mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 15:43:09 +00:00
Seeing 2 "native" resolutions for a single high DPI display is confusing. If someone wants a lower resolution aspect-ratio match of a display, they can use a custom resolution.
1501 lines
68 KiB
1501 lines
68 KiB
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
import StreamingPreferences 1.0
import ComputerManager 1.0
import SdlGamepadKeyNavigation 1.0
import SystemProperties 1.0
Flickable {
id: settingsPage
objectName: qsTr("Settings")
signal languageChanged()
boundsBehavior: Flickable.OvershootBounds
contentWidth: settingsColumn1.width > settingsColumn2.width ? settingsColumn1.width : settingsColumn2.width
contentHeight: settingsColumn1.height > settingsColumn2.height ? settingsColumn1.height : settingsColumn2.height
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {
anchors {
left: parent.right
leftMargin: -10
StackView.onActivated: {
// This enables Tab and BackTab based navigation rather than arrow keys.
// It is required to shift focus between controls on the settings page.
// Highlight the first item if a gamepad is connected
if (SdlGamepadKeyNavigation.getConnectedGamepads() > 0) {
StackView.onDeactivating: {
// Save the prefs so the Session can observe the changes
Component.onDestruction: {
// Also save preferences on destruction, since we won't get a
// deactivating callback if the user just closes Moonlight
Column {
padding: 10
id: settingsColumn1
width: settingsPage.width / 2
spacing: 15
GroupBox {
id: basicSettingsGroupBox
width: (parent.width - (parent.leftPadding + parent.rightPadding))
padding: 12
title: "<font color=\"skyblue\">" + qsTr("Basic Settings") + "</font>"
font.pointSize: 12
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 5
Label {
width: parent.width
id: resFPStitle
text: qsTr("Resolution and FPS")
font.pointSize: 12
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
Label {
width: parent.width
id: resFPSdesc
text: qsTr("Setting values too high for your PC or network connection may cause lag, stuttering, or errors.")
font.pointSize: 9
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
Row {
spacing: 5
width: parent.width
AutoResizingComboBox {
property int lastIndexValue
// ignore setting the index at first, and actually set it when the component is loaded
Component.onCompleted: {
// Refresh display data before using it to build the list
// Add native resolutions for all attached displays
var done = false
for (var displayIndex = 0; !done; displayIndex++) {
var screenRect = SystemProperties.getNativeResolution(displayIndex);
if (screenRect.width === 0) {
// Exceeded max count of displays
done = true
var indexToAdd = 0
for (var j = 0; j < resolutionComboBox.count; j++) {
var existing_width = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(j).video_width);
var existing_height = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(j).video_height);
if (screenRect.width === existing_width && screenRect.height === existing_height) {
// Duplicate entry, skip
indexToAdd = -1
else if (screenRect.width * screenRect.height > existing_width * existing_height) {
// Candidate entrypoint after this entry
indexToAdd = j + 1
// Insert this display's resolution if it's not a duplicate
if (indexToAdd >= 0) {
"text": "Native ("+screenRect.width+"x"+screenRect.height+")",
"video_width": ""+screenRect.width,
"video_height": ""+screenRect.height,
"is_custom": false
// Prune resolutions that are over the decoder's maximum
var max_pixels = SystemProperties.maximumResolution.width * SystemProperties.maximumResolution.height;
if (max_pixels > 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < resolutionComboBox.count; j++) {
var existing_width = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(j).video_width);
var existing_height = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(j).video_height);
if (existing_width * existing_height > max_pixels) {
// load the saved width/height, and iterate through the ComboBox until a match is found
// and set it to that index.
var saved_width = StreamingPreferences.width
var saved_height = StreamingPreferences.height
var index_set = false
for (var i = 0; i < resolutionListModel.count; i++) {
var el_width = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(i).video_width);
var el_height = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(i).video_height);
if (saved_width === el_width && saved_height === el_height) {
currentIndex = i
index_set = true
if (!index_set) {
// We did not find a match. This must be a custom resolution.
