// ==UserScript== // @name Musicbrainz DiscIds Detector // @namespace http://userscripts.org/users/22504 // @version 2018.2.18.1 // @description Generate MusicBrainz DiscIds from online EAC logs, and check existence in MusicBrainz database. // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/mb_discids_detector.user.js // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/mb_discids_detector.user.js // @include http://avaxhome.ws/music/* // @include https://apollo.rip/torrents.php?id=* // @include https://passtheheadphones.me/torrents.php?id=* // @include https://redacted.ch/torrents.php?id=* // @include http*://lztr.us/torrents.php?id=* // @include http*://lztr.me/torrents.php?id=* // @include http*://mutracker.org/torrents.php?id=* // @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.js // @require http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5/sha1.js // @require lib/logger.js // ==/UserScript== // prevent JQuery conflicts, see http://wiki.greasespot.net/@grant this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true); LOGGER.setLevel('info'); var CHECK_IMAGE = "%3D"; $(document).ready(function () { if (window.location.host.match(/apollo\.rip|redacted\.ch|passtheheadphones\.me|lztr\.(us|me)|mutracker\.org/)) { LOGGER.info("Gazelle site detected"); gazellePageHandler(); } else if (window.location.host.match(/avaxhome\.ws/)) { avaxHomePageHandler(); } }); function avaxHomePageHandler() { // Find artist and release titles var artistName = ""; var releaseName = ""; var m = $('div.title h1').text().match(/(.*) (?:-|–) (.*)( \(\d{4}\))?/); if (m) { artistName = m[1]; releaseName = m[2]; } if (artistName == "VA") artistName = "Various Artists"; // Find and analyze EAC log $('div.spoiler').filter(function () { return $(this).find('a').text().match(/(EAC|log)/i); }) .find('div') .each(function () { var $eacLog = $(this); var discs = analyze_log_files($eacLog); // Check and display check_and_display_discs(artistName, releaseName, discs, function (mb_toc_numbers, discid, discNumber) { $eacLog.parents('div.spoiler').prevAll('div.center:first').append('
' + (discs.length > 1 ? 'Disc ' + discNumber + ': ' : '' ) + 'MB DiscId '); }, function (mb_toc_numbers, discid, discNumber, found) { var url = computeAttachURL(mb_toc_numbers, artistName, releaseName); var html = '' + discid + ''; if (found) { html = html + ''; } $('#' + discid.replace('.', '\\.')).html(html); } ); }); } function gazellePageHandler() { var serverHost = window.location.host; // Determine Artist name and Release title var titleAndArtists = $("#content div.thin h2:eq(0)").text(); var pattern = /(.*) - (.*) \[.*\] \[.*/; var artistName, releaseName; if (m = titleAndArtists.match(pattern)) { artistName = m[1]; releaseName = m[2]; } LOGGER.debug("artist:", artistName, "- releaseName:", releaseName); // Parse each torrent $('tr.group_torrent').filter(function () { return $(this).attr("id"); }).each(function () { var torrentInfo = $(this).next(); $(torrentInfo).find('a') // Only investigate the ones with a log .filter(function (index) { return $(this).text().match(/View Log/i); }) .each(function () { LOGGER.debug("Log link", this); if ($(this).attr("onclick").match(/show_logs/)) { if (window.location.host.match(/apollo/)) { LOGGER.debug("Apollo"); var logAction = 'viewlog'; } else if (window.location.host.match(/redacted|passtheheadphones/)){ LOGGER.debug("RED"); var logAction = 'loglist'; } } // LzTR else if ($(this).attr("onclick").match(/get_log/)) { LOGGER.debug("LzTR"); var logAction = 'log_ajax'; } else { return true; } var targetContainer = $(this).parents(".linkbox"); var torrentId = /(show_logs|get_log)\('(\d+)/.exec($(this).attr('onclick'))[2]; var logUrl = '/torrents.php?action=' + logAction + '&torrentid=' + torrentId; LOGGER.info("Log URL: ", logUrl); LOGGER.debug("targetContainer: ", targetContainer); // Get log content $.get(logUrl, function (data) { LOGGER.debug("Log content", $(data).find('pre')); var discs = analyze_log_files($(data).find('pre')); LOGGER.debug("Number of disc found", discs.length); check_and_display_discs(artistName, releaseName, discs, function (mb_toc_numbers, discid, discNumber) { targetContainer.append('
' + (discs.length > 1 ? 'Disc ' + discNumber + ': ' : '' ) + 'MB DiscId: '); }, function (mb_toc_numbers, discid, discNumber, found) { var url = computeAttachURL(mb_toc_numbers, artistName, releaseName); var html = '' + discid + ''; if (found) { html = html + ''; } LOGGER.debug('#' + torrentId + '_disc' + discNumber); $('#' + torrentId + '_disc' + discNumber).html(html); } ); } ); } ); }); } // Common functions function computeAttachURL(mb_toc_numbers, artistName, releaseName) { var url = 'http://musicbrainz.org/cdtoc/attach' + '?toc=' + mb_toc_numbers.join("%20") + '&artist-name=' + encodeURIComponent(artistName) + '&release-name=' + encodeURIComponent(releaseName); return url; } function analyze_log_files(log_files) { var discs = []; $.each(log_files, function (i, log_file) { var discsInLog = MBDiscid.log_input_to_entries($(log_file).text()); for (var i = 0; i < discsInLog.length; i++) { discs.push(discsInLog[i]); } }); // Remove dupes discs var keys = new Object(); var