#include "nvcomputer.h" #include "nvapp.h" #include "settings/compatfetcher.h" #include #include #include #include #define SER_NAME "hostname" #define SER_UUID "uuid" #define SER_MAC "mac" #define SER_LOCALADDR "localaddress" #define SER_LOCALPORT "localport" #define SER_REMOTEADDR "remoteaddress" #define SER_REMOTEPORT "remoteport" #define SER_MANUALADDR "manualaddress" #define SER_MANUALPORT "manualport" #define SER_IPV6ADDR "ipv6address" #define SER_IPV6PORT "ipv6port" #define SER_APPLIST "apps" #define SER_SRVCERT "srvcert" #define SER_CUSTOMNAME "customname" #define SER_NVIDIASOFTWARE "nvidiasw" NvComputer::NvComputer(QSettings& settings) { this->name = settings.value(SER_NAME).toString(); this->uuid = settings.value(SER_UUID).toString(); this->hasCustomName = settings.value(SER_CUSTOMNAME).toBool(); this->macAddress = settings.value(SER_MAC).toByteArray(); this->localAddress = NvAddress(settings.value(SER_LOCALADDR).toString(), settings.value(SER_LOCALPORT, QVariant(DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT)).toUInt()); this->remoteAddress = NvAddress(settings.value(SER_REMOTEADDR).toString(), settings.value(SER_REMOTEPORT, QVariant(DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT)).toUInt()); this->ipv6Address = NvAddress(settings.value(SER_IPV6ADDR).toString(), settings.value(SER_IPV6PORT, QVariant(DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT)).toUInt()); this->manualAddress = NvAddress(settings.value(SER_MANUALADDR).toString(), settings.value(SER_MANUALPORT, QVariant(DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT)).toUInt()); this->serverCert = QSslCertificate(settings.value(SER_SRVCERT).toByteArray()); this->isNvidiaServerSoftware = settings.value(SER_NVIDIASOFTWARE).toBool(); int appCount = settings.beginReadArray(SER_APPLIST); this->appList.reserve(appCount); for (int i = 0; i < appCount; i++) { settings.setArrayIndex(i); NvApp app(settings); this->appList.append(app); } settings.endArray(); sortAppList(); this->currentGameId = 0; this->pairState = PS_UNKNOWN; this->state = CS_UNKNOWN; this->gfeVersion = nullptr; this->appVersion = nullptr; this->maxLumaPixelsHEVC = 0; this->serverCodecModeSupport = 0; this->pendingQuit = false; this->gpuModel = nullptr; this->isSupportedServerVersion = true; this->externalPort = this->remoteAddress.port(); this->activeHttpsPort = 0; } void NvComputer::setRemoteAddress(QHostAddress address) { QWriteLocker lock(&this->lock); Q_ASSERT(this->externalPort != 0); this->remoteAddress = NvAddress(address, this->externalPort); } void NvComputer::serialize(QSettings& settings) const { QReadLocker lock(&this->lock); settings.setValue(SER_NAME, name); settings.setValue(SER_CUSTOMNAME, hasCustomName); settings.setValue(SER_UUID, uuid); settings.setValue(SER_MAC, macAddress); settings.setValue(SER_LOCALADDR, localAddress.address()); settings.setValue(SER_LOCALPORT, localAddress.port()); settings.setValue(SER_REMOTEADDR, remoteAddress.address()); settings.setValue(SER_REMOTEPORT, remoteAddress.port()); settings.setValue(SER_IPV6ADDR, ipv6Address.address()); settings.setValue(SER_IPV6PORT, ipv6Address.port()); settings.setValue(SER_MANUALADDR, manualAddress.address()); settings.setValue(SER_MANUALPORT, manualAddress.port()); settings.setValue(SER_SRVCERT, serverCert.toPem()); settings.setValue(SER_NVIDIASOFTWARE, isNvidiaServerSoftware); // Avoid deleting an existing applist if we couldn't get one if (!appList.isEmpty()) { settings.remove(SER_APPLIST); settings.beginWriteArray(SER_APPLIST); for (int i = 0; i < appList.count(); i++) { settings.setArrayIndex(i); appList[i].serialize(settings); } settings.endArray(); } } void NvComputer::sortAppList() { std::stable_sort(appList.begin(), appList.end(), [](const NvApp& app1, const NvApp& app2) { return app1.name.toLower() < app2.name.toLower(); }); } NvComputer::NvComputer(NvHTTP& http, QString serverInfo) { this->serverCert = http.serverCert(); this->hasCustomName = false; this->name = NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "hostname"); if (this->name.isEmpty()) { this->name = "UNKNOWN"; } this->uuid = NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "uniqueid"); QString newMacString = NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "mac"); if (newMacString != "00:00:00:00:00:00") { QStringList macOctets = newMacString.split(':'); for (const QString& macOctet : macOctets) { this->macAddress.append((char) macOctet.toInt(nullptr, 16)); } } QString codecSupport = NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "ServerCodecModeSupport"); if (!codecSupport.isEmpty()) { this->serverCodecModeSupport = codecSupport.toInt(); } else { // Assume H.264 is always supported this->serverCodecModeSupport = SCM_H264; } QString maxLumaPixelsHEVC = NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "MaxLumaPixelsHEVC"); if (!maxLumaPixelsHEVC.isEmpty()) { this->maxLumaPixelsHEVC = maxLumaPixelsHEVC.toInt(); } else { this->maxLumaPixelsHEVC = 0; } this->displayModes = NvHTTP::getDisplayModeList(serverInfo); std::stable_sort(this->displayModes.begin(), this->displayModes.end(), [](const NvDisplayMode& mode1, const NvDisplayMode& mode2) { return (uint64_t)mode1.width * mode1.height * mode1.refreshRate < (uint64_t)mode2.width * mode2.height * mode2.refreshRate; }); // We can get an IPv4 loopback address if we're using the GS IPv6 Forwarder this->localAddress = NvAddress(NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "LocalIP"), http.httpPort()); if (this->localAddress.address().startsWith("127.")) { this->localAddress = NvAddress(); } QString httpsPort = NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "HttpsPort"); if (httpsPort.isEmpty() || (this->activeHttpsPort = httpsPort.toUShort()) == 0) { this->activeHttpsPort = DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT; } // This is an extension which is not present in GFE. It is present for Sunshine to be able // to support dynamic HTTP WAN ports without requiring the user to manually enter the port. QString remotePortStr = NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "ExternalPort"); if (remotePortStr.isEmpty() || (this->externalPort = remotePortStr.toUShort()) == 0) { this->externalPort = http.httpPort(); } QString remoteAddress = NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "ExternalIP"); if (!remoteAddress.isEmpty()) { this->remoteAddress = NvAddress(remoteAddress, this->externalPort); } else { this->remoteAddress = NvAddress(); } // Real Nvidia host software (GeForce Experience and RTX Experience) both use the 'Mjolnir' // codename in the state field and no version of Sunshine does. We can use this to bypass // some assumptions about Nvidia hardware that don't apply to Sunshine hosts. this->isNvidiaServerSoftware = NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "state").contains("MJOLNIR"); this->pairState = NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "PairStatus") == "1" ? PS_PAIRED : PS_NOT_PAIRED; this->currentGameId = NvHTTP::getCurrentGame(serverInfo); this->appVersion = NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "appversion"); this->gfeVersion = NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "GfeVersion"); this->gpuModel = NvHTTP::getXmlString(serverInfo, "gputype"); this->activeAddress = http.address(); this->state = NvComputer::CS_ONLINE; this->pendingQuit = false; this->isSupportedServerVersion = CompatFetcher::isGfeVersionSupported(this->gfeVersion); } bool NvComputer::wake() const { QByteArray wolPayload; { QReadLocker readLocker(&lock); if (state == NvComputer::CS_ONLINE) { qWarning() << name << "is already online"; return true; } if (macAddress.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << name << "has no MAC address stored"; return false; } // Create the WoL payload wolPayload.append(QByteArray::fromHex("FFFFFFFFFFFF")); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { wolPayload.append(macAddress); } Q_ASSERT(wolPayload.count() == 102); } // Ports used as-is const quint16 STATIC_WOL_PORTS[] = { 9, // Standard WOL port (privileged port) 47009, // Port opened by Moonlight Internet Hosting Tool for WoL (non-privileged port) }; // Ports offset by the HTTP base port for hosts using alternate ports const quint16 DYNAMIC_WOL_PORTS[] = { 47998, 47999, 48000, 48002, 48010, // Ports opened by GFE }; // Add the addresses that we know this host to be // and broadcast addresses for this link just in // case the host has timed out in ARP entries. QMap addressMap; QSet basePortSet; for (const NvAddress& addr : uniqueAddresses()) { addressMap.insert(addr.address(), addr.port()); basePortSet.insert(addr.port()); } addressMap.insert("", 0); // Try to broadcast on all available NICs for (const QNetworkInterface& nic : QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces()) { // Ensure the interface is up and skip the loopback adapter if ((nic.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsUp) == 0 || (nic.