import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import Session 1.0 Item { property Session session property string appname property string stageText : "Starting " + appname + "..." anchors.fill: parent // The StackView will trigger a visibility change when // we're pushed onto it, causing our onVisibleChanged // routine to run, but only if we start as invisible visible: false function stageStarting(stage) { // Update the spinner text stageText = "Starting " + stage + "..." } function stageFailed(stage, errorCode) { errorDialog.text = "Starting " + stage + " failed: Error " + errorCode } function connectionStarted() { // Hide the UI contents so the user doesn't // see them briefly when we pop off the StackView stageSpinner.visible = false stageLabel.visible = false // Hide the window now that streaming has begun window.visible = false } function displayLaunchError(text) { errorDialog.text = text } function displayLaunchWarning(text) { // TODO: toast } onVisibleChanged: { if (visible) { // Hide the toolbar before we start loading toolBar.visible = false // Hook up our signals session.stageStarting.connect(stageStarting) session.stageFailed.connect(stageFailed) session.connectionStarted.connect(connectionStarted) session.displayLaunchError.connect(displayLaunchError) session.displayLaunchWarning.connect(displayLaunchWarning) // Run the streaming session to completion session.exec() // Show the Qt window again after streaming window.visible = true // Exit this view stackView.pop() } else { // Show the toolbar again when we become hidden toolBar.visible = true } } Row { anchors.centerIn: parent spacing: 5 BusyIndicator { id: stageSpinner } Label { id: stageLabel height: stageSpinner.height text: stageText font.pointSize: 20 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter wrapMode: Text.Wrap color: "white" } } MessageDialog { id: errorDialog modality:Qt.WindowModal icon: StandardIcon.Critical standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok } }