#include #include "ffmpeg.h" #include "streaming/streamutils.h" #include "streaming/session.h" #include #include "ffmpeg-renderers/sdlvid.h" #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 #include "ffmpeg-renderers/dxva2.h" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN #include "ffmpeg-renderers/vt.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBVA #include "ffmpeg-renderers/vaapi.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBVDPAU #include "ffmpeg-renderers/vdpau.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_MMAL #include "ffmpeg-renderers/mmal.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_DRM #include "ffmpeg-renderers/drm.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_EGL #include "ffmpeg-renderers/eglvid.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_CUDA #include "ffmpeg-renderers/cuda.h" #endif // This is gross but it allows us to use sizeof() #include "ffmpeg_videosamples.cpp" #define MAX_SPS_EXTRA_SIZE 16 #define FAILED_DECODES_RESET_THRESHOLD 20 #define MAX_RECV_FRAME_RETRIES 100 bool FFmpegVideoDecoder::isHardwareAccelerated() { return m_HwDecodeCfg != nullptr || (m_VideoDecoderCtx->codec->capabilities & AV_CODEC_CAP_HARDWARE) != 0; } bool FFmpegVideoDecoder::isAlwaysFullScreen() { return m_FrontendRenderer->getRendererAttributes() & RENDERER_ATTRIBUTE_FULLSCREEN_ONLY; } int FFmpegVideoDecoder::getDecoderCapabilities() { int capabilities = m_BackendRenderer->getDecoderCapabilities(); if (!isHardwareAccelerated()) { // Slice up to 4 times for parallel CPU decoding, once slice per core int slices = qMin(MAX_SLICES, SDL_GetCPUCount()); SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Encoder configured for %d slices per frame", slices); capabilities |= CAPABILITY_SLICES_PER_FRAME(slices); } return capabilities; } int FFmpegVideoDecoder::getDecoderColorspace() { return m_FrontendRenderer->getDecoderColorspace(); } QSize FFmpegVideoDecoder::getDecoderMaxResolution() { if (m_BackendRenderer->getRendererAttributes() & RENDERER_ATTRIBUTE_1080P_MAX) { return QSize(1920, 1080); } else { // No known maximum return QSize(0, 0); } } enum AVPixelFormat FFmpegVideoDecoder::ffGetFormat(AVCodecContext* context, const enum AVPixelFormat* pixFmts) { FFmpegVideoDecoder* decoder = (FFmpegVideoDecoder*)context->opaque; const enum AVPixelFormat *p; for (p = pixFmts; *p != -1; p++) { // Only match our hardware decoding codec or preferred SW pixel // format (if not using hardware decoding). It's crucial // to override the default get_format() which will try // to gracefully fall back to software decode and break us. if (*p == (decoder->m_HwDecodeCfg ? decoder->m_HwDecodeCfg->pix_fmt : context->pix_fmt)) { return *p; } } // Failed to match the preferred pixel formats. Try non-preferred options for non-hwaccel decoders. if (decoder->m_HwDecodeCfg == nullptr) { for (p = pixFmts; *p != -1; p++) { if (decoder->m_FrontendRenderer->isPixelFormatSupported(decoder->m_VideoFormat, *p)) { return *p; } } } return AV_PIX_FMT_NONE; } FFmpegVideoDecoder::FFmpegVideoDecoder(bool testOnly) : m_Pkt(av_packet_alloc()), m_VideoDecoderCtx(nullptr), m_DecodeBuffer(1024 * 1024, 0), m_HwDecodeCfg(nullptr), m_BackendRenderer(nullptr), m_FrontendRenderer(nullptr), m_ConsecutiveFailedDecodes(0), m_Pacer(nullptr), m_FramesIn(0), m_FramesOut(0), m_LastFrameNumber(0), m_StreamFps(0), m_VideoFormat(0), m_NeedsSpsFixup(false), m_TestOnly(testOnly), m_CanRetryReceiveFrame(RRF_UNKNOWN) { SDL_zero(m_ActiveWndVideoStats); SDL_zero(m_LastWndVideoStats); SDL_zero(m_GlobalVideoStats); // Use linear filtering when renderer scaling is required SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "1"); } FFmpegVideoDecoder::~FFmpegVideoDecoder() { reset(); // Set log level back to default. // NB: We don't do this in reset() because we want // to preserve the log level across reset() during // test initialization. av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_INFO); av_packet_free(&m_Pkt); } IFFmpegRenderer* FFmpegVideoDecoder::getBackendRenderer() { return m_BackendRenderer; } void FFmpegVideoDecoder::reset() { delete m_Pacer; m_Pacer = nullptr; // This must be called after deleting Pacer because it // may be holding AVFrames to free