<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TS version="2.1" language="pt" sourcelanguage="en_GB">
        <location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="144"/>
        <location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="298"/>
        <source>Resume Game</source>
        <translation>Resumir Jogo</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="170"/>
        <location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="303"/>
        <source>Quit Game</source>
        <translation>Sair do Jogo</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="298"/>
        <source>Launch Game</source>
        <translation>Iniciar o Jogo</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="311"/>
        <source>Direct Launch</source>
        <translation>Execução Direta</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="315"/>
        <source>Launch this app immediately when the host is selected, bypassing the app selection grid.</source>
        <translation>Execute este aplicativo imediatamente quando o host for selecionado, ignorando a grade de seleção do aplicaivo.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="324"/>
        <source>Hide Game</source>
        <translation>Minimizar Jogo</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="328"/>
        <source>Hide this game from the app grid. To access hidden games, right-click on the host and choose %1.</source>
        <translation>Esconda este jogo da grade de aplicativos. Para acessar jogos escondidos, botão-direito no host e escolha %1.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="328"/>
        <source>View All Apps</source>
        <translation>Ver Todos Aplicativos</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="343"/>
        <source>Are you sure you want to quit %1? Any unsaved progress will be lost.</source>
        <translation>Tem certeza que deseja sair %1? Todo progresso não salvo será perdido.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/CliPair.qml" line="9"/>
        <source>Establishing connection to PC...</source>
        <translation>Estabelecendo conexão com o PC...</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/CliPair.qml" line="13"/>
        <source>Pairing... Please enter &apos;%1&apos; on %2.</source>
        <translation>Pareando... Por favor inserir &apos;%1&apos; em %2.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/CliPair.qml" line="85"/>
        <source>Pairing completed successfully</source>
        <translation>Pareamento realizado com sucesso</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/CliQuitStreamSegue.qml" line="9"/>
        <source>Establishing connection to PC...</source>
        <translation>Estabeleçendo conexão com o PC...</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/CliQuitStreamSegue.qml" line="13"/>
        <source>Quitting app...</source>
        <translation>Saindo do aplicativo...</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/CliStartStreamSegue.qml" line="9"/>
        <source>Establishing connection to PC...</source>
        <translation>Estabeleçendo conexão com o PC...</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/CliStartStreamSegue.qml" line="13"/>
        <source>Loading app list...</source>
        <translation>Carregando a lista de aplicativos...</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/CliStartStreamSegue.qml" line="81"/>
        <source>Are you sure you want to quit %1? Any unsaved progress will be lost.</source>
        <translation>Tem certeza que deseja sair %1? Todo progresso não salvo será perdido.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/GamepadMapper.qml" line="4"/>
        <source>Gamepad Mapping</source>
        <translation>Mapeando o Controle</translation>
        <location filename="../backend/nvhttp.cpp" line="378"/>
        <source>Missing audio capture device. Reinstalling GeForce Experience should resolve this error.</source>
        <translation>Dispositivo de captura de áudio faltando. Re-instalando o GeForce Experience deve resolver este erro.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="20"/>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="67"/>
        <source>Unable to connect to the specified PC.</source>
        <translation>Impossível conectar-se com o PC especificado.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="70"/>
        <source>This PC&apos;s Internet connection is blocking Moonlight. Streaming over the Internet may not work while connected to this network.</source>
        <translation>A conexão à Internet deste PC está bloqueando o Moonlight. Streamando pela Internet provávelmente não funcionará enquanto conectado à esta Rede.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="73"/>
        <source>Click the Help button for possible solutions.</source>
        <translation>Clique o botão de Ajuda por possíveis soluções.</translation>
        <source>Searching for PCs with NVIDIA GameStream enabled...</source>
        <translation type="vanished">Suche nach Hosts mit aktivierten NVIDIA GameStream</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="103"/>
        <source>Automatic PC discovery is disabled. Add your PC manually.</source>
        <translation>Descoberta automática de PCs está desabilitada. Adicione seu PC manualmente.</translation>
        <source>View Apps</source>
        <translation type="vanished">Apps anzeigen</translation>
        <source>View Hidden Apps</source>
        <translation type="vanished">Ausgeblendete Apps anzeigen</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="187"/>
        <source>Wake PC</source>
        <translation>Acordar o PC</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="193"/>
        <source>Test Network</source>
        <translation>Testar a Rede</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="202"/>
        <source>Rename PC</source>
        <translation>Renomear o PC</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="211"/>
        <source>Delete PC</source>
