// ==UserScript== // @name Import Takealot releases to MusicBrainz // @description Add a button to import https://www.takealot.com/ releases to MusicBrainz via API // @version 2019.1.5.1 // @namespace https://github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts // @downloadURL https://raw.github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/takealot_importer.user.js // @updateURL https://raw.github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/takealot_importer.user.js // @include http*://www.takealot.com/* // @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js // @require lib/mbimport.js // @require lib/logger.js // @require lib/mblinks.js // @require lib/mbimportstyle.js // @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/assets/images/Musicbrainz_import_logo.png // ==/UserScript== //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Test cases: * - https://www.takealot.com/theuns-jordaan-roeper-cd/PLID17284867 - working (Single artist release) [v1_type2] * - https://www.takealot.com/now-71-various-artists-cd/PLID40688034 - [v1_type1] * - https://www.takealot.com/du-plessis-juanita-vlieg-hoog-gospel-album-vol-2-cd/PLID15072701 [v2_type1] */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // prevent JQuery conflicts, see http://wiki.greasespot.net/@grant this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true); var DEBUG = false; // true | false if (DEBUG) { LOGGER.setLevel('debug'); } // promise to ensure all api calls are done before we parse the release var tracks_deferred = $.Deferred(); var retrieve_tracks_promise = tracks_deferred.promise(); // object to store all global attributes collected for the release var release_attributes = {}; // albumid, total_pages, artist_name, label // arrays to store the data retrieved from API to parse for MB release var album_api_array = []; // album information [0] var tracks_api_array = []; // track information [0,1,2,..] one element for each pagination in FMA tracks API $(document).ready(function() { LOGGER.info('Document Ready & Takealot Userscript Executing'); let fmaPage = parseFMApage(); let mblinks = new MBLinks('FMA_CACHE', 7 * 24 * 60); if (DEBUG) { insertAPISection(); updateAPISection.AlbumId(release_attributes.albumid); } if ($('span.crumb:nth-child(1)').text() == 'Music') { // To make sure API and release only build on Album page. // Album detail let retrieve_album_detail = new album_api(); $.when(retrieve_album_detail).done(function() { LOGGER.info('All the AJAX API calls are done continue to build the release object ...'); LOGGER.debug(`ALBUM Object > ${album_api_array[0]}`); // LOGGER.debug("TRACK Object > " + tracks_api_array); let FreeMusicArchiveRelease = new Parsefmarelease(album_api_array[0], tracks_api_array); insertMBSection(FreeMusicArchiveRelease); let album_link = window.location.href; mblinks.searchAndDisplayMbLink(album_link, 'release', function(link) { $('div.product-title').after(link); }); }); } }); // Determine the location on page to add MusicBrainz Section function insertMbUI(mbUI) { let e; if ((e = $('.search-nav-wrap')) && e.length) { e.after(mbUI); } else if ((e = $('div.panel.pdp-main-panel')) && e.length) { e.after(mbUI); } else if ((e = $('.breadcrumbs ')) && e.length) { e.append(mbUI); } } // Insert links to high res image in Takealot page function insertIMGlinks() { let imghref = $('div.image-box.main-gallery-photo img.image-loaded').attr('src'); //LOGGER.debug('insertIMGlinks 1:: ', imghref); let imgnewhref = imghref.substring(0, imghref.lastIndexOf('-')); //LOGGER.debug('insertIMGlinks 2:: ', imgnewhref); let imgnewtype = imghref.substring(imghref.lastIndexOf('.')); //LOGGER.debug('insertIMGlinks 3:: ', imgnewtype); imgnewhref = `${imgnewhref}-full${imgnewtype}`; //LOGGER.debug('insertIMGlinks 4:: ', imgnewhref); $('div.panel.pdp-main-panel').append( `

