2016-05-29 12:21:25 +00:00
// ==UserScript==
// @name Import FMA releases to MusicBrainz
// @description Add a button to import https://freemusicarchive.org/ releases to MusicBrainz via API
2016-08-29 10:05:00 +00:00
// @version 2016.08.29.0
2016-05-29 12:21:25 +00:00
// @namespace https://github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts
// @downloadURL https://raw.github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/fma_importer.user.js
// @updateURL https://raw.github.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/fma_importer.user.js
// @include http*://freemusicarchive.org/music/*
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js
// @require lib/mbimport.js
// @require lib/logger.js
// @require lib/mblinks.js
// @require lib/mbimportstyle.js
// @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/murdos/musicbrainz-userscripts/master/assets/images/Musicbrainz_import_logo.png
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
/ *
* Test cases :
* http : //freemusicarchive.org/music/Various_Artists/Of_Men_And_Machines/
* http : //freemusicarchive.org/music/cloud_mouth/songs_from_the_sewer/
* http : //freemusicarchive.org/music/Podington_Bear/Springtime/
* http : //freemusicarchive.org/music/Broke_For_Free/Directionless_EP/
* http : //freemusicarchive.org/music/Various_Artists_Evergreens_n_Odditunes/Evergreens_n_Odditunes/
2016-09-23 13:54:26 +00:00
* Radio program : http : //freemusicarchive.org/music/Kyle_Eyre_Clyd/Live_on_WFMUs_Strength_Through_Failure_with_Fabio_Roberti_8132015/
2016-05-29 12:21:25 +00:00
* /
// prevent JQuery conflicts, see http://wiki.greasespot.net/@grant
this . $ = this . jQuery = jQuery . noConflict ( true ) ;
// API Key assigned to registered user on FMA
var FMA _API = "FMA API KEY Missing" ;
if ( ! unsafeWindow ) unsafeWindow = window ;
var DEBUG = false ; // true | false
if ( DEBUG ) {
LOGGER . setLevel ( 'debug' ) ;
// promise to ensure all api calls are done before we parse the release
var tracks _deferred = $ . Deferred ( ) ;
var retrieve _tracks _promise = tracks _deferred . promise ( ) ;
// object to store all global attributes collected for the release
var release _attributes = { } ; // albumid, total_pages, artist_name, label
// arrays to store the data retrieved from API to parse for MB release
var album _api _array = [ ] ; // album information [0]
var tracks _api _array = [ ] ; // track information [0,1,2,..] one element for each pagination in FMA tracks API
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) {
// if we have something on local storage place that
if ( localStorage . getItem ( 'FMA_API_KEY' ) ) {
FMA _API = localStorage . getItem ( 'FMA_API_KEY' ) ; // -> YOURAPIKEY
} else {
insertAPIKEYSection ( ) ;
$ ( "#api_key_submit" ) . click ( function ( ) {
var myval = $ ( "#apikey_input" ) . val ( ) ;
localStorage . setItem ( 'FMA_API_KEY' , myval ) ;
$ ( "#musicbrainz_apikey" ) . hide ( ) ;
FMA _API = localStorage . getItem ( 'FMA_API_KEY' ) ; // -> YOURAPIKEY
LOGGER . debug ( "FMA API Key set: " + FMA _API ) ;
location . reload ( true ) ; //as document loaded and FMA_API was set out of scope
} ) ;
// window.localStorage.clear() hint: to clear the localStorage if needed
LOGGER . info ( "Document Ready & FMA Userscript Executing" ) ;
var fmaPage = parseFMApage ( ) ;
var mblinks = new MBLinks ( 'FMA_CACHE' , 7 * 24 * 60 ) ;
if ( DEBUG ) {
insertAPISection ( ) ;
updateAPISection . AlbumId ( release _attributes . albumid ) ;
updateAPISection . ApiKey ( FMA _API ) ;
if ( $ ( ".minitag-album" ) . length && FMA _API !== "FMA API KEY Missing" ) { // To make sure API and release only build on Album page.
