@echo off setlocal enableDelayedExpansion rem Run from Qt command prompt with working directory set to root of repo set BUILD_CONFIG=%1 rem Convert to lower case for windeployqt if /I "%BUILD_CONFIG%"=="debug" ( set BUILD_CONFIG=debug set WIX_MUMS=10 ) else ( if /I "%BUILD_CONFIG%"=="release" ( set BUILD_CONFIG=release set WIX_MUMS=10 ) else ( if /I "%BUILD_CONFIG%"=="signed-release" ( set BUILD_CONFIG=release set SIGN=1 set MUST_DEPLOY_SYMBOLS=1 rem Fail if there are unstaged changes git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( echo Signed release builds must not have unstaged changes! exit /b 1 ) ) else ( echo Invalid build configuration - expected 'debug' or 'release' echo Usage: scripts\build-arch.bat ^(release^|debug^) exit /b 1 ) ) ) rem Locate qmake and determine if we're using qmake.exe or qmake.bat rem qmake.bat is an ARM64 forwarder to the x64 version of qmake.exe where qmake.bat if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( set QMAKE_CMD=call qmake.bat ) else ( where qmake.exe if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( set QMAKE_CMD=qmake.exe ) else ( echo Unable to find QMake. Did you add Qt bins to your PATH? goto Error ) ) rem Find Qt path to determine our architecture for /F %%i in ('where qmake') do set QT_PATH=%%i rem Strip the qmake filename off the end to get the Qt bin directory itself set QT_PATH=%QT_PATH:\qmake.exe=% set QT_PATH=%QT_PATH:\qmake.bat=% set QT_PATH=%QT_PATH:\qmake.cmd=% echo QT_PATH=%QT_PATH% if not x%QT_PATH:_arm64=%==x%QT_PATH% ( set ARCH=arm64 rem Replace the _arm64 suffix with _64 to get the x64 bin path set HOSTBIN_PATH=%QT_PATH:_arm64=_64% echo HOSTBIN_PATH=!HOSTBIN_PATH! if exist %QT_PATH%\windeployqt.exe ( echo Using windeployqt.exe from QT_PATH set WINDEPLOYQT_CMD=windeployqt.exe ) else ( echo Using windeployqt.exe from HOSTBIN_PATH set WINDEPLOYQT_CMD=!HOSTBIN_PATH!\windeployqt.exe --qtpaths %QT_PATH%\qtpaths.bat ) ) else ( if not x%QT_PATH:_64=%==x%QT_PATH% ( set ARCH=x64 set WINDEPLOYQT_CMD=windeployqt.exe ) else ( if not x%QT_PATH:msvc=%==x%QT_PATH% ( set ARCH=x86 set WINDEPLOYQT_CMD=windeployqt.exe ) else ( echo Unable to determine Qt architecture goto Error ) ) ) echo Detected target architecture: %ARCH% set SIGNTOOL_PARAMS=sign /tr http://timestamp.digicert.com /td sha256 /fd sha256 /sha1 b28642b756ebec4884d1063dfa4de803a6dcecdc /v set BUILD_ROOT=%cd%\build set SOURCE_ROOT=%cd% set BUILD_FOLDER=%BUILD_ROOT%\build-%ARCH%-%BUILD_CONFIG% set DEPLOY_FOLDER=%BUILD_ROOT%\deploy-%ARCH%-%BUILD_CONFIG% set INSTALLER_FOLDER=%BUILD_ROOT%\installer-%ARCH%-%BUILD_CONFIG% set SYMBOLS_FOLDER=%BUILD_ROOT%\symbols-%ARCH%-%BUILD_CONFIG% set /p VERSION=<%SOURCE_ROOT%\app\version.txt rem Use the correct VC tools for the specified architecture if /I "%ARCH%" EQU "x64" ( rem x64 is a special case that doesn't match %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% set VC_ARCH=AMD64 ) else ( set VC_ARCH=%ARCH% ) rem If we're not building for the current platform, use the cross compiling toolchain if /I "%VC_ARCH%" NEQ "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" ( set VC_ARCH=%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%_%VC_ARCH% ) rem Find Visual Studio and run vcvarsall.bat set VSWHERE="%SOURCE_ROOT%\scripts\vswhere.exe" for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`%VSWHERE% -latest -property installationPath`) do ( call "%%i\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" %VC_ARCH% ) if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error rem Find VC redistributable DLLs for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`%VSWHERE% -latest -find VC\Redist\MSVC\*\%ARCH%\Microsoft.VC*.CRT`) do set VC_REDIST_DLL_PATH=%%i echo Cleaning output directories rmdir /s /q %DEPLOY_FOLDER% rmdir /s /q %BUILD_FOLDER% rmdir /s /q %INSTALLER_FOLDER% rmdir /s /q %SYMBOLS_FOLDER% mkdir %BUILD_ROOT% mkdir %DEPLOY_FOLDER% mkdir %BUILD_FOLDER% mkdir %INSTALLER_FOLDER% mkdir %SYMBOLS_FOLDER% echo Configuring the project pushd %BUILD_FOLDER% %QMAKE_CMD% %SOURCE_ROOT%\moonlight-qt.pro if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error popd echo Compiling Moonlight in %BUILD_CONFIG% configuration pushd %BUILD_FOLDER% %SOURCE_ROOT%\scripts\jom.exe %BUILD_CONFIG% if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error popd echo Saving PDBs for /r "%BUILD_FOLDER%" %%f in (*.pdb) do ( copy "%%f" %SYMBOLS_FOLDER% if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error ) copy %SOURCE_ROOT%\libs\windows\lib\%ARCH%\*.pdb %SYMBOLS_FOLDER% if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error 7z a %SYMBOLS_FOLDER%\MoonlightDebuggingSymbols-%ARCH%-%VERSION%.zip %SYMBOLS_FOLDER%\*.pdb if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error if "%ML_SYMBOL_STORE%" NEQ "" ( echo Publishing PDBs to symbol store: %ML_SYMBOL_STORE% symstore add /f %SYMBOLS_FOLDER%\*.pdb /s %ML_SYMBOL_STORE% /t Moonlight if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error ) else ( if "%MUST_DEPLOY_SYMBOLS%"=="1" ( echo "A symbol server must be specified in ML_SYMBOL_STORE for signed release builds" exit /b 1 ) ) if "%ML_SYMBOL_ARCHIVE%" NEQ "" ( echo Copying PDB ZIP to symbol archive: %ML_SYMBOL_ARCHIVE% copy %SYMBOLS_FOLDER%\MoonlightDebuggingSymbols-%ARCH%-%VERSION%.zip %ML_SYMBOL_ARCHIVE% if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error ) else ( if "%MUST_DEPLOY_SYMBOLS%"=="1" ( echo "A symbol archive directory must be specified in ML_SYMBOL_ARCHIVE for signed release builds" exit /b 1 ) ) echo Copying DLL dependencies copy %SOURCE_ROOT%\libs\windows\lib\%ARCH%\*.dll %DEPLOY_FOLDER% if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error echo Copying AntiHooking.dll copy %BUILD_FOLDER%\AntiHooking\%BUILD_CONFIG%\AntiHooking.dll %DEPLOY_FOLDER% if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error echo Copying GC mapping list copy %SOURCE_ROOT%\app\SDL_GameControllerDB\gamecontrollerdb.txt %DEPLOY_FOLDER% if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error if not x%QT_PATH:\5.=%==x%QT_PATH% ( echo Copying qt.conf for Qt 5 copy %SOURCE_ROOT%\app\qt_qt5.conf %DEPLOY_FOLDER%\qt.conf if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error rem Qt 5.15 set WINDEPLOYQT_ARGS=--no-qmltooling --no-virtualkeyboard ) else ( rem Qt 6.5 set WINDEPLOYQT_ARGS=--no-system-d3d-compiler --skip-plugin-types qmltooling,generic ) echo Deploying Qt dependencies %WINDEPLOYQT_CMD% --dir %DEPLOY_FOLDER% --%BUILD_CONFIG% --qmldir %SOURCE_ROOT%\app\gui --no-opengl-sw --no-compiler-runtime --no-sql %WINDEPLOYQT_ARGS% %BUILD_FOLDER%\app\%BUILD_CONFIG%\Moonlight.exe if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error echo Deleting unused styles rem Qt 5.x directories rmdir /s /q %DEPLOY_FOLDER%\QtQuick\Controls.2\Fusion rmdir /s /q %DEPLOY_FOLDER%\QtQuick\Controls.2\Imagine rmdir /s /q %DEPLOY_FOLDER%\QtQuick\Controls.2\Universal rem Qt 6.5+ directories rmdir /s /q %DEPLOY_FOLDER%\qml\QtQuick\Controls\Fusion rmdir /s /q %DEPLOY_FOLDER%\qml\QtQuick\Controls\Imagine rmdir /s /q %DEPLOY_FOLDER%\qml\QtQuick\Controls\Universal rmdir /s /q %DEPLOY_FOLDER%\qml\QtQuick\Controls\Windows rmdir /s /q %DEPLOY_FOLDER%\qml\QtQuick\NativeStyle if "%SIGN%"=="1" ( echo Signing deployed binaries set FILES_TO_SIGN=%BUILD_FOLDER%\app\%BUILD_CONFIG%\Moonlight.exe for /r "%DEPLOY_FOLDER%" %%f in (*.dll *.exe) do ( set FILES_TO_SIGN=!FILES_TO_SIGN! %%f ) signtool %SIGNTOOL_PARAMS% !FILES_TO_SIGN! if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error ) if "%ML_SYMBOL_STORE%" NEQ "" ( echo Publishing binaries to symbol store: %ML_SYMBOL_STORE% symstore add /r /f %DEPLOY_FOLDER%\*.* /s %ML_SYMBOL_STORE% /t Moonlight if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error symstore add /r /f %BUILD_FOLDER%\app\%BUILD_CONFIG%\Moonlight.exe /s %ML_SYMBOL_STORE% /t Moonlight if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error ) echo Building MSI msbuild -Restore %SOURCE_ROOT%\wix\Moonlight\Moonlight.wixproj /p:Configuration=%BUILD_CONFIG% /p:Platform=%ARCH% /p:MSBuildProjectExtensionsPath=%BUILD_FOLDER%\ if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error echo Copying application binary to deployment directory copy %BUILD_FOLDER%\app\%BUILD_CONFIG%\Moonlight.exe %DEPLOY_FOLDER% if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error echo Building portable package rem This must be done after WiX harvesting and signing, since the VCRT dlls are MS signed rem and should not be harvested for inclusion in the full installer copy "%VC_REDIST_DLL_PATH%\*.dll" %DEPLOY_FOLDER% if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error rem This file tells Moonlight that it's a portable installation echo. > %DEPLOY_FOLDER%\portable.dat if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error 7z a %INSTALLER_FOLDER%\MoonlightPortable-%ARCH%-%VERSION%.zip %DEPLOY_FOLDER%\* if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 goto Error echo Build successful for Moonlight v%VERSION% %ARCH% binaries! exit /b 0 :Error echo Build failed! exit /b !ERRORLEVEL!