in its destructor. // However, it must be called before deleting the IFFmpegRenderer // since the codec context may be referencing objects that we // need to delete in the renderer destructor. avcodec_free_context(&m_VideoDecoderCtx); if (!m_TestOnly) { Session::get()->getOverlayManager().setOverlayRenderer(nullptr); } // If we have a separate frontend renderer, free that first if (m_FrontendRenderer != m_BackendRenderer) { delete m_FrontendRenderer; } delete m_BackendRenderer; m_FrontendRenderer = m_BackendRenderer = nullptr; if (!m_TestOnly) { logVideoStats(m_GlobalVideoStats, "Global video stats"); } else { // Test-only decoders can't have any frames submitted SDL_assert(m_GlobalVideoStats.totalFrames == 0); } } bool FFmpegVideoDecoder::createFrontendRenderer(PDECODER_PARAMETERS params, bool eglOnly) { if (eglOnly) { #ifdef HAVE_EGL if (m_BackendRenderer->canExportEGL()) { m_FrontendRenderer = new EGLRenderer(m_BackendRenderer); if (m_FrontendRenderer->initialize(params)) { return true; } delete m_FrontendRenderer; m_FrontendRenderer = nullptr; } #endif // If we made it here, we failed to create the EGLRenderer return false; } if (m_BackendRenderer->isDirectRenderingSupported()) { // The backend renderer can render to the display m_FrontendRenderer = m_BackendRenderer; } else { // The backend renderer cannot directly render to the display, so // we will create an SDL renderer to draw the frames. m_FrontendRenderer = new SdlRenderer(); if (!m_FrontendRenderer->initialize(params)) { return false; } } return true; } bool FFmpegVideoDecoder::completeInitialization(const AVCodec* decoder, PDECODER_PARAMETERS params, bool testFrame, bool eglOnly) { // In test-only mode, we should only see test frames SDL_assert(!m_TestOnly || testFrame); // Create the frontend renderer based on the capabilities of the backend renderer if (!createFrontendRenderer(params, eglOnly)) { return false; } m_StreamFps = params->frameRate; m_VideoFormat = params->videoFormat; // Don't bother initializing Pacer if we're not actually going to render if (!testFrame) { m_Pacer = new Pacer(m_FrontendRenderer, &m_ActiveWndVideoStats); if (!m_Pacer->initialize(params->window, params->frameRate, params->enableFramePacing)) { return false; } } m_VideoDecoderCtx = avcodec_alloc_context3(decoder); if (!m_VideoDecoderCtx) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Unable to allocate video decoder context"); return false; } // Always request low delay decoding m_VideoDecoderCtx->flags |= AV_CODEC_FLAG_LOW_DELAY; // Allow display of corrupt frames and frames missing references m_VideoDecoderCtx->flags |= AV_CODEC_FLAG_OUTPUT_CORRUPT; m_VideoDecoderCtx->flags2 |= AV_CODEC_FLAG2_SHOW_ALL; // Report decoding errors to allow us to request a key frame // // With HEVC streams, FFmpeg can drop a frame (hwaccel->start_frame() fails) // without telling us. Since we have an infinite GOP length, this causes artifacts // on screen that persist for a long time. It's easy to cause this condition // by using NVDEC and delaying 100 ms randomly in the render path so the decoder // runs out of output buffers. m_VideoDecoderCtx->err_recognition = AV_EF_EXPLODE; // Enable slice multi-threading for software decoding if (!isHardwareAccelerated()) { m_VideoDecoderCtx->thread_type = FF_THREAD_SLICE; m_VideoDecoderCtx->thread_count = qMin(MAX_SLICES, SDL_GetCPUCount()); } else { // No threading for HW decode m_VideoDecoderCtx->thread_count = 1; } // Setup decoding parameters m_VideoDecoderCtx->width = params->width; m_VideoDecoderCtx->height = params->height; m_VideoDecoderCtx->pix_fmt = m_FrontendRenderer->getPreferredPixelFormat(params->videoFormat); m_VideoDecoderCtx->get_format = ffGetFormat; AVDictionary* options = nullptr; // Allow the backend renderer to attach data to this decoder if (!m_BackendRenderer->prepareDecoderContext(m_VideoDecoderCtx, &options)) { return false; } // Nobody must override our ffGetFormat SDL_assert(m_VideoDecoderCtx->get_format == ffGetFormat); // Stash a pointer to this object in the context SDL_assert(m_VideoDecoderCtx->opaque == nullptr); m_VideoDecoderCtx->opaque = this; int err = avcodec_open2(m_VideoDecoderCtx, decoder, &options); av_dict_free(&options); if (err < 0) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Unable to open decoder for format: %x", params->videoFormat); return false; } // FFMpeg doesn't completely initialize the codec until the codec // config data comes in. This would be too late for us to change // our minds on the selected video codec, so we'll do a trial run // now to see if things will actually work when the video stream // comes in. if (testFrame) { switch (params->videoFormat) { case VIDEO_FORMAT_H264: m_Pkt->data = (uint8_t*)k_H264TestFrame; m_Pkt->size = sizeof(k_H264TestFrame); break; case VIDEO_FORMAT_H265: m_Pkt->data = (uint8_t*)k_HEVCMainTestFrame; m_Pkt->size = sizeof(k_HEVCMainTestFrame); break; case VIDEO_FORMAT_H265_MAIN10: m_Pkt->data = (uint8_t*)k_HEVCMain10TestFrame; m_Pkt->size = sizeof(k_HEVCMain10TestFrame); break; default: SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "No test frame for format: %x", params->videoFormat); return false; } AVFrame* frame = av_frame_alloc(); if (!frame) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to allocate frame"); return false; } // Some decoders won't output on the first frame, so we'll submit // a few test frames if we get an EAGAIN error. for (int retries = 0; retries < 5; retries++) { // Most FFmpeg decoders process input using a "push" model. // We'll see those fail here if the format is not supported. err = avcodec_send_packet(m_VideoDecoderCtx, m_Pkt); if (err < 0) { av_frame_free(&frame); char errorstring[512]; av_strerror(err, errorstring, sizeof(errorstring)); SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Test decode failed (avcodec_send_packet): %s", errorstring); return false; } // A few FFmpeg decoders (h264_mmal) process here using a "pull" model. // Those decoders will fail here if the format is not supported. err = avcodec_receive_frame(m_VideoDecoderCtx, frame); if (err == AVERROR(EAGAIN)) { // Wait a little while to let the hardware work SDL_Delay(100); } else { // Done! break; } } if (err < 0) { char errorstring[512]; av_strerror(err, errorstring, sizeof(errorstring)); SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Test decode failed (avcodec_receive_frame): %s", errorstring); av_frame_free(&frame); return false; } // Allow the renderer to do any validation it wants on this frame if (!m_FrontendRenderer->testRenderFrame(frame)) { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Test decode failed (testRenderFrame)"); av_frame_free(&frame); return false; } av_frame_free(&frame); } else { if ((params->videoFormat & VIDEO_FORMAT_MASK_H264) && !(m_BackendRenderer->getDecoderCapabilities() & CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_FRAME_INVALIDATION_AVC)) { SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Using H.264 SPS fixup"); m_NeedsSpsFixup = true; } else { m_NeedsSpsFixup = false; } // Tell overlay manager to use this frontend renderer Session::get()->getOverlayManager().setOverlayRenderer(m_FrontendRenderer); } return true; } void FFmpegVideoDecoder::addVideoStats(VIDEO_STATS& src, VIDEO_STATS& dst) { dst.receivedFrames += src.receivedFrames; dst.decodedFrames += src.decodedFrames; dst.renderedFrames += src.renderedFrames; dst.totalFrames += src.totalFrames; dst.networkDroppedFrames += src.networkDroppedFrames; dst.pacerDroppedFrames += src.pacerDroppedFrames; dst.totalReassemblyTime += src.totalReassemblyTime; dst.totalDecodeTime += src.totalDecodeTime; dst.totalPacerTime += src.totalPacerTime; dst.totalRenderTime += src.totalRenderTime; if (!LiGetEstimatedRttInfo(&dst.lastRtt, &dst.lastRttVariance)) { dst.lastRtt = 0; dst.lastRttVariance = 0; } else { // Our logic to determine if RTT is valid depends on us never // getting an RTT of 0. ENet currently ensures RTTs are >= 1. SDL_assert(dst.lastRtt > 0); } Uint32 now = SDL_GetTicks(); // Initialize the measurement start point if this is the first video stat window if (!dst.measurementStartTimestamp) { dst.measurementStartTimestamp = src.measurementStartTimestamp; } // The following code assumes the global measure was already started first SDL_assert(dst.measurementStartTimestamp <= src.measurementStartTimestamp); dst.totalFps = (float)dst.totalFrames / ((float)(now - dst.measurementStartTimestamp) / 1000); dst.receivedFps = (float)dst.receivedFrames / ((float)(now - dst.measurementStartTimestamp) / 1000); dst.decodedFps = (float)dst.decodedFrames / ((float)(now - dst.measurementStartTimestamp) / 1000); dst.renderedFps = (float)dst.renderedFrames / ((float)(now - dst.measurementStartTimestamp) / 1000); } void FFmpegVideoDecoder::stringifyVideoStats(VIDEO_STATS& stats, char* output) { int offset = 0; const char* codecString; // Start with an empty string output[offset] = 0; switch (m_VideoFormat) { case VIDEO_FORMAT_H264: codecString = "H.264"; break; case VIDEO_FORMAT_H265: codecString = "HEVC"; break; case VIDEO_FORMAT_H265_MAIN10: codecString = "HEVC Main 10"; break; default: SDL_assert(false); codecString = "UNKNOWN"; break; } if (stats.receivedFps > 0) { if (m_VideoDecoderCtx != nullptr) { offset += sprintf(&output[offset], "Video stream: %dx%d %.2f FPS (Codec: %s)\n", m_VideoDecoderCtx->width, m_VideoDecoderCtx->height, stats.totalFps, codecString); } offset += sprintf(&output[offset], "Incoming frame rate from network: %.2f FPS\n" "Decoding frame rate: %.2f FPS\n" "Rendering frame rate: %.2f FPS\n", stats.receivedFps, stats.decodedFps, stats.renderedFps); } if (stats.renderedFrames != 0) { char rttString[32]; if (stats.lastRtt != 0) { sprintf(rttString, "%u ms (variance: %u ms)", stats.lastRtt, stats.lastRttVariance); } else { sprintf(rttString, "N/A"); } offset += sprintf(&output[offset], "Frames dropped by your network connection: %.2f%%\n" "Frames dropped due to network jitter: %.2f%%\n" "Average network latency: %s\n" "Average decoding time: %.2f ms\n" "Average frame queue delay: %.2f ms\n" "Average rendering time (including monitor V-sync latency): %.2f ms\n", (float)stats.networkDroppedFrames / stats.totalFrames * 100, (float)stats.pacerDroppedFrames / stats.decodedFrames * 100, rttString, (float)stats.totalDecodeTime / stats.decodedFrames, (float)stats.totalPacerTime / stats.renderedFrames, (float)stats.totalRenderTime / stats.renderedFrames); } } void FFmpegVideoDecoder::logVideoStats(VIDEO_STATS& stats, const char* title) { if (stats.renderedFps > 0 || stats.renderedFrames != 0) { char videoStatsStr[512]; stringifyVideoStats(stats, videoStatsStr); SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "%s", title); SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "----------------------------------------------------------\n%s", videoStatsStr); } } IFFmpegRenderer* FFmpegVideoDecoder::createHwAccelRenderer(const AVCodecHWConfig* hwDecodeCfg, int pass) { if (!(hwDecodeCfg->methods & AV_CODEC_HW_CONFIG_METHOD_HW_DEVICE_CTX)) { return nullptr; } // First pass using our top-tier hwaccel implementations if (pass == 0) { switch (hwDecodeCfg->device_type) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_DXVA2: return new DXVA2Renderer(); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_VIDEOTOOLBOX: return VTRendererFactory::createRenderer(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBVA case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_VAAPI: return new VAAPIRenderer(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBVDPAU case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_VDPAU: return new VDPAURenderer(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_DRM case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_DRM: return new DrmRenderer(); #endif default: return nullptr; } } // Second pass for our second-tier hwaccel implementations else if (pass == 1) { switch (hwDecodeCfg->device_type) { #ifdef HAVE_CUDA case AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_CUDA: // CUDA should only be used to cover the NVIDIA+Wayland case return new CUDARenderer(); #endif default: return nullptr; } } else { SDL_assert(false); return nullptr; } } bool FFmpegVideoDecoder::tryInitializeRenderer(const AVCodec* decoder, PDECODER_PARAMETERS params, const AVCodecHWConfig* hwConfig, std::function createRendererFunc) { m_HwDecodeCfg = hwConfig; // i == 0 - Indirect via EGL frontend with zero-copy DMA-BUF passing // i == 1 - Direct rendering or indirect via SDL read-back #ifdef HAVE_EGL for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { #else for (int i = 1; i < 2; i++) { #endif SDL_assert(m_BackendRenderer == nullptr); if ((m_BackendRenderer = createRendererFunc()) != nullptr && m_BackendRenderer->initialize(params) && completeInitialization(decoder, params, m_TestOnly || m_BackendRenderer->needsTestFrame(), i == 0 /* EGL */)) { if (m_TestOnly) { // This decoder is only for testing capabilities, so don't bother // creating a usable renderer return true; } if (m_BackendRenderer->needsTestFrame()) { // The test worked, so now let's initialize it for real reset(); if ((m_BackendRenderer = createRendererFunc()) != nullptr && m_BackendRenderer->initialize(params) && completeInitialization(decoder, params, false, i == 0 /* EGL */)) { return true; } else { SDL_LogCritical(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Decoder failed to initialize after successful test"); reset(); } } else { // No test required. Good to go now. return true; } } else { // Failed to initialize, so keep looking reset(); } } // reset() must be called before we reach this point! SDL_assert(m_BackendRenderer == nullptr); return false; } #define TRY_PREFERRED_PIXEL_FORMAT(RENDERER_TYPE) \ { \ RENDERER_TYPE renderer; \ if (renderer.getPreferredPixelFormat(params->videoFormat) == decoder->pix_fmts[i]) { \ if (tryInitializeRenderer(decoder, params, nullptr, \ []() -> IFFmpegRenderer* { return new RENDERER_TYPE(); })) { \ SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, \ "Chose " #RENDERER_TYPE " for codec %s due to preferred pixel format: 0x%x", \ decoder->name, decoder->pix_fmts[i]); \ return true; \ } \ } \ } #define TRY_SUPPORTED_PIXEL_FORMAT(RENDERER_TYPE) \ { \ RENDERER_TYPE renderer; \ if (renderer.isPixelFormatSupported(params->videoFormat, decoder->pix_fmts[i])) { \ if (tryInitializeRenderer(decoder, params, nullptr, \ []() -> IFFmpegRenderer* { return new RENDERER_TYPE(); })) { \ SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, \ "Chose " #RENDERER_TYPE " for codec %s due to compatible pixel format: 0x%x", \ decoder->name, decoder->pix_fmts[i]); \ return true; \ } \ } \ } bool FFmpegVideoDecoder::tryInitializeRendererForDecoderByName(const char *decoderName, PDECODER_PARAMETERS params) { const AVCodec* decoder = avcodec_find_decoder_by_name(decoderName); if (decoder == nullptr) { return false; } // This might be a hwaccel decoder, so try any hw configs first for (int i = 0;; i++) { const AVCodecHWConfig *config = avcodec_get_hw_config(decoder, i); if (!config) { // No remaing hwaccel options break; } // Initialize the hardware codec and submit a test frame if the renderer needs it if (tryInitializeRenderer(decoder, params, config, [config]() -> IFFmpegRenderer* { return createHwAccelRenderer(config, 0); })) { return true; } } if (decoder->pix_fmts == NULL) { // Supported output pixel formats are unknown. We'll just try SDL and hope it can cope. return tryInitializeRenderer(decoder, params, nullptr, []() -> IFFmpegRenderer* { return new SdlRenderer(); }); } // Check if any of our decoders prefer any of the pixel formats first for (int i = 0; decoder->pix_fmts[i] != AV_PIX_FMT_NONE; i++) { #ifdef HAVE_DRM TRY_PREFERRED_PIXEL_FORMAT(DrmRenderer); #endif #ifdef HAVE_MMAL TRY_PREFERRED_PIXEL_FORMAT(MmalRenderer); #endif // HACK: Avoid using YUV420P on h264_mmal. It can cause a deadlock inside the MMAL libraries. // Even if it didn't completely deadlock us, the performance would likely be atrocious. if (strcmp(decoderName, "h264_mmal") != 0) { TRY_PREFERRED_PIXEL_FORMAT(SdlRenderer); } } // Nothing prefers any of them. Let's see if anyone will tolerate one. for (int i = 0; decoder->pix_fmts[i] != AV_PIX_FMT_NONE; i++) { #ifdef HAVE_DRM TRY_SUPPORTED_PIXEL_FORMAT(DrmRenderer); #endif #ifdef HAVE_MMAL TRY_SUPPORTED_PIXEL_FORMAT(MmalRenderer); #endif // HACK: See comment above if (strcmp(decoderName, "h264_mmal") != 0) { TRY_SUPPORTED_PIXEL_FORMAT(SdlRenderer); } } // If we made it here, we couldn't find anything return false; } bool FFmpegVideoDecoder::initialize(PDECODER_PARAMETERS params) { // Increase log level until the first frame is decoded av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_DEBUG); // First try decoders that the user has manually specified via environment variables. // These must output surfaces in one of the formats that one of our renderers supports, // which