mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 14:27:14 +00:00
1063 lines
36 KiB
1063 lines
36 KiB
// ==UserScript==
// @name Import Discogs releases to MusicBrainz
// @description Add a button to import Discogs releases to MusicBrainz and add links to matching MusicBrainz entities for various Discogs entities (artist,release,master,label)
// @version 2017.02.25.0
// @namespace http://userscripts.org/users/22504
// @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/discogs_importer.user.js
// @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/discogs_importer.user.js
// @include http*://www.discogs.com/*
// @include http*://*.discogs.com/*release/*
// @exclude http*://*.discogs.com/*release/*?f=xml*
// @exclude http*://www.discogs.com/release/add
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js
// @require lib/mbimport.js
// @require lib/logger.js
// @require lib/mblinks.js
// @require lib/mbimportstyle.js
// @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/assets/images/Musicbrainz_import_logo.png
// ==/UserScript==
// prevent JQuery conflicts, see http://wiki.greasespot.net/@grant
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
if (!unsafeWindow) unsafeWindow = window;
var DEBUG = false;
//DEBUG = true;
if (DEBUG) {
* Test cases:
* - http://www.discogs.com/release/1566223 : Artist credit of tracks contains an ending ',' join phrase
var mblinks = new MBLinks('DISCOGS_MBLINKS_CACHE', '1');
var current_page_key = getDiscogsLinkKey(window.location.href.replace(/\?.*$/, '').replace(/#.*$/, '').replace('/master/view/', '/master/'));
if (!current_page_key) return;
// disable evil pjax (used for artist page navigation)
// it causes various annoying issues with our code;
// it should be possible to react to pjax events
$("div#pjax_container").attr('id', 'pjax_disabled');
// Display links of equivalent MusicBrainz entities
// Add an import button in a new section in sidebar, if we're on a release page
var current_page_info = link_infos[current_page_key];
if (current_page_info.type == 'release') {
// Discogs Webservice URL
var discogsWsUrl = 'https://api.discogs.com/releases/' + current_page_info.id;
url: discogsWsUrl,
dataType: 'json',
crossDomain: true,
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
LOGGER.debug("Discogs JSON Data from API:", data);
try {
var release = parseDiscogsRelease(data);
insertMBSection(release, current_page_key);
} catch (e) {
var mbUI = $('<div class="section musicbrainz"><h3>MusicBrainz</h3></div>').hide();
var mbContentBlock = $('<div class="section_content"></div>');
var mbError = $('<p><small>' + e + '<br /><b>Please <a href="https://github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/issues">report</a> this error, along the current page URL.</b></small></p>');
mbError.css({'background-color': '#fbb', 'margin-top': '4px', 'margin-bottom': '4px'});
throw e;
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
LOGGER.error("AJAX Status: ", textStatus);
LOGGER.error("AJAX error thrown: ", errorThrown);
// Display links of equivalent MusicBrainz entities //
// Insert MusicBrainz links in a section of the page
function insertMBLinks(current_page_key) {
function searchAndDisplayMbLinkInSection($tr, discogs_type, mb_type, nosearch) {
if (!mb_type) mb_type = defaultMBtype(discogs_type);
$tr.find('a[mlink^="' + discogs_type + '/"]').each(function() {
var $link = $(this);
if ($link.attr('mlink_stop')) return; // for places
var mlink = $link.attr('mlink');
// ensure we do it only once per link
var done = ($link.attr('mlink_done') || "").split(",");
for (var i=0; i<done.length; i++) {
if (mb_type == done[i]) return;
$link.attr('mlink_done', done.filter(function(e) { return (e!="");}).join(','));
if (link_infos[mlink] && link_infos[mlink].type == discogs_type) {