"text": "Custom ("+StreamingPreferences.width+"x"+StreamingPreferences.height+")",
"video_width": ""+StreamingPreferences.width,
"video_height": ""+StreamingPreferences.height,
"is_custom": true
currentIndex = resolutionListModel.count - 1
else {
"text": "Custom",
"video_width": "",
"video_height": "",
"is_custom": true
// Since we don't call activate() here, we need to trigger
// width calculation manually
lastIndexValue = currentIndex
id: resolutionComboBox
maximumWidth: parent.width / 2
textRole: "text"
model: ListModel {
id: resolutionListModel
// Other elements may be added at runtime
// based on attached display resolution
ListElement {
text: qsTr("720p")
video_width: "1280"
video_height: "720"
is_custom: false
ListElement {
text: qsTr("1080p")
video_width: "1920"
video_height: "1080"
is_custom: false
ListElement {
text: qsTr("1440p")
video_width: "2560"
video_height: "1440"
is_custom: false
ListElement {
text: qsTr("4K")
video_width: "3840"
video_height: "2160"
is_custom: false
function updateBitrateForSelection() {
var selectedWidth = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(currentIndex).video_width)
var selectedHeight = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(currentIndex).video_height)
// Only modify the bitrate if the values actually changed
if (StreamingPreferences.width !== selectedWidth || StreamingPreferences.height !== selectedHeight) {
StreamingPreferences.width = selectedWidth
StreamingPreferences.height = selectedHeight
StreamingPreferences.bitrateKbps = StreamingPreferences.getDefaultBitrate(StreamingPreferences.width,
slider.value = StreamingPreferences.bitrateKbps
lastIndexValue = currentIndex
// ::onActivated must be used, as it only listens for when the index is changed by a human
onActivated : {
if (resolutionListModel.get(currentIndex).is_custom) {
else {
NavigableDialog {
id: customResolutionDialog
standardButtons: Dialog.Ok | Dialog.Cancel
onOpened: {
// Force keyboard focus on the textbox so keyboard navigation works
// standardButton() was added in Qt 5.10, so we must check for it first
if (customResolutionDialog.standardButton) {
customResolutionDialog.standardButton(Dialog.Ok).enabled = customResolutionDialog.isInputValid()
onClosed: {
onRejected: {
resolutionComboBox.currentIndex = resolutionComboBox.lastIndexValue
function isInputValid() {
// If we have text in either textbox that isn't valid,
// reject the input.
if ((!widthField.acceptableInput && widthField.text) ||
(!heightField.acceptableInput && heightField.text)) {
return false
// The textboxes need to have text or placeholder text
if ((!widthField.text && !widthField.placeholderText) ||
(!heightField.text && !heightField.placeholderText)) {
return false
return true
onAccepted: {
// Reject if there's invalid input
if (!isInputValid()) {
var width = widthField.text ? widthField.text : widthField.placeholderText
var height = heightField.text ? heightField.text : heightField.placeholderText
// Find and update the custom entry
for (var i = 0; i < resolutionListModel.count; i++) {
if (resolutionListModel.get(i).is_custom) {
resolutionListModel.setProperty(i, "video_width", width)
resolutionListModel.setProperty(i, "video_height", height)
resolutionListModel.setProperty(i, "text", "Custom ("+width+"x"+height+")")
// Now update the bitrate using the custom resolution
resolutionComboBox.currentIndex = i
// Update the combobox width too
ColumnLayout {
Label {
text: qsTr("Custom resolutions are not officially supported by GeForce Experience, so it will not set your host display resolution. You will need to set it manually while in game.") + "\n\n" +
qsTr("Resolutions that are not supported by your client or host PC may cause streaming errors.") + "\n"
wrapMode: Label.WordWrap
Layout.maximumWidth: 300
Label {
text: qsTr("Enter a custom resolution:")
font.bold: true
RowLayout {
TextField {
id: widthField
maximumLength: 5
inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhDigitsOnly
placeholderText: resolutionListModel.get(resolutionComboBox.currentIndex).video_width
validator: IntValidator{bottom:256; top:8192}
focus: true
onTextChanged: {
// standardButton() was added in Qt 5.10, so we must check for it first
if (customResolutionDialog.standardButton) {
customResolutionDialog.standardButton(Dialog.Ok).enabled = customResolutionDialog.isInputValid()
Keys.onReturnPressed: {
Keys.onEnterPressed: {
Label {
text: "x"
font.bold: true
TextField {
id: heightField
maximumLength: 5
inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhDigitsOnly
placeholderText: resolutionListModel.get(resolutionComboBox.currentIndex).video_height
validator: IntValidator{bottom:256; top:8192}
onTextChanged: {
// standardButton() was added in Qt 5.10, so we must check for it first
if (customResolutionDialog.standardButton) {
customResolutionDialog.standardButton(Dialog.Ok).enabled = customResolutionDialog.isInputValid()
Keys.onReturnPressed: {
Keys.onEnterPressed: {
AutoResizingComboBox {
function createModel() {
var fpsListModel = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; ListModel {}', parent, '')
var max_fps = SystemProperties.maximumStreamingFrameRate
// Default entries
fpsListModel.append({"text": qsTr("%1 FPS").arg("30"), "video_fps": "30"})
fpsListModel.append({"text": qsTr("%1 FPS").arg("60"), "video_fps": "60"})
// Add unsupported FPS values that come before the display max FPS
if (StreamingPreferences.unsupportedFps) {
if (max_fps > 90) {
fpsListModel.append({"text": qsTr("%1 FPS (Unsupported)").arg("90"), "video_fps": "90"})
if (max_fps > 120) {
fpsListModel.append({"text": qsTr("%1 FPS (Unsupported)").arg("120"), "video_fps": "120"})
// Use 64 as the cutoff for adding a separate option to
// handle wonky displays that report just over 60 Hz.
if (max_fps > 64) {
// Mark any FPS value greater than 120 as unsupported
if (StreamingPreferences.unsupportedFps && max_fps > 120) {
fpsListModel.append({"text": qsTr("%1 FPS (Unsupported)").arg(max_fps), "video_fps": ""+max_fps})
else if (max_fps > 120) {
fpsListModel.append({"text": qsTr("%1 FPS").arg("120"), "video_fps": "120"})
else {
fpsListModel.append({"text": qsTr("%1 FPS").arg(max_fps), "video_fps": ""+max_fps})
// Add unsupported FPS values that come after the display max FPS
if (StreamingPreferences.unsupportedFps) {
if (max_fps < 90) {
fpsListModel.append({"text":qsTr("%1 FPS (Unsupported)").arg("90"), "video_fps": "90"})
if (max_fps < 120) {
fpsListModel.append({"text":qsTr("%1 FPS (Unsupported)").arg("120"), "video_fps": "120"})
return fpsListModel
function reinitialize() {
model = createModel()
var saved_fps = StreamingPreferences.fps
currentIndex = 0
for (var i = 0; i < model.count; i++) {
var el_fps = parseInt(model.get(i).video_fps);
// Pick the highest value lesser or equal to the saved FPS
if (saved_fps >= el_fps) {
currentIndex = i
// Persist the selected value
// ignore setting the index at first, and actually set it when the component is loaded
Component.onCompleted: {
id: fpsComboBox
maximumWidth: parent.width / 2
textRole: "text"
// ::onActivated must be used, as it only listens for when the index is changed by a human
onActivated : {
var selectedFps = parseInt(model.get(currentIndex).video_fps)
// Only modify the bitrate if the values actually changed
if (StreamingPreferences.fps !== selectedFps) {
StreamingPreferences.fps = selectedFps
StreamingPreferences.bitrateKbps = StreamingPreferences.getDefaultBitrate(StreamingPreferences.width,
slider.value = StreamingPreferences.bitrateKbps
Label {
width: parent.width
id: bitrateTitle
text: qsTr("Video bitrate:")
font.pointSize: 12
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
Label {
width: parent.width
id: bitrateDesc
text: qsTr("Lower the bitrate on slower connections. Raise the bitrate to increase image quality.")
