#include #include #include "streaming/session.h" #include "settings/mappingmanager.h" #include "path.h" #include #include #define MOUSE_POLLING_INTERVAL 5 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 HHOOK g_KeyboardHook; #endif SdlInputHandler::SdlInputHandler(StreamingPreferences& prefs, NvComputer*, int streamWidth, int streamHeight) : m_MultiController(prefs.multiController), m_GamepadMouse(prefs.gamepadMouse), m_SwapMouseButtons(prefs.swapMouseButtons), m_ReverseScrollDirection(prefs.reverseScrollDirection), m_SwapFaceButtons(prefs.swapFaceButtons), m_MouseMoveTimer(0), m_MousePositionLock(0), m_MouseWasInVideoRegion(false), m_PendingMouseButtonsAllUpOnVideoRegionLeave(false), m_FakeCaptureActive(false), m_CaptureSystemKeysEnabled(false), m_LongPressTimer(0), m_StreamWidth(streamWidth), m_StreamHeight(streamHeight), m_AbsoluteMouseMode(prefs.absoluteMouseMode), m_AbsoluteTouchMode(prefs.absoluteTouchMode), m_PendingMouseLeaveButtonUp(0), m_LeftButtonReleaseTimer(0), m_RightButtonReleaseTimer(0), m_DragTimer(0), m_DragButton(0), m_NumFingersDown(0) { // Allow gamepad input when the app doesn't have focus if requested SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_ALLOW_BACKGROUND_EVENTS, prefs.backgroundGamepad ? "1" : "0"); // If absolute mouse mode is enabled, use relative mode warp (which // is via normal motion events that are influenced by mouse acceleration). // Otherwise, we'll use raw input capture which is straight from the device // without modification by the OS. SDL_SetHintWithPriority(SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_MODE_WARP, prefs.absoluteMouseMode ? "1" : "0", SDL_HINT_OVERRIDE); // If we're grabbing system keys, enable the X11 keyboard grab in SDL SDL_SetHintWithPriority(SDL_HINT_GRAB_KEYBOARD, m_CaptureSystemKeysEnabled ? "1" : "0", SDL_HINT_OVERRIDE); // Allow clicks to pass through to us when focusing the window. If we're in // absolute mouse mode, this will avoid the user having to click twice to // trigger a click on the host if the Moonlight window is not focused. In // relative mode, the click event will trigger the mouse to be recaptured. SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH, "1"); // Enabling extended input reports allows rumble to function on Bluetooth PS4/PS5 // controllers, but breaks DirectInput applications. We will enable it because // it's likely that working rumble is what the user is expecting. If they don't // want this behavior, they can override it with the environment variable. SDL_SetHint("SDL_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_PS4_RUMBLE", "1"); SDL_SetHint("SDL_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_PS5_RUMBLE", "1"); m_OldIgnoreDevices = SDL_GetHint(SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES); m_OldIgnoreDevicesExcept = SDL_GetHint(SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES_EXCEPT); QString streamIgnoreDevices = qgetenv("STREAM_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES"); QString streamIgnoreDevicesExcept = qgetenv("STREAM_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES_EXCEPT"); if (!streamIgnoreDevices.isEmpty() && !streamIgnoreDevices.endsWith(',')) { streamIgnoreDevices += ','; } streamIgnoreDevices += m_OldIgnoreDevices; // For SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES, we use the union of SDL_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES // and STREAM_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES while streaming. STREAM_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES_EXCEPT // overrides SDL_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES_EXCEPT while streaming. SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES, streamIgnoreDevices.toUtf8()); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES_EXCEPT, streamIgnoreDevicesExcept.toUtf8()); // We must initialize joystick explicitly before gamecontroller in order // to ensure we receive gamecontroller attach events for gamepads where // SDL doesn't have a built-in mapping. By starting joystick first, we // can allow mapping manager to update the mappings before GC attach // events are generated. SDL_assert(!