mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 13:14:16 +00:00
1029 lines
19 KiB
1029 lines
19 KiB
// ==UserScript==
// @name Import Discogs releases to MusicBrainz
// @namespace http://userscripts.org/users/22504
// @include http://*.discogs.com/*release/*
// @exclude http://*.discogs.com/*release/*?f=xml*
// @exclude http://www.discogs.com/release/add
// ==/UserScript==
// Script Update Checker
// -- http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/20145
var version_scriptNum = 36376; // Change this to the number given to the script by userscripts.org (check the address bar)
var version_timestamp = 1278011802979; // Used to differentiate one version of the script from an older one. Use the Date.getTime() function to get a value for this.
try {
function updateCheck(forced) {if((forced)||(parseInt(GM_getValue("lastUpdate", "0")) + 86400000 <= (new Date().getTime()))) {try {GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: "GET",url: "http://userscripts.org/scripts/review/" + version_scriptNum + "?" + new Date().getTime(),headers: {'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'},onload: function(xhrResponse) {GM_setValue("lastUpdate", new Date().getTime() + ""); var rt = xhrResponse.responseText.replace(/ ?/gm, " ").replace(/<li>/gm, "\n").replace(/<[^>]*>/gm, ""); var scriptName = (/@name\s*(.*?)\s*$/m.exec(rt))[1]; GM_setValue("targetScriptName", scriptName); if (parseInt(/version_timestamp\s*=\s*([0-9]+)/.exec(rt)[1]) > version_timestamp) {if (confirm("There is an update available for the Greasemonkey script \"" + scriptName + ".\"\nWould you like to go to the install page now?")) {GM_openInTab("http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/" + version_scriptNum);}} else if (forced) {alert("No update is available for \"" + scriptName + ".\"");}}});} catch (err) {if (forced) {alert("An error occurred while checking for updates:\n" + err);}}}} GM_registerMenuCommand(GM_getValue("targetScriptName", "???") + " - Manual Update Check", function() {updateCheck(true);}); updateCheck(false);
} catch(e) {}
// Discogs API KEY (you may need to replace with yours if you encounter limit issues)
var discogsApiKey = "84b3bec008";
// Discogs Webservice URL
var discogsWsUrl = window.location.href.replace(/http:\/\/(www\.|)discogs\.com\/(.*\/|)release\//, 'http://discogs.com/release/') + "?f=xml&api_key=" + discogsApiKey;
// Grabs information from Discogs
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { var releases = parseRelease(xmlhttp.responseXML); insertLinks(releases);};
xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true);
// Analyze Discogs data and return a release object
function parseRelease(xmldoc) {
var release = new Object();
release.discs = [];
// Compute artist(s) name(s)
release.artist = cookArtistName(getXPathVal(xmldoc, "//release/artists/artist/*[name()='name' or name()='join']", false));
// Grab release title
release.title = getXPathVal(xmldoc, "//release/title", true);
// Grab release event information
var releasedate = getXPathVal(xmldoc, "//release/released", true).split('-');
release.year = parseInt(releasedate[0], 10);
release.month = parseInt(releasedate[1], 10);
release.day = parseInt(releasedate[2], 10);
release.label = getXPathVal(xmldoc, "//release/labels/label/@name", true);
release.catno = getXPathVal(xmldoc, "//release/labels/label/@catno", true);
release.format = MediaTypes[getXPathVal(xmldoc, "//release/formats/format/@name", true)];
release.country = Countries[ getXPathVal(xmldoc, "//release/country", true) ];
// Grab tracks
var tracks = [];
var trackNodes = getXPathVal(xmldoc, "//tracklist/track", false);
for (var i = 0; i < trackNodes.snapshotLength; i++) {
var track = new Object();
var trackNode = trackNodes.snapshotItem(i);
track.title = trackNode.getElementsByTagName("title").item(0).textContent;
track.duration = trackNode.getElementsByTagName("duration").item(0).textContent;
// Track artist
var trackArtist = cookArtistName(getXPathVal(xmldoc, ".//artists//*[name()='name' or name()='join']", false, trackNode));
if (trackArtist != "")
track.artist = trackArtist;
// Track position and release number
var trackPosition = trackNode.getElementsByTagName("position").item(0).textContent;
var releaseNumber = 1;
// Skip special tracks
if (trackPosition.toLowerCase().match("^(video|mp3)")) {
trackPosition = "";
// Remove "CD" prefix
trackPosition = trackPosition.replace(/^CD/i, "");
// Multi discs e.g. 1.1 or 1-1
var tmp = trackPosition.match(/^(\d)(?=(-|\.)\d*)/);
if (tmp && tmp[0]) {
releaseNumber = tmp[0];
} else {
// Vinyls disc numbering: A1, B3, ...
