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synced 2025-03-04 14:27:14 +00:00
349 lines
13 KiB
349 lines
13 KiB
// ==UserScript==
// @name Import Bandcamp releases to MusicBrainz
// @description Add a button on Bandcamp's album pages to open MusicBrainz release editor with pre-filled data for the selected release
// @version 2018.6.1.1
// @namespace http://userscripts.org/users/22504
// @downloadURL https://raw.github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/bandcamp_importer.user.js
// @updateURL https://raw.github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/bandcamp_importer.user.js
// @include /^https?://[^/]+/(?:album|track)/[^/]+$/
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js
// @require lib/mbimport.js
// @require lib/logger.js
// @require lib/mblinks.js
// @require lib/mbimportstyle.js
// @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/assets/images/Musicbrainz_import_logo.png
// @grant unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==
// prevent JQuery conflicts, see http://wiki.greasespot.net/@grant
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
if (!unsafeWindow) unsafeWindow = window;
String.prototype.fix_bandcamp_url = function() {
return this.replace('http://', 'https://');
var BandcampImport = {
// Analyze Bandcamp data and return a release object
retrieveReleaseInfo: function() {
let bandcampAlbumData = unsafeWindow.TralbumData;
let bandcampEmbedData = unsafeWindow.EmbedData;
let release = {
discs: [],
artist_credit: [],
title: '',
year: 0,
month: 0,
day: 0,
parent_album_url: '',
labels: [],
format: 'Digital Media',
country: 'XW',
type: '',
status: 'official',
packaging: 'None',
language: 'eng',
script: 'Latn',
urls: [],
url: bandcampAlbumData.url.fix_bandcamp_url()
// Grab release title
release.title = bandcampAlbumData.current.title;
// Grab release event information
let date = this.convdate(bandcampAlbumData.current.release_date);
if (date) {
if (!(date.year > 2008 || (date.year == 2008 && date.month >= 9))) {
// use publish date if release date is before Bandcamp launch (2008-09)
let pdate = this.convdate(bandcampAlbumData.current.publish_date);
if (pdate) {
date = pdate;
release.year = date.year;
release.month = date.month;
release.day = date.day;
// FIXME: implement a mapping between bandcamp release types and MB ones
if (bandcampAlbumData.current.type == 'track') {
// map Bandcamp single tracks to singles
release.type = 'single';
// if track belongs to an album, get its url.
if (bandcampEmbedData.album_embed_data) {
release.parent_album_url = bandcampEmbedData.album_embed_data.linkback.fix_bandcamp_url();
release.type = 'track'; // <-- no import
// Tracks
let disc = {
tracks: [],
format: release.format
// attempt to detect multiple artists tracks
// bandcamp formats them as 'artist - tracktitle'
// only set to true if ALL tracks are formatted like this
// and if string doesn't start with a number (ie. 02 - title)
let various_artists = true;
for (var i = 0; i < bandcampAlbumData.trackinfo.length; i++) {
if (!bandcampAlbumData.trackinfo[i].title.match(/ - /) || bandcampAlbumData.trackinfo[i].title.match(/^\d+ - /)) {
various_artists = false;
// Release artist credit
if (bandcampAlbumData.artist.match(/^various(?: artists)?$/i) && various_artists) {
release.artist_credit = [MBImport.specialArtist('various_artists')];
} else {
release.artist_credit = MBImport.makeArtistCredits([bandcampAlbumData.artist]);
let tracks_streamable = 0;
$.each(bandcampAlbumData.trackinfo, function(index, bctrack) {
let title = bctrack.title;
let artist = [];
if (various_artists) {
let m = bctrack.title.match(/^(.+) - (.+)$/);
if (m) {
title = m[2];
artist = [m[1]];
if (bctrack.file) tracks_streamable++;
let track = {
title: title,
duration: Math.round(bctrack.duration * 1000),
artist_credit: MBImport.makeArtistCredits(artist)
// Check for hidden tracks (more tracks in the download than shown for streaming ie.)