        <translation>Deletar o PC</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="224"/>
        <source>The version of GeForce Experience on %1 is not supported by this build of Moonlight. You must update Moonlight to stream from %1.</source>
        <translation>A versão do GeForce Experience no %1 não é suportada por esta versão do Moonlight. Você deve atualizar o Moonlight para streamar do %1.</translation>
        <source>You cannot pair while a previous session is still running on the host PC. Quit any running games or reboot the host PC, then try pairing again.</source>
        <translation type="vanished">Você não pode conectar-se enquanto uma sessão ainda está ativa no PC de host. Saia de qualquer jogo em execução ou re-inicie o PC de host, daí tente conectar-se novamente.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="294"/>
        <source>Please enter %1 on your GameStream PC. This dialog will close when pairing is completed.</source>
        <translation>Por favor, entre %1 no seu PC pra GameStream. Esta caixa de diálogo irá se fechar quando a conexão for concluída.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="305"/>
        <source>Are you sure you want to remove this PC?</source>
        <translation>Você tem certeza que deseja remover este PC?</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="322"/>
        <source>Moonlight is testing your network connection to determine if NVIDIA GameStream is blocked.</source>
        <translation>O Moonlight está testando sua conexão de Rede para determinar se o NVIDIA GameStream está bloqueado.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="322"/>
        <source>This may take a few seconds…</source>
        <translation>Isto deve levar alguns segundos…</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="333"/>
        <source>This network does not appear to be blocking Moonlight. If you still have trouble connecting, check your PC&apos;s firewall settings.</source>
        <translation>Esta rede não aparenta estar bloqueando o Moonlight. Se ainda tens problemas para conectar-se, verifique sua configuração do Firewall do PC.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="333"/>
        <source>If you are trying to stream over the Internet, install the Moonlight Internet Hosting Tool on your gaming PC and run the included Internet Streaming Tester to check your gaming PC&apos;s Internet connection.</source>
        <translation>Se você está tentando streamar pela Internet, instale a Ferramenta de Internet Hosting do Moonlight no seu PC Gamer e execute o Testador de Internet Streaming para verificar a conexão à Internet do seu PC Gamer.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="337"/>
        <source>Your PC&apos;s current network connection seems to be blocking Moonlight. Streaming over the Internet may not work while connected to this network.</source>
        <translation>A conexão de Rede atual de seu PC aparenta estar bloqueando o Moonlight. Streamando pela Internet deve não funcionar enquando conectado à esta Rede.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="337"/>
        <source>The following network ports were blocked:</source>
        <translation>Os seguintes portes da rede foram bloqueados:</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="329"/>
        <source>The network test could not be performed because none of Moonlight&apos;s connection testing servers were reachable from this PC. Check your Internet connection or try again later.</source>
        <translation>O teste de rede não pôde ser executado pois nenhum servidor de teste de conexão do Moonlight foi accesável por este PC. Verifique sua conexão à Internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="102"/>
        <source>Searching for PCs on your local network with NVIDIA GameStream enabled...</source>
        <translation>Procurando por PCs na sua rede local com o NVIDIA GameStream habilitado...</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="171"/>
        <source>PC Status: %1</source>
        <translation>Status do PC: %1</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="171"/>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="171"/>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="177"/>
        <source>View All Apps</source>
        <translation>Ver Todos Aplicativos</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="349"/>
        <source>Enter the new name for this PC:</source>
        <translation>Digite o novo nome para este PC:</translation>
        <location filename="../backend/computermanager.cpp" line="506"/>
        <source>The PIN from the PC didn&apos;t match. Please try again.</source>
        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
        <location filename="../backend/computermanager.cpp" line="510"/>
        <source>You cannot pair while a previous session is still running on the host PC. Quit any running games or reboot the host PC, then try pairing again.</source>
        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
        <location filename="../backend/computermanager.cpp" line="513"/>
        <source>Pairing failed. Please try again.</source>
        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
        <location filename="../backend/computermanager.cpp" line="517"/>
        <source>Another pairing attempt is already in progress.</source>
        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
        <location filename="../backend/computermanager.cpp" line="527"/>
        <source>GeForce Experience returned error: %1</source>
        <translation type="unfinished">GeForce Experience retornou um erro: %1</translation>
        <location filename="../backend/computermanager.cpp" line="577"/>
        <source>The running game wasn&apos;t started by this PC. You must quit the game on the host PC manually or use the device that originally started the game.</source>
        <translation>O jogo atualmente rodando não foi iniciado por este PC. Você deve sair do jogo no PC de host manualmente ou usar o dispositivo que originalmente executou o jogo.</translation>