// Track parameters: total number of pages / api calls limit hardcoded to max of 20
var retrieve _track _info = new track _api _parameters ( ) ;
// Album detail
var retrieve _album _detail = new album _api ( ) ;
// Track detail
$ . when ( retrieve _track _info ) // ensure the track info is retrieved first (total_pages counter)
. then ( function ( ) { // loop and deferred promise for multiple ajax calls
updateAPISection . TrackAjaxStatus ( 'busy' ) ;
var track _api _calls = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i <= release _attributes . total _pages ; i ++ ) {
track _api _calls . push ( track _api ( i ) ) ;
$ . when . apply ( this , track _api _calls ) . done ( function ( ) {
LOGGER . debug ( "Tracks loaded and done in DONE lets use it" ) ;
//console.log("total_pages " + release_attributes.total_pages);
tracks _deferred . resolve ( ) ;
} ) ;
} )
. done ( function ( ) {
LOGGER . debug ( "Deferred for: Track info > track detail > resolved" ) ;
} ) ;
$ . when ( retrieve _tracks _promise )
. done ( function ( ) {
updateAPISection . TrackAjaxStatus ( 'completed' ) ;
} )
. fail ( function ( ) {
updateAPISection . TrackAjaxStatus ( 'fail' ) ;
} ) ;
$ . when ( retrieve _track _info , retrieve _tracks _promise , retrieve _album _detail ) . done ( function ( ) {
LOGGER . info ( "All the AJAX API calls are done continue to build the release object ..." ) ;
// LOGGER.debug("ALBUM Object > " + album_api_array[0]);
// LOGGER.debug("TRACK Object > " + tracks_api_array);
var FreeMusicArchiveRelease = new Parsefmarelease ( album _api _array [ 0 ] , tracks _api _array ) ;
insertMBSection ( FreeMusicArchiveRelease ) ;
var album _link = window . location . href ;
var url = $ ( location ) . attr ( 'href' ) . split ( '/' ) ;
var artist _url = url [ url . length - 3 ] ;
var base _url = 'http://freemusicarchive.org/music/' ;
var artist _link = base _url + artist _url + '/' ;
mblinks . searchAndDisplayMbLink ( album _link , 'release' , function ( link ) {
$ ( '.subh1' ) . before ( link ) ;
} ) ;
mblinks . searchAndDisplayMbLink ( artist _link , 'artist' , function ( link ) {
$ ( '.subh1' ) . after ( link ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Determine the location on page to add MusicBrainz Section
function insertMbUI ( mbUI ) {
var e ;
if ( ( e = $ ( "#header" ) ) && e . length ) {
e . after ( mbUI ) ;
} else if ( ( e = $ ( '#content' ) ) && e . length ) {
e . before ( mbUI ) ;
} else if ( ( e = $ ( ".brumbs" ) ) && e . length ) {
e . append ( mbUI ) ;
// Insert link to high resolution image on FMA page
function insertIMGlinks ( ) {
//LOGGER.debug("FMA insertIMGlinks Function Executing");
var imgsrc = $ ( '#image-1 img.sbar-fullimg' ) . attr ( 'src' ) ;
imgsrc = imgsrc . substring ( 0 , imgsrc . indexOf ( '?' ) ) ;
//LOGGER.debug(" insertIMGlinks > imgsrc:", imgsrc);
$ ( '#album-images' ) . append ( '<p><img src="http://musicbrainz.org/favicon.ico" /><a href="' + imgsrc + '">MB High Res Image</a></p>' ) ;
// Insert FreeMusicArchive API Status section on FMA page
function insertAPISection ( ) {
//LOGGER.debug("FMA insertAPISection Function Executing");
var fmaUI = $ ( '<div id="fmaapistatus" class="sbar-stat"><h4 class="wlinepad"><span class="hd">FMA API</span></h4></div>' ) . hide ( ) ;
if ( DEBUG ) fmaUI . css ( {
'border' : '1px dotted red'
} ) ;
var fmaStatusBlock = $ ( '<a class="lbut-lt" id="lbut-lt-fma-api-album-id">»</a> <a class="lbut-lt" id="lbut-lt-fma-api-key-id">»</a> <a id="lbut-lt-fma-api-album" class="lbut-lt">Album info retrieved</a><a class="lbut-lt" id="lbut-lt-fma-api-tracks">Track info retrieved</a>' ) ;
fmaUI . append ( fmaStatusBlock ) ;
insertMbUI ( fmaUI ) ; // Insert the FMA API Status UI
$ ( '#fmaapistatus' ) . css ( {
display : 'inline-block' ,
