Jos van den Oever 275010712c Look in [workspace.package] for the version number
Since Rust 1.64.0, a workpackage can define a version number that packages
in the workspace can inherit.
2023-08-16 16:01:06 +02:00

416 lines
16 KiB

{ lib, libb, builtinz, arg }:
allowFun = attrs0: attrName: default:
if builtins.hasAttr attrName attrs0 then
if lib.isFunction attrs0.${attrName} then
attrs0.${attrName} default
finalTy = builtins.typeOf default;
actualTy = builtins.typeOf attrs0.${attrName};
throw "${attrName} should be a function from ${finalTy} to ${finalTy}, but is a ${actualTy}"
else default;
mkAttrs = attrs0: rec
# The name of the derivation.
name = or null;
# The version of the derivation.
version = attrs0.version or null;
# Used by `naersk` as source input to the derivation. When `root` is not
# set, `src` is also used to discover the `Cargo.toml` and `Cargo.lock`.
src = attrs0.src or null;
# Used by `naersk` to read the `Cargo.toml` and `Cargo.lock` files. May
# be different from `src`. When `src` is not set, `root` is (indirectly)
# used as `src`.
root = attrs0.root or null;
# Whether to fetch all refs while fetching Git dependencies. Useful if
# the wanted revision isn't in the default branch. Requires Nix 2.4+.
gitAllRefs = attrs0.gitAllRefs or false;
# Whether to fetch submodules while fetching Git dependencies. Requires Nix
# 2.4+.
gitSubmodules = attrs0.gitSubmodules or false;
# Url for downloading crates from an alternative source
cratesDownloadUrl = attrs0.cratesDownloadUrl or "";
# The command to use for the build.
cargoBuild =
allowFun attrs0 "cargoBuild"
''cargo $cargo_options build $cargo_build_options >> $cargo_build_output_json'';
# Options passed to cargo build, i.e. `cargo build <OPTS>`. These options
# can be accessed during the build through the environment variable
# `cargo_build_options`. <br/>
# Note: naersk relies on the
# `--out-dir out` option and the `--message-format` option.
# The `$cargo_message_format` variable is set
# based on the cargo version.<br/>
# Note: these values are not (shell) escaped, meaning that you can use
# environment variables but must be careful when introducing e.g. spaces. <br/>
cargoBuildOptions =
allowFun attrs0 "cargoBuildOptions" [ "$cargo_release" ''-j "$NIX_BUILD_CORES"'' "--message-format=$cargo_message_format" ];
# When `true`, rustc remaps the (`/nix/store`) source paths to `/sources`
# to reduce the number of dependencies in the closure.
remapPathPrefix = attrs0.remapPathPrefix or true;
# The commands to run in the `checkPhase`. Do not forget to set
# [`doCheck`](
cargoTestCommands =
allowFun attrs0 "cargoTestCommands" [ ''cargo $cargo_options test $cargo_test_options'' ];
# Options passed to cargo test, i.e. `cargo test <OPTS>`. These options
# can be accessed during the build through the environment variable
# `cargo_test_options`. <br/>
# Note: these values are not (shell) escaped, meaning that you can use
# environment variables but must be careful when introducing e.g. spaces. <br/>
cargoTestOptions =
allowFun attrs0 "cargoTestOptions" [ "$cargo_release" ''-j "$NIX_BUILD_CORES"'' ];
# Options passed to cargo clippy, i.e. `cargo clippy -- <OPTS>`. These options
# can be accessed during the build through the environment variable
# `cargo_clippy_options`. <br />
# Note: these values are not (shell) escaped, meaning that you can use
# environment variables but must be careful when introducing e.g. spaces. <br/>
cargoClippyOptions =
allowFun attrs0 "cargoClippyOptions" [ "-D warnings" ];
# Options passed to cargo fmt, i.e. `cargo fmt -- <OPTS>`. These options
# can be accessed during the build through the environment variable
# `cargo_fmt_options`. <br />
# Note: these values are not (shell) escaped, meaning that you can use
# environment variables but must be careful when introducing e.g. spaces. <br/>
cargoFmtOptions =
allowFun attrs0 "cargoFmtOptions" [ "--check" ];
# Extra `nativeBuildInputs` to all derivations.
nativeBuildInputs = attrs0.nativeBuildInputs or [];
# Extra `buildInputs` to all derivations.
buildInputs = attrs0.buildInputs or [];
# Options passed to all cargo commands, i.e. `cargo <OPTS> ...`. These
# options can be accessed during the build through the environment variable
# `cargo_options`. <br/>
# Note: these values are not (shell) escaped, meaning that you can use
# environment variables but must be careful when introducing e.g. spaces. <br/>
cargoOptions =
allowFun attrs0 "cargoOptions" [ ];