        <location filename="../cli/pair.cpp" line="80"/>
        <source>%1 is already paired</source>
        <translation>%1 já se encontra pareado</translation>
        <source>You cannot pair while a previous session is still running on the host PC. Quit any running games or reboot the host PC, then try pairing again.</source>
        <translation type="vanished">Você não pode se conectar enquanto uma sessão ainda está ativa no PC de host. Encerre qualquer jogo em execução ou reinicie o PC de host, daí tente conectar-se novamente.</translation>
        <location filename="../cli/pair.cpp" line="109"/>
        <location filename="../cli/quitstream.cpp" line="76"/>
        <location filename="../cli/startstream.cpp" line="133"/>
        <source>Failed to connect to %1</source>
        <translation>Falha ao conectar ao %1</translation>
        <location filename="../cli/quitstream.cpp" line="88"/>
        <location filename="../cli/startstream.cpp" line="89"/>
        <source>Computer %1 has not been paired. Please open Moonlight to pair before streaming.</source>
        <translation>O Computador %1 não foi conectado. Por favor abrir o Moonlight para conectar-se antes de streamar.</translation>
        <location filename="../cli/quitstream.cpp" line="102"/>
        <location filename="../cli/startstream.cpp" line="126"/>
        <source>Quitting app failed, reason: %1</source>
        <translation>Não foi possível sair do aplicativo, razão: %1</translation>
        <location filename="../cli/startstream.cpp" line="137"/>
        <source>Failed to find application %1</source>
        <translation>Falha ao encontrar aplicativo %1</translation>
        <location filename="../cli/listapps.cpp" line="99"/>
        <source>Computer %1 has not been paired. Please open Moonlight to pair before retrieving games list.</source>
        <translation>Computador %1 ainda não foi pareado. Por favor abrir o Moonlight para parear antes de buscar lista de jogos.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/QuitSegue.qml" line="12"/>
        <source>Quitting %1...</source>
        <translation>Saindo %1...</translation>
        <source>No video received from host. Check the host PC&apos;s firewall and port forwarding rules.</source>
        <translation type="vanished">Kein Videosignal vom Host empfangen. Prüfe die Host Firewall und Portweiterleitungsregeln.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="91"/>
        <source>No video received from host.</source>
        <translation>Nenhum vídeo recebido do host.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="92"/>
        <source>Check your firewall and port forwarding rules for port(s): %1</source>
        <translation>Verifique suas regras de Firewall e Port Forwarding para o(s) port(s): %1</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="97"/>
        <source>Your network connection isn&apos;t performing well. Reduce your video bitrate setting or try a faster connection.</source>
        <translation>Sua conexão de rede não está funcionando bem. Reduza sua configuração de bitrate ou tente uma conexão mais rápida.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="103"/>
        <source>Something went wrong on your host PC when starting the stream.</source>
        <translation>Algo deu errado no seu PC de host quando a stream estava iniciando-se.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="104"/>
        <source>Make sure you don&apos;t have any DRM-protected content open on your host PC. You can also try restarting your host PC.</source>
        <translation>Assegure que não há nenhum conteúdo DRM-protegido aberto no seu PC de host. Você pode tentar re-iniciar seu PC de host.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="105"/>
        <source>If the issue persists, try reinstalling your GPU drivers and GeForce Experience.</source>
        <translation>Se o problema persistir, tente re-instalar seus drivers da GPU e o GeForce Experience.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="110"/>
        <source>The host PC reported a fatal video encoding error.</source>
        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="111"/>
        <source>Try disabling HDR mode, changing the streaming resolution, or changing your host PC&apos;s display resolution.</source>
        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="116"/>
        <source>Connection terminated</source>
        <translation>Conexão eliminada</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="661"/>
        <source>The version of GeForce Experience on %1 is not supported by this build of Moonlight. You must update Moonlight to stream from %1.</source>
        <translation>A versão do GeForce Experience no %1 não é suportada por esta versão do Moonlight. Você deve atualizar O Moonlight para streamar do %1.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="666"/>
        <source>Your selection to enable remote desktop mouse mode may cause problems in games.</source>
        <translation>Sua seleção para habilitar o modo mouse do desktop remoto deve causar problemas em jogos.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="671"/>
        <source>HDR is not supported with software decoding.</source>
        <translation>O HRD não é suportado com decodificação por software.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="675"/>
        <source>Your settings selection to force software decoding may cause poor streaming performance.</source>
        <translation>Suas configurações de seleção para forçar decodificação por software deve causar performance de streaming degradada.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="680"/>
        <source>Using unsupported FPS options may cause stuttering or lag.</source>
        <translation>Usar opções de FPS não-suportadas deve causar travamentos ou atrasos.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="683"/>
        <source>V-sync will be disabled when streaming at a higher frame rate than the display.</source>