var discogs_url = link_infos[mlink].clean_url;
var cachekey = getCacheKeyFromInfo(mlink, mb_type);
var has_wrapper = $link.closest('span.mb_wrapper').length;
if (!has_wrapper) {
$link.wrap('<span class="mb_wrapper"><span class="mb_valign"></span></span>');
if (!nosearch) {
// add search link for the current link text
var entities = {
'artist': { mark: 'A'},
'release': { mark: 'R'},
'release-group': { mark: 'G'},
'place': { mark: 'P'},
'label': { mark: 'L'}
var mark = '';
var entity_name = 'entity';
if (mb_type in entities) {
mark = entities[mb_type].mark;
entity_name = mb_type.replace(/[_-]/g, ' ');
$link.closest('span.mb_wrapper').prepend('<span class="mb_valign mb_searchit"><a class="mb_search_link" target="_blank" title="Search this '+ entity_name + ' on MusicBrainz (open in a new tab)" href="' + MBImport.searchUrlFor(mb_type, $link.text()) + '"><small>'+mark+'</small>?</a></span>');
var insert_normal = function (link) {
$link.closest('span.mb_valign').before('<span class="mb_valign">'+link+'</span>');
var insert_stop = function (link) {
$link.attr('mlink_stop', true);
var insert_func = insert_normal;
if (mb_type == 'place') {
// if a place link was added we stop, we don't want further queries for this 'label'
insert_func = insert_stop;
mblinks.searchAndDisplayMbLink(discogs_url, mb_type, insert_func, cachekey);
function debug_color(what, n, id) {
var colors = [
if (DEBUG) {
$(what).css('border', '2px dotted ' + colors[n%colors.length]);
var debug_attr = $(what).attr('debug_discogs');
if (!id) id = '';
if (debug_attr) {
$(what).attr('debug_discogs', debug_attr + ' || ' + id + '(' + n + ')');
} else {
$(what).attr('debug_discogs', id + '(' + n + ')');
var add_mblinks_counter = 0;
function add_mblinks(_root, selector, types, nosearch) {
// types can be:
// 'discogs type 1'
// ['discogs_type 1', 'discogs_type 2']
// [['discogs_type 1', 'mb type 1'], 'discogs_type 2']
// etc.
if (!$.isArray(types)) {
// just one string
types = [types];
function (idx, val) {
if (!$.isArray(val)) {
types[idx] = [val, undefined];
LOGGER.debug('add_mblinks: ' + selector + ' / ' + JSON.stringify(types));
_root.find(selector).each(function() {
var node = $(this).get(0);
debug_color(this, ++add_mblinks_counter, selector);
var that = this;
$.each(types, function (idx, val) {
var discogs_type = val[0];
var mb_type = val[1];
searchAndDisplayMbLinkInSection($(that), discogs_type, mb_type, nosearch);
// Find MB link for the current page and display it next to page title
var mbLinkInsert = function (link) {
var $h1 = $('h1');
var $titleSpan = $h1.children('span[itemprop="name"]');
if ($titleSpan.length > 0) {
} else {
var current_page_info = link_infos[current_page_key];
var mb_type = defaultMBtype(current_page_info.type);
var cachekey = getCacheKeyFromInfo(current_page_key, mb_type);
mblinks.searchAndDisplayMbLink(current_page_info.clean_url, mb_type, mbLinkInsert, cachekey);
var $root = $('body');
add_mblinks($root, 'div.profile', ['artist', 'label']);
add_mblinks($root, 'tr[data-object-type="release"] td.artist,td.title', 'artist');
add_mblinks($root, 'tr[data-object-type="release"] td.title', 'release');
add_mblinks($root, 'tr[data-object-type="release"]', 'label');
add_mblinks($root, 'tr[data-object-type~="master"]', ['master', 'artist', 'label']);
add_mblinks($root, 'div#tracklist', 'artist');
add_mblinks($root, 'div#companies', [['label', 'place'], 'label']);
add_mblinks($root, 'div#credits', ['label', 'artist']);
add_mblinks($root, 'div#page_aside div.section_content:first', 'master', true);
// Normalize Discogs URLs in a DOM tree //
var mlink_processed = 0;
// Normalize Discogs URLs in a DOM tree
function magnifyLinks(rootNode) {
if (!rootNode) {
rootNode = document.body;
// Check if we already added links for this content
if (rootNode.hasAttribute('mlink_processed'))