is currently: // - AV_PIX_FMT_DRM_PRIME // - AV_PIX_FMT_MMAL // - AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P // - AV_PIX_FMT_NV12 // - AV_PIX_FMT_NV21 { QString h264DecoderHint = qgetenv("H264_DECODER_HINT"); if (!h264DecoderHint.isEmpty() && (params->videoFormat & VIDEO_FORMAT_MASK_H264)) { QByteArray decoderString = h264DecoderHint.toLocal8Bit(); if (tryInitializeRendererForDecoderByName(decoderString.constData(), params)) { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Using custom H.264 decoder (H264_DECODER_HINT): %s", decoderString.constData()); return true; } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Custom H.264 decoder (H264_DECODER_HINT) failed to load: %s", decoderString.constData()); } } } { QString hevcDecoderHint = qgetenv("HEVC_DECODER_HINT"); if (!hevcDecoderHint.isEmpty() && (params->videoFormat & VIDEO_FORMAT_MASK_H265)) { QByteArray decoderString = hevcDecoderHint.toLocal8Bit(); if (tryInitializeRendererForDecoderByName(decoderString.constData(), params)) { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Using custom HEVC decoder (HEVC_DECODER_HINT): %s", decoderString.constData()); return true; } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Custom HEVC decoder (HEVC_DECODER_HINT) failed to load: %s", decoderString.constData()); } } } const AVCodec* decoder; if (params->videoFormat & VIDEO_FORMAT_MASK_H264) { decoder = avcodec_find_decoder(AV_CODEC_ID_H264); } else if (params->videoFormat & VIDEO_FORMAT_MASK_H265) { decoder = avcodec_find_decoder(AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC); } else { Q_ASSERT(false); decoder = nullptr; } if (!decoder) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Unable to find decoder for format: %x", params->videoFormat); return false; } // Look for a hardware decoder first unless software-only if (params->vds != StreamingPreferences::VDS_FORCE_SOFTWARE) { // Look for the first matching hwaccel hardware decoder (pass 0) for (int i = 0;; i++) { const AVCodecHWConfig *config = avcodec_get_hw_config(decoder, i); if (!config) { // No remaing hwaccel options break; } // Initialize the hardware codec and submit a test frame if the renderer needs it if (tryInitializeRenderer(decoder, params, config, [config]() -> IFFmpegRenderer* { return createHwAccelRenderer(config, 0); })) { return true; } } // Continue with special non-hwaccel hardware decoders if (params->videoFormat & VIDEO_FORMAT_MASK_H264) { QList knownAvcCodecs = { #ifdef HAVE_MMAL "h264_mmal", #endif "h264_rkmpp", "h264_nvmpi", #ifndef HAVE_MMAL // Only enable V4L2M2M by default on non-MMAL (RPi) builds. The performance // of the V4L2M2M wrapper around MMAL is not enough for 1080p 60 FPS, so we // would rather show the missing hardware acceleration warning when the user // is in Full KMS mode rather than try to use a poorly performing hwaccel. // See discussion on https://github.com/jc-kynesim/rpi-ffmpeg/pull/25 "h264_v4l2m2m", #endif }; for (const char* codec : knownAvcCodecs) { if (tryInitializeRendererForDecoderByName(codec, params)) { return true; } } } else { QList knownHevcCodecs = { "hevc_rkmpp", "hevc_nvmpi", "hevc_v4l2m2m" }; for (const char* codec : knownHevcCodecs) { if (tryInitializeRendererForDecoderByName(codec, params)) { return true; } } } // Look for the first matching hwaccel hardware decoder (pass 1) // This picks up "second-tier" hwaccels like CUDA. for (int i = 0;; i++) { const AVCodecHWConfig *config = avcodec_get_hw_config(decoder, i); if (!config) { // No remaing hwaccel options break; } // Initialize the hardware codec and submit a test frame if the renderer needs it if (tryInitializeRenderer(decoder, params, config, [config]() -> IFFmpegRenderer* { return createHwAccelRenderer(config, 1); })) { return true; } } } // Fallback to software if no matching hardware decoder was found // and if software fallback is allowed if (params->vds != StreamingPreferences::VDS_FORCE_HARDWARE) { if (tryInitializeRenderer(decoder, params, nullptr, []() -> IFFmpegRenderer* { return new SdlRenderer(); })) { return true; } } // No decoder worked return false; } void FFmpegVideoDecoder::writeBuffer(PLENTRY entry, int& offset) { if (m_NeedsSpsFixup && entry->bufferType == BUFFER_TYPE_SPS) { const