        <translation>O V-sync será desabilitado quando streamando numa taxa de frames maior que a da tela.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="710"/>
        <source>Using software decoding due to your selection to force HEVC without GPU support. This may cause poor streaming performance.</source>
        <translation>Usando decodificação por software pela sua seleção para força HEVC sem suporte da GPU. Isso deve causar performance de streaming degradada.</translation>
        <source>This PC&apos;s GPU doesn&apos;t support HEVC decoding.</source>
        <translation type="vanished">Die Grafikkarte deines PC&apos;s unterstützt keine HEVC Dekodierung.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="693"/>
        <source>Your host PC GPU doesn&apos;t support HEVC. A GeForce GTX 900-series (Maxwell) or later GPU is required for HEVC streaming.</source>
        <translation>Sua GPU do PC de host não suporta HEVC. A GeForce GTX-900-series (Maxwell) ou uma GPU posterior é requerida para streamar com HEVC.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="724"/>
        <source>Using software decoding due to your selection to force H.264 without GPU support. This may cause poor streaming performance.</source>
        <translation>Usando decodificação por software pela sua seleção para forçar H.264 sem suporte de GPU. Isso deve causar performance de streaming degradada.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="734"/>
        <source>Your host PC and client PC don&apos;t support the same video codecs. This may cause poor streaming performance.</source>
        <translation>Seu PC de host e o PC de cliente não suportam os mesmos codecs de vídeo. Isso deve causar performance de streaming degradada.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="737"/>
        <source>Your client GPU doesn&apos;t support H.264 decoding. This may cause poor streaming performance.</source>
        <translation>Seu GPU do cliente não suporta decodificação H.264. Isso deve causar performance de streaming degradada.</translation>
        <source>%1 doesn&apos;t support HDR10.</source>
        <translation type="vanished">%1 não suporta HDR10.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="748"/>
        <source>Your host PC GPU doesn&apos;t support HDR streaming. A GeForce GTX 1000-series (Pascal) or later GPU is required for HDR streaming.</source>
        <translation>Seu GPU do PC de host não suporta streaming em HDR. Uma GeForce GTX 1000-series (Pascal) or uma GPU posterior é requerida para streamar com HDR.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="757"/>
        <source>This PC&apos;s GPU doesn&apos;t support HEVC Main10 decoding for HDR streaming.</source>
        <translation>A GPU deste PC não suporta decodificação HEVC Main10 para streaming em HDR.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="770"/>
        <source>GeForce Experience 3.0 or higher is required for 4K streaming.</source>
        <translation>GeForce Experience 3.0 or superior é requerido para streaming em 4K.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="785"/>
        <source>Your selected surround sound setting is not supported by the current audio device.</source>
        <translation>Sua configuração de surround seleçionada não é suportada pelo dispositivo de áudio atual.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="792"/>
        <source>Failed to open audio device. Audio will be unavailable during this session.</source>
        <translation>Falha ao abrir o dispositivo de áudio. Áudio estará indisponível durante esta sessão.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="797"/>
        <source>An attached gamepad has no mapping and won&apos;t be usable. Visit the Moonlight help to resolve this.</source>
        <translation>Um controle conectado não tem mapeamento e não será usável. Visite a Ajuda do Moonlight para resolver isso.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="805"/>
        <source>Your host PC&apos;s GPU doesn&apos;t support streaming video resolutions over 4K.</source>
        <translation>A GPU do seu PC de host não suporta streaming de resoluções de vídeo superiores à 4K.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="809"/>
        <source>Video resolutions over 4K are only supported by the HEVC codec.</source>
        <translation>Resoluções de vídeo superiores à 4K são suportadas apenas pelo codec HEVC.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="823"/>
        <source>Your selection to force hardware decoding cannot be satisfied due to missing hardware decoding support on this PC&apos;s GPU.</source>
        <translation>Sua seleção de forçar decodificação por hardware não pôde ser satisfeita pela fata de suporte à decodificação por hardware na GPU deste PC.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="826"/>
        <source>Your codec selection and force hardware decoding setting are not compatible. This PC&apos;s GPU lacks support for decoding your chosen codec.</source>
        <translation>Sua seleção de codec e forçamento de decodificação por hardware não são compatíveis. A GPU deste PC não tem suprte para decodificar seu codec selecionado.</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="1171"/>
        <source>GeForce Experience returned error: %1</source>
        <translation>GeForce Experience retornou um erro: %1</translation>
        <location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="1692"/>
        <source>Unable to initialize video decoder. Please check your streaming settings and try again.</source>
        <translation>Impossivel inicializar o decodificador de vídeo. Por favor verificar suas configurações de streaming e tente novamente.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="12"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="72"/>
        <source>Resolution and FPS</source>
        <translation>Resolução e FPS</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="80"/>
        <source>Setting values too high for your PC or network connection may cause lag, stuttering, or errors.</source>