rootNode.setAttribute('mlink_processed', ++mlink_processed);
var elems = rootNode.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
var elem = elems[i];
// Ignore empty links
if (!elem.href || $.trim(elem.textContent) == '' || elem.textContent.substring(4,0) == 'http')
if (!elem.hasAttribute('mlink')) {
elem.setAttribute('mlink', getDiscogsLinkKey(elem.href));
// contains infos for each link key
var link_infos = {};
// Parse discogs url to extract info, returns a key and set link_infos for this key
// the key is in the form discogs_type/discogs_id
function getDiscogsLinkKey(url) {
var re = /^https?:\/\/(?:www|api)\.discogs\.com\/(?:(?:(?!sell).+|sell.+)\/)?(master|release|artist|label)s?\/(\d+)(?:[^\?#]*)(?:\?noanv=1|\?anv=[^=]+)?$/i;
if (m = re.exec(url)) {
var key = m[1] + '/' + m[2];
if (!link_infos[key]) {
link_infos[key] = {
type: m[1],
id: m[2],
clean_url: 'https://www.discogs.com/' + m[1] + '/' + m[2]
LOGGER.debug('getDiscogsLinkKey:' + url + ' --> ' + key);
} else {
LOGGER.debug('getDiscogsLinkKey:' + url + ' --> ' + key + ' (key exists)');
return key;
LOGGER.debug('getDiscogsLinkKey:' + url + ' ?');
return false;
function getCleanUrl(url, discogs_type) {
try {
var key = getDiscogsLinkKey(url);
if (key) {
if (!discogs_type || link_infos[key].type == discogs_type) {
LOGGER.debug('getCleanUrl: ' + key + ', ' + url + ' --> ' + link_infos[key].clean_url);
return link_infos[key].clean_url;
} else {
LOGGER.debug('getCleanUrl: ' + key + ', ' + url + ' --> unmatched type: ' + discogs_type);
catch (err) {
LOGGER.debug('getCleanUrl: ' + url + ' (' + discogs_type + ') failed');
return false;
function defaultMBtype(discogs_type) {
if (discogs_type == 'master') return 'release-group';
return discogs_type;
function getCacheKeyFromInfo(info_key, mb_type) {
var inf = link_infos[info_key];
if (inf) {
if (!mb_type) mb_type = defaultMBtype(inf.type);
return inf.type + '/' + inf.id + '/' + mb_type;
return '';
function getCacheKeyFromUrl(url, discogs_type, mb_type) {
try {
var key = getDiscogsLinkKey(url);
if (key) {
if (!discogs_type || link_infos[key].type == discogs_type) {
var cachekey = getCacheKeyFromInfo(key, mb_type);
LOGGER.debug('getCacheKeyFromUrl: ' + key + ', ' + url + ' --> ' + cachekey);
return cachekey;
} else {
LOGGER.debug('getCacheKeyFromUrl: ' + key + ', ' + url + ' --> unmatched type: ' + discogs_type);
catch (err) {
LOGGER.debug('getCacheKeyFromUrl: ' + url + ' (' + discogs_type + ') failed');
return false;
function MBIDfromUrl(url, discogs_type, mb_type) {
var cachekey = getCacheKeyFromUrl(url, discogs_type, mb_type);
if (!cachekey) return '';
return mblinks.resolveMBID(cachekey);
// Insert MusicBrainz section into Discogs page //
function insertMbUI(mbUI) {
var e;
if ((e = $("div.section.collections")) && e.length) {
} else if ((e = $('#statistics')) && e.length) {
} else if ((e = $("div.section.social")) && e.length) {
// Insert links in Discogs page
function insertMBSection(release, current_page_key) {
var current_page_info = link_infos[current_page_key];
var mbUI = $('<div class="section musicbrainz"><h3>MusicBrainz</h3></div>').hide();
if (DEBUG) mbUI.css({'border': '1px dotted red'});
var mbContentBlock = $('<div class="section_content"></div>');
if (release.maybe_buggy) {
var warning_buggy = $('<p><small><b>Warning</b>: this release has perhaps a buggy tracklist, please check twice the data you import.</small><p').css({'color': 'red', 'margin-top': '4px', 'margin-bottom': '4px'});
// Form parameters
var edit_note = MBImport.makeEditNote(current_page_info.clean_url, 'Discogs');
var parameters = MBImport.buildFormParameters(release, edit_note);
// Build form + search button
var innerHTML = '<div id="mb_buttons">'
+ MBImport.buildFormHTML(parameters)
+ MBImport.buildSearchButton(release)
+ '</div>';
display: 'inline-block',
width: '100%'