tmp = trackPosition.match(/^([A-Za-z])\d*/);
if (tmp && tmp[0] && tmp[0] != "V") {
var code = tmp[0].charCodeAt(0)-65;
releaseNumber = (code-code%2)/2+1;
// Create release if needed
if( !release.discs[releaseNumber-1] ) {
release.discs.push(new Object());
release.discs[releaseNumber-1].tracks = [];
// Trackposition is empty e.g. for release title
if (trackPosition != "" && trackPosition != null)
return release;
// Insert links in Discogs page
function insertLinks(release) {
var mbUI = document.createElement('div');
mbUI.innerHTML = "<h3>MusicBrainz</h3>";
mbUI.className = "section";
var mbContentBlock = document.createElement('div');
mbContentBlock.className = "section_content";
var innerHTML = '';
if (release.discs.length == 1) {
innerHTML += '<div><a target="_blank" href="' + cookImportUrl(release) + '">Import release</a></div>';
} else {
for (var i=0; i < release.discs.length; i++) {
innerHTML += '<div><a target="_blank" href="' + cookImportUrl(release, release.discs[i]) + '">Import disc ' + (i+1) + '</a></div>';
mbContentBlock.innerHTML = innerHTML;
var prevNode = document.body.querySelector("div.section.ratings");
prevNode.parentNode.insertBefore(mbUI, prevNode);
// Helper function: compute url for a release object
function cookImportUrl(release, disc) {
if (arguments.length == 1) disc = release.discs[0];
var importURL = "http://musicbrainz.org/cdi/enter.html?";
// Multiple artists on tracks?
var artists = [];
for (var i=0; i < disc.tracks.length; i++) {
if (typeof disc.tracks[i].artist != 'undefined' && disc.tracks[i].artist != release.artist)
mylog("Tracks artists: " + artists.length);
if (artists.length > 1)
importURL += "hasmultipletrackartists=1&artistid=1";
importURL += "hasmultipletrackartists=0";
//importURL += "hasmultipletrackartists=0&artistid=2";
importURL += "&artistname=" + encodeURIComponent(release.artist);
importURL += "&releasename=" + encodeURIComponent(release.title);
importURL += '&tracks=' + disc.tracks.length;
// Add tracks
for (var i=0; i < disc.tracks.length; i++) {
importURL += "&track" + i + "=" + encodeURIComponent(disc.tracks[i].title);
importURL += "&tracklength" + i + "=" + encodeURIComponent(disc.tracks[i].duration);
// TODO: ??