        <translation>Valores de configuração muito altos para seu PC ou conexão de rede podem causar atrasos, travamentos, ou erros.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="62"/>
        <source>Basic Settings</source>
        <translation>Configurações Básicas</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="200"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="206"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="212"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="218"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="322"/>
        <source>Custom resolutions are not officially supported by GeForce Experience, so it will not set your host display resolution. You will need to set it manually while in game.</source>
        <translation>Resoluções customizadas não são oficialmente suportadas pelo GeForce Experience, então ele não colocará a resolução do display do host. Você terá de colocar ela manualmente dentro do jogo.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="323"/>
        <source>Resolutions that are not supported by your client or host PC may cause streaming errors.</source>
        <translation>Resoluções que não são suportadas pelo seu PC de host ou cliente deve causar erros de streaming.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="329"/>
        <source>Enter a custom resolution:</source>
        <translation>Coloque uma resolução customizada:</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="397"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="398"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="418"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="421"/>
        <source>%1 FPS</source>
        <translation>%1 FPS</translation>
        <source>%1 FPS (nicht unterstützt)</source>
        <translation type="vanished">%1 FPS (nicht unterstützt)</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="485"/>
        <source>Video bitrate:</source>
        <translation>Bitrate do vídeo:</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="493"/>
        <source>Lower the bitrate on slower connections. Raise the bitrate to increase image quality.</source>
        <translation>Abaixe o bitrate em conexões mais lentas. Aumente o bitrate para aumentar a qualidade de imagem.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="511"/>
        <source>Video bitrate: %1 Mbps</source>
        <translation>Bitrate do vídeo: %1 Mbps</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="519"/>
        <source>Display mode</source>
        <translation>Modo da tela</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="549"/>
        <source> (Recommended)</source>
        <translatorcomment>Dont put the space in ransaltions</translatorcomment>
        <translation> (Recomendado)</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="530"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="937"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="599"/>
        <source>Fullscreen generally provides the best performance, but borderless windowed may work better with features like macOS Spaces, Alt+Tab, screenshot tools, on-screen overlays, etc.</source>
        <translation>O modo Tela-cheia geralmente provém a melhor performance, mas Janela sem-bordas deve funcionar melhor com funcionalidades como o macOS Spaces, Alt+Tab, ferramentas de captura-de-tela, overlays da tela, etc.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="535"/>
        <source>Borderless windowed</source>
        <translation>Janela Sem-bordas</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="403"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="406"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="415"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="428"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="431"/>
        <source>%1 FPS (Unsupported)</source>
        <translation>%1 FPS (Não-suportado)</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="540"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="929"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="606"/>
        <translation>Sincronização Visual (V-Sync)</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="616"/>
        <source>Disabling V-Sync allows sub-frame rendering latency, but it can display visible tearing</source>
        <translation>Desabilitando o V-Sync provém latência de renderização Sub-frame, mas pode demonstrar cortes visíveis na tela</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="623"/>
        <source>Frame pacing</source>
        <translation>Rítimo do Frame</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="633"/>
        <source>Frame pacing reduces micro-stutter by delaying frames that come in too early</source>
        <translation>O Rítimo do Frame reduz travamentos leves via atrasando frames que chegam muito cedo</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="643"/>
        <source>Audio Settings</source>
        <translation>Configurações de Áudio</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="678"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="682"/>
        <source>5.1 surround sound</source>
        <translation>Som Surround 5.1</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="686"/>
        <source>7.1 surround sound</source>
        <translation>Som Surround 7.1</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="700"/>
        <source>Mute host PC speakers while streaming</source>
        <translation>Siencie os alto-falantes do PC de host enquanto streamando</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="710"/>
        <source>You must restart any game currently in progress for this setting to take effect</source>
        <translation>Você deve re-iniciar qualquer jogo atualmente em progresso para esta configuração fazer efeito</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="716"/>
        <source>Mute audio stream when Moonlight is not the active window</source>