$('form.musicbrainz_import').css({width: '49%', display:'inline-block'});
$('form.musicbrainz_import_search').css({'float': 'right'})
$('form.musicbrainz_import > button').css({width: '100%', 'box-sizing': 'border-box'});
// Parsing of Discogs data //
function cleanup_discogs_artist_credit(obj) {
// Fix some odd Discogs release (e.g. http://api.discogs.com/releases/1566223) that have a ',' join phrase after the last artist
// Discogs set a join phrase even there's only one artist or when extraartists is set (ie. remix)
var last = obj.artist_credit.length-1;
if (last == 0 || obj.artist_credit[last].joinphrase == ", ") {
obj.artist_credit[last].joinphrase = "";
// Returns the name without the numerical suffic Discogs adds as disambiguation
// ie. "ABC (123)" -> "ABC"
function artistNoNum(artist_name) {
return artist_name.replace(/ \(\d+\)$/, "");
// Parse a US date string and set object properties year, month, day
function parse_YYYY_MM_DD(date, obj) {
if (!date) return;
var m = date.split(/\D+/, 3).map(function (e) {
return parseInt(e, 10);
if (m[0] !== undefined) {
obj.year = m[0];
if (m[1] !== undefined) {
obj.month = m[1];
if (m[2] !== undefined) {
obj.day = m[2];
// Analyze Discogs data and return a release object
function parseDiscogsRelease(data) {
var discogsRelease = data;
var release = {};
release.discs = [];
//buggy tracklist indicator, used to warn user
release.maybe_buggy = false;
// Release artist credit
release.artist_credit = [];
$.each(discogsRelease.artists, function(index, artist) {
var ac = {
'artist_name': artistNoNum(artist.name),
'credited_name': (artist.anv != "" ? artist.anv : artistNoNum(artist.name)),
'joinphrase': decodeDiscogsJoinphrase(artist.join),
'mbid': MBIDfromUrl(artist.resource_url, 'artist')
if (artist.id == 194) { // discogs place holder for various
ac = MBImport.specialArtist('various_artists', ac);
// ReleaseGroup
if (discogsRelease.master_url) {
release.release_group_mbid = MBIDfromUrl(discogsRelease.master_url, 'master');
// Release title
release.title = discogsRelease.title;
// Release date
if (discogsRelease.released) {
parse_YYYY_MM_DD(discogsRelease.released, release);
// Release country
if (discogsRelease.country) {
release.country = Countries[discogsRelease.country];
// Release labels
release.labels = [];
if (discogsRelease.labels) {
$.each(discogsRelease.labels, function(index, label) {
var labelinfo = {
name: label.name,
catno: (label.catno == "none" ? "[none]" : label.catno),
mbid: MBIDfromUrl(label.resource_url, 'label')
// Release URL
release.urls = [ { url: getCleanUrl(discogsRelease.uri, 'release'), link_type: MBImport.URL_TYPES.discogs } ];
// Release format
var release_formats = [];
release.secondary_types = [];
if (discogsRelease.formats.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < discogsRelease.formats.length; i++) {
// Release format
var discogs_format = discogsRelease.formats[i].name;
var mb_format = undefined;
if (discogs_format in MediaTypes) {
mb_format = MediaTypes[discogs_format];
if (discogsRelease.formats[i].descriptions) {
$.each(discogsRelease.formats[i].descriptions, function(index, desc) {
if (!(discogs_format in ['Box Set'])) {
// Release format: special handling of Vinyl and Shellac 7", 10" and 12"
if (desc.match(/7"|10"|12"/) && (discogs_format.concat(desc) in MediaTypes)) mb_format = MediaTypes[discogs_format.concat(desc)];
// Release format: special handling of specific CD/DVD formats
if (desc.match(/^VCD|SVCD|CD\+G|HDCD|DVD-Audio|DVD-Video/) && (desc in MediaTypes)) mb_format = MediaTypes[desc];
// Release format: special handling of Vinyl, LP == 12" (http://www.discogs.com/help/submission-guidelines-release-format.html#LP)
if (discogs_format == "Vinyl" && desc == "LP") mb_format = '12" Vinyl';
// Release format: special handling of CD, Mini == 8cm CD
