import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import ComputerModel 1.0 import ComputerManager 1.0 import StreamingPreferences 1.0 GridView { property ComputerModel computerModel : createModel() id: pcGrid anchors.fill: parent anchors.leftMargin: (parent.width % (cellWidth + anchors.rightMargin)) / 2 anchors.topMargin: 20 anchors.rightMargin: 5 anchors.bottomMargin: 5 cellWidth: 350; cellHeight: 350; focus: true objectName: "Computers" // The StackView will trigger a visibility change when // we're pushed onto it, causing our onVisibleChanged // routine to run, but only if we start as invisible visible: false StreamingPreferences { id: prefs } Component.onCompleted: { // Setup signals on CM ComputerManager.computerAddCompleted.connect(addComplete) if (!prefs.hasAnyHardwareAcceleration()) { } } onVisibleChanged: { if (visible) { // Start polling when this view is shown ComputerManager.startPolling() } else { // Stop polling when this view is not top-most ComputerManager.stopPollingAsync() } } function pairingComplete(error) { // Close the PIN dialog pairDialog.close() // Start polling again ComputerManager.startPolling() // Display a failed dialog if we got an error if (error !== null) { errorDialog.text = error } } function addComplete(success) { if (!success) { errorDialog.text = "Unable to connect to the specified PC. Ensure GameStream is enabled in GeForce Experience." } } function createModel() { var model = Qt.createQmlObject('import ComputerModel 1.0; ComputerModel {}', parent, '') model.initialize(ComputerManager) model.pairingCompleted.connect(pairingComplete) return model } model: computerModel delegate: Item { width: 300; height: 300; Image { id: pcIcon anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter source: { model.addPc ? "qrc:/res/ic_add_to_queue_white_48px.svg" : "qrc:/res/ic_tv_white_48px.svg" } sourceSize { width: 200 height: 200 } } Image { // TODO: Tooltip id: stateIcon anchors.horizontalCenter: pcIcon.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: pcIcon.verticalCenter anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -10 visible: !model.addPc && !model.statusUnknown && (! || !model.paired) source: ! ? "qrc