MB High Res Image

` ); } // Insert FreeMusicArchive API Status section on FMA page function insertAPISection() { LOGGER.debug('FMA insertAPISection Function Executing'); let fmaUI = $('

Takealot API

').hide(); if (DEBUG) fmaUI.css({ border: '1px dotted red' }); let fmaStatusBlock = $( '» » Album info retrieved' ); fmaUI.append(fmaStatusBlock); insertMbUI(fmaUI); // Insert the FMA API Status UI $('#fmaapistatus').css({ display: 'inline-block', float: 'left', height: '120px', width: '49%' }); fmaUI.slideDown(); } // Update FreeMusicArchive API Status section on FMA page var updateAPISection = { AlbumId: function(albumid) { this.albumid = albumid; $('#lbut-lt-fma-api-album-id').text(this.albumid); return 'complete'; }, ApiKey: function(apikey) { this.apikey = apikey; $('#lbut-lt-fma-api-key-id').text(FMA_API); return 'complete'; }, AlbumAjaxStatus: function(ajaxstatus) { if (ajaxstatus === null) { this.ajaxstatus = 'notcalled'; } else { this.ajaxstatus = ajaxstatus; } switch (this.ajaxstatus) { case 'completed': // Definition is that api call was successfull hence busy retrieving data //test chaging status of album api to error retrieving data after 2 seconds $('#lbut-lt-fma-api-album').css({ 'background-color': 'green' }); break; case 'busy': // Definition is that api call was successfull hence busy retrieving data //test chaging status of album api to error retrieving data after 2 seconds $('#lbut-lt-fma-api-album').css({ 'background-color': 'orange' }); break; case 'fail': // Definition is that api call was successfull hence busy retrieving data //test chaging status of album api to error retrieving data after 2 seconds $('#lbut-lt-fma-api-album').css({ 'background-color': 'red' }); break; } } }; // function to determine if JSON or sub objects exist // hasProp(albumobject, 'meta.Artists'); return true | false function hasProp(obj, propPath, i) { if (typeof i === 'undefined' && !(i = 0)) { propPath = propPath.split('.'); } if (typeof obj[propPath[i]] !== 'undefined' && obj[propPath[i]] != null) { //added null check as some JSON set to null return ++i && i !== propPath.length ? hasProp(obj[propPath[i - 1]], propPath, i) : true; } return false; } // Insert MusicBrainz section on FMA page function insertMBSection(release) { //LOGGER.debug(release); let mbUI = $( '
' //'


' ).hide(); if (DEBUG) mbUI.css({ border: '1px dotted red' }); let mbContentBlock = $( '
' ); mbUI.append(mbContentBlock); if (release.maybe_buggy) { let warning_buggy = $('

Warning: this release is buggy, please check twice the data you import.${MBImport.buildFormHTML(parameters)}${MBImport.buildSearchButton(release)}`; // let innerHTML = `

${MBImport.buildFormHTML(parameters)} ${MBImport.buildSearchButton(release)}
`; mbContentBlock.append(innerHTML); insertMbUI(mbUI); // Insert the MusicBrainzUI insertIMGlinks(); // Insert the link to high res image $('.search-nav-wrap-2').css({ 'background-color': '#eb743b', position: 'absolute', top: '150px', width: '100%' }); $('form.musicbrainz_import').css({ display: 'inline-block', 'vertical-align': 'middle', margin: '0 0 1rem 0', 'margin-bottom': '1rem', 'font-family': 'inherit', padding: '0.85em 1em', '-webkit-appearance': 'none', border: '1px solid transparent', 'border-radius': '0', '-webkit-transition': 'background-color 0.25s ease-out, color 0.25s ease-out', '-o-transition': 'background-color 0.25s ease-out, color 0.25s ease-out', transition: 'background-color 0.25s ease-out, color 0.25s ease-out', 'font-size': '0.9rem', 'line-height': '1', 'text-align': 'center', cursor: 'pointer', 'background-color': '#0b79bf', color: '#fefefe' }); $('form.musicbrainz_import_search').css({ display: 'inline-block', 'vertical-align': 'middle', margin: '0 0 1rem 0', 'margin-bottom': '1rem', 'font-family': 'inherit', padding: '0.85em 1em', '-webkit-appearance': 'none', border: '1px solid transparent', 'border-radius': '0', '-webkit-transition': 'background-color 0.25s ease-out, color 0.25s ease-out', '-o-transition': 'background-color 0.25s ease-out, color 0.25s ease-out', transition: 'background-color 0.25s ease-out, color 0.25s ease-out', 'font-size': '0.9rem', 'line-height': '1', 'text-align': 'center', cursor: 'pointer', 'background-color': '#0b79bf', color: '#fefefe' }); /* $('#mb_buttons').css({ display: 'inline-block', float: 'right', height: '80px' }); $('form.musicbrainz_import').css({ width: '49%', display: 'inline-block' }); $('form.musicbrainz_import_search').css({ float: 'right' }); $('form.musicbrainz_import > button').css({ width: '63px', height: '80px', 'box-sizing': 'border-box' });*/ mbUI.slideDown(); } // Insert MusicBrainz API section on FMA page to enter API Key function insertAPIKEYSection() { LOGGER.debug('FMA insertAPIKEYSection Function Executing'); let mbUI = $( '

Import FMA API KEY for MusicBrainz

' ).hide(); if (DEBUG) mbUI.css({ border: '1px dotted red' }); let mbContentBlock = $('
'); mbUI.append(mbContentBlock); // Build section let innerHTML = 'Please enter API Key found '; innerHTML = `${innerHTML}

`; mbContentBlock.append(innerHTML); insertMbUI(mbUI); // Insert the MusicBrainzUI $('#musicbrainz_apikey').css({ display: 'block', float: 'right', height: '120px', width: '49%' }); $('#mb_buttons').css({ display: 'inline-block', float: 'right', height: '80px' }); mbUI.slideDown(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Retrieve data from TAL API // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Retrieve Album JSON from API and push into array function album_api() { let fmaWsUrl = `https://api.takealot.com/rest/v-1-6-0/productlines/lookup?idProduct=${release_attributes.albumid}`; var promise_variable = $.getJSON(fmaWsUrl, function() { updateAPISection.AlbumAjaxStatus('busy'); LOGGER.debug(`promise_variable [state] in [getJSON] ${promise_variable.state()}`); }).done(function(albumjson) { LOGGER.debug(' >> Album > DONE'); updateAPISection.AlbumAjaxStatus('completed'); //LOGGER.debug('Takealot RAW album JSON: ',albumjson); // test for meta.Artists key if (hasProp(albumjson, 'response.meta.Artists')) { LOGGER.debug('response.meta.Artists > exist in JSON'); release_attributes.artist_name = albumjson.response.meta.Artists[0]; } album_api_array.push(albumjson.response); }); return promise_variable.promise(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parse information from FMA Page // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function parseFMApage() { // Check to see if it is an album class is minitag-album div#content div.bcrumb h1 span.minitag-album let FMAtype = 'album'; //manually set this on Takealot as I cant se where on page yet to define its a album // class inp-embed-code contain the album id if ($('.minitag-album').length) { FMAtype = 'album'; } else if ($('.minitag-song').length) { FMAtype = 'track'; } else if ($('.minitag-artist').length) { FMAtype = 'artist'; } if (FMAtype == 'album') { //LOGGER.debug("FMA parseFMApage Function Executing on ", FMAtype); // if (typeof $('#idProduct').attr('value') === 'undefined' && $('div.cell:nth-child(3) > a:nth-child(1)').length) { LOGGER.debug('Uhm I think the idProduct is missing folks and comments left ...'); let FMAEmbedCode = $('div.cell:nth-child(3) > a:nth-child(1)').attr('href'); LOGGER.debug('The album id for API: ', FMAEmbedCode); FMAEmbedCodeRegex = /product_id\=(\d*)/; let FMAAlbumIdMatch = FMAEmbedCode.match(FMAEmbedCodeRegex); // match the Id release_attributes.albumid = FMAAlbumIdMatch[1]; // assign the ID to a variable } else if (typeof $('#idProduct').attr('value') === 'undefined' && $('.reviews > a:nth-child(1)').length) { LOGGER.debug('Uhm I think the idProduct is missing folks ...'); let FMAEmbedCode = $('.reviews > a:nth-child(1)').attr('href'); LOGGER.debug('The album id for API: ', FMAEmbedCode); FMAEmbedCodeRegex = /product_id\=(\d*)/; let FMAAlbumIdMatch = FMAEmbedCode.match(FMAEmbedCodeRegex); // match the Id release_attributes.albumid = FMAAlbumIdMatch[1]; // assign the ID to a variable } else { LOGGER.debug('Aha got that idProduct value, Jipeeeee ...'); let FMAEmbedCode = $('#idProduct').attr('value'); FMAEmbedCodeRegex = /\d{8}/; // regex to match the value from the idProduct object let FMAAlbumIdMatch = FMAEmbedCode.match(FMAEmbedCodeRegex); // match the Id release_attributes.albumid = FMAAlbumIdMatch[0]; // assign the ID to a variable } LOGGER.info('Takealot Album identified as: ', release_attributes.albumid); } else { LOGGER.error('No unique album identified on page', window.location.href); release_attributes.albumid = ''; } // Label parsed from webpage as it is not in API /* $('div.sbar-stat span.lf105.stathd').each(function() { //var tester = $(this).eq(0).text().trim().toLowerCase(); // working let taglist = $(this) .eq(0) .text() .trim() .toLowerCase(); if (taglist == 'label:') { release_attributes.label = $(this) .next() .text(); // fmarelease.labels.push({ // name: FMAAlbumLabel // }); } else { release_attributes.label = ''; } });*/ } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Analyze FMA data and return a release object // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parse the date string and set object properties day, month, year function parse_MM_DD_YYYY(date, obj) { if (!date) return; let m = date.split(/\D+/, 3).map(function(e) { return parseInt(e, 10); }); if (m[0] !== undefined) { obj.month = m[0]; if (m[1] !== undefined) { obj.day = m[1]; if (m[2] !== undefined) { obj.year = m[2]; } } } } function parse_YYYY_MM_DD(date, obj) { if (!date) return; let m = date.split(/\D+/, 3).map(function(e) { return parseInt(e, 10); }); if (m[0] !== undefined) { obj.month = m[1]; if (m[1] !== undefined) { obj.day = m[2]; if (m[2] !== undefined) { obj.year = m[0]; } } } } // parse the release from the album and track objects function Parsefmarelease(albumobject, trackobject) { if (albumobject === undefined) { albumobject = []; } else { albumobject = albumobject; } let fmarelease = {}; // Create an empty object required for MBImport fmarelease.title = ''; fmarelease.artist_credit = []; fmarelease.type = ''; fmarelease.status = ''; fmarelease.language = ''; fmarelease.script = ''; fmarelease.packaging = ''; fmarelease.country = ''; fmarelease.year = ''; fmarelease.month = ''; fmarelease.day = ''; fmarelease.labels = []; fmarelease.barcode = ''; fmarelease.urls = []; fmarelease.discs = []; fmarelease.disc_format = ''; LOGGER.debug('Album object for parsing', albumobject); // Title fmarelease.title = albumobject.title; LOGGER.debug('Title: ', fmarelease.title); // Artist Credit let VariousArtistsRegex = /(Various Artists)/; //found "Various Artists || Various Artists [album name]" // added a check to see if JSON proerty exist if (hasProp(albumobject, 'meta.Artists')) { //LOGGER.debug('Testing > hasOwnProperty > albumobject.meta.Artists = success'); let various_artists = VariousArtistsRegex.test(albumobject.meta.Artists[0]); if (various_artists) { //LOGGER.debug('Testing > hasOwnProperty > value > Various Artists = success'); fmarelease.artist_credit = [MBImport.specialArtist('various_artists')]; } else { //LOGGER.debug('Testing > hasOwnProperty > value > Various Artists = false'); fmarelease.artist_credit = MBImport.makeArtistCredits([albumobject.meta.Artists[0]]); //LOGGER.debug('Testing > hasOwnProperty > value > Various Artists = false : ', fmarelease.artist_credit); } } // Type // TODO: match all FMA types to MB types // currently if exist and music then its set to album if (hasProp(albumobject, 'type.slug')) { LOGGER.debug('Album type from albumobject: ', albumobject.type.slug); if (albumobject.type.slug == 'music') { fmarelease.type = 'album'; } } else { // no type could be found, made it album as default fmarelease.type = 'album'; } // Default status is official fmarelease.status = 'official'; // Script fmarelease.script = 'Latn'; // Barcode if (albumobject.meta.Barcode) { fmarelease.barcode = albumobject.meta.Barcode; } else { fmarelease.barcode = albumobject.meta.BarCode; } // Country fmarelease.country = Countries[albumobject.meta.Country]; // Check to see if field is not empty if (albumobject.meta.Format) { //fmarelease.packaging = albumobject.meta.Format; // set Format to the JSON received // Release URL fmarelease.urls.push({ url: albumobject.uri, link_type: MBImport.URL_TYPES.purchase_for_mail_order }); } else { // Release URL fmarelease.urls.push({ url: albumobject.uri, link_type: MBImport.URL_TYPES.purchase_for_mail_order }); } // Release date if (albumobject.date_released) { //parse_YYYY_MM_DD(albumobject.date_released, fmarelease); parse_YYYY_MM_DD(albumobject.meta['Date Released'], fmarelease); } // @TODO: need to figure out to get packaging styles from page if (hasProp(albumobject, 'meta.Media')) { fmarelease.packaging = PackagingFormats[albumobject.meta.Media]; } if (hasProp(albumobject, 'meta.Format')) { fmarelease.disc_format = albumobject.meta.Format; } //labels if (hasProp(albumobject, 'meta.Label')) { fmarelease.labels.push({ name: albumobject.meta.Label }); } // Language if (hasProp(albumobject, 'meta.Languages')) { fmarelease.language = Languages[albumobject.meta.Languages]; } let alltracklist = []; let lastdiscnumber = 0; // copied logic from original TAL page as first try //var tracklistarray = []; // create the tracklist array to use later // Discs let disclistarray = []; // create the tracklist array to use later LOGGER.debug('Report on meta track type:', typeof albumobject.meta.Tracks); // to catch the first format type (1) - start of type 1 array tracks if (typeof albumobject.meta.Tracks === 'object') { alltracklist = albumobject.meta.Tracks; LOGGER.debug('The track array to work with: ', alltracklist); //release artist LOGGER.debug('alltracklist length', alltracklist.length); // Last track to find last disc number let lasttrack = alltracklist[alltracklist.length - 1]; LOGGER.debug(`The last track:${lasttrack}`); // Define all te formats here takealot_format_1_1_regex = /\[ Disc (\d{2}) Track.(\b\d{2}) \] (.*) - (.*)/; takealot_format_1_2_regex = /\[ Disc (\d{2}) Track.(\b\d{2}) \] (.*)/; let takealot_format_1_1_test = takealot_format_1_1_regex.test(lasttrack); let takealot_format_1_2_test = takealot_format_1_2_regex.test(lasttrack); var takealot_format = ''; if (takealot_format_1_1_test) { // set the disctracktitleregex to format 1.1 takealot_format = 'v1_type1'; LOGGER.info('Formatting: v1_type1'); disctracktitleregex = takealot_format_1_1_regex; } else if (takealot_format_1_2_test) { // set the disctracktitleregex to format 1.2 takealot_format = 'v1_type2'; LOGGER.info('Formatting: v1_type2'); disctracktitleregex = takealot_format_1_2_regex; } else { LOGGER.error('No REGEX matched the v1 pages'); takealot_format = 'unmatched'; } lastdiscnumberregex = /\[ Disc (.*) Track./; // regex to match disc number from last track let lastdiscnumbermatch = lasttrack.match(lastdiscnumberregex); lastdiscnumber = parseInt(lastdiscnumbermatch[1]); LOGGER.debug('Last Disc Number: ', lastdiscnumber); for (let k = 1; k < lastdiscnumber + 1; k++) { // start at 1 to keep array in sync with disc numbers LOGGER.debug('Disc iterate: ', k); // Tracks var tracklistarray = new Array(); // create the track list array for (let j = 0; j < alltracklist.length; j++) { // changed j to 0 and length-1 as Artist is at end // do regex here and if current disc listed in track = k then push the track into the array for that disc let trackdetails = alltracklist[j]; // sample: [ Disc 01 Track 01 ] What Do You Mean? - Justin Bieber // do this up in regex tester now... //disctracktitleregex = /\[ Disc (\d{2}) Track.