importURL += '&trackseq' + i + "=" + (i + 1);
importURL += '&tr' + i + '_mp=0';
if (artists.length > 1 && disc.tracks[i].artist) {
importURL += "&tr" + i + "_artistedit=1";
importURL += "&tr" + i + "_artistname=" + encodeURIComponent(disc.tracks[i].artist);
importURL += '&submitvalue=Keep+editing'; // Needed to allow RE imports
if (typeof release.catno != 'undefined' && release.catno != "none") {
importURL += '&rev_catno-0=' + release.catno;
importURL += '&rev_labelname-0=' + release.label;
importURL += '&rev_format-0=' + release.format;
if (!isNaN(release.year)) { importURL += '&rev_year-0=' + release.year; }
if (!isNaN(release.month)) { importURL += '&rev_month-0=' + release.month; }
if (!isNaN(release.day)) { importURL += '&rev_day-0=' + release.day; }
importURL += '&rev_country-0=' + release.country;
return importURL;
// Helper function: get data from a given XPATH
getXPathVal = function (xmldoc, xpathExpression, wantSingleNode, rootNode) {
if (arguments.length == 3) rootNode = null;
if (wantSingleNode) {
return xmldoc.evaluate(xpathExpression, xmldoc, rootNode, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue.textContent;
} else {
return xmldoc.evaluate(xpathExpression, xmldoc, rootNode, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
// Helper function: compute artist name from a XPATH resultNodes
function cookArtistName(nodes) {
var artistName = "";
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.snapshotLength; i++) {
artistName += (i == 0 ? "" : " ") + nodes.snapshotItem(i).textContent;
return artistName;
function mylog(obj) {
var DEBUG = false;
if (DEBUG) {
// Reference Discogs <-> MusicBrainz map
var MediaTypes = new Array();
MediaTypes["8-Track Cartridge"] = 9;
MediaTypes["Acetate"] = 7;
MediaTypes["Betamax"] = 13;
MediaTypes["Blu-ray"] = 13;
MediaTypes["Blu-ray-R"] = 13;
MediaTypes["Cassette"] = 8;
MediaTypes["CD"] = 1;
MediaTypes["CDr"] = 1;
MediaTypes["CDV"] = 1;
MediaTypes["Cylinder"] = 14;
MediaTypes["DAT"] = 11;
MediaTypes["Datassette"] = 13;
MediaTypes["DCC"] = 16;
MediaTypes["DVD"] = 2;
MediaTypes["DVDr"] = 2;
MediaTypes["Edison Disc"] = 7;
MediaTypes["File"] = 12;
MediaTypes["Flexi-disc"] = 7;
MediaTypes["Floppy Disk"] = 12;
MediaTypes["HD DVD"] = 13;
MediaTypes["HD DVD-R"] = 13;
MediaTypes["Hybrid"] = 13;
MediaTypes["Laserdisc"] = 5;
MediaTypes["Memory Stick"] = 13;
MediaTypes["Microcassette"] = 13;
MediaTypes["Minidisc"] = 6;
MediaTypes["MVD"] = 13;
MediaTypes["Reel-To-Reel"] = 10;
MediaTypes["SelectaVision"] = 13;
MediaTypes["Shellac"] = 7;
MediaTypes["UMD"] = 13;
MediaTypes["VHS"] = 13;
MediaTypes["Video 2000"] = 13;
MediaTypes["Vinyl"] = 7;
var Countries = new Array();
Countries["France"] = 73;
Countries["Germany"] = 81;
Countries["US"] = 222;
Countries["UK"] = 221;
Countries["Afghanistan"] = 1;
Countries["Albania"] = 2;
Countries["Algeria"] = 3;
Countries["American Samoa"] = 4;
Countries["Andorra"] = 5;
Countries["Angola"] = 6;
Countries["Anguilla"] = 7;
Countries["Antarctica"] = 8;
Countries["Antigua & Barbuda"] = 9;
Countries["Argentina"] = 10;
Countries["Armenia"] = 11;
Countries["Aruba"] = 12;
Countries["Australia"] = 13;
Countries["Austria"] = 14;
Countries["Azerbaijan"] = 15;
Countries["Bahamas, The"] = 16;
Countries["Bahrain"] = 17;
Countries["Bangladesh"] = 18;
Countries["Barbados"] = 19;
Countries["Belarus"] = 20;
Countries["Belgium"] = 21;
Countries["Belize"] = 22;
Countries["Benin"] = 23;
Countries["Bermuda"] = 24;
Countries["Bhutan"] = 25;