float : 'left' ,
height : '120px' ,
width : '49%'
} ) ;
fmaUI . slideDown ( ) ;
// Update FreeMusicArchive API Status section on FMA page
var updateAPISection = {
AlbumId : function ( albumid ) {
this . albumid = albumid ;
$ ( '#lbut-lt-fma-api-album-id' ) . text ( this . albumid ) ;
return 'complete' ;
} ,
ApiKey : function ( apikey ) {
this . apikey = apikey ;
$ ( '#lbut-lt-fma-api-key-id' ) . text ( FMA _API ) ;
return 'complete' ;
} ,
AlbumAjaxStatus : function ( ajaxstatus ) {
if ( ajaxstatus === null ) {
this . ajaxstatus = "notcalled" ;
} else {
this . ajaxstatus = ajaxstatus ;
switch ( this . ajaxstatus ) {
case "completed" : // Definition is that api call was successfull hence busy retrieving data
//test chaging status of album api to error retrieving data after 2 seconds
$ ( '#lbut-lt-fma-api-album' ) . css ( {
'background-color' : 'green'
} ) ;
break ;
case "busy" : // Definition is that api call was successfull hence busy retrieving data
//test chaging status of album api to error retrieving data after 2 seconds
$ ( '#lbut-lt-fma-api-album' ) . css ( {
'background-color' : 'orange'
} ) ;
break ;
case "fail" : // Definition is that api call was successfull hence busy retrieving data
//test chaging status of album api to error retrieving data after 2 seconds
$ ( '#lbut-lt-fma-api-album' ) . css ( {
'background-color' : 'red'
} ) ;
break ;
} ,
TrackAjaxStatus : function ( ajaxstatus ) {
if ( ajaxstatus === null ) {
this . ajaxstatus = "notcalled" ;
} else {
this . ajaxstatus = ajaxstatus ;
switch ( this . ajaxstatus ) {
case "completed" : // Definition is that api call was successfull hence busy retrieving data
//test chaging status of album api to error retrieving data after 2 seconds
$ ( '#lbut-lt-fma-api-tracks' ) . css ( {
'background-color' : 'green'
} ) ;
break ;
case "busy" : // Definition is that api call was successfull hence busy retrieving data
//test chaging status of album api to error retrieving data after 2 seconds
$ ( '#lbut-lt-fma-api-tracks' ) . css ( {
'background-color' : 'orange'
} ) ;
break ;
case "fail" : // Definition is that api call was successfull hence busy retrieving data
//test chaging status of album api to error retrieving data after 2 seconds
$ ( '#lbut-lt-fma-api-tracks' ) . css ( {
'background-color' : 'red'
} ) ;
break ;
} ;
// Insert MusicBrainz section on FMA page
function insertMBSection ( release ) {
var mbUI = $ ( '<div id="musicbrainz" class="section musicbrainz"><h4 class="wlinepad"><span class="hd">MusicBrainz</span></h4></div>' ) . hide ( ) ;
if ( DEBUG ) mbUI . css ( {
'border' : '1px dotted red'
} ) ;
var mbContentBlock = $ ( '<div class="section_content"></div>' ) ;
mbUI . append ( mbContentBlock ) ;
if ( release . maybe _buggy ) {
var warning _buggy = $ ( '<p><small><b>Warning</b>: this release is buggy, please check twice the data you import.</small><p' ) . css ( {
'color' : 'red' ,
float : 'left' ,
'margin-top' : '4px' ,
'margin-bottom' : '4px'
} ) ;
mbContentBlock . prepend ( warning _buggy ) ;
// Form parameters
var edit _note = "FMA_Album_Id: " + release _attributes . albumid + " " ; // temp add album id here untill we can add easy way to schema
edit _note = edit _note + MBImport . makeEditNote ( window . location . href , 'FreeMusicArchive' ) ;
var parameters = MBImport . buildFormParameters ( release , edit _note ) ;
// Build form + search button
var innerHTML = '<div id="mb_buttons">' + MBImport . buildFormHTML ( parameters ) + MBImport . buildSearchButton ( release ) + '</div>' ;
mbContentBlock . append ( innerHTML ) ;
insertMbUI ( mbUI ) ; // Insert the MusicBrainzUI
insertIMGlinks ( ) ; // Insert the link to high res image
$ ( '#musicbrainz' ) . css ( {
display : 'block' ,
float : 'right' ,
height : '120px' ,
width : '49%'