(\b\d{2}) \] (.*) - (.*)/; let disctracktitle = trackdetails.match(disctracktitleregex); let currentdiscnumber = parseInt(disctracktitle[1]); if (currentdiscnumber == k) { var track = {}; let track_artist_credit = []; track.number = parseInt(disctracktitle[2]); track.title = disctracktitle[3]; //LOGGER.debug('TAL FORMAT *** ', takealot_format); if (takealot_format === 'v1_type1') { track.artist_credit = MBImport.makeArtistCredits([disctracktitle[4]]); } else if (takealot_format === 'v1_type2') { track.artist_credit = MBImport.makeArtistCredits([albumobject.meta.Artists[0]]); } else { fmarelease.maybe_buggy = true; track.artist_credit = MBImport.makeArtistCredits(['']); } LOGGER.debug('The track object: ', `${currentdiscnumber} - ${track.number} - ${track.title}`); tracklistarray.push(track); } } disclistarray.push(tracklistarray); } LOGGER.debug('** Disclist Array *** ', disclistarray); } // end of type 1 array tracks // to catch the first format type (2) - start of type 2 array tracks if (typeof albumobject.meta.Tracks === 'string') { LOGGER.debug('Version 2 parsing starting ...'); alltracklist = albumobject.meta.Tracks; LOGGER.debug('The track array to work with: ', alltracklist); //var lines = alltracklist.value.split("\n"); //var lines = alltracklist.val().split('\n'); let lines = alltracklist.split(/\r?\n/); takealot_format = 'v2_type1'; // Tracks var tracklistarray = new Array(); // create the track list array for (let j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) { //code here using lines[i] which will give you each line LOGGER.debug('Line: ', j, ' - ', lines[j]); // changed j to 0 and length-1 as Artist is at end // do regex here and if current disc listed in track = k then push the track into the array for that disc //let trackdetails = lines[j]; // sample: [ Disc 01 Track 01 ] What Do You Mean? - Justin Bieber // do this up in regex tester now... //disctracktitleregex = /\[ Disc (\d{2}) Track.(\b\d{2}) \] (.*) - (.*)/; //let disctracktitle = trackdetails.match(disctracktitleregex); let currentdiscnumber = 1; lastdiscnumber = 1; if (currentdiscnumber == 1) { var track = {}; let track_artist_credit = []; track.number = j + 1; track.title = lines[j]; //LOGGER.debug('TAL FORMAT *** ', takealot_format); if (takealot_format === 'v2_type2') { track.artist_credit = MBImport.makeArtistCredits([disctracktitle[4]]); } else if (takealot_format === 'v2_type1') { track.artist_credit = MBImport.makeArtistCredits([albumobject.meta.Artists[0].trim()]); } else { fmarelease.maybe_buggy = true; track.artist_credit = MBImport.makeArtistCredits(['']); } LOGGER.debug('The track object: ', `${currentdiscnumber} - ${track.number} - ${track.title}`); tracklistarray.push(track); } } disclistarray.push(tracklistarray); LOGGER.debug('** Disclist Array *** ', disclistarray); } // end of type 2 array tracks fmarelease.discs = []; for (let l = 0; l < lastdiscnumber; l++) { LOGGER.debug('Disc position:', l + 1); LOGGER.debug('Tracklist for the selected disc: ', disclistarray[l]); let disc = { position: l + 1, format: DiscFormats[fmarelease.disc_format], tracks: disclistarray[l] }; fmarelease.discs.push(disc); } LOGGER.info('Release:', fmarelease); return fmarelease; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Takealot -> MusicBrainz mapping // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var DiscFormats = []; DiscFormats['CD'] = 'CD'; DiscFormats['DVD'] = 'DVD'; DiscFormats['Audio CD'] = 'CD'; var Languages = []; Languages['Afrikaans'] = 'afr'; Languages['afrikaans'] = 'afr'; var Countries = []; Countries['South Africa'] = 'ZA'; Countries['SA'] = 'ZA'; var PackagingFormats = []; PackagingFormats['CD'] = 'jewel case';