#pragma once #include "nvhttp.h" #include "nvaddress.h" #include #include #include #include class CopySafeReadWriteLock : public QReadWriteLock { public: CopySafeReadWriteLock() = default; // Don't actually copy the QReadWriteLock CopySafeReadWriteLock(const CopySafeReadWriteLock&) {} CopySafeReadWriteLock& operator=(const CopySafeReadWriteLock &) { return *this; } }; class NvComputer { friend class PcMonitorThread; friend class ComputerManager; friend class PendingQuitTask; private: void sortAppList(); bool updateAppList(QVector newAppList); bool pendingQuit; public: NvComputer() = default; // Caller is responsible for synchronizing read access to the other host NvComputer(const NvComputer&) = default; // Caller is responsible for synchronizing read access to the other host NvComputer& operator=(const NvComputer &) = default; explicit NvComputer(NvHTTP& http, QString serverInfo); explicit NvComputer(QSettings& settings); void setRemoteAddress(QHostAddress); bool update(const NvComputer& that); bool wake() const; enum ReachabilityType { RI_UNKNOWN, RI_LAN, RI_VPN, }; ReachabilityType getActiveAddressReachability() const; QVector uniqueAddresses() const; void serialize(QSettings& settings, bool serializeApps) const; // Caller is responsible for synchronizing read access to both hosts bool isEqualSerialized(const NvComputer& that) const; enum PairState { PS_UNKNOWN, PS_PAIRED, PS_NOT_PAIRED }; enum ComputerState { CS_UNKNOWN, CS_ONLINE, CS_OFFLINE }; // Ephemeral traits ComputerState state; PairState pairState; NvAddress activeAddress; uint16_t activeHttpsPort; int currentGameId; QString gfeVersion; QString appVersion; QVector displayModes; int maxLumaPixelsHEVC; int serverCodecModeSupport; QString gpuModel; bool isSupportedServerVersion; // Persisted traits NvAddress localAddress; NvAddress remoteAddress; NvAddress ipv6Address; NvAddress manualAddress; QByteArray macAddress; QString name; bool hasCustomName; QString uuid; QSslCertificate serverCert; QVector appList; bool isNvidiaServerSoftware; // Remember to update isEqualSerialized() when adding fields here! // Synchronization mutable CopySafeReadWriteLock lock; private: uint16_t externalPort; };