font.pointSize: 9
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
Slider {
id: slider
value: StreamingPreferences.bitrateKbps
stepSize: 500
from : 500
to: 150000
snapMode: "SnapOnRelease"
width: Math.min(bitrateDesc.implicitWidth, parent.width)
onValueChanged: {
bitrateTitle.text = qsTr("Video bitrate: %1 Mbps").arg(value / 1000.0)
StreamingPreferences.bitrateKbps = value
Label {
width: parent.width
id: windowModeTitle
text: qsTr("Display mode")
font.pointSize: 12
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
visible: SystemProperties.hasDesktopEnvironment
AutoResizingComboBox {
function createModel() {
var model = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; ListModel {}', parent, '')
text: qsTr("Fullscreen"),
val: StreamingPreferences.WM_FULLSCREEN
text: qsTr("Borderless windowed"),
val: StreamingPreferences.WM_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP
text: qsTr("Windowed"),
val: StreamingPreferences.WM_WINDOWED
// Set the recommended option based on the OS
for (var i = 0; i < model.count; i++) {
var thisWm = model.get(i).val;
if (thisWm === StreamingPreferences.recommendedFullScreenMode) {
model.get(i).text += qsTr(" (Recommended)")
model.move(i, 0, 1)
return model
// This is used on initialization and upon retranslation
function reinitialize() {
if (!visible) {
// Do nothing if the control won't even be visible
model = createModel()
currentIndex = 0
// Set the current value based on the saved preferences
var savedWm = StreamingPreferences.windowMode
for (var i = 0; i < model.count; i++) {
var thisWm = model.get(i).val;
if (savedWm === thisWm) {
currentIndex = i
Component.onCompleted: {
id: windowModeComboBox
visible: SystemProperties.hasDesktopEnvironment
enabled: !SystemProperties.rendererAlwaysFullScreen
hoverEnabled: true
textRole: "text"
onActivated: {
StreamingPreferences.windowMode = model.get(currentIndex).val
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Fullscreen generally provides the best performance, but borderless windowed may work better with features like macOS Spaces, Alt+Tab, screenshot tools, on-screen overlays, etc.")
CheckBox {
id: vsyncCheck
width: parent.width
hoverEnabled: true
text: qsTr("V-Sync")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.enableVsync
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.enableVsync = checked
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Disabling V-Sync allows sub-frame rendering latency, but it can display visible tearing")
CheckBox {
id: framePacingCheck
width: parent.width
hoverEnabled: true
text: qsTr("Frame pacing")
font.pointSize: 12
enabled: StreamingPreferences.enableVsync
checked: StreamingPreferences.enableVsync && StreamingPreferences.framePacing
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.framePacing = checked
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Frame pacing reduces micro-stutter by delaying frames that come in too early")
GroupBox {
id: audioSettingsGroupBox
width: (parent.width - (parent.leftPadding + parent.rightPadding))
padding: 12
title: "<font color=\"skyblue\">" + qsTr("Audio Settings") + "</font>"
font.pointSize: 12
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 5
Label {
width: parent.width
id: resAudioTitle
text: qsTr("Audio configuration")
font.pointSize: 12
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
AutoResizingComboBox {
// ignore setting the index at first, and actually set it when the component is loaded
Component.onCompleted: {
var saved_audio = StreamingPreferences.audioConfig
currentIndex = 0
for (var i = 0; i < audioListModel.count; i++) {
var el_audio = audioListModel.get(i).val;
if (saved_audio === el_audio) {
currentIndex = i
id: audioComboBox
textRole: "text"
model: ListModel {
id: audioListModel
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Stereo")
val: StreamingPreferences.AC_STEREO
ListElement {
text: qsTr("5.1 surround sound")
val: StreamingPreferences.AC_51_SURROUND
ListElement {
text: qsTr("7.1 surround sound")
val: StreamingPreferences.AC_71_SURROUND
// ::onActivated must be used, as it only listens for when the index is changed by a human
onActivated : {
StreamingPreferences.audioConfig = audioListModel.get(currentIndex).val
CheckBox {
id: audioPcCheck
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Mute host PC speakers while streaming")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: !StreamingPreferences.playAudioOnHost
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.playAudioOnHost = !checked
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("You must restart any game currently in progress for this setting to take effect")
CheckBox {
id: muteOnFocusLossCheck
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Mute audio stream when Moonlight is not the active window")
font.pointSize: 12
visible: SystemProperties.hasDesktopEnvironment
checked: StreamingPreferences.muteOnFocusLoss
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.muteOnFocusLoss = checked
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Mutes Moonlight's audio when you Alt+Tab out of the stream or click on a different window.")