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK)); if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) != 0) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); } MappingManager mappingManager; mappingManager.applyMappings(); // Flush gamepad arrival and departure events which may be queued before // starting the gamecontroller subsystem again. This prevents us from // receiving duplicate arrival and departure events for the same gamepad. SDL_FlushEvent(SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED); SDL_FlushEvent(SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED); // We need to reinit this each time, since you only get // an initial set of gamepad arrival events once per init. SDL_assert(!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER)); if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER) != 0) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER) failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); } #if !SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 9) SDL_assert(!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_HAPTIC)); if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_HAPTIC) != 0) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_HAPTIC) failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); } #endif // Initialize the gamepad mask with currently attached gamepads to avoid // causing gamepads to unexpectedly disappear and reappear on the host // during stream startup as we detect currently attached gamepads one at a time. m_GamepadMask = getAttachedGamepadMask(); SDL_zero(m_GamepadState); SDL_zero(m_LastTouchDownEvent); SDL_zero(m_LastTouchUpEvent); SDL_zero(m_TouchDownEvent); SDL_zero(m_MousePositionReport); SDL_AtomicSet(&m_MouseDeltaX, 0); SDL_AtomicSet(&m_MouseDeltaY, 0); SDL_AtomicSet(&m_MousePositionUpdated, 0); Uint32 pollingInterval = QString(qgetenv("MOUSE_POLLING_INTERVAL")).toUInt(); if (pollingInterval == 0) { pollingInterval = MOUSE_POLLING_INTERVAL; } else { SDL_LogWarn(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Using custom mouse polling interval: %u ms", pollingInterval); } m_MouseMoveTimer = SDL_AddTimer(pollingInterval, SdlInputHandler::mouseMoveTimerCallback, this); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 if (m_CaptureSystemKeysEnabled) { // If system key capture is enabled, install the window hook required to intercept // these key presses and block them from the OS itself. g_KeyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, SdlInputHandler::keyboardHookProc, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0); } #endif } SdlInputHandler::~SdlInputHandler() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 if (g_KeyboardHook != nullptr) { UnhookWindowsHookEx(g_KeyboardHook); g_KeyboardHook = nullptr; } #endif for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GAMEPADS; i++) { if (m_GamepadState[i].mouseEmulationTimer != 0) { Session::get()->notifyMouseEmulationMode(false); SDL_RemoveTimer(m_GamepadState[i].mouseEmulationTimer); } #if !SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 9) if (m_GamepadState[i].haptic != nullptr) { SDL_HapticClose(m_GamepadState[i].haptic); } #endif if (m_GamepadState[i].controller != nullptr) { SDL_GameControllerClose(m_GamepadState[i].controller); } } SDL_RemoveTimer(m_MouseMoveTimer); SDL_RemoveTimer(m_LongPressTimer); SDL_RemoveTimer(m_LeftButtonReleaseTimer); SDL_RemoveTimer(m_RightButtonReleaseTimer); SDL_RemoveTimer(m_DragTimer); #if !SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 9) SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_HAPTIC); SDL_assert(!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_HAPTIC)); #endif SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER); SDL_assert(!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER)); SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK); SDL_assert(!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK)); // Return background event handling to off SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_ALLOW_BACKGROUND_EVENTS, "0"); // Restore the ignored devices SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES, m_OldIgnoreDevices.toUtf8()); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES_EXCEPT, m_OldIgnoreDevicesExcept.toUtf8()); #ifdef STEAM_LINK // Hide SDL's cursor on Steam Link after quitting the stream. // FIXME: We should also do this for other situations where SDL // and Qt will draw their own mouse cursors like KMSDRM or RPi // video backends. SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); #endif } void SdlInputHandler::setWindow(SDL_Window *window) { m_Window = window; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 LRESULT CALLBACK SdlInputHandler::keyboardHookProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (nCode < 0 || nCode != HC_ACTION) { return CallNextHookEx(g_KeyboardHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); } SDL_Event event = {}; KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT* hookData = (KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam; switch (hookData->vkCode) { case VK_LWIN: event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_LGUI; event.key.keysym.scancode = SDL_SCANCODE_LGUI; break; case VK_RWIN: event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_RGUI; event.key.keysym.scancode = SDL_SCANCODE_RGUI; break; case VK_LMENU: event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_LALT; event.key.keysym.scancode = SDL_SCANCODE_LALT; break; case VK_RMENU: event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_RALT; event.key.keysym.scancode = SDL_SCANCODE_RALT; break; case VK_LCONTROL: event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_LCTRL; event.key.keysym.scancode = SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL; break; case VK_RCONTROL: event.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_RCTRL; event.key.keysym.scancode = SDL_SCANCODE_RCTRL; break; default: // Bail quickly if it's not a key we care about goto NextHook; } // Make sure we're in a state where we actually want to steal this event (and it is safe to do so) Session* session = Session::get(); if (session == nullptr || session->m_InputHandler == nullptr || !session->m_InputHandler->isSystemKeyCaptureActive()) { goto NextHook; } // If this is a key we're going to intercept, create the synthetic SDL event. // This is necessary because we are also hiding this key event from ourselves too. if (wParam == WM_KEYDOWN || wParam == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) { event.type = SDL_KEYDOWN; event.key.state = SDL_PRESSED; } else { event.type = SDL_KEYUP; event.key.state = SDL_RELEASED; } event.key.timestamp = SDL_GetTicks(); event.key.windowID = SDL_GetWindowID(session->m_Window); event.key.keysym.mod = SDL_GetModState(); switch (hookData->vkCode) { case VK_LWIN: if (event.key.state == SDL_PRESSED) { event.key.keysym.mod |= KMOD_LGUI; } else { event.key.keysym.mod &= ~KMOD_LGUI; } break; case VK_RWIN: if (event.key.state == SDL_PRESSED) { event.key.keysym.mod |= KMOD_RGUI; } else { event.key.keysym.mod &= ~KMOD_RGUI; } break; case VK_LMENU: if (event.key.state == SDL_PRESSED) { event.key.keysym.mod |= KMOD_LALT; } else { event.key.keysym.mod &= ~KMOD_LALT; } break; case VK_RMENU: if (event.key.state == SDL_PRESSED) { event.key.keysym.mod |= KMOD_RALT; } else { event.key.keysym.mod &= ~KMOD_RALT; } break; case VK_LCONTROL: if (event.key.state == SDL_PRESSED) { event.key.keysym.mod |= KMOD_LCTRL; } else { event.key.keysym.mod &= ~KMOD_LCTRL; } break; case VK_RCONTROL: if (event.key.state == SDL_PRESSED) { event.key.keysym.mod |= KMOD_RCTRL; } else { event.key.keysym.mod &= ~KMOD_RCTRL; } break; } // NOTE: event.key.repeat is not populated in this path! SDL_PushEvent(&event); // Synchronize SDL's modifier state with the current state. // SDL won't do this on its own because it will never see the // WM_KEYUP/WM_KEYDOWN events. SDL_SetModState((SDL_Keymod)event.key.keysym.mod); return 1; NextHook: return CallNextHookEx(g_KeyboardHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); } #endif void SdlInputHandler::raiseAllKeys() { if (m_KeysDown.isEmpty()) { return; } SDL_LogInfo(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Raising %d keys", (int)m_KeysDown.count()); for (auto keyDown : m_KeysDown) { LiSendKeyboardEvent(keyDown, KEY_ACTION_UP, 0); } m_KeysDown.clear(); } void SdlInputHandler::notifyMouseLeave() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 // SDL on Windows doesn't send the mouse button up until the mouse re-enters the window // after leaving it. This breaks some of the Aero snap gestures, so we'll fake it here. if (m_AbsoluteMouseMode && isCaptureActive()) { // NB: Not using SDL_GetGlobalMouseState() because we want our state not the system's Uint32 mouseState = SDL_GetMouseState(nullptr, nullptr); for (Uint32 button = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT; button <= SDL_BUTTON_X2; button++) { if (mouseState & SDL_BUTTON(button)) { m_PendingMouseLeaveButtonUp = button; break; } } } #endif } void SdlInputHandler::notifyFocusLost() { // Release mouse cursor when another window is activated (e.g. by using ALT+TAB). // This lets user to interact with our window's title bar and with the buttons in it. // Doing this while the window is full-screen breaks the transition out of FS // (desktop and exclusive), so we must check for that before releasing mouse capture. if (!