if (discogs_format == "CD" && desc == "Mini") mb_format = '8cm CD';
// Release status
if (desc.match(/Promo|Smplr/)) release.status = "promotion";
if (desc.match(/Unofficial Release/)) release.status = "bootleg";
// Release type
if (desc.match(/Compilation/)) release.secondary_types.push("compilation");
if (desc.match(/^Album/)) release.type = "album";
if (desc.match(/Single(?! Sided)/)) release.type = "single";
if (desc.match(/EP|Mini-Album/)) release.type = "ep";
if (mb_format) {
for (var j = 0; j < discogsRelease.formats[i].qty; j++) {
// Release packaging
if (discogsRelease.formats[i].text) {
var freetext = discogsRelease.formats[i].text.toLowerCase().replace(/[\s-]/g, '');
if (freetext.match(/cardboard|paper/)) release.packaging = "cardboard/paper sleeve";
else if (freetext.match(/digipak/)) release.packaging = "digipak";
else if (freetext.match(/keepcase/)) release.packaging = "keep case";
else if (freetext.match(/jewel/)) {
release.packaging = freetext.match(/slim/) ? "slim jewel case" : "jewel case";
else if (freetext.match(/gatefold|digisleeve/)) release.packaging = "gatefold cover";
// Barcode
if (discogsRelease.identifiers) {
$.each(discogsRelease.identifiers, function(index, identifier) {
if (identifier.type == "Barcode") {
release.barcode = identifier.value.replace(/ /g, '');
return false;
// Inspect tracks
var tracks = [];
var heading = "";
var releaseNumber = 1;
var lastPosition = 0;
$.each(discogsRelease.tracklist, function(index, discogsTrack) {
if (discogsTrack.type_ == 'heading') {
heading = discogsTrack.title;
if (discogsTrack.type_ != 'track' && discogsTrack.type_ != 'index') {
var track = new Object();
track.title = discogsTrack.title;
track.duration = MBImport.hmsToMilliSeconds(discogsTrack.duration); // MB in milliseconds
// Track artist credit
track.artist_credit = [];
if (discogsTrack.artists) {
$.each(discogsTrack.artists, function(index, artist) {
var ac = {
'artist_name': artistNoNum(artist.name),
'credited_name': (artist.anv != "" ? artist.anv : artistNoNum(artist.name)),
'joinphrase': decodeDiscogsJoinphrase(artist.join),
'mbid': MBIDfromUrl(artist.resource_url, 'artist')
// Track position and release number
var trackPosition = discogsTrack.position;
// Handle sub-tracks
if (trackPosition == "" && discogsTrack.sub_tracks) {
trackPosition = discogsTrack.sub_tracks[0].position;
// Append titles of sub-tracks to main track title
var subtrack_titles = [];
var subtrack_total_duration = 0;
$.each(discogsTrack.sub_tracks, function(subtrack_index, subtrack) {
if (subtrack.type_ != 'track') {
if (subtrack.duration) {
subtrack_total_duration += MBImport.hmsToMilliSeconds(subtrack.duration);
if (subtrack.title) {
} else {
if (subtrack_titles.length) {
if (track.title) {
track.title += ': ';
track.title += subtrack_titles.join(' / ');
if (isNaN(track.duration) && !isNaN(subtrack_total_duration)) {
track.duration = subtrack_total_duration;
// Skip special tracks
if (trackPosition.match(/^(?:video|mp3)/i)) {
trackPosition = "";
// Possible track position:
// A1 or A => Vinyl or Cassette : guess releaseNumber from vinyl side
// 1-1 or 1.1 => releaseNumber.trackNumber
// 1 => trackNumber
var tmp = trackPosition.match(/(\d+|[A-Z])(?:[\.-]+(\d+))?/i);
if (tmp) {
tmp[1] = parseInt(tmp[1], 10);
var buggyTrackNumber = false;
var prevReleaseNumber = releaseNumber;
if (Number.isInteger(tmp[1])) {
if (tmp[2]) { // 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, ... - we can get release number and track number from this
releaseNumber = tmp[1];
lastPosition = parseInt(tmp[2], 10);
} else if (tmp[1] <= lastPosition) { // 1, 2, 3, ... - We've moved onto a new medium
lastPosition = tmp[1];
} else {
lastPosition = tmp[1];
} else {
if (trackPosition.match(/^[A-Z]\d*$/i)) { // Vinyl or cassette, handle it specially
// A,B -> 1; C,D -> 2; E,F -> 3, etc...