} ) ;
$ ( '#mb_buttons' ) . css ( {
display : 'inline-block' ,
'float' : 'right' ,
height : '80px'
} ) ;
$ ( 'form.musicbrainz_import' ) . css ( {
width : '49%' ,
display : 'inline-block'
} ) ;
$ ( 'form.musicbrainz_import_search' ) . css ( {
'float' : 'right'
} ) ;
$ ( 'form.musicbrainz_import > button' ) . css ( {
width : '63px' ,
height : '80px' ,
'box-sizing' : 'border-box'
} ) ;
mbUI . slideDown ( ) ;
// Insert MusicBrainz API section on FMA page to enter API Key
function insertAPIKEYSection ( ) {
LOGGER . debug ( "FMA insertAPIKEYSection Function Executing" ) ;
var mbUI = $ ( '<div id="musicbrainz_apikey" class="section musicbrainz"><h4 class="wlinepad"><span class="hd">Import FMA API KEY for MusicBrainz</span></h4></div>' ) . hide ( ) ;
if ( DEBUG ) mbUI . css ( {
'border' : '1px dotted red'
} ) ;
var mbContentBlock = $ ( '<div class="section_content"></div>' ) ;
mbUI . append ( mbContentBlock ) ;
// Build section
var innerHTML = '<span class="mhd-nosep">Please enter API Key found <a class="donate" href="https://freemusicarchive.org/member/api_key" target="_blank">here</a></span>' ;
innerHTML = innerHTML + '<div id="mb_buttons"><input id="apikey_input" type="text" name="apikey_input" value=""><br><input id="api_key_submit" type="submit" value="Import API KEY"></div>' ;
mbContentBlock . append ( innerHTML ) ;
insertMbUI ( mbUI ) ; // Insert the MusicBrainzUI
$ ( '#musicbrainz_apikey' ) . css ( {
display : 'block' ,
float : 'right' ,
height : '120px' ,
width : '49%'
} ) ;
$ ( '#mb_buttons' ) . css ( {
display : 'inline-block' ,
'float' : 'right' ,
height : '80px'
} ) ;
mbUI . slideDown ( ) ;
// Retrieve data from FMA API //
// Retrieve Album JSON from API and push into array
function album _api ( ) {
var fmaWsUrl = 'https://freemusicarchive.org/api/get/albums.json?api_key=' + FMA _API + '&album_id=' + release _attributes . albumid ;
var promise _variable = $ . getJSON ( fmaWsUrl , function ( ) {
updateAPISection . AlbumAjaxStatus ( 'busy' ) ;
LOGGER . debug ( "promise_variable [state] in [getJSON] " + promise _variable . state ( ) ) ;
} ) . done ( function ( albumjson ) {
LOGGER . debug ( " >> Album > DONE" ) ;
updateAPISection . AlbumAjaxStatus ( 'completed' ) ;
release _attributes . artist _name = albumjson . dataset [ 0 ] . artist _name ;
album _api _array . push ( albumjson . dataset [ 0 ] ) ;
} ) ;
return promise _variable . promise ( ) ;
// Retrieve Album JSON from API and assign values to release object
function track _api _parameters ( ) {
var fmaWsUrl = 'https://freemusicarchive.org/api/get/tracks.json?api_key=' + FMA _API + '&album_id=' + release _attributes . albumid + '&limit=20' ;
var promise _track _api _params = $ . getJSON ( fmaWsUrl , function ( ) {
LOGGER . debug ( "promise_track_api_params [state] in [getJSON] " + promise _track _api _params . state ( ) ) ;
} ) . done ( function ( trackinfojson ) {
LOGGER . debug ( " >> Track INFO > DONE" ) ;
release _attributes . total _pages = trackinfojson . total _pages ;
} ) ;
return promise _track _api _params . promise ( ) ;
// Retrieve Track JSON from API and push into array, can handle page itteration
function track _api ( page ) {
var fmaWsUrl = 'https://freemusicarchive.org/api/get/tracks.json?api_key=' + FMA _API + '&album_id=' + release _attributes . albumid + '&limit=20&page=' + parseInt ( page ) ;
var promise _track _api = $ . getJSON ( fmaWsUrl , function ( ) {
LOGGER . debug ( "promise_track_api_params [state] in [getJSON] " + promise _track _api . state ( ) ) ;
} ) . done ( function ( tracksjson ) {
LOGGER . debug ( " >> Track page " + page + " > DONE " ) ;
LOGGER . debug ( tracksjson ) ;
tracks _api _array . push ( tracksjson . dataset ) ;
} ) ;
return promise _track _api . promise ( ) ;
// Parse information from FMA Page //
function parseFMApage ( ) {
// Check to see if it is an album class is minitag-album div#content div.bcrumb h1 span.minitag-album
var FMAtype = "" ;
// class inp-embed-code contain the album id
if ( $ ( ".minitag-album" ) . length ) {
FMAtype = "album" ;
} else if ( $ ( ".minitag-song" ) . length ) {
FMAtype = "track" ;
} else if ( $ ( ".minitag-artist" ) . length ) {
FMAtype = "artist" ;
if ( FMAtype == "album" ) {
//LOGGER.debug("FMA parseFMApage Function Executing on ", FMAtype);
var FMAEmbedCode = $ ( ".inp-embed-code input" ) . attr ( "value" ) ;
FMAEmbedCodeRegex = /(\/embed\/album\/)(.+?(?=.xml))/ ; // regex to find the album id from the input object
var FMAAlbumIdMatch = FMAEmbedCode . match ( FMAEmbedCodeRegex ) ; // match the Id
release _attributes . albumid = FMAAlbumIdMatch [ 2 ] . trim ( ) ; // assign the ID to a variable
LOGGER . info ( "FreeMusicArchive Album identified as: " , release _attributes . albumid ) ;
} else {
LOGGER . error ( "No unique album identified on page" , window . location . href ) ;
release _attributes . albumid = "" ;
// Label parsed from webpage as it is not in API
$ ( "div.sbar-stat span.lf105.stathd" ) . each ( function ( ) {
//var tester = $(this).eq(0).text().trim().toLowerCase(); // working
var taglist = $ ( this ) . eq ( 0 ) . text ( ) . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( taglist == "label:" ) {
release _attributes . label = $ ( this ) . next ( ) . text ( ) ;
// fmarelease.labels.push({
// name: FMAAlbumLabel
// });
} else {
release _attributes . label = "" ;
} ) ;
// Analyze FMA data and return a release object //
// Parse the date string and set object properties day, month, year
function parse _MM _DD _YYYY ( date , obj ) {
if ( ! date ) return ;
var m = date . split ( /\D+/ , 3 ) . map ( function ( e ) {
return parseInt ( e , 10 ) ;
} ) ;
if ( m [ 0 ] !== undefined ) {
obj . month = m [ 0 ] ;
if ( m [ 1 ] !== undefined ) {
obj . day = m [ 1 ] ;
if ( m [ 2 ] !== undefined ) {
obj . year = m [ 2 ] ;
// parse the release from the album and track objects
function Parsefmarelease ( albumobject , trackobject ) {
if ( albumobject === undefined ) {
albumobject = [ ] ;
} else {
albumobject = albumobject ;
if ( trackobject === undefined ) {
trackobject = [ ] ;
} else {
trackobject = trackobject ;
var fmarelease = { } ;
// Create an empty object required for MBImport
fmarelease . title = "" ;
fmarelease . artist _credit = [ ] ;
fmarelease . type = "" ;
fmarelease . status = "" ;
fmarelease . language = "" ;
fmarelease . script = "" ;
fmarelease . packaging = "" ;
fmarelease . country = "" ;
fmarelease . year = "" ;
fmarelease . month = "" ;
fmarelease . day = "" ;
fmarelease . labels = [ ] ;
fmarelease . barcode = "" ;
fmarelease . urls = [ ] ;
fmarelease . discs = [ ] ;
// LOGGER.debug("Album object for parsing", albumobject);
// LOGGER.debug("Track object for parsing", trackobject);
// Title
fmarelease . title = albumobject . album _title ;
LOGGER . debug ( "Title: " , fmarelease . title ) ;
// Artist Credit
var VariousArtistsRegex = /(Various Artists)/ ; //found "Various Artists || Various Artists [album name]"
var various _artists = VariousArtistsRegex . test ( albumobject . artist _name ) ;
if ( various _artists ) {
fmarelease . artist _credit = [ MBImport . specialArtist ( 'various_artists' ) ] ;
} else {
fmarelease . artist _credit = MBImport . makeArtistCredits ( [ albumobject . artist _name ] ) ;
// Type
// TODO: match all FMA types to MB types
2016-09-23 13:54:26 +00:00
if ( albumobject . album _type == "Radio Program" ) {
fmarelease . type = "broadcast" ;
} else {
fmarelease . type = albumobject . album _type . toLowerCase ( ) ;
2016-05-29 12:21:25 +00:00
// Default status is official
