mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 14:27:14 +00:00
172 lines
5.8 KiB
172 lines
5.8 KiB
// ==UserScript==
// @name Import Qobuz releases to MusicBrainz
// @description Add a button on Qobuz's album pages to open MusicBrainz release editor with pre-filled data for the selected release
// @version 2015.10.04.0
// @namespace https://github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts
// @downloadURL https://raw.github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/qobuz_importer.user.js
// @updateURL https://raw.github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/qobuz_importer.user.js
// @include /^https?://www\.qobuz\.com/[^/]+/album/[^/]+/[^/]+$/
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js
// @require lib/mbimport.js
// @require lib/logger.js
// @require lib/mblinks.js
// @require lib/mbimportstyle.js
// @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/assets/images/Musicbrainz_import_logo.png
// ==/UserScript==
// prevent JQuery conflicts, see http://wiki.greasespot.net/@grant
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
if (!unsafeWindow) unsafeWindow = window;
var DEBUG = false;
//DEBUG = true;
if (DEBUG) {
// list of qobuz artist id which should be mapped to Various Artists
var various_artists_ids = [ 26887, 145383, 353325, 183869, 997899 ];
function parseRelease(data) {
var release = {};
release.script = 'Latn';
release.url = 'http://www.qobuz.com' + data.relative_url; // no lang
release.title = data.title;
release.artist_credit = MBImport.makeArtistCredits([data.artist.name]); // FIXME: various artists
if ($.inArray(data.artist.id, various_artists_ids) != -1) {
release.artist_credit = [ MBImport.specialArtist('various_artists') ];
// Release information global to all Beatport releases
release.packaging = 'None';
release.country = "";
if (i18n_global && i18n_global.zone) {
if (i18n_global.zone == 'GB') release.country = 'UK';
else release.country = i18n_global.zone;
release.status = 'official';
release.urls = [];
'url': release.url,
'link_type': MBImport.URL_TYPES.purchase_for_download
// release timestamps are using France time + daylight saving (GMT+1 or GMT+2),
// add 3 hours to get the day of release (matching the one displayed)
var releaseDate = new Date((parseInt(data.released_at, 10) + 3*3600) * 1000);
release.year = releaseDate.getUTCFullYear();
release.month = releaseDate.getUTCMonth() + 1;
release.day = releaseDate.getUTCDate();
release.labels = [];
$.each(data.label.name.split(' - '), function(index, label) {
name: label,
catno: "" // no catno on qobuz ?
var tracks = [];
$.each(data.tracks.items, function(index, trackobj) {
var track = {};
track.title = trackobj.title;
track.duration = trackobj.duration * 1000;
var performers = trackobj.performers.split('\r - ').map(function(v) {
var list = v.split(', ');
var name = list.shift();
return [name, list];
var artists = [];
var featured_artists = [];
$.each(performers, function(index, performer) {
if ($.inArray('Featured Artist', performer[1]) != -1) {
else if ($.inArray('Main Performer', performer[1]) != -1
|| $.inArray('Primary', performer[1]) != -1
|| $.inArray('interprète', performer[1]) != -1
|| $.inArray('Performer', performer[1]) != -1
|| $.inArray('Main Artist', performer[1]) != -1
) {
track.artist_credit = MBImport.makeArtistCredits(artists);
if (featured_artists.length) {
if (track.artist_credit.length) {
track.artist_credit[track.artist_credit.length-1].joinphrase = ' feat. ';
$.merge(track.artist_credit, MBImport.makeArtistCredits(featured_artists));
release.discs = [];
'tracks': tracks,
'format': "Digital Media"
LOGGER.info("Parsed release: ", release);
return release;
// Insert button into page under label information
function insertLink(release) {
var edit_note = MBImport.makeEditNote(release.url, 'Qobuz');
var parameters = MBImport.buildFormParameters(release, edit_note);
var mbUI = $('<p class="musicbrainz-import">' + MBImport.buildFormHTML(parameters) + MBImport.buildSearchButton(release) + '</p>').hide();
$("#info div.meta").append(mbUI);
'display': 'inline-block',
'margin': '1px'
$('form.musicbrainz_import img').css({
'display': 'inline-block',
'width': '16px',
'height': '16px'
$(document).ready(function() {
album_id = $('ol.tracks').attr('data-qbplayer-id');
app_id = '667867760';
wsUrl = 'http://www.qobuz.com/api.json/0.2/album/get?album_id=' + album_id + '&app_id=' + app_id;
url: wsUrl,
dataType: 'json',
crossDomain: true,
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
LOGGER.debug("Qobuz JSON Data from API:", data);
var release = parseRelease(data);
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
LOGGER.error("AJAX Status: ", textStatus);
LOGGER.error("AJAX error thrown: ", errorThrown);
// replace image zoom link by the maximum size image link
var maximgurl = $("#product-cover-link").attr("href").replace('_600', '_max');
var maximg = new Image();
maximg.onerror = function (evt) {
LOGGER.debug("No max image");
maximg.onload = function (evt) {
$("#product-cover-link").attr("href", maximgurl);
$("#product-cover-link").attr("title", $("#product-cover-link").attr("title") + ' (Qobuz importer: ' + maximg.width + 'x' + maximg.height + ' image)');
maximg.src = maximgurl;