import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import StreamingPreferences 1.0 ScrollView { id: settingsPage objectName: "Settings" StreamingPreferences { id: prefs } Component.onDestruction: { } Column { x: 10 y: 10 width: settingsPage.width height: 400 GroupBox { // TODO save the settings id: basicSettingsGroupBox width: (parent.width - 20) padding: 12 title: "Basic Settings" font.pointSize: 12 Column { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 5 Label { width: parent.width id: resFPStitle text: qsTr("Resolution and FPS target") font.pointSize: 12 wrapMode: Text.Wrap color: "white" } Label { width: parent.width id: resFPSdesc text: qsTr("Setting values too high for your device may cause lag or crashes") font.pointSize: 9 wrapMode: Text.Wrap color: "white" } ComboBox { // ignore setting the index at first, and actually set it when the component is loaded Component.onCompleted: { // load the saved width/height/fps, and iterate through the ComboBox until a match is found // set it to that index. var saved_width = prefs.width var saved_height = prefs.height var saved_fps = prefs.fps currentIndex = 0 for(var i = 0; i < resolutionComboBox.count; i++) { var el_width = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(i).video_width); var el_height = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(i).video_height); var el_fps = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(i).video_fps); if(saved_width === el_width && saved_height === el_height && saved_fps === el_fps) { currentIndex = i } } } id: resolutionComboBox width: Math.min(bitrateDesc.implicitWidth, parent.width) font.pointSize: 9 textRole: "text" model: ListModel { id: resolutionListModel ListElement { text: "720p 30 FPS" video_width: "1280" video_height: "720" video_fps: "30" } ListElement { text: "720p 60 FPS" video_width: "1280" video_height: "720" video_fps: "60" } ListElement { text: "1080p 30 FPS" video_width: "1920" video_height: "1080" video_fps: "30" } ListElement { text: "1080p 60 FPS" video_width: "1920" video_height: "1080" video_fps: "60" } ListElement { text: "4K 30 FPS" video_width: "3840" video_height: "2160" video_fps: "30" } ListElement { text: "4K 60 FPS" video_width: "3840" video_height: "2160" video_fps: "60" } } // ::onActivated must be used, as it only listens for when the index is changed by a human onActivated : { prefs.width = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(currentIndex).video_width) prefs.height = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(currentIndex).video_height) prefs.fps = parseInt(resolutionListModel.get(currentIndex).video_fps) } } Label { width: parent.width id: bitrateTitle text: qsTr("Video bitrate: ") font.pointSize: 12 wrapMode: Text.Wrap color: "white" } Label { width: parent.width id: bitrateDesc text: qsTr("Lower bitrate to reduce lag and stuttering. Raise bitrate to increase image quality.") font.pointSize: 9 wrapMode: Text.Wrap color: "white" } Slider { id: slider wheelEnabled: true // TODO value should be loaded as the current value. value: prefs.bitrateKbps stepSize: 500 from : 500 to: 100000 snapMode: "SnapOnRelease" width: Math.min(bitrateDesc.implicitWidth, parent.width) onValueChanged: { bitrateTitle.text = "Video bitrate: " + (value / 1000.0) + " Mbps" prefs.bitrateKbps = value } } CheckBox { id: fullScreenCheck text: "Full-screen" font.pointSize: 12 checked: prefs.fullScreen onCheckedChanged: { prefs.fullScreen = checked } } } } GroupBox { id: audioSettingsGroupBox width: (parent.width - 20) padding: 12 title: "Audio Settings" font.pointSize: 12 Column { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 5 CheckBox { id: surroundSoundCheck text: "Enable 5.1 surround sound" font.pointSize: 12 // TODO: make this actually do anything } } } GroupBox { id: gamepadSettingsGroupBox width: (parent.width - 20) padding: 12 title: "Gamepad Settings" font.pointSize: 12 Column { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 5 CheckBox { id: multiControllerCheck text: "Multiple controller support" font.pointSize: 12 checked: prefs.multiController onCheckedChanged: { prefs.multiController = checked } } CheckBox { id: mouseEmulationCheck text: "Mouse emulation via gamepad" font.pointSize: 12 // TODO: make this actually do anything } } } GroupBox { id: onScreenControlsGroupBox width: (parent.width - 20) padding: 12 title: "On-screen Controls Settings" font.pointSize: 12 Column { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 5 CheckBox { id: onScreenControlsCheck text: "Show on-screen controls" font.pointSize: 12 // TODO: make this actually do anything } } } GroupBox { id: hostSettingsGroupBox width: (parent.width - 20) padding: 12 title: "Host Settings" font.pointSize: 12 Column { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 5 CheckBox { id: optimizeGameSettingsCheck text: "Optimize game settings" font.pointSize: 12 checked: prefs.gameOptimizations onCheckedChanged: { prefs.gameOptimizations = checked } } CheckBox { id: audioPcCheck text: "Play audio on host PC" font.pointSize: 12 checked: prefs.playAudioOnHost onCheckedChanged: { prefs.playAudioOnHost = checked } } } } GroupBox { id: advancedSettingsGroupBox width: (parent.width - 20) padding: 12 title: "Advanced Settings" font.pointSize: 12 Column { anchors.fill: parent spacing: 5 CheckBox { id: neverDropFramesCheck text: "Never drop frames" font.pointSize: 12 } } } } }