(SDL_GetWindowFlags(m_Window) & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) && !m_AbsoluteMouseMode) { setCaptureActive(false); } // Raise all keys that are currently pressed. If we don't do this, certain keys // used in shortcuts that cause focus loss (such as Alt+Tab) may get stuck down. raiseAllKeys(); } bool SdlInputHandler::isCaptureActive() { if (SDL_GetRelativeMouseMode()) { return true; } // Some platforms don't support SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode return m_FakeCaptureActive; } bool SdlInputHandler::isSystemKeyCaptureActive() { if (!m_CaptureSystemKeysEnabled) { return false; } if (m_Window == nullptr) { return false; } Uint32 windowFlags = SDL_GetWindowFlags(m_Window); return (windowFlags & SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS) && (windowFlags & SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_GRABBED) && (windowFlags & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); } void SdlInputHandler::setCaptureActive(bool active) { if (active) { // If we're in full-screen exclusive mode, grab the cursor so it can't accidentally leave our window. // If we're in full-screen desktop mode but system key capture is enabled, also grab the cursor (will grab the keyboard too on X11). if (((SDL_GetWindowFlags(m_Window) & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP) != 0 && m_CaptureSystemKeysEnabled) || (SDL_GetWindowFlags(m_Window) & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP) == SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) { SDL_SetWindowGrab(m_Window, SDL_TRUE); } if (!m_AbsoluteMouseMode) { // If our window is occluded when mouse is captured, the mouse may // get stuck on top of the occluding window and not be properly // captured. We can avoid this by raising our window before we // capture the mouse. SDL_RaiseWindow(m_Window); } // If we're in relative mode, try to activate SDL's relative mouse mode if (m_AbsoluteMouseMode || SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_TRUE) < 0) { // Relative mouse mode didn't work or was disabled, so we'll just hide the cursor SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); m_FakeCaptureActive = true; } // Synchronize the client and host cursor when activating absolute capture if (m_AbsoluteMouseMode) { int mouseX, mouseY; int windowX, windowY; // We have to use SDL_GetGlobalMouseState() because macOS may not reflect // the new position of the mouse when outside the window. SDL_GetGlobalMouseState(&mouseX, &mouseY); // Convert global mouse state to window-relative SDL_GetWindowPosition(m_Window, &windowX, &windowY); mouseX -= windowX; mouseY -= windowY; if (isMouseInVideoRegion(mouseX, mouseY)) { updateMousePositionReport(mouseX, mouseY); } } } else { if (m_FakeCaptureActive) { // Display the cursor again SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); m_FakeCaptureActive = false; } else { SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_FALSE); } // Allow the cursor to leave the bounds of our window again. SDL_SetWindowGrab(m_Window, SDL_FALSE); } } void SdlInputHandler::handleTouchFingerEvent(SDL_TouchFingerEvent* event) { #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 10) if (SDL_GetTouchDeviceType(event->touchId) != SDL_TOUCH_DEVICE_DIRECT) { // Ignore anything that isn't a touchscreen. We may get callbacks // for trackpads, but we want to handle those in the mouse path. return; } #elif defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) // SDL2 sends touch events from trackpads by default on // macOS. This totally screws our actual mouse handling, // so we must explicitly ignore touch events on macOS // until SDL 2.0.10 where we have SDL_GetTouchDeviceType() // to tell them apart. return; #endif if (m_AbsoluteTouchMode) { handleAbsoluteFingerEvent(event); } else { handleRelativeFingerEvent(event); } }