GroupBox {
id: uiSettingsGroupBox
width: (parent.width - (parent.leftPadding + parent.rightPadding))
padding: 12
title: "<font color=\"skyblue\">" + qsTr("UI Settings") + "</font>"
font.pointSize: 12
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 5
Label {
width: parent.width
id: languageTitle
text: qsTr("Language")
font.pointSize: 12
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
AutoResizingComboBox {
// ignore setting the index at first, and actually set it when the component is loaded
Component.onCompleted: {
var saved_language = StreamingPreferences.language
currentIndex = 0
for (var i = 0; i < languageListModel.count; i++) {
var el_language = languageListModel.get(i).val;
if (saved_language === el_language) {
currentIndex = i
id: languageComboBox
textRole: "text"
model: ListModel {
id: languageListModel
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Automatic")
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_AUTO
ListElement {
text: "Deutsch" // German
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_DE
ListElement {
text: "English"
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_EN
ListElement {
text: "Français" // French
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_FR
ListElement {
text: "简体中文" // Simplified Chinese
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_ZH_CN
ListElement {
text: "Norwegian Bokmål"
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_NB_NO
ListElement {
text: "русский" // Russian
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_RU
ListElement {
text: "Español" // Spanish
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_ES
ListElement {
text: "日本語" // Japanese
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_JA
ListElement {
text: "Tiếng Việt" // Vietnamese
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_VI
ListElement {
text: "ภาษาไทย" // Thai
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_TH
ListElement {
text: "한국어" // Korean
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_KO
/* ListElement {
text: "Magyar" // Hungarian
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_HU
} */
ListElement {
text: "Nederlands" // Dutch
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_NL
ListElement {
text: "Svenska" // Swedish
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_SV
/* ListElement {
text: "Türkçe" // Turkish
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_TR
} */
/* ListElement {
text: "Українська" // Ukrainian
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_UK
} */
ListElement {
text: "繁体字" // Traditional Chinese
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_ZH_HANT
ListElement {
text: "Português" // Portuguese
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_PT
/* ListElement {
text: "Português do Brasil" // Brazilian Portuguese
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_PT_BR
} */
ListElement {
text: "Ελληνικά" // Greek
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_EL
ListElement {
text: "Italiano" // Italian
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_IT
/* ListElement {
text: "हिन्दी, हिंदी" // Hindi
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_HI
} */
ListElement {
text: "Język polski" // Polish
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_PL
ListElement {
text: "Čeština" // Czech
val: StreamingPreferences.LANG_CS
// ::onActivated must be used, as it only listens for when the index is changed by a human
onActivated : {
// Retranslating is expensive, so only do it if the language actually changed
var new_language = languageListModel.get(currentIndex).val
if (StreamingPreferences.language !== new_language) {
StreamingPreferences.language = languageListModel.get(currentIndex).val
if (!StreamingPreferences.retranslate()) {
ToolTip.show(qsTr("You must restart Moonlight for this change to take effect"), 5000)
else {
// Force the back operation to pop any AppView pages that exist.
// The AppView stops working after retranslate() for some reason.