releaseNumber = ((32|trackPosition.charCodeAt(0))-97>>1)+1;
} else if (trackPosition.match(/^[A-Z]+\d*$/i)) { // Vinyl or cassette, handle it specially
// something like AA1, exemple : http://www.discogs.com/release/73531
// TODO: find a better fix
buggyTrackNumber = true;
if (releaseNumber > release_formats.length) {
// something went wrong in track position parsing
buggyTrackNumber = true;
releaseNumber = prevReleaseNumber;
if (buggyTrackNumber) {
// well, it went wrong so ...
// Create release if needed
var discindex = releaseNumber-1;
if (!release.discs[discindex]) {
var newdisc = {
tracks: [],
format: release_formats[discindex],
if (heading) {
newdisc.title = heading;
heading = "";
// Track number (only for Vinyl and Cassette)
if (buggyTrackNumber || (release.discs[discindex].format.match(/(Vinyl|Cassette)/)
&& discogsTrack.position.match(/^[A-Z]+[\.-]?\d*/i))) {
track.number = discogsTrack.position;
// Trackposition is empty e.g. for release title
if (trackPosition != "" && trackPosition != null) {
if (buggyTrackNumber && !release.maybe_buggy) {
release.maybe_buggy = true;
if (release.discs.length == 1 && release.discs[0].title) {
// remove title if there is only one disc
// https://github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/issues/69
release.discs[0].title = '';
LOGGER.info("Parsed release: ", release);
return release;
function decodeDiscogsJoinphrase(join) {
var joinphrase = "";
var trimedjoin = join.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
if (trimedjoin == "") return trimedjoin;
if (trimedjoin != ",") joinphrase += " ";
joinphrase += trimedjoin;
joinphrase += " ";
return joinphrase;
// Discogs -> MusicBrainz mapping //
var MediaTypes = {
"8-Track Cartridge": "Cartridge",
"Acetate": "Vinyl",
"Betamax": "Betamax",
"Blu-ray": "Blu-ray",
"Blu-ray-R": "Blu-ray",
"Cassette": "Cassette",
"CD": "CD",
"CDr": "CD-R",
"CDV": "CDV",
"CD+G": "CD+G",
"Cylinder": "Wax Cylinder",
"DAT": "DAT",
"Datassette": "Other",
"DCC": "DCC",
"DVD": "DVD",
"DVDr": "DVD",
"DVD-Audio": "DVD-Audio",
"DVD-Video": "DVD-Video",
"Edison Disc": "Vinyl",
"File": "Digital Media",
"Flexi-disc": "Vinyl",
"Floppy Disk": "Other",
"Hybrid": "Other",
"Laserdisc": "LaserDisc",
"Memory Stick": "Other",
"Microcassette": "Other",
"Minidisc": "MiniDisc",
"MVD": "Other",
"Reel-To-Reel": "Reel-to-reel",
"SelectaVision": "Other",
"Shellac": "Shellac",
'Shellac7"': '7" Shellac',
'Shellac10"': '10" Shellac',
'Shellac12"': '12" Shellac',
"UMD": "UMD",
"VCD": "VCD",
"VHS": "VHS",
"Video 2000": "Other",
"Vinyl": "Vinyl",
'Vinyl7"': '7" Vinyl',
'Vinyl10"': '10" Vinyl',
'Vinyl12"': '12" Vinyl'
var Countries = {
"Afghanistan": "AF",
"Albania": "AL",
"Algeria": "DZ",
"American Samoa": "AS",
"Andorra": "AD",