        <translation>Silencie o áudio quando o Moonlight não é a janela ativa</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="727"/>
        <source>Mutes Moonlight&apos;s audio when you Alt+Tab out of the stream or click on a different window.</source>
        <translation>Silencia o áudio do Moonlight quando você Alt+Tab pra fora da stream ou clica numa janela diferente.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="736"/>
        <source>UI Settings</source>
        <translation>Configurações de UI</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="746"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="772"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="879"/>
        <source>You must restart Moonlight for this change to take effect</source>
        <translation>Você deve reiniciar o Moonlight para esta modificação fazer efeito</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="896"/>
        <source>GUI display mode</source>
        <translation>Modo de exibição da GUI</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="933"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1006"/>
        <source>Input Settings</source>
        <translation>Configurações de Entrada</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1027"/>
        <source>This enables seamless mouse control without capturing the client&apos;s mouse cursor. It is ideal for remote desktop usage but will not work in most games.</source>
        <translation>Isto habilita controle perfeito do mouse sem capturar o cursor do clente. É ideal para uso do Desktop Remoto mas não funcionará na maioria dos jogos.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1029"/>
        <source>NOTE: Due to a bug in GeForce Experience, this option may not work properly if your host PC has multiple monitors.</source>
        <translation>AVISO: Por causa de um bug no GeForce Experience, esta opção não deve funcionar corretamente se seu PC de host ter múltiplos monitores.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1345"/>
        <source>Enabling HDR overrides manual decoder selections.</source>
        <translation>Habilitar HDR sobrescreve seleções de decodificação manual.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1414"/>
        <source>Enabling HDR overrides manual codec selections.</source>
        <translation>Habilitar HDR sobrescreve seleções de codec manuais.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1420"/>
        <source>Enable HDR (Experimental)</source>
        <translation>Habilitar HDR (Experimental)</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1431"/>
        <source>The stream will be HDR-capable, but some games may require an HDR monitor on your host PC to enable HDR mode.</source>
        <translation>O stream será HDR-capaz, más alguns jogos podem requerer monitor de HDR no seu host PC para habilitar modo HDR.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1433"/>
        <source>HDR streaming is not supported on this PC.</source>
        <translation>HDR streaming não é suportado por este PC.</translation>
        <source>Capture system keyboard shortcuts while streaming in fullscreen</source>
        <translation type="vanished">Erfassen von System-Tastaturkürzeln beim Streaming im Vollbildmodus</translation>
        <source>This enables the capture of system-wide keyboard shortcuts like Alt+Tab that would normally be handled by the client OS while streaming in fullscreen.</source>
        <translation type="vanished">Dies ermöglicht die Erfassung von systemweiten Tastenkombinationen wie Alt+Tab, die normalerweise vom Client beim Streamen im Vollbildmodus ausgeführt werden würden.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1048"/>
        <source>NOTE: Certain keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+Alt+Del on Windows cannot be intercepted by any application, including Moonlight.</source>
        <translation>AVISO: Alguns atalhos de teclado como Ctrl+Alt+Del no Windows não poderão ser interceptados por nenhuma aplicação, incuíndo o Moonlight.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1111"/>
        <source>Use touchscreen as a virtual trackpad</source>
        <translation>Use o touchscreen como um trackpad virtual</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1128"/>
        <source>Swap left and right mouse buttons</source>
        <translation>Inverta os botões esquerdo e direito do mouse</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1140"/>
        <source>Reverse mouse scrolling direction</source>
        <translation>Inverta a diração da roda do mouse</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1154"/>
        <source>Gamepad Settings</source>
        <translation>Configurações do Controle</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1164"/>
        <source>Swap A/B and X/Y gamepad buttons</source>
        <translation>Troque os botões A/B e X/Y do Controle</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1182"/>
        <source>This switches gamepads into a Nintendo-style button layout</source>
        <translation>Isto troca controles para um layout de botões estilo-Nintendo</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1188"/>
        <source>Force gamepad #1 always connected</source>
        <translation>Forçe o controle #1 sempre estar conectado</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1198"/>
        <source>Forces a single gamepad to always stay connected to the host, even if no gamepads are actually connected to this PC.</source>
        <translation>Força um único controle sempre se manter conectado com o host, mesmo que nenhum controle esteja realmente conectado neste PC.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1028"/>
        <source>You can toggle this while streaming using Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M.</source>
        <translation>Você pode habilitar isto enquanto streamando usando Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1206"/>
        <source>Enable mouse control with gamepads by holding the &apos;Start&apos; button</source>