window.clearOnBack = true
// Signal other controls to adjust their text
Label {
width: parent.width
id: uiDisplayModeTitle
text: qsTr("GUI display mode")
font.pointSize: 12
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
visible: SystemProperties.hasDesktopEnvironment
AutoResizingComboBox {
// ignore setting the index at first, and actually set it when the component is loaded
Component.onCompleted: {
if (!visible) {
// Do nothing if the control won't even be visible
var saved_uidisplaymode = StreamingPreferences.uiDisplayMode
currentIndex = 0
for (var i = 0; i < uiDisplayModeListModel.count; i++) {
var el_uidisplaymode = uiDisplayModeListModel.get(i).val;
if (saved_uidisplaymode === el_uidisplaymode) {
currentIndex = i
id: uiDisplayModeComboBox
visible: SystemProperties.hasDesktopEnvironment
textRole: "text"
model: ListModel {
id: uiDisplayModeListModel
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Windowed")
val: StreamingPreferences.UI_WINDOWED
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Maximized")
val: StreamingPreferences.UI_MAXIMIZED
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Fullscreen")
val: StreamingPreferences.UI_FULLSCREEN
// ::onActivated must be used, as it only listens for when the index is changed by a human
onActivated : {
StreamingPreferences.uiDisplayMode = uiDisplayModeListModel.get(currentIndex).val
CheckBox {
id: connectionWarningsCheck
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Show connection quality warnings")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.connectionWarnings
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.connectionWarnings = checked
CheckBox {
visible: SystemProperties.hasDiscordIntegration
id: discordPresenceCheck
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Discord Rich Presence integration")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.richPresence
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.richPresence = checked
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Updates your Discord status to display the name of the game you're streaming.")
CheckBox {
id: keepAwakeCheck
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Keep the display awake while streaming")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.keepAwake
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.keepAwake = checked
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Prevents the screensaver from starting or the display from going to sleep while streaming.")
Column {
padding: 10
rightPadding: 20
anchors.left: settingsColumn1.right
id: settingsColumn2
width: settingsPage.width / 2
spacing: 15
GroupBox {
id: inputSettingsGroupBox
width: (parent.width - (parent.leftPadding + parent.rightPadding))
padding: 12
title: "<font color=\"skyblue\">" + qsTr("Input Settings") + "</font>"
font.pointSize: 12
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 5
CheckBox {
id: absoluteMouseCheck
hoverEnabled: true
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Optimize mouse for remote desktop instead of games")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.absoluteMouseMode
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.absoluteMouseMode = checked
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 10000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("This enables seamless mouse control without capturing the client's mouse cursor. It is ideal for remote desktop usage but will not work in most games.") + " " +
qsTr("You can toggle this while streaming using Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M.") + "\n\n" +
qsTr("NOTE: Due to a bug in GeForce Experience, this option may not work properly if your host PC has multiple monitors.")
Row {
spacing: 5
width: parent.width
CheckBox {
id: captureSysKeysCheck
hoverEnabled: true
text: qsTr("Capture system keyboard shortcuts")
font.pointSize: 12
enabled: SystemProperties.hasDesktopEnvironment
checked: StreamingPreferences.captureSysKeysMode !== StreamingPreferences.CSK_OFF || !SystemProperties.hasDesktopEnvironment
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 10000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("This enables the capture of system-wide keyboard shortcuts like Alt+Tab that would normally be handled by the client OS while streaming.") + "\n\n" +
qsTr("NOTE: Certain keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+Alt+Del on Windows cannot be intercepted by any application, including Moonlight.")
AutoResizingComboBox {
// ignore setting the index at first, and actually set it when the component is loaded
Component.onCompleted: {
if (!visible) {
// Do nothing if the control won't even be visible
var saved_syskeysmode = StreamingPreferences.captureSysKeysMode
currentIndex = 0
for (var i = 0; i < captureSysKeysModeListModel.count; i++) {
var el_syskeysmode = captureSysKeysModeListModel.get(i).val;
if (saved_syskeysmode === el_syskeysmode) {
currentIndex = i
enabled: captureSysKeysCheck.checked && captureSysKeysCheck.enabled
textRole: "text"
model: ListModel {
id: captureSysKeysModeListModel
ListElement {
text: qsTr("in fullscreen")
val: StreamingPreferences.CSK_FULLSCREEN
ListElement {
text: qsTr("always")
val: StreamingPreferences.CSK_ALWAYS
function updatePref() {
if (!enabled) {
StreamingPreferences.captureSysKeysMode = StreamingPreferences.CSK_OFF
else {
StreamingPreferences.captureSysKeysMode = captureSysKeysModeListModel.get(currentIndex).val
// ::onActivated must be used, as it only listens for when the index is changed by a human
onActivated: {
// This handles transition of the checkbox state
onEnabledChanged: {
CheckBox {
id: absoluteTouchCheck
hoverEnabled: true
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Use touchscreen as a virtual trackpad")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: !StreamingPreferences.absoluteTouchMode
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.absoluteTouchMode = !checked
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("When checked, the touchscreen acts like a trackpad. When unchecked, the touchscreen will directly control the mouse pointer.")