Countries["Bolivia"] = 26;
Countries["Bosnia & Herzegovina"] = 27;
Countries["Botswana"] = 28;
Countries["Bouvet Island"] = 29;
Countries["Brazil"] = 30;
Countries["British Indian Ocean Territory"] = 31;
Countries["Brunei"] = 32;
Countries["Bulgaria"] = 33;
Countries["Burkina Faso"] = 34;
Countries["Burma"] = 146;
Countries["Burundi"] = 35;
Countries["Cambodia"] = 36;
Countries["Cameroon"] = 37;
Countries["Canada"] = 38;
Countries["Cape Verde"] = 39;
Countries["Cayman Islands"] = 40;
Countries["Central African Republic"] = 41;
Countries["Chad"] = 42;
Countries["Chile"] = 43;
Countries["China"] = 44;
Countries["Christmas Island"] = 45;
Countries["Cocos (Keeling) Islands"] = 46;
Countries["Colombia"] = 47;
Countries["Comoros"] = 48;
Countries["Congo, Democratic Republic of the"] = 236;
Countries["Congo, Republic of the"] = 49;
Countries["Cook Islands"] = 50;
Countries["Costa Rica"] = 51;
Countries["Croatia"] = 53;
Countries["Cuba"] = 54;
Countries["Cyprus"] = 55;
Countries["Czechoslovakia"] = 245;
Countries["Czech Republic"] = 56;
Countries["Denmark"] = 57;
Countries["Djibouti"] = 58;
Countries["Dominican Republic"] = 60;
Countries["East Timor"] = 61;
Countries["Ecuador"] = 62;
Countries["Egypt"] = 63;
Countries["El Salvador"] = 64;
Countries["Equatorial Guinea"] = 65;
Countries["Eritrea"] = 66;
Countries["Estonia"] = 67;
Countries["Ethiopia"] = 68;
Countries["Europe"] = 241;
Countries["Falkland Islands"] = 69;
Countries["Faroe Islands"] = 70;
Countries["Fiji"] = 71;
Countries["Finland"] = 72;
Countries["French Guiana"] = 75;
Countries["French Polynesia"] = 76;
Countries["French Southern & Antarctic Lands"] = 77;
Countries["Gabon"] = 78;
Countries["Gambia, The"] = 79;
Countries["Gaza Strip"] = 249;
Countries["Georgia"] = 80;
Countries["German Democratic Republic (GDR)"] = 244;
Countries["Ghana"] = 82;
Countries["Gibraltar"] = 83;
Countries["Greece"] = 84;
Countries["Greenland"] = 85;
Countries["Grenada"] = 86;
Countries["Guadeloupe"] = 87;
Countries["Guam"] = 88;
Countries["Guatemala"] = 89;
Countries["Guernsey"] = 251;
Countries["Guinea-Bissau"] = 91;
Countries["Guinea"] = 90;
Countries["Guyana"] = 92;
Countries["Haiti"] = 93;
Countries["Heard Island and McDonald Islands"] = 94;
Countries["Holy See (Vatican City)"] = 227;
Countries["Honduras"] = 95;
Countries["Hong Kong"] = 96;
Countries["Hungary"] = 97;
Countries["Iceland"] = 98;
Countries["India"] = 99;
Countries["Indonesia"] = 100;
Countries["Iran"] = 101;
Countries["Iraq"] = 102;
Countries["Ireland"] = 103;
Countries["Israel"] = 104;
Countries["Italy"] = 105;
Countries["Ivory Coast"] = 52;
Countries["Jamaica"] = 106;
Countries["Japan"] = 107;
Countries["Jersey"] = 253;
Countries["Jordan"] = 108;
Countries["Kazakhstan"] = 109;
Countries["Kenya"] = 110;
Countries["Kiribati"] = 111;
Countries["Kuwait"] = 114;
Countries["Kyrgyzstan"] = 115;
Countries["Laos"] = 116;
Countries["Latvia"] = 117;
Countries["Lebanon"] = 118;
Countries["Lesotho"] = 119;
Countries["Liberia"] = 120;
Countries["Libya"] = 121;
Countries["Liechtenstein"] = 122;
Countries["Lithuania"] = 123;
Countries["Luxembourg"] = 124;
Countries["Macau"] = 125;
Countries["Macedonia"] = 126;
Countries["Madagascar"] = 127;
Countries["Malawi"] = 128;
Countries["Malaysia"] = 129;
Countries["Maldives"] = 130;
Countries["Mali"] = 131;
Countries["Malta"] = 132;
Countries["Man, Isle of"] = 252;
Countries["Marshall Islands"] = 133;
Countries["Martinique"] = 134;
Countries["Mauritania"] = 135;