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsLoopBack) != 0) { continue; } QHostAddress allNodesMulticast("FF02::1"); for (const QNetworkAddressEntry& addr : nic.addressEntries()) { // Store the scope ID for this NIC if IPv6 is enabled if (!addr.ip().scopeId().isEmpty()) { allNodesMulticast.setScopeId(addr.ip().scopeId()); } // Skip IPv6 which doesn't support broadcast if (!addr.broadcast().isNull()) { addressMap.insert(addr.broadcast().toString(), 0); } } if (!allNodesMulticast.scopeId().isEmpty()) { addressMap.insert(allNodesMulticast.toString(), 0); } } // Try all unique address strings or host names bool success = false; for (auto i = addressMap.constBegin(); i != addressMap.constEnd(); i++) { QHostAddress literalAddress; QList addressList; // If this is an IPv4/IPv6 literal, don't use QHostInfo::fromName() because that will // try to perform a reverse DNS lookup that leads to delays sending WoL packets. if (literalAddress.setAddress(i.key())) { addressList.append(literalAddress); } else { QHostInfo hostInfo = QHostInfo::fromName(i.key()); if (hostInfo.error() != QHostInfo::NoError) { qWarning() << "Error resolving" << i.key() << ":" << hostInfo.errorString(); continue; } addressList.append(hostInfo.addresses()); } // Try all IP addresses that this string resolves to for (QHostAddress& address : addressList) { QUdpSocket sock; // Send to all static ports for (quint16 port : STATIC_WOL_PORTS) { if (sock.writeDatagram(wolPayload, address, port)) { qInfo().nospace().noquote() << "Sent WoL packet to " << name << " via " << address.toString() << ":" << port; success = true; } else { qWarning() << "Send failed:" << sock.error(); } } QList basePorts; if (i.value() != 0) { // If we have a known base port for this address, use only that port basePorts.append(i.value()); } else { // If this is a broadcast address without a known HTTP port, try all of them basePorts.append(basePortSet.values()); } // Send to all dynamic ports using the HTTP port offset(s) for this address for (quint16 basePort : basePorts) { for (quint16 port : DYNAMIC_WOL_PORTS) { port = (port - 47989) + basePort; if (sock.writeDatagram(wolPayload, address, port)) { qInfo().nospace().noquote() << "Sent WoL packet to " << name << " via " << address.toString() << ":" << port; success = true; } else { qWarning() << "Send failed:" << sock.error(); } } } } } return success; } NvComputer::ReachabilityType NvComputer::getActiveAddressReachability() const { NvAddress copyOfActiveAddress; { QReadLocker readLocker(&lock); if (activeAddress.isNull()) { return ReachabilityType::RI_UNKNOWN; } // Grab a copy of the active address to avoid having to hold // the computer lock while doing socket operations copyOfActiveAddress = activeAddress; } QTcpSocket s; s.setProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); s.connectToHost(copyOfActiveAddress.address(), copyOfActiveAddress.port()); if (s.waitForConnected(3000)) { Q_ASSERT(!s.localAddress().isNull()); for (const QNetworkInterface& nic : QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces()) { // Ensure the interface is up if ((nic.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsUp) == 0) { continue; } for (const QNetworkAddressEntry& addr : nic.addressEntries()) { if (addr.ip() == s.localAddress()) { qInfo() << "Found matching interface:" << nic.humanReadableName() << nic.hardwareAddress() << nic.flags(); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 11, 0) qInfo() << "Interface Type:" << nic.type(); qInfo() << "Interface MTU:" << nic.maximumTransmissionUnit(); if (nic.type() == QNetworkInterface::Virtual || nic.type() == QNetworkInterface::Ppp) { // Treat PPP and virtual interfaces as likely VPNs return ReachabilityType::RI_VPN; } if (nic.maximumTransmissionUnit() != 0 && nic.maximumTransmissionUnit() < 1500) { // Treat MTUs under 1500 as likely VPNs return ReachabilityType::RI_VPN; } #endif if (nic.