fmarelease . status = 'official' ;
// Script
fmarelease . script = 'Latn' ;
// Check to see if a download button is available
if ( $ ( ".sqbtn-downloadalbum" ) . length ) {
fmarelease . packaging = 'none' ; // Default packaging for download is none
// Release URL
fmarelease . urls . push ( {
'url' : albumobject . album _url ,
'link_type' : MBImport . URL _TYPES . download _for _free
} ) ;
} else {
// Release URL
fmarelease . urls . push ( {
'url' : albumobject . album _url ,
'link_type' : MBImport . URL _TYPES . other _databases
} ) ;
2016-07-29 14:36:14 +00:00
// Check to see if a play button is available
if ( $ ( ".sqbtn-playpage" ) . length ) {
// Release URL
fmarelease . urls . push ( {
'url' : albumobject . album _url ,
'link_type' : MBImport . URL _TYPES . stream _for _free
} ) ;
2016-07-29 14:42:01 +00:00
2016-05-29 12:21:25 +00:00
// Release date
if ( albumobject . album _date _released ) {
parse _MM _DD _YYYY ( albumobject . album _date _released , fmarelease ) ;
// Label parsed from webpage as it is not in API
fmarelease . labels . push ( {
name : release _attributes . label
} ) ;
var discarray = [ ] ;
var trackarray = [ ] ;
// release_attributes.total_pages
for ( var track _page _in _array = 0 ; track _page _in _array < trackobject . length ; track _page _in _array ++ ) {
//LOGGER.debug(" ** Looping through array set for page " + track_page_in_array);
var track _count _in _array _page = trackobject [ track _page _in _array ] . length ;
//LOGGER.debug(" ** Track count in: trackobject[" + track_page_in_array + "] = " + track_count_in_array_page);
for ( var tracknumber = 0 ; tracknumber < track _count _in _array _page ; tracknumber ++ ) {
//LOGGER.debug(" **** Track number in: trackobject[" + track_page_in_array + "][" + tracknumber + "] = " + tracknumber);
var track = { } ;
track . disc _number = trackobject [ track _page _in _array ] [ tracknumber ] . track _disc _number ;
track . number = trackobject [ track _page _in _array ] [ tracknumber ] . track _number ;
track . title = trackobject [ track _page _in _array ] [ tracknumber ] . track _title ;
track . duration = trackobject [ track _page _in _array ] [ tracknumber ] . track _duration ;
track . artist _credit = MBImport . makeArtistCredits ( [ trackobject [ track _page _in _array ] [ tracknumber ] . artist _name ] ) ;
trackarray . push ( track ) ;
// Could not find a example where disc_number != 1 yet but started teh check so long
var largest _disc = Math . max . apply ( Math , trackarray . map ( function ( o ) {
return o . disc _number ;
} ) ) ;
//LOGGER.debug("Highest number disc:" + largest_disc);
for ( var disccount = 1 ; disccount <= largest _disc ; disccount ++ ) {
// use this to map all the objects from trackarray with disc_number value of disccount to a new object
var tracklist _per _disc = $ . map ( trackarray , function ( obj , index ) {
if ( obj . disc _number == disccount ) {
return obj ;
} ) ;
// use this to sort the tracks per disc from low to high
tracklist _per _disc = tracklist _per _disc . sort ( function ( a , b ) {
return parseInt ( a . number ) - parseInt ( b . number ) ;
} ) ;
// remove the disc_number from the tracklist - not working
// tracklist_per_disc = tracklist_per_disc.filter(function( obj ) {
// return obj.field !== 'disc_number';
// });
// current solution to remove disc_number
for ( i = tracklist _per _disc . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
delete tracklist _per _disc [ i ] . disc _number ;
//LOGGER.debug("Disc # " + disccount + " > " + JSON.stringify(tracklist_per_disc));
var disc = {
'position' : disccount ,
'format' : 'Digital Media' ,
'tracks' : tracklist _per _disc
} ;
fmarelease . discs . push ( disc ) ;
LOGGER . info ( "Release:" , fmarelease ) ;
return fmarelease ;