char naluHeader[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}; h264_stream_t* stream = h264_new(); int nalStart, nalEnd; // Read the old NALU find_nal_unit((uint8_t*)entry->data, entry->length, &nalStart, &nalEnd); read_nal_unit(stream, (unsigned char *)&entry->data[nalStart], nalEnd - nalStart); SDL_assert(nalStart == sizeof(naluHeader)); SDL_assert(nalEnd == entry->length); // Fixup the SPS to what OS X needs to use hardware acceleration stream->sps->num_ref_frames = 1; stream->sps->vui.max_dec_frame_buffering = 1; int initialOffset = offset; // Copy the modified NALU data. This assumes a 3 byte prefix and // begins writing from the 2nd byte, so we must write the data // first, then go back and write the Annex B prefix. offset += write_nal_unit(stream, (uint8_t*)&m_DecodeBuffer.data()[initialOffset + 3], MAX_SPS_EXTRA_SIZE + entry->length - sizeof(naluHeader)); // Copy the NALU prefix over from the original SPS memcpy(&m_DecodeBuffer.data()[initialOffset], naluHeader, sizeof(naluHeader)); offset += sizeof(naluHeader); h264_free(stream); } else { // Write the buffer as-is memcpy(&m_DecodeBuffer.data()[offset], entry->data, entry->length); offset += entry->length; } } int FFmpegVideoDecoder::submitDecodeUnit(PDECODE_UNIT du) { PLENTRY entry = du->bufferList; int err; bool submittedFrame = false; SDL_assert(!m_TestOnly); if (!m_LastFrameNumber) { m_ActiveWndVideoStats.measurementStartTimestamp = SDL_GetTicks(); m_LastFrameNumber = du->frameNumber; } else { // Any frame number greater than m_LastFrameNumber + 1 represents a dropped frame m_ActiveWndVideoStats.networkDroppedFrames += du->frameNumber - (m_LastFrameNumber + 1); m_ActiveWndVideoStats.totalFrames += du->frameNumber - (m_LastFrameNumber + 1); m_LastFrameNumber = du->frameNumber; } // Flip stats windows roughly every second if (SDL_TICKS_PASSED(SDL_GetTicks(), m_ActiveWndVideoStats.measurementStartTimestamp + 1000)) { // Update overlay stats if it's enabled if (Session::get()->getOverlayManager().isOverlayEnabled(Overlay::OverlayDebug)) { VIDEO_STATS lastTwoWndStats = {}; addVideoStats(m_LastWndVideoStats, lastTwoWndStats); addVideoStats(m_ActiveWndVideoStats, lastTwoWndStats); stringifyVideoStats(lastTwoWndStats, Session::get()->getOverlayManager().getOverlayText(Overlay::OverlayDebug)); Session::get()->getOverlayManager().setOverlayTextUpdated(Overlay::OverlayDebug); } // Accumulate these values into the global stats addVideoStats(m_ActiveWndVideoStats, m_GlobalVideoStats); // Move this window into the last window slot and clear it for next window SDL_memcpy(&m_LastWndVideoStats, &m_ActiveWndVideoStats, sizeof(m_ActiveWndVideoStats)); SDL_zero(m_ActiveWndVideoStats); m_ActiveWndVideoStats.measurementStartTimestamp = SDL_GetTicks(); } m_ActiveWndVideoStats.receivedFrames++; m_ActiveWndVideoStats.totalFrames++; int requiredBufferSize = du->fullLength; if (du->frameType == FRAME_TYPE_IDR) { // Add some extra space in case we need to do an SPS fixup requiredBufferSize += MAX_SPS_EXTRA_SIZE; } // Ensure the decoder buffer is large enough m_DecodeBuffer.reserve(requiredBufferSize + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); int offset = 0; while (entry != nullptr) { writeBuffer(entry, offset); entry = entry->next; } m_Pkt->data = reinterpret_cast(m_DecodeBuffer.data()); m_Pkt->size = offset; if (du->frameType == FRAME_TYPE_IDR) { m_Pkt->flags = AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY; } else { m_Pkt->flags = 0; } m_ActiveWndVideoStats.totalReassemblyTime += du->enqueueTimeMs - du->receiveTimeMs; err = avcodec_send_packet(m_VideoDecoderCtx, m_Pkt); if (err < 0) { char errorstring[512]; av_strerror(err, errorstring, sizeof(errorstring)); SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "avcodec_send_packet() failed: %s", errorstring); // If we've failed a bunch of decodes in a row, the decoder/renderer is // clearly unhealthy, so let's generate a synthetic reset event to trigger // the event loop to destroy and recreate the decoder. if (++m_ConsecutiveFailedDecodes == FAILED_DECODES_RESET_THRESHOLD) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Resetting decoder due to consistent failure"); SDL_Event event; event.type = SDL_RENDER_DEVICE_RESET; SDL_PushEvent(&event); } return DR_NEED_IDR; } m_FramesIn++; // We can receive 0 or more frames after submission of a packet, so we must // try to read until we get EAGAIN to ensure the queue is drained. Some decoders // run asynchronously and may return several frames at once after warming up. // // Some decoders support calling avcodec_receive_frame() without queuing a packet. // This allows us to drain excess frames and reduce latency. We will try to learn // if a decoder is capable of this by trying it and seeing if it works. int receiveRetries = 0; do { AVFrame* frame = av_frame_alloc(); if (!frame) { // Failed to allocate a frame but we did submit, // so we can return DR_OK SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to allocate frame"); return DR_OK; } err = avcodec_receive_frame(m_VideoDecoderCtx, frame); if (err == 0) { m_FramesOut++; // Reset failed decodes count if we reached this far m_ConsecutiveFailedDecodes = 0; // Restore default log level after a successful decode av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_INFO); // Store the presentation time // FIXME: This is wrong when reading a batch of frames frame->pts = du->presentationTimeMs; // Capture a frame timestamp to measuring pacing delay frame->pkt_dts = SDL_GetTicks(); // Count time in avcodec_send_packet() and avcodec_receive_frame() // as time spent decoding. Also count time spent in the decode unit // queue because that's directly caused by decoder latency. m_ActiveWndVideoStats.totalDecodeTime += LiGetMillis() - du->enqueueTimeMs; // Also count the frame-to-frame delay if the decoder is delaying frames // until a subsequent frame is submitted. m_ActiveWndVideoStats.totalDecodeTime += (m_FramesIn - m_FramesOut) * (1000 / m_StreamFps); m_ActiveWndVideoStats.decodedFrames++; // Queue the frame for rendering (or render now if pacer is disabled) m_Pacer->submitFrame(frame); submittedFrame = true; // Once we receive a frame, transition out of the Unknown state by determining // whether a receive frame retry was needed to get this frame. We assume that // any asynchronous decoder is going to return EAGAIN on the first frame. if (m_CanRetryReceiveFrame == RRF_UNKNOWN) { SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "RRF mode: %s", receiveRetries > 0 ? "YES" : "NO"); m_CanRetryReceiveFrame = receiveRetries > 0 ? RRF_YES : RRF_NO; } } else { av_frame_free(&frame); if (err == AVERROR(EAGAIN)) { // Break out if we can't retry or we successfully received a frame. We only want // to retry if we haven't gotten a frame back for this input packet. if (m_CanRetryReceiveFrame == RRF_NO || receiveRetries == MAX_RECV_FRAME_RETRIES || submittedFrame) { // We will transition from Unknown -> No if we exceed the maximum retries. if (m_CanRetryReceiveFrame == RRF_UNKNOWN) { SDL_assert(!submittedFrame); SDL_assert(receiveRetries == MAX_RECV_FRAME_RETRIES); SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "RRF mode: NO (timeout)"); m_CanRetryReceiveFrame = RRF_NO; } break; } else { SDL_Delay(1); } } } } while (err == 0 || (err == AVERROR(EAGAIN) && receiveRetries++ < MAX_RECV_FRAME_RETRIES)); // Treat this as a failed decode if we don't manage to receive a single frame or // if we finish the loop above with an error other than EAGAIN. Note that some // limited number of "failed decodes" with EAGAIN are expected for asynchronous // decoders, so we only reset the decoder if we get a ton of them in a row. if (!submittedFrame || err != AVERROR(EAGAIN)) { // Don't spam EAGAIN log messages for asynchronous decoders as long as // they produce a frame for at least every other submitted packet. if (m_ConsecutiveFailedDecodes > 0 || err != AVERROR(EAGAIN)) { char errorstring[512]; av_strerror(err, errorstring, sizeof(errorstring)); SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "avcodec_receive_frame() failed: %s", errorstring); } if (++m_ConsecutiveFailedDecodes == FAILED_DECODES_RESET_THRESHOLD) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Resetting decoder due to consistent failure"); SDL_Event event; event.type = SDL_RENDER_DEVICE_RESET; SDL_PushEvent(&event); } } return DR_OK; } void FFmpegVideoDecoder::renderFrameOnMainThread() { m_Pacer->renderOnMainThread(); }