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsPointToPoint) { // Treat point-to-point links as likely VPNs. // This check detects OpenVPN on Unix-like OSes. return ReachabilityType::RI_VPN; } if (nic.hardwareAddress().startsWith("00:FF", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // OpenVPN TAP interfaces have a MAC address starting with 00:FF on Windows return ReachabilityType::RI_VPN; } if (nic.humanReadableName().startsWith("ZeroTier")) { // ZeroTier interfaces always start with "ZeroTier" return ReachabilityType::RI_VPN; } if (nic.humanReadableName().contains("VPN")) { // This one is just a final VPN heuristic if all else fails return ReachabilityType::RI_VPN; } // Didn't meet any of our VPN heuristics. Let's see if it's on-link. Q_ASSERT(addr.prefixLength() >= 0); if (addr.prefixLength() >= 0 && s.localAddress().isInSubnet(addr.ip(), addr.prefixLength())) { return ReachabilityType::RI_LAN; } // Default to unknown if nothing else matched return ReachabilityType::RI_UNKNOWN; } } } qWarning() << "No match found for address:" << s.localAddress(); return ReachabilityType::RI_UNKNOWN; } else { // If we fail to connect, just pretend that it's not a VPN qWarning() << "Unable to check for reachability within 3 seconds"; return ReachabilityType::RI_UNKNOWN; } } bool NvComputer::updateAppList(QVector newAppList) { if (appList == newAppList) { return false; } // Propagate client-side attributes to the new app list for (const NvApp& existingApp : appList) { for (NvApp& newApp : newAppList) { if (existingApp.id == newApp.id) { newApp.hidden = existingApp.hidden; newApp.directLaunch = existingApp.directLaunch; } } } appList = newAppList; sortAppList(); return true; } QVector NvComputer::uniqueAddresses() const { QReadLocker readLocker(&lock); QVector uniqueAddressList; // Start with addresses correctly ordered uniqueAddressList.append(activeAddress); uniqueAddressList.append(localAddress); uniqueAddressList.append(remoteAddress); uniqueAddressList.append(ipv6Address); uniqueAddressList.append(manualAddress); // Prune duplicates (always giving precedence to the first) for (int i = 0; i < uniqueAddressList.count(); i++) { if (uniqueAddressList[i].isNull()) { uniqueAddressList.remove(i); i--; continue; } for (int j = i + 1; j < uniqueAddressList.count(); j++) { if (uniqueAddressList[i] == uniqueAddressList[j]) { // Always remove the later occurrence uniqueAddressList.remove(j); j--; } } } // We must have at least 1 address Q_ASSERT(!uniqueAddressList.isEmpty()); return uniqueAddressList; } bool NvComputer::update(const NvComputer& that) { bool changed = false; // Lock us for write and them for read QWriteLocker thisLock(&this->lock); QReadLocker thatLock(&that.lock); // UUID may not change or we're talking to a new PC Q_ASSERT(this->uuid == that.uuid); #define ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(field) \ if (this->field != that.field) { \ this->field = that.field; \ changed = true; \ } #define ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED_AND_NONEMPTY(field) \ if (!that.field.isEmpty() && \ this->field != that.field) { \ this->field = that.field; \ changed = true; \ } #define ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED_AND_NONNULL(field) \ if (!that.field.isNull() && \ this->field != that.field) { \ this->field = that.field; \ changed = true; \ } if (!hasCustomName) { // Only overwrite the name if it's not custom ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(name); } ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED_AND_NONEMPTY(macAddress); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED_AND_NONNULL(localAddress); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED_AND_NONNULL(remoteAddress); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED_AND_NONNULL(ipv6Address); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED_AND_NONNULL(manualAddress); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(activeHttpsPort); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(externalPort); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(pairState); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(serverCodecModeSupport); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(currentGameId); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(activeAddress); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(state); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(gfeVersion); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(appVersion); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(isSupportedServerVersion); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(isNvidiaServerSoftware); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(maxLumaPixelsHEVC); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED(gpuModel); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED_AND_NONNULL(serverCert); ASSIGN_IF_CHANGED_AND_NONEMPTY(displayModes); if (!that.appList.isEmpty()) { // updateAppList() handles merging client-side attributes updateAppList(that.appList); } return changed; }