// ==UserScript== // @name Import HDtracks releases into MusicBrainz // @namespace https://github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/ // @description One-click importing of releases from hdtracks.com into MusicBrainz. Also allows to submit their ISRCs to MusicBrainz releases. // @version 2021.10.17.1 // @author kellnerd // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/hdtracks_importer.user.js // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/hdtracks_importer.user.js // @match *://www.hdtracks.com/ // @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js // @require lib/mbimport.js // @require lib/mbimportstyle.js // @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/assets/images/Musicbrainz_import_logo.png // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== // prevent JQuery conflicts, see http://wiki.greasespot.net/@grant this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true); $(document).ready(function () { MBImportStyle(); window.onhashchange = parsePage; // HDtracks is a single page app (SPA) }); async function parsePage() { const releaseMatch = window.location.hash.match(/#\/album\/(.+)/); if (!releaseMatch) return; // SPA currently shows a different type of page const releaseId = releaseMatch[1]; // our buttons might already be there since the SPA caches the previous page for "also available in" if (document.getElementById(`mb-import-ui-${releaseId}`)) return; const url = window.location.href; const apiUrl = `https://hdtracks.azurewebsites.net/api/v1/album/${releaseId}`; const response = await fetch(apiUrl); const release = parseHDtracksRelease(await response.json(), url); insertButtons(release, url); } function parseHDtracksRelease(data, releaseUrl) { const releaseDate = new Date(data.release); const release = { id: data.productId, // not used as release editor seed title: data.name, artist_credit: data.artists.map(name => ({ artist_name: name })), barcode: data.upc, labels: [{ name: data.label }], year: releaseDate.getUTCFullYear(), month: releaseDate.getUTCMonth() + 1, day: releaseDate.getUTCDate(), comment: data.quality.replace(' · ', '/'), annotation: [data.cLine, data.pLine].join('\n'), // `data.credits` is currently not included as its unclear for which tracks the individual credits apply discs: [], urls: [], packaging: 'None', status: 'official', script: 'Latn', }; release.discs.push({ // disc numbers of the tracks are not available for releases with multiple discs! format: 'Digital Media', tracks: data.tracks.map(track => ({ number: track.index, title: track.name, artist_credit: [{ artist_name: track.mainArtist }], // TODO: try to split strings into multiple artists? duration: track.duration * 1000, isrc: track.isrc, // not used as release editor seed })), }); release.urls.push({ link_type: MBImport.URL_TYPES.purchase_for_download, url: releaseUrl, }); return release; } function insertButtons(release, releaseUrl) { const editNote = MBImport.makeEditNote(releaseUrl, 'HDtracks'); const formParameters = MBImport.buildFormParameters(release, editNote); const importerUI = $(`
${MBImport.buildFormHTML(formParameters)} ${MBImport.buildSearchButton(release)}
`).hide(); $('') .on('click', () => { const allTracks = release.discs.map(disc => disc.tracks).flat(); const query = allTracks.map(track => `isrc${track.number}=${track.isrc}`).join('&'); window.open(`https://magicisrc.kepstin.ca?${query}`); }) .appendTo(importerUI); $('div.page-current div.album-buttons-group').prepend(importerUI); importerUI.slideDown(); }