        <translation>Habilite o controle do mouse com controles enquanto segurando o botão &apos;Start&apos;</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1217"/>
        <source>Process gamepad input when Moonlight is in the background</source>
        <translation>Processe a entrada do controle quando o Moonlight estiver rodando no fundo</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1228"/>
        <source>Allows Moonlight to capture gamepad inputs even if it&apos;s not the current window in focus</source>
        <translation>Habilita o Moonlight para capturar entradas do controle mesmo se não for a janela em foco atual</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1237"/>
        <source>Host Settings</source>
        <translation>Configurações de Host</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1277"/>
        <source>Advanced Settings</source>
        <translation>Configurações Avançadas</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="653"/>
        <source>Audio configuration</source>
        <translation>Configuração de Áudio</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="950"/>
        <source>Show connection quality warnings</source>
        <translation>Mostre avisos de qualidade de conexão</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="962"/>
        <source>Discord Rich Presence integration</source>
        <translation>Integração de Avantajada Presença do Discord</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="972"/>
        <source>Updates your Discord status to display the name of the game you&apos;re streaming.</source>
        <translation>Atualize seu status do DIscord para mostrar o nome do jogo que você está streamando.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1199"/>
        <source>Only enable this option when streaming a game that doesn&apos;t support gamepads being connected after startup.</source>
        <translation>Apenas habilite esta opção quando streamando um jogo que não suporta contoles sendo conectados após a inicialização.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1017"/>
        <source>Optimize mouse for remote desktop instead of games</source>
        <translation>Otimize o mouse para Desktop Remoto ao contrário de jogos</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="978"/>
        <source>Keep the display awake while streaming</source>
        <translation>Manter o display ativo durante streaming</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="988"/>
        <source>Prevents the screensaver from starting or the display from going to sleep while streaming.</source>
        <translation>Impede que a tela de descanso inicie ou que o display adormeça durante streaming.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1039"/>
        <source>Capture system keyboard shortcuts</source>
        <translation>Capture teclas de atalho do sistema</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1047"/>
        <source>This enables the capture of system-wide keyboard shortcuts like Alt+Tab that would normally be handled by the client OS while streaming.</source>
        <translation>Isto habilita a captura de teclas de atalho do sistema como Alt+Tab que iriam normalmente ser manuseados pelo SO do cliente enquanto streamando.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1077"/>
        <source>in fullscreen</source>
        <translation>em tela-cheia</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1081"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1121"/>
        <source>When checked, the touchscreen acts like a trackpad. When unchecked, the touchscreen will directly control the mouse pointer.</source>
        <translation>Quando selecionado, o touchscreen age como um touchpad. Quando não-selecionado, o touchscreen diretamente controlará o ponteiro do mouse.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1247"/>
        <source>Optimize game settings for streaming</source>
        <translation>Otimize as configurações do jogo para streaming</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1258"/>
        <source>Quit app on host PC after ending stream</source>
        <translation>Saia do aplicativo no PC de host depois de terminar a stream</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1268"/>
        <source>This will close the app or game you are streaming when you end your stream. You will lose any unsaved progress!</source>
        <translation>Isto fechará o aplicativo ou jogo que estás streamando no momento que ela terminar. Você perderá qualquer progresso não salvo!</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1287"/>
        <source>Video decoder</source>
        <translation>Decodificador de vídeo</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1313"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1382"/>
        <source>Automatic (Recommended)</source>
        <translation>Automático (Recomendado)</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1317"/>
        <source>Force software decoding</source>
        <translation>Forçar decodificação via software</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1321"/>
        <source>Force hardware decoding</source>
        <translation>Forçar decodificação via hardware</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1351"/>
        <source>Video codec</source>
        <translation>Codec de vídeo</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1386"/>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1390"/>
        <source>HEVC (H.265)</source>
        <translation>HEVC (H.265)</translation>
        <source>HEVC HDR (Experimental)</source>
        <translation type="vanished">HEVC HRD (Experimental)</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1439"/>
        <source>Unlock unsupported FPS options</source>
        <translation>Desbloqueie opções de FPS não-suportadas</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1458"/>