Countries["Mauritius"] = 136;
Countries["Mayotte"] = 137;
Countries["Mexico"] = 138;
Countries["Micronesia, Federated States of"] = 139;
Countries["Moldova"] = 140;
Countries["Monaco"] = 141;
Countries["Mongolia"] = 142;
Countries["Montenegro"] = 247;
Countries["Montserrat"] = 143;
Countries["Morocco"] = 144;
Countries["Mozambique"] = 145;
Countries["Namibia"] = 147;
Countries["Nauru"] = 148;
Countries["Nepal"] = 149;
Countries["Netherlands Antilles"] = 151;
Countries["Netherlands"] = 150;
Countries["New Caledonia"] = 152;
Countries["New Zealand"] = 153;
Countries["Nicaragua"] = 154;
Countries["Niger"] = 155;
Countries["Nigeria"] = 156;
Countries["Niue"] = 147;
Countries["Norfolk Island"] = 158;
Countries["Northern Mariana Islands"] = 159;
Countries["North Korea"] = 112;
Countries["Norway"] = 160;
Countries["Oman"] = 161;
Countries["Pakistan"] = 162;
Countries["Palau"] = 163;
Countries["Panama"] = 164;
Countries["Papua New Guinea"] = 165;
Countries["Paraguay"] = 166;
Countries["Peru"] = 167;
Countries["Philippines"] = 168;
Countries["Pitcairn Islands"] = 169;
Countries["Poland"] = 170;
Countries["Portugal"] = 171;
Countries["Puerto Rico"] = 172;
Countries["Qatar"] = 173;
Countries["Reunion"] = 174;
Countries["Romania"] = 175;
Countries["Russia"] = 176;
Countries["Rwanda"] = 177;
Countries["Saint Helena"] = 196;
Countries["Saint Kitts and Nevis"] = 178;
Countries["Saint Lucia"] = 179;
Countries["Saint Pierre and Miquelon"] = 197;
Countries["Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"] = 180;
Countries["Samoa"] = 181;
Countries["San Marino"] = 182;
Countries["Sao Tome and Principe"] = 183;
Countries["Saudi Arabia"] = 184;
Countries["Senegal"] = 185;
Countries["Serbia and Montenegro"] = 242;
Countries["Serbia"] = 254;
Countries["Seychelles"] = 186;
Countries["Sierra Leone"] = 187;
Countries["Singapore"] = 188;
Countries["Slovakia"] = 189;
Countries["Slovenia"] = 190;
Countries["Solomon Islands"] = 191;
Countries["Somalia"] = 192;
Countries["South Africa"] = 193;
Countries["South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"] = 248;
Countries["South Korea"] = 113;
Countries["Spain"] = 194;
Countries["Sri Lanka"] = 195;
Countries["Sudan"] = 198;
Countries["Suriname"] = 199;
Countries["Svalbard"] = 200;
Countries["Swaziland"] = 201;
Countries["Sweden"] = 202;
Countries["Switzerland"] = 203;
Countries["Syria"] = 204;
Countries["Taiwan"] = 205;
Countries["Tajikistan"] = 206;
Countries["Tanzania"] = 207;
Countries["Thailand"] = 208;
Countries["Togo"] = 209;
Countries["Tokelau"] = 210;
Countries["Tonga"] = 211;
Countries["Trinidad & Tobago"] = 212;
Countries["Tunisia"] = 213;
Countries["Turkey"] = 214;
Countries["Turkmenistan"] = 215;
Countries["Turks and Caicos Islands"] = 216;
Countries["Tuvalu"] = 217;
Countries["Uganda"] = 218;
Countries["Ukraine"] = 219;
Countries["United Arab Emirates"] = 220;
Countries["Uruguay"] = 224;
Countries["USSR"] = 243;
Countries["Uzbekistan"] = 225;
Countries["Vanuatu"] = 226;
Countries["Vatican City"] = 227;
Countries["Venezuela"] = 228;
Countries["Vietnam"] = 229;
Countries["Wallis and Futuna"] = 232;
Countries["West Bank"] = 249;
Countries["Western Sahara"] = 233;
Countries["Yemen"] = 234;
Countries["Yugoslavia"] = 235;
Countries["Zambia"] = 237;
Countries["Zimbabwe"] = 238;
/* Main function */
onload:function(response) {
var xmldoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response.responseText,"text/xml");
var release = parseRelease(xmldoc);
}); |