@echo off setlocal enableDelayedExpansion rem Run from Qt command prompt with working directory set to root of repo set BUILD_CONFIG=%1 rem Convert to lower case for windeployqt if /I "%BUILD_CONFIG%"=="debug" ( set BUILD_CONFIG=debug set WIX_MUMS=10 ) else ( if /I "%BUILD_CONFIG%"=="release" ( set BUILD_CONFIG=release set WIX_MUMS=10 ) else ( if /I "%BUILD_CONFIG%"=="signed-release" ( set BUILD_CONFIG=release set SIGN=1 set MUST_DEPLOY_SYMBOLS=1 rem Fail if there are unstaged changes git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( echo Signed release builds must not have unstaged changes! exit /b 1 ) ) else ( echo Invalid build configuration - expected 'debug' or 'release' exit /b 1 ) ) ) set SIGNTOOL_PARAMS=sign /tr http://timestamp.digicert.com /td sha256 /fd sha256 /sha1 8b9d0d682ad9459e54f05a79694bc10f9876e297 /v set BUILD_ROOT=%cd%\build set SOURCE_ROOT=%cd% set BUILD_FOLDER=%BUILD_ROOT%\build-%BUILD_CONFIG% set INSTALLER_FOLDER=%BUILD_ROOT%\installer-%BUILD_CONFIG% set /p VERSION=<%SOURCE_ROOT%\app\version.txt rem Ensure that all architectures have been built before the final bundle if not exist "%BUILD_ROOT%\build-x64-%BUILD_CONFIG%\Moonlight.msi" ( echo Unable to build bundle - missing binaries for %BUILD_CONFIG% x64 echo You must run 'build-arch.bat %BUILD_CONFIG% x64' first exit /b 1 ) if not exist "%BUILD_ROOT%\build-arm64-%BUILD_CONFIG%\Moonlight.msi" ( echo Unable to build bundle - missing binaries for %BUILD_CONFIG% arm64 echo You must run 'build-arch.bat %BUILD_CONFIG% arm64' first exit /b 1 ) echo Cleaning output directories rmdir /s /q %BUILD_FOLDER% rmdir /s /q %INSTALLER_FOLDER% mkdir %BUILD_FOLDER% mkdir %INSTALLER_FOLDER% rem Find Visual Studio and run vcvarsall.bat set VSWHERE="%SOURCE_ROOT%\scripts\vswhere.exe" for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`%VSWHERE% -latest -property installationPath`) do ( call "%%i\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86 ) if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error echo Building bundle rem Bundles are always x86 binaries msbuild -Restore %SOURCE_ROOT%\wix\MoonlightSetup\MoonlightSetup.wixproj /p:Configuration=%BUILD_CONFIG% /p:Platform=x86 /p:MSBuildProjectExtensionsPath=%BUILD_FOLDER%\ if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error rem Rename the installer to match the publishing convention ren %INSTALLER_FOLDER%\MoonlightSetup.exe MoonlightSetup-%VERSION%.exe echo Build successful for Moonlight v%VERSION% installer! exit /b 0 :Error echo Build failed! exit /b !ERRORLEVEL!