uniqueDiscs = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < discs.length; i++) { var discid = MBDiscid.calculate_mb_discid(discs[i]); if (discid in keys) { continue; } else { keys[discid] = 1; uniqueDiscs.push(discs[i]); } } discs = uniqueDiscs; return discs; } function check_and_display_discs(artistName, releaseName, discs, displayDiscHandler, displayResultHandler) { // For each disc, check if it's in MusicBrainz database for (var i = 0; i < discs.length; i++) { var entries = discs[i]; var discNumber = i + 1; if (entries.length > 0) { var mb_toc_numbers = MBDiscid.calculate_mb_toc_numbers(entries); var discid = MBDiscid.calculate_mb_discid(entries); LOGGER.info("Computed discid :" + discid); displayDiscHandler(mb_toc_numbers, discid, discNumber); // Now check if this discid is known by MusicBrainz (function (discid, discNumber, mb_toc_numbers) { var query = $.getJSON('//musicbrainz.org/ws/2/discid/' + discid + '?cdstubs=no'); query.done(function (data) { var existsInMusicbrainz = !('error' in data) && data.error != "Not found"; displayResultHandler(mb_toc_numbers, discid, discNumber, existsInMusicbrainz); }); query.fail(function () { // If discid is not found, the webservice returns a 404 http code displayResultHandler(mb_toc_numbers, discid, discNumber, false); }); })(discid, discNumber, mb_toc_numbers); } } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ // MBDiscid code comes from https://gist.github.com/kolen/766668 // Copyright 2010, kolen // Released under the MIT License var MBDiscid = (function () { this.SECTORS_PER_SECOND = 75; this.PREGAP = 150; this.DATA_TRACK_GAP = 11400; this.toc_entry_matcher = new RegExp( "^\\s*" + "(\\d+)" + // 1 - track number "\\s*\\|\\s*" + "([0-9:.]+)" + // 2 - time start "\\s*\\|\\s*" + "([0-9:.]+)" + // 3 - time length "\\s*\\|\\s*" + "(\\d+)" + // 4 - start sector "\\s*\\|\\s*" + "(\\d+)" + // 5 - end sector "\\s*$" ); this.log_input_to_entries = function (text) { var discs = []; var entries = []; $.each(text.split("\n"), function (index, value) { var m = toc_entry_matcher.exec(value); if (m) { // New disc if (parseInt(m[1], 10) == 1) { if (entries.length > 0) { discs.push(entries); } entries = []; } entries.push(m); } }); if (entries.length > 0) { discs.push(entries); } for (var i = 0; i < discs.length; i++) { var entries = discs[i]; var layout_type = get_layout_type(entries); var entries_audio; if (layout_type == "with_data") { entries_audio = entries.slice(0, entries.length - 1); } else { entries_audio = entries; } discs[i] = entries_audio; } return discs; }; this.get_layout_type = function (entries) { var type = "standard"; for (var i = 0; i < entries.length - 1; i++) { var gap = parseInt(entries[i + 1][4], 10) - parseInt(entries[i][5], 10) - 1; if (gap != 0) { if (i == entries.length - 2 && gap == DATA_TRACK_GAP) { type = "with_data"; } else { type = "unknown"; break; } } } return type; }; this.calculate_mb_toc_numbers = function (entries) { if (entries.length == 0) { return null; } var leadout_offset = parseInt(entries[entries.length - 1][5], 10) + PREGAP + 1; var offsets = $.map(entries, function (entry) { return parseInt(entry[4], 10) + PREGAP; }) return [1, entries.length, leadout_offset].concat(offsets); }; this.calculate_cddb_id = function (entries) { var sum_of_digits = function (n) { var sum = 0; while (n > 0) { sum = sum + (n % 10); n = Math.floor(n / 10); } return sum; } var decimalToHexString = function (number) { if (number < 0) { number = 0xFFFFFFFF + number + 1; } return number.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } var length_seconds = Math.floor((parseInt(entries[entries.length - 1][5], 10) - parseInt(entries[0][4], 10) + 1) / SECTORS_PER_SECOND); var checksum = 0; $.each(entries, function (index, entry) { checksum += sum_of_digits(Math.floor((parseInt(entry[4], 10) + PREGAP) / SECTORS_PER_SECOND)); }) var xx = checksum % 255; var discid_num = (xx << 24) | (length_seconds << 8) | entries.length; //return discid_num return decimalToHexString(discid_num); }; this.calculate_mb_discid = function (entries) { var hex_left_pad = function (input, totalChars) { input = '' + parseInt(input, 10).toString(16).toUpperCase(); var padWith = "0"; if (input.length < totalChars) { while (input.length < totalChars) { input = padWith + input; } } else { } if (input.length > totalChars) { //if padWith was a multiple character string and num was overpadded input = input.substring((input.length - totalChars), totalChars); } else { } return input; }; var mb_toc_numbers = calculate_mb_toc_numbers(entries); var message = ""; var first_track = mb_toc_numbers[0]; var last_track = mb_toc_numbers[1]; var leadout_offset = mb_toc_numbers[2]; message = message + hex_left_pad(first_track, 2); message = message + hex_left_pad(last_track, 2); message = message + hex_left_pad(leadout_offset, 8); for (var i = 0; i < 99; i++) { var offset = (i + 3 < mb_toc_numbers.length) ? mb_toc_numbers[i + 3] : 0; message = message + hex_left_pad(offset, 8); } b64pad = "="; var discid = b64_sha1(message); discid = discid.replace(/\+/g, ".").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/=/g, "-"); return discid; }; return this; })();