CheckBox {
id: swapMouseButtonsCheck
hoverEnabled: true
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Swap left and right mouse buttons")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.swapMouseButtons
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.swapMouseButtons = checked
CheckBox {
id: reverseScrollButtonsCheck
hoverEnabled: true
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Reverse mouse scrolling direction")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.reverseScrollDirection
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.reverseScrollDirection = checked
GroupBox {
id: gamepadSettingsGroupBox
width: (parent.width - (parent.leftPadding + parent.rightPadding))
padding: 12
title: "<font color=\"skyblue\">" + qsTr("Gamepad Settings") + "</font>"
font.pointSize: 12
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 5
CheckBox {
id: swapFaceButtonsCheck
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Swap A/B and X/Y gamepad buttons")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.swapFaceButtons
onCheckedChanged: {
// Check if the value changed (this is called on init too)
if (StreamingPreferences.swapFaceButtons !== checked) {
StreamingPreferences.swapFaceButtons = checked
// Save and restart SdlGamepadKeyNavigation so it can pull the new value
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("This switches gamepads into a Nintendo-style button layout")
CheckBox {
id: singleControllerCheck
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Force gamepad #1 always connected")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: !StreamingPreferences.multiController
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.multiController = !checked
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Forces a single gamepad to always stay connected to the host, even if no gamepads are actually connected to this PC.") + " " +
qsTr("Only enable this option when streaming a game that doesn't support gamepads being connected after startup.")
CheckBox {
id: gamepadMouseCheck
hoverEnabled: true
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Enable mouse control with gamepads by holding the 'Start' button")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.gamepadMouse
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.gamepadMouse = checked
CheckBox {
id: backgroundGamepadCheck
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Process gamepad input when Moonlight is in the background")
font.pointSize: 12
visible: SystemProperties.hasDesktopEnvironment
checked: StreamingPreferences.backgroundGamepad
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.backgroundGamepad = checked
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Allows Moonlight to capture gamepad inputs even if it's not the current window in focus")
GroupBox {
id: hostSettingsGroupBox
width: (parent.width - (parent.leftPadding + parent.rightPadding))
padding: 12
title: "<font color=\"skyblue\">" + qsTr("Host Settings") + "</font>"
font.pointSize: 12
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 5
CheckBox {
id: optimizeGameSettingsCheck
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Optimize game settings for streaming")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.gameOptimizations
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.gameOptimizations = checked
CheckBox {
id: quitAppAfter
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Quit app on host PC after ending stream")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.quitAppAfter
onCheckedChanged: {
StreamingPreferences.quitAppAfter = checked
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("This will close the app or game you are streaming when you end your stream. You will lose any unsaved progress!")
GroupBox {
id: advancedSettingsGroupBox
width: (parent.width - (parent.leftPadding + parent.rightPadding))
padding: 12
title: "<font color=\"skyblue\">" + qsTr("Advanced Settings") + "</font>"
font.pointSize: 12
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 5
Label {
width: parent.width
id: resVDSTitle
text: qsTr("Video decoder")
font.pointSize: 12
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
AutoResizingComboBox {
// ignore setting the index at first, and actually set it when the component is loaded
Component.onCompleted: {
var saved_vds = StreamingPreferences.videoDecoderSelection
currentIndex = 0
for (var i = 0; i < decoderListModel.count; i++) {
var el_vds = decoderListModel.get(i).val;
if (saved_vds === el_vds) {
currentIndex = i
id: decoderComboBox
textRole: "text"
enabled: !enableHdr.checked
model: ListModel {
id: decoderListModel
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Automatic (Recommended)")
val: StreamingPreferences.VDS_AUTO
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Force software decoding")
val: StreamingPreferences.VDS_FORCE_SOFTWARE
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Force hardware decoding")
val: StreamingPreferences.VDS_FORCE_HARDWARE
// ::onActivated must be used, as it only listens for when the index is changed by a human
onActivated: {
if (enabled) {
StreamingPreferences.videoDecoderSelection = decoderListModel.get(currentIndex).val
// This handles the state of the enableHdr checkbox changing
onEnabledChanged: {
if (enabled) {
StreamingPreferences.videoDecoderSelection = decoderListModel.get(currentIndex).val
else {
StreamingPreferences.videoDecoderSelection = StreamingPreferences.VDS_AUTO
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered && !enabled
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Enabling HDR overrides manual decoder selections.")