"Angola": "AO",
"Anguilla": "AI",
"Antarctica": "AQ",
"Antigua and Barbuda": "AG",
"Argentina": "AR",
"Armenia": "AM",
"Aruba": "AW",
"Australia": "AU",
"Austria": "AT",
"Azerbaijan": "AZ",
"Bahamas": "BS",
"Bahrain": "BH",
"Bangladesh": "BD",
"Barbados": "BB",
"Belarus": "BY",
"Belgium": "BE",
"Belize": "BZ",
"Benin": "BJ",
"Bermuda": "BM",
"Bhutan": "BT",
"Bolivia": "BO",
"Croatia": "HR",
"Botswana": "BW",
"Bouvet Island": "BV",
"Brazil": "BR",
"British Indian Ocean Territory": "IO",
"Brunei Darussalam": "BN",
"Bulgaria": "BG",
"Burkina Faso": "BF",
"Burundi": "BI",
"Cambodia": "KH",
"Cameroon": "CM",
"Canada": "CA",
"Cape Verde": "CV",
"Cayman Islands": "KY",
"Central African Republic": "CF",
"Chad": "TD",
"Chile": "CL",
"China": "CN",
"Christmas Island": "CX",
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "CC",
"Colombia": "CO",
"Comoros": "KM",
"Congo": "CG",
"Cook Islands": "CK",
"Costa Rica": "CR",
"Virgin Islands, British": "VG",
"Cuba": "CU",
"Cyprus": "CY",
"Czech Republic": "CZ",
"Denmark": "DK",
"Djibouti": "DJ",
"Dominica": "DM",
"Dominican Republic": "DO",
"Ecuador": "EC",
"Egypt": "EG",
"El Salvador": "SV",
"Equatorial Guinea": "GQ",
"Eritrea": "ER",
"Estonia": "EE",
"Ethiopia": "ET",
"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "FK",
"Faroe Islands": "FO",
"Fiji": "FJ",
"Finland": "FI",
"France": "FR",
"French Guiana": "GF",
"French Polynesia": "PF",
"French Southern Territories": "TF",
"Gabon": "GA",
"Gambia": "GM",
"Georgia": "GE",
"Germany": "DE",
"Ghana": "GH",
"Gibraltar": "GI",
"Greece": "GR",
"Greenland": "GL",
"Grenada": "GD",
"Guadeloupe": "GP",
"Guam": "GU",
"Guatemala": "GT",
"Guinea": "GN",
"Guinea-Bissau": "GW",
"Guyana": "GY",
"Haiti": "HT",
"Virgin Islands, U.S.": "VI",
"Honduras": "HN",
"Hong Kong": "HK",
"Hungary": "HU",
"Iceland": "IS",
"India": "IN",
"Indonesia": "ID",
"Wallis and Futuna": "WF",
"Iraq": "IQ",
"Ireland": "IE",
"Israel": "IL",
"Italy": "IT",
"Jamaica": "JM",
"Japan": "JP",
"Jordan": "JO",
"Kazakhstan": "KZ",
"Kenya": "KE",
"Kiribati": "KI",
"Kuwait": "KW",
"Kyrgyzstan": "KG",
"Lao People's Democratic Republic": "LA",
"Latvia": "LV",
"Lebanon": "LB",
"Lesotho": "LS",
"Liberia": "LR",
"Libyan Arab Jamahiriya": "LY",
"Liechtenstein": "LI",
"Lithuania": "LT",
"Luxembourg": "LU",
"Montserrat": "MS",
"Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of": "MK",
"Madagascar": "MG",
"Malawi": "MW",
"Malaysia": "MY",
"Maldives": "MV",
"Mali": "ML",
"Malta": "MT",
"Marshall Islands": "MH",
"Martinique": "MQ",
"Mauritania": "MR",
"Mauritius": "MU",
"Mayotte": "YT",
"Mexico": "MX",
"Micronesia, Federated States of": "FM",
"Morocco": "MA",
"Monaco": "MC",
"Mongolia": "MN",
"Mozambique": "MZ",
"Myanmar": "MM",
"Namibia": "NA",
