mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 04:12:28 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 105 additions and 83 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// ==UserScript==
// @name Import Discogs releases to MusicBrainz
// @version 2011-09-11_03
// @version 2011-11-06_01
// @namespace http://userscripts.org/users/22504
// @include http://*musicbrainz.org/release/add
// @include http://*musicbrainz.org/release/*/add
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
// @include http://*.discogs.com/*release/*
// @exclude http://*.discogs.com/*release/*?f=xml*
// @exclude http://www.discogs.com/release/add
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.js
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js
// @require http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/110844.user.js
// ==/UserScript==
@ -19,10 +19,7 @@
var SUC_script_num = 36376;
try{function updateCheck(forced){if ((forced) || (parseInt(GM_getValue('SUC_last_update', '0')) + 86400000 <= (new Date().getTime()))){try{GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET',url: 'http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/'+SUC_script_num+'.meta.js?'+new Date().getTime(),headers: {'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'},onload: function(resp){var local_version, remote_version, rt, script_name;rt=resp.responseText;GM_setValue('SUC_last_update', new Date().getTime()+'');remote_version=parseInt(/@uso:version\s*(.*?)\s*$/m.exec(rt)[1]);local_version=parseInt(GM_getValue('SUC_current_version', '-1'));if(local_version!=-1){script_name = (/@name\s*(.*?)\s*$/m.exec(rt))[1];GM_setValue('SUC_target_script_name', script_name);if (remote_version > local_version){if(confirm('There is an update available for the Greasemonkey script "'+script_name+'."\nWould you like to go to the install page now?')){GM_openInTab('http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/'+SUC_script_num);GM_setValue('SUC_current_version', remote_version);}}else if (forced)alert('No update is available for "'+script_name+'."');}else GM_setValue('SUC_current_version', remote_version+'');}});}catch (err){if (forced)alert('An error occurred while checking for updates:\n'+err);}}}GM_registerMenuCommand(GM_getValue('SUC_target_script_name', '???') + ' - Manual Update Check', function(){updateCheck(true);});updateCheck(false);}catch(err){}
// Discogs API KEY (you may need to replace with yours if you encounter limit issues)
var discogsApiKey = "84b3bec008";
@ -48,25 +45,35 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
// Release page?
if (window.location.href.match( /discogs\.com\/(.*\/?)release\/(\d+)$/) ) {
// Discogs Webservice URL
var discogsWsUrl = window.location.href.replace(/http:\/\/(www\.|)discogs\.com\/(.*\/|)release\//, 'http://discogs.com/release/') + "?f=xml&api_key=" + discogsApiKey;
// Discogs Webservice URL
var discogsReleaseId = window.location.href.match( /discogs\.com\/(.*\/?)release\/(\d+)$/)[2];
var discogsWsUrl = 'http://api.discogs.com/releases/' + discogsReleaseId;
/* Main function */
method: "GET",
url: discogsWsUrl,
headers: {
onload: function(response) {
var xmldoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response.responseText,"text/xml");
var release = parseDiscogsRelease(xmldoc);
// Swith JQuery to MB's one, and save GreaseMonkey one
var GM_JQuery = $;
$ = unsafeWindow.$;
url: discogsWsUrl,
dataType: 'jsonp',
headers: { 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip', 'User-Agent': 'MBDiscosgImporter/0.1 +http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/36376' },
crossDomain: true,
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var release = parseDiscogsRelease(data);
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
mylog("AJAX Status:" + textStatus);
mylog("AJAX error thrown:" + errorThrown);
// Back to GreaseMonkey's JQuery
$ = GM_JQuery;
@ -79,7 +86,6 @@ function magnifyLinks() {
document.body.setAttribute('discogsLinksMagnified', true);
var re = /^http:\/\/www\.discogs\.com\/(.*)\/(master|release)\/(\d+)$/i;
var elems = document.body.getElementsByTagName('a');
@ -105,101 +111,117 @@ function trim(str) {
// Analyze Discogs data and return a release object
function parseDiscogsRelease(xmldoc) {
function parseDiscogsRelease(data) {
var discogsRelease = data.data;
var release = new Object();
release.discs = [];
// Release artist credit
release.artist_credit = new Array();
$(xmldoc).find("release > artists artist").each(function() {
var $artist = $(this);
$.each(discogsRelease.artists, function(index, artist) {
var ac = {
'artist_name': $artist.find("name").text().replace(/ \(\d+\)$/, ""),
'credited_name': ($artist.find("anv").text() ? $artist.find("anv").text() : $artist.find("name").text().replace(/ \(\d+\)$/, "")),
'joinphrase': decodeDiscogsJoinphrase($artist.find("join").text())
'artist_name': artist.name.replace(/ \(\d+\)$/, ""),
'credited_name': (artist.anv != "" ? artist.anv : artist.name.replace(/ \(\d+\)$/, "")),
'joinphrase': decodeDiscogsJoinphrase(artist.join)
// Release title
release.title = getXPathVal(xmldoc, "//release/title", true);
release.title = discogsRelease.title;
// Release date
