--filter" => opts.filter = Some(value.to_string()), "--preview" => opts.preview = Some(value.to_string()), "--preview-window" => opts.preview_window = Some(value.to_string()), "--header" => opts.header = Some(value.to_string()), "--overrides" => opts.overrides = Some(value.to_string()), _ => (), } Ok(()) } else if let [flag] = flag_and_value { Err(anyhow!("No value provided for the flag `{}`", flag)) } else { unreachable!() // Chunking by 2 allows only for tuples of 1 or 2 items... } }) .collect::>() .context("Failed to parse fzf options")?; let suggestion_type = match (multi, prevent_extra) { (true, _) => SuggestionType::MultipleSelections, // multi wins over prevent-extra (false, false) => SuggestionType::SingleRecommendation, (false, true) => SuggestionType::SingleSelection, }; opts.suggestion_type = suggestion_type; Ok(opts) } fn parse_variable_line(line: &str) -> Result<(&str, &str, Option), Error> { let caps = VAR_LINE_REGEX.captures(line).ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!( "No variables, command, and options found in the line `{}`", line ) })?; let variable = caps .get(1) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No variable captured in the line `{}`", line))? .as_str() .trim(); let mut command_plus_opts = caps .get(2) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No command and options captured in the line `{}`", line))? .as_str() .split("---"); let command = command_plus_opts .next() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No command captured in the line `{}`", line))?; let command_options =; Ok((variable, command, command_options)) } fn write_cmd( tags: &str, comment: &str, snippet: &str, tag_width: usize, comment_width: usize, stdin: &mut std::process::ChildStdin, ) -> Result<(), Error> { if snippet.is_empty() { Ok(()) } else { stdin .write_all( display::format_line(&tags, &comment, &snippet, tag_width, comment_width) .as_bytes(), ) .context("Failed to write command to fzf's stdin") } } fn read_file( path: &str, variables: &mut VariableMap, visited_lines: &mut HashSet, stdin: &mut std::process::ChildStdin, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut tags = String::from(""); let mut comment = String::from(""); let mut snippet = String::from(""); let mut should_break = false; let (tag_width, comment_width) = *display::WIDTHS; for (line_nr, line_result) in filesystem::read_lines(path)?.enumerate() { let line = line_result .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read line nr.{} from `{}`", line_nr, path))?; if should_break { break; } // duplicate if !tags.is_empty() && !comment.is_empty() {} // blank if line.is_empty() { } // tag else if line.starts_with('%') { if write_cmd(&tags, &comment, &snippet, tag_width, comment_width, stdin).is_err() { should_break = true } snippet = String::from(""); tags = String::from(&line[2..]); } // metacomment else if line.starts_with(';') { } // comment else if line.starts_with('#') { if write_cmd(&tags, &comment, &snippet, tag_width, comment_width, stdin).is_err() { should_break = true } snippet = String::from(""); comment = String::from(&line[2..]); } // variable else if line.starts_with('$') { if write_cmd(&tags, &comment, &snippet, tag_width, comment_width, stdin).is_err() { should_break = true } snippet = String::from(""); let (variable, command, opts) = parse_variable_line(&line).with_context(|| { format!( "Failed to parse variable line. See line nr.{} in cheatsheet `{}`", line_nr + 1, path ) })?; variables.insert(&tags, &variable, (String::from(command), opts)); } // snippet else { let hash = format!("{}{}", &comment, &line).hash_line(); if visited_lines.contains(&hash) { continue; } visited_lines.insert(hash); if !(&snippet).is_empty() { snippet.push_str(display::LINE_SEPARATOR); } snippet.push_str(&line); } } if !should_break { let _ = write_cmd(&tags, &comment, &snippet, tag_width, comment_width, stdin); } Ok(()) } fn paths_from_path_param<'a>(env_var: &'a str) -> impl Iterator + 'a { env_var.split(':').filter(|folder| folder != &"") } pub fn read_all( config: &Config, stdin: &mut std::process::ChildStdin, ) -> Result { let mut variables = VariableMap::new(); let mut found_something = false; let mut visited_lines = HashSet::new(); let paths = filesystem::cheat_paths(config); if paths.is_err() { welcome::cheatsheet(stdin); return Ok(variables); } let paths = paths.expect("Unable to get paths"); let folders = paths_from_path_param(&paths); for folder in folders { if let Ok(dir_entries) = fs::read_dir(folder) { for entry in dir_entries { if entry.is_ok() { let path = entry.expect("Impossible to read an invalid entry").path(); let path_str = path .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| InvalidPath(path.to_path_buf()))?; if path_str.ends_with(".cheat") && read_file(path_str, &mut variables, &mut visited_lines, stdin).is_ok() && !found_something { found_something = true; } } } } } if !found_something { welcome::cheatsheet(stdin); } Ok(variables) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_parse_variable_line() { let (variable, command, command_options) = parse_variable_line("$ user : echo -e \"$(whoami)\\nroot\" --- --prevent-extra") .unwrap(); assert_eq!(command, " echo -e \"$(whoami)\\nroot\" "); assert_eq!(variable, "user"); assert_eq!( command_options, Some(FzfOpts { header_lines: 0, column: None, delimiter: None, suggestion_type: SuggestionType::SingleSelection, ..Default::default() }) ); } use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; #[test] fn test_read_file() { let path = "tests/cheats/ssh.cheat"; let mut variables = VariableMap::new(); let mut child = Command::new("cat").stdin(Stdio::piped()).spawn().unwrap(); let child_stdin = child.stdin.as_mut().unwrap(); let mut visited_lines: HashSet = HashSet::new(); read_file(path, &mut variables, &mut visited_lines, child_stdin).unwrap(); let expected_suggestion = ( r#" echo -e "$(whoami)\nroot" "#.to_string(), Some(FzfOpts { header_lines: 0, column: None, delimiter: None, suggestion_type: SuggestionType::SingleSelection, ..Default::default() }), ); let actual_suggestion = variables.get("ssh", "user"); assert_eq!(Some(&expected_suggestion), actual_suggestion); } #[test] fn splitting_of_dirs_param_may_not_contain_empty_items() { // Trailing colon indicates potential extra path. Split returns an empty item for it. This empty item should be filtered away, which is what this test checks. let given_path_config = "SOME_PATH:ANOTHER_PATH:"; let found_paths = paths_from_path_param(given_path_config); let mut expected_paths = vec!["SOME_PATH", "ANOTHER_PATH"].into_iter(); for found in found_paths { let expected =; assert_eq!(found, expected) } } }