# When true, `cargo doc` is run and a new output `doc` is generated.
doDoc = attrs0.doDoc or false;
# The commands to run in the `docPhase`. Do not forget to set `doDoc`.
cargoDocCommands =
allowFun attrs0 "cargoDocCommands" [ ''cargo $cargo_options doc $cargo_doc_options'' ];
# Options passed to cargo doc, i.e. `cargo doc <OPTS>`. These options
# can be accessed during the build through the environment variable
# `cargo_doc_options`. <br/>
# Note: these values are not (shell) escaped, meaning that you can use
# environment variables but must be careful when introducing e.g. spaces. <br/>
cargoDocOptions =
allowFun attrs0 "cargoDocOptions" [ "--offline" "$cargo_release" ''-j "$NIX_BUILD_CORES"'' ];
# When true, all cargo builds are run with `--release`. The environment
# variable `cargo_release` is set to `--release` iff this option is set.
release = attrs0.release or true;
# An override for all derivations involved in the build.
override = attrs0.override or (x: x);
# An override for the top-level (last, main) derivation. If both `override`
# and `overrideMain` are specified, _both_ will be applied to the top-level
# derivation.
overrideMain = attrs0.overrideMain or (x: x);
# When true, no intermediary (dependency-only) build is run. Enabling
# `singleStep` greatly reduces the incrementality of the builds.
singleStep = attrs0.singleStep or false;
# When true, the resulting binaries are copied to `$out/bin`. <br/>
# Note: this relies on cargo's `--message-format` argument, set in the
# default `cargoBuildOptions`.
copyBins = attrs0.copyBins or true;
# When true, the resulting binaries are copied to `$out/lib`. <br/> Note:
# this relies on cargo's `--message-format` argument, set in the default
# `cargoBuildOptions`.
copyLibs = attrs0.copyLibs or false;
# A [`jq`]( filter for selecting which build
# artifacts to release. This is run on cargo's
# [`--message-format`](
# JSON output. <br/>
# The value is written to the `cargo_bins_jq_filter` variable.
copyBinsFilter = attrs0.copyBinsFilter or
''select(.reason == "compiler-artifact" and .executable != null and .profile.test == false)'';
# A [`jq`]( filter for selecting which build
# artifacts to release. This is run on cargo's
# [`--message-format`](
# JSON output. <br/> The value is written to the `cargo_libs_jq_filter`
# variable. Default: `''select(.reason == "compiler-artifact" and
# ((.target.kind | contains(["staticlib"])) or (.target.kind |
# contains(["cdylib"]))) and .filenames != null and .profile.test ==
# false)''`
copyLibsFilter = attrs0.copyLibsFilter or
''select(.reason == "compiler-artifact" and ((.target.kind | contains(["staticlib"])) or (.target.kind | contains(["cdylib"]))) and .filenames != null and .profile.test == false)'';
# When true, the documentation is generated in a different output, `doc`.
copyDocsToSeparateOutput = attrs0.copyDocsToSeparateOutput or true;
# When true, the build fails if the documentation step fails; otherwise
# the failure is ignored.
doDocFail = attrs0.doDocFail or false;
# When true, references to the nix store are removed from the generated
# documentation.
removeReferencesToSrcFromDocs = attrs0.removeReferencesToSrcFromDocs or true;
# When true, the build output of intermediary builds is compressed with
# [`Zstandard`]( This reduces the size
# of closures.
compressTarget = attrs0.compressTarget or true;
# When true, the `target/` directory is copied to `$out`.
copyTarget = attrs0.copyTarget or false;
# Optional hook to run after the compilation is done; inside this script,
# `$out/bin` contains compiled Rust binaries. Useful if your application
# needs e.g. custom environment variables, in which case you can simply run
# `wrapProgram $out/bin/your-app-name` in here.
postInstall = attrs0.postInstall or false;
# Whether to use the `fromTOML` built-in or not. When set to `false` the
# python package `remarshal` is used instead (in a derivation) and the
# JSON output is read with `builtins.fromJSON`.
# This is a workaround for old versions of Nix. May be used safely from
# Nix 2.3 onwards where all bugs in `builtins.fromTOML` seem to have been
# fixed.
usePureFromTOML = attrs0.usePureFromTOML or true;
# What to do when building the derivation. Either `build`, `check`, `test`, `fmt` or `clippy`. <br/>
# When set to something other than `build`, no binaries are generated.
mode = attrs0.mode or "build";
argIsAttrs =
if lib.isDerivation arg then false
else if lib.isString arg then false
else if builtins.typeOf arg == "path" then false
else if builtins.hasAttr "outPath" arg then false
else true;
# if the argument is not an attribute set, then assume it's the 'root'.
attrs =
if argIsAttrs
then mkAttrs arg
else mkAttrs { root = arg; };
userAttrs =
if argIsAttrs
then removeAttrs arg (builtins.attrNames attrs)
else {};