Label {
width: parent.width
id: resVCCTitle
text: qsTr("Video codec")
font.pointSize: 12
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
AutoResizingComboBox {
// ignore setting the index at first, and actually set it when the component is loaded
Component.onCompleted: {
var saved_vcc = StreamingPreferences.videoCodecConfig
// Default to Automatic (relevant if HDR is enabled,
// where we will match none of the codecs in the list)
currentIndex = 0
for(var i = 0; i < codecListModel.count; i++) {
var el_vcc = codecListModel.get(i).val;
if (saved_vcc === el_vcc) {
currentIndex = i
id: codecComboBox
textRole: "text"
enabled: !enableHdr.checked
model: ListModel {
id: codecListModel
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Automatic (Recommended)")
val: StreamingPreferences.VCC_AUTO
ListElement {
text: qsTr("H.264")
val: StreamingPreferences.VCC_FORCE_H264
ListElement {
text: qsTr("HEVC (H.265)")
val: StreamingPreferences.VCC_FORCE_HEVC
// ::onActivated must be used, as it only listens for when the index is changed by a human
onActivated : {
if (enabled) {
StreamingPreferences.videoCodecConfig = codecListModel.get(currentIndex).val
// This handles the state of the enableHdr checkbox changing
onEnabledChanged: {
if (enabled) {
StreamingPreferences.videoCodecConfig = codecListModel.get(currentIndex).val
else {
StreamingPreferences.videoCodecConfig = StreamingPreferences.VCC_FORCE_HEVC_HDR
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered && !enabled
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Enabling HDR overrides manual codec selections.")
CheckBox {
id: enableHdr
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Enable HDR (Experimental)")
font.pointSize: 12
enabled: SystemProperties.supportsHdr
checked: enabled && StreamingPreferences.videoCodecConfig == StreamingPreferences.VCC_FORCE_HEVC_HDR
// Updating StreamingPreferences.videoCodecConfig is handled above
ToolTip.delay: 1000
ToolTip.timeout: 5000
ToolTip.visible: hovered
ToolTip.text: enabled ?
qsTr("The stream will be HDR-capable, but some games may require an HDR monitor on your host PC to enable HDR mode.")
qsTr("HDR streaming is not supported on this PC.")
CheckBox {
id: unlockUnsupportedFps
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Unlock unsupported FPS options")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.unsupportedFps
onCheckedChanged: {
// This is called on init, so only do the work if we've
// actually changed the value.
if (StreamingPreferences.unsupportedFps != checked) {
StreamingPreferences.unsupportedFps = checked
// The selectable FPS values depend on whether
// this option is enabled or not
CheckBox {
id: enableMdns
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Automatically find PCs on the local network (Recommended)")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.enableMdns
onCheckedChanged: {
// This is called on init, so only do the work if we've
// actually changed the value.
if (StreamingPreferences.enableMdns != checked) {
StreamingPreferences.enableMdns = checked
// We must save the updated preference to ensure
// ComputerManager can observe the change internally.
// Restart polling so the mDNS change takes effect
if (window.pollingActive) {
CheckBox {
id: detectNetworkBlocking
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Automatically detect blocked connections (Recommended)")
font.pointSize: 12
checked: StreamingPreferences.detectNetworkBlocking
onCheckedChanged: {
// This is called on init, so only do the work if we've
// actually changed the value.
if (StreamingPreferences.detectNetworkBlocking != checked) {
StreamingPreferences.detectNetworkBlocking = checked
// We must save the updated preference to ensure
// ComputerManager can observe the change internally.