        <source>Automatically find PCs on the local network (Recommended)</source>
        <translation>Encontre PCs na rede local automaticamente (Recomendado)</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1483"/>
        <source>Automatically detect blocked connections (Recommended)</source>
        <translation>Detecte conexões bloqueadas automaticamente (Recomendado)</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="11"/>
        <source>Resuming %1...</source>
        <translation>Resumindo %1...</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="12"/>
        <location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="19"/>
        <source>Starting %1...</source>
        <translation>Iniciando %1...</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="25"/>
        <source>Starting %1 failed: Error %2</source>
        <translation>Iniciando %1 falhou: Erro %2</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="28"/>
        <source>Check your firewall and port forwarding rules for port(s): %1</source>
        <translation>Verifique suas regras de firewall e/ou redirecionamento de portas para a(s) porta(s): %1</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="74"/>
        <source>This PC&apos;s Internet connection is blocking Moonlight. Streaming over the Internet may not work while connected to this network.</source>
        <translation>A conexão de internet deste PC está bloqueando o Moonlight. Streamando pela internet não deve funcionar enquanto conectado à esta rede.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="165"/>
        <location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="165"/>
        <source>Press %1 to disconnect your session</source>
        <translation>Pressione %1 para des-conectar sua sessão</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="166"/>
        <location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="166"/>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="418"/>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="265"/>
        <source>Version %1</source>
        <translation>Versão %1</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="281"/>
        <source>Join our community on Discord</source>
        <translation>Participe da nossa comunidade no Discord</translation>
        <translation type="vanished">Computadores</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="300"/>
        <source>Add PC manually</source>
        <translation>Adicione o PC manualmente</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="340"/>
        <source>Update available for Moonlight: Version %1</source>
        <translation>Atualização disponível para o Moonlight: Versão %1</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="387"/>
        <source>Gamepad Mapper</source>
        <translation>Mapeador de Controle</translation>
        <source>Gamepad Mapping</source>
        <translation type="vanished">Mapeamento de Controle</translation>
        <source>No functioning hardware accelerated H.264 video decoder was detected by Moonlight. Your streaming performance may be severely degraded in this configuration.</source>
        <translation type="vanished">Moonlight hat keinen funktionierenden hardwarebeschleunigten H.264-Videodecoder erkannt. Deine Streaming-Performance kann in dieser Konfiguration stark beeinträchtigt sein.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="433"/>
        <source>Hardware acceleration doesn&apos;t work on XWayland. Continuing on XWayland may result in poor streaming performance. Try running with QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland or switch to X11.</source>
        <translation>Aceleração de hardware não funciona no XWayland. Continuando com o XWayLand pode resultar em baixa performance de streaming. Tente rodar com QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland ou troque para X11.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="442"/>
        <source>This version of Moonlight isn&apos;t optimized for your PC. Please download the &apos;%1&apos; version of Moonlight for the best streaming performance.</source>
        <translation>Esta versão do Moonlight não é otimizada para seu PC. Por favor baixe a versão &apos;%1&apos; do Moonlight para a melhor performance de streaming.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="451"/>
        <source>Moonlight detected gamepads without a mapping:</source>
        <translation>O Moonlight detectou controles sem mapeamento:</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="364"/>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="425"/>
        <source>No functioning hardware accelerated video decoder was detected by Moonlight. Your streaming performance may be severely degraded in this configuration.</source>
        <translation>Nenhum decodificador de vídeo acelerado por hardware foi detectado pelo Moonlight. Sua performance de streaming pode ser severamente degradada por esta configuração.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="427"/>
        <source>Click the Help button for more information on solving this problem.</source>
        <translation>Clique no botão de Ajuda para mais informações sobre a resolução deste problema.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="435"/>
        <source>Click the Help button for more information.</source>
        <translation>Clique o botão de Ajuda para mais informações.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="453"/>
        <source>Click the Help button for information on how to map your gamepads.</source>
        <translation>Clique no botão de Ajuda para informações em como mapear seus controles.</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="461"/>
        <source>Are you sure you want to quit?</source>
        <translation>Tem certeza que deseja sair?</translation>
        <location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="491"/>
        <source>Enter the IP address of your GameStream PC:</source>
        <translation>Inserte o endereço de IP do seu PC de GameStream:</translation>