# we differentiate 'src' and 'root'. 'src' is used as source for the build;
# 'root' is used to find files like 'Cargo.toml'. As often as possible 'root'
# should be a "path" to avoid reading values from the nix-store.
# Below we try to come up with some good values for src and root if they're
# not defined.
sr =
hasRoot = ! isNull attrs.root;
hasSrc = ! isNull attrs.src;
isPath = x: builtins.typeOf x == "path";
root = attrs.root;
src = attrs.src;
# src: yes, root: no
if hasSrc && ! hasRoot then
if isPath src then
{ src = lib.cleanSource src; root = src; }
else { inherit src; root = src; }
# src: yes, root: yes
else if hasRoot && hasSrc then
{ inherit src root; }
# src: no, root: yes
else if hasRoot && ! hasSrc then
if isPath root then
{ inherit root; src = lib.cleanSource root; }
{ inherit root; src = root; }
# src: no, root: yes
else throw "please specify either 'src' or 'root'";
usePureFromTOML = attrs.usePureFromTOML;
readTOML = builtinz.readTOML usePureFromTOML;
cargoCommand = let
mode = attrs.mode;
if (mode == "build") then
else if (mode == "check") then
''cargo $cargo_options check $cargo_build_options >> $cargo_build_output_json''
else if (mode == "test") then
''cargo $cargo_options test $cargo_test_options >> $cargo_build_output_json''
else if (mode == "clippy") then
''cargo $cargo_options clippy $cargo_build_options -- $cargo_clippy_options >> $cargo_build_output_json''
else if (mode == "fmt") then
''cargo $cargo_options fmt -- $cargo_fmt_options''
else throw "Unknown mode ${mode}, allowed modes: build, check, test, clippy";
# config used during build the prebuild and the final build
buildConfig = {
inherit cargoCommand;
inherit (attrs)
# The list of _all_ crates (incl. transitive dependencies) with name,
# version and sha256 of the crate
# Example:
# [ { name = "wabt", version = "2.0.6", sha256 = "..." } ]
cratesIoDependencies = libb.mkVersions buildPlanConfig.cargolock;
# config used when planning the builds
buildPlanConfig = rec {
inherit userAttrs;
inherit (sr) src root;
inherit (attrs) overrideMain gitAllRefs gitSubmodules;
isSingleStep = attrs.singleStep;
# List of all the Cargo.tomls in the workspace.
# Note that the simplest thing here would be to read `workspace.members`,
# but somewhat unfortunately there's no requirement that all workspace
# crates should be listed there - for instance, some projects¹ do:
# ```
# [workspace]
# members = [ "crates/foo", "crates/bar" ]
# [dependencies]
# foo = { path = "crates/foo" }
# bar = { path = "crates/bar" }
# zar = { path = "crates/zar" }
# ```
# ... which Cargo allows and so should we.
# ¹ such as Nushell
cargotomls =
findCargoTomls = dir:
(name: type:
path = "${root}/${dir}/${name}";
if name == "Cargo.toml" then
[{ name = dir; toml = readTOML path; }]
else if type == "directory" then
findCargoTomls "${dir}/${name}"
(builtins.readDir "${root}/${dir}");
lib.flatten (findCargoTomls ".");
# If `copySourcesFrom` is set, then it looks like the benefits brought by
# two-step caching break, for unclear reasons as of now. As such, do not set
# `copySourcesFrom` if there is no source to actually copy from.
copySourcesFrom = if copySources != [] then src else null;
copySources =
mkRelative = po:
if lib.hasPrefix "/" po.path
then throw "'${toString src}/Cargo.toml' contains the absolute path '${toString po.path}' which is not allowed under a [patch] section by naersk. Please make it relative to '${toString src}'"
else po.path;
arg.copySources or []
lib.optionals (builtins.hasAttr "patch" toplevelCargotoml)
map mkRelative
lib.collect (as: lib.isAttrs as && builtins.hasAttr "path" as)
# Are we building a workspace (or is this a simple crate) ?
isWorkspace = builtins.hasAttr "workspace" toplevelCargotoml;
# The top level Cargo.toml, either a workspace or package
toplevelCargotoml = readTOML (root + "/Cargo.toml");
# The cargo lock
cargolock =
cargolock-file = root + "/Cargo.lock";
if builtins.pathExists cargolock-file then
readTOML (cargolock-file)
throw "Naersk requires Cargo.lock to be available in root. Check that it is not in .gitignore and stage it when using git to filter sources (which flakes does)";
packageName =
if ! isNull
else or
(if isWorkspace then "rust-workspace" else "rust-package");
packageVersion =
if ! isNull attrs.version
then attrs.version
else toplevelCargotoml.package.version
or toplevelCargotoml."workspace.package".version
or "unknown";
buildPlanConfig // { inherit buildConfig; }