var releasedate = getXPathVal(xmldoc, "//release/released", true);
if (typeof releasedate != "undefined" && releasedate != "") {
var tmp = releasedate.split('-'); if (tmp[0] != "undefined" && tmp[0] != "") {
release.year = parseInt(tmp[0], 10);
if (tmp[1] != "undefined" && tmp[1] != "") {
release.month = parseInt(tmp[1], 10);
if (tmp[2] != "undefined" && tmp[2] != "") {
release.day = parseInt(tmp[2], 10);
if (discogsRelease.released) {
var releasedate = discogsRelease.released;
if (typeof releasedate != "undefined" && releasedate != "") {
var tmp = releasedate.split('-'); if (tmp[0] != "undefined" && tmp[0] != "") {
release.year = parseInt(tmp[0], 10);
if (tmp[1] != "undefined" && tmp[1] != "") {
release.month = parseInt(tmp[1], 10);
if (tmp[2] != "undefined" && tmp[2] != "") {
release.day = parseInt(tmp[2], 10);
// Release country
release.country = Countries[ getXPathVal(xmldoc, "//release/country", true) ];
// Release country
if (discogsRelease.country) {
release.country = Countries[ discogsRelease.country ];
// Release labels
release.labels = new Array();
$(xmldoc).find("release labels label").each(function() {
release.labels.push( { name: $(this).attr('name'), catno: $(this).attr('catno') } );
if (discogsRelease.labels) {
$.each(discogsRelease.labels, function(index, label) {
release.labels.push( { name: label.name, catno: label.catno } );
// Release format
var release_format = MediaTypes[getXPathVal(xmldoc, "//release/formats/format/@name", true)];
var release_format;
$(xmldoc).find("release formats descriptions description").each(function() {
var desc = $(this).text();
// Release format: special handling of vinyl 7", 10" and 12"
if (desc.match(/7"|10"|12"/)) release_format = MediaTypes[desc];
// Release status
if (desc.match(/Promo|Smplr/)) release.status = "promotion";
// Release type
if (desc.match(/Compilation/)) release.type = "compilation";
if (desc.match(/Single/)) release.type = "single";
// Release packaging => not exported in Discogs API
//if (desc.match(/Cardboard/)) release.packaging = "paper sleeve";
if (discogsRelease.formats.length > 0) {
release_format = MediaTypes[ discogsRelease.formats[0].name ];
if (discogsRelease.formats[0].descriptions) {
$.each(discogsRelease.formats[0].descriptions, function(index, desc) {
// Release format: special handling of vinyl 7", 10" and 12"
if (desc.match(/7"|10"|12"/)) release_format = MediaTypes[desc];
// Release status
if (desc.match(/Promo|Smplr/)) release.status = "promotion";
// Release type
if (desc.match(/Compilation/)) release.type = "compilation";
if (desc.match(/Single/)) release.type = "single";
// Barcode: grab barcode from discogs page, it's not available in webservice response
$('div.section.major.barcodes div.section_content ul li').each(function() {
if ($(this).text().indexOf('Barcode: ') != -1) {
release.barcode = $(this).text().replace('Barcode: ', '').replace(/ -/, '');
return false;
// Release packaging
if (discogsRelease.formats[0].text && discogsRelease.formats[0].text.match(/Cardboard/)) release.packaging = "paper sleeve";
if (discogsRelease.formats[0].text && discogsRelease.formats[0].text.match(/Digipak/)) release.packaging = "digipak";
if (discogsRelease.formats[0].text && discogsRelease.formats[0].text.match(/Jewel/)) release.packaging = "jewel";
// Barcode
if (discogsRelease.identifiers) {
$.each(discogsRelease.identifiers, function(index, identifier) {
if (identifier.type == "Barcode") {
release.barcode = identifier.value.replace(/ /g, '');
return false;
// Inspect tracks
var tracks = [];
var trackNodes = getXPathVal(xmldoc, "//tracklist/track", false);
$(xmldoc).find("tracklist track").each(function() {
$.each(discogsRelease.tracklist, function(index, discogsTrack) {
// TODO: dectect disc title and set disc.title
var track = new Object();
var $trackNode = $(this);
track.title = $trackNode.find("title").text();
track.duration = $trackNode.find("duration").text();
track.title = discogsTrack.title;
track.duration = discogsTrack.duration;
// Track artist credit
track.artist_credit = new Array();
$trackNode.find("artists artist").each(function() {
var $artist = $(this);
var ac = {
'artist_name': $artist.find("name").text().replace(/ \(\d+\)$/, ""),
'credited_name': ($artist.find("anv").text() ? $artist.find("anv").text() : $artist.find("name").text().replace(/ \(\d+\)$/, "")),
'joinphrase': decodeDiscogsJoinphrase($artist.find("join").text())
if (discogsTrack.artists) {
$.each(discogsTrack.artists, function(index, artist) {
var ac = {
'artist_name': artist.name.replace(/ \(\d+\)$/, ""),
'credited_name': (artist.anv != "" ? artist.anv : artist.name.replace(/ \(\d+\)$/, "")),
'joinphrase': decodeDiscogsJoinphrase(artist.join)
// Track position and release number
var trackPosition = $trackNode.find("position").text();
var trackPosition = discogsTrack.position;
var releaseNumber = 1;
// Skip special tracks
@ -232,7 +254,7 @@ function parseDiscogsRelease(xmldoc) {
// Create release if needed
if( !release.discs[releaseNumber-1] ) {
if ( !release.discs[releaseNumber-1] ) {
release.discs.push(new Object());
release.discs[releaseNumber-1].tracks = [];
release.discs[releaseNumber-1].format = release_format;
Reference in a new issue