let showntracks = bandcampAlbumData.trackinfo.length;
let numtracks = -1;
let nostream = false;
// album description indicates number of tracks in the download
let match = /^\d+ track album$/.exec($("meta[property='og:description']").attr('content'));
if (match) {
numtracks = parseInt(match, 10);
if (numtracks > 0 && numtracks > showntracks) {
// display a warning if tracks in download differs from tracks shown
`${'<p style="font-size:70%; font-style: italic; margin: 0.1em 0;">' + 'Warning: '}${numtracks} vs ${showntracks} tracks` +
// append unknown tracks to the release
for (var i = 0; i < numtracks - showntracks; i++) {
let track = {
title: '[unknown]',
duration: null,
artist_credit: []
// disable stream link as only part of the album can be streamed
nostream = true;
// URLs
let link_type = MBImport.URL_TYPES;
// Download for free vs. for purchase
if (bandcampAlbumData.current.download_pref !== null) {
if (
bandcampAlbumData.freeDownloadPage !== null ||
bandcampAlbumData.current.download_pref === 1 ||
(bandcampAlbumData.current.download_pref === 2 && bandcampAlbumData.current.minimum_price === 0)
) {
url: release.url,
link_type: link_type.download_for_free
if (bandcampAlbumData.current.download_pref === 2) {
url: release.url,
link_type: link_type.purchase_for_download
// Check if the release is streamable
if (bandcampAlbumData.hasAudio && !nostream && disc.tracks.length > 0 && disc.tracks.length == tracks_streamable) {
url: release.url,
link_type: link_type.stream_for_free
// Check if release is Creative Commons licensed
if ($('div#license a.cc-icons').length > 0) {
url: $('div#license a.cc-icons').attr('href'),
link_type: link_type.license
// Check if album has a back link to a label
let label = $('a.back-to-label-link span.back-to-label-name').text();
if (label) {
name: label,
mbid: '',
catno: 'none'
return release;
// Insert links in page
insertLink: function(release) {
if (release.type == 'track') {
// only import album or single, tracks belong to an album
return false;
// Form parameters
let edit_note = MBImport.makeEditNote(release.url, 'Bandcamp');
let parameters = MBImport.buildFormParameters(release, edit_note);
// Build form
let mbUI = $(`<div id="mb_buttons">${MBImport.buildFormHTML(parameters)}${MBImport.buildSearchButton(release)}</div>`).hide();
// Append MB import link
$('#mb_buttons').css({ 'margin-top': '6px' });
$('form.musicbrainz_import').css({ display: 'inline-block' });
// helper to convert bandcamp date to MB date
convdate: function(date) {
if (typeof date != 'undefined' && date !== '') {
let d = new Date(date);
return {
year: d.getUTCFullYear(),
month: d.getUTCMonth() + 1,
day: d.getUTCDate()
return false;
$(document).ready(function() {
/* keep the following line as first, it is required to skip
* pages which aren't actually a bandcamp page, since we support
* bandcamp pages under third-party domains.
* see @include
if (!unsafeWindow.TralbumData) return;
let mblinks = new MBLinks('BCI_MBLINKS_CACHE');
let release = BandcampImport.retrieveReleaseInfo();
// add MB artist link
let root_url = release.url.match(/^(https?:\/\/[^\/]+)/)[1].split('?')[0];
let label_url = '';
mblinks.searchAndDisplayMbLink(root_url, 'artist', function(link) {
$('div#name-section span[itemprop="byArtist"]').before(link);
function(link) {
$('p#band-name-location span.title').append(link);
let labelback = $('a.back-to-label-link');
if (labelback) {
let labelbacklink = labelback.attr('href');
if (labelbacklink) {
label_url = labelbacklink
function(link) {
$('a.back-to-label-link span.back-link-text').append(link);
if (release.artist_credit.length == 1) {
// try to get artist's mbid from cache
let artist_mbid = mblinks.resolveMBID(root_url);
if (artist_mbid) {
release.artist_credit[0].mbid = artist_mbid;
// try to get label mbid from cache
let label_mbid = '';
let label_name = '';
if (label_url) {
label_mbid = mblinks.resolveMBID(`label:${label_url}`);
label_name = $('a.back-to-label-link span.back-link-text ')
} else {
label_mbid = mblinks.resolveMBID(`label:${root_url}`);
if (label_mbid)
label_name = $('p#band-name-location span.title')
if (label_mbid || label_name) {
if (release.labels.length == 0) {
name: '',
mbid: '',
catno: 'none'
release.labels[0].name = label_name;
release.labels[0].mbid = label_mbid;
LOGGER.info('Parsed release: ', release);
if (release.type == 'track') {
// add MB links to parent album
mblinks.searchAndDisplayMbLink(release.parent_album_url, 'release', function(link) {
$('div#name-section span[itemprop="inAlbum"] a:first').before(link);
} else {
// add MB release links to album or single
mblinks.searchAndDisplayMbLink(release.url, 'release', function(link) {
$('div#name-section span[itemprop="byArtist"]').after(link);
// append a comma after each tag to ease cut'n'paste to MB
$('div.tralbum-tags a:not(:last-child).tag').after(', ');
// append a link to the full size image
let fullsizeimageurl = $('div#tralbumArt a')
.replace('_10', '_0');
`<div id='bci_link'><a class='custom-color' href='${fullsizeimageurl}' title='Open original image in a new tab (Bandcamp importer)' target='_blank'>Original image</a></div>`
$('div#bci_link').css({ 'padding-top': '0.5em', 'text-align': 'right' });
$('div#bci_link a').css({ 'font-weight': 'bold' });