"Nauru": "NR",
"Nepal": "NP",
"Netherlands": "NL",
"Netherlands Antilles": "AN",
"New Caledonia": "NC",
"New Zealand": "NZ",
"Nicaragua": "NI",
"Niger": "NE",
"Nigeria": "NG",
"Niue": "NU",
"Norfolk Island": "NF",
"Northern Mariana Islands": "MP",
"Norway": "NO",
"Oman": "OM",
"Pakistan": "PK",
"Palau": "PW",
"Panama": "PA",
"Papua New Guinea": "PG",
"Paraguay": "PY",
"Peru": "PE",
"Philippines": "PH",
"Pitcairn": "PN",
"Poland": "PL",
"Portugal": "PT",
"Puerto Rico": "PR",
"Qatar": "QA",
"Reunion": "RE",
"Romania": "RO",
"Russian Federation": "RU",
"Russia": "RU",
"Rwanda": "RW",
"Saint Kitts and Nevis": "KN",
"Saint Lucia": "LC",
"Saint Vincent and The Grenadines": "VC",
"Samoa": "WS",
"San Marino": "SM",
"Sao Tome and Principe": "ST",
"Saudi Arabia": "SA",
"Senegal": "SN",
"Seychelles": "SC",
"Sierra Leone": "SL",
"Singapore": "SG",
"Slovenia": "SI",
"Solomon Islands": "SB",
"Somalia": "SO",
"South Africa": "ZA",
"Spain": "ES",
"Sri Lanka": "LK",
"Sudan": "SD",
"Suriname": "SR",
"Swaziland": "SZ",
"Sweden": "SE",
"Switzerland": "CH",
"Syrian Arab Republic": "SY",
"Tajikistan": "TJ",
"Tanzania, United Republic of": "TZ",
"Thailand": "TH",
"Togo": "TG",
"Tokelau": "TK",
"Tonga": "TO",
"Trinidad and Tobago": "TT",
"Tunisia": "TN",
"Turkey": "TR",
"Turkmenistan": "TM",
"Turks and Caicos Islands": "TC",
"Tuvalu": "TV",
"Uganda": "UG",
"Ukraine": "UA",
"United Arab Emirates": "AE",
"UK": "GB",
"US": "US",
"United States Minor Outlying Islands": "UM",
"Uruguay": "UY",
"Uzbekistan": "UZ",
"Vanuatu": "VU",
"Vatican City State (Holy See)": "VA",
"Venezuela": "VE",
"Viet Nam": "VN",
"Western Sahara": "EH",
"Yemen": "YE",
"Zambia": "ZM",
"Zimbabwe": "ZW",
"Taiwan": "TW",
"[Worldwide]": "XW",
"Europe": "XE",
"Soviet Union (historical, 1922-1991)": "SU",
"East Germany (historical, 1949-1990)": "XG",
"Czechoslovakia (historical, 1918-1992)": "XC",
"Congo, The Democratic Republic of the": "CD",
"Slovakia": "SK",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina": "BA",
"Korea (North), Democratic People's Republic of": "KP",
"North Korea": "KP",
"Korea (South), Republic of": "KR",
"South Korea": "KR",
"Montenegro": "ME",
"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands": "GS",
"Palestinian Territory": "PS",
"Macao": "MO",
"Timor-Leste": "TL",
"<85>land Islands": "AX",
"Guernsey": "GG",
"Isle of Man": "IM",
"Jersey": "JE",
"Serbia": "RS",
"Saint Barthélemy": "BL",
"Saint Martin": "MF",
"Moldova": "MD",
"Yugoslavia (historical, 1918-2003)": "YU",
"Serbia and Montenegro (historical, 2003-2006)": "CS",
"Côte d'Ivoire": "CI",
"Heard Island and McDonald Islands": "HM",
"Iran, Islamic Republic of": "IR",
"Saint Pierre and Miquelon": "PM",
"Saint Helena": "SH",
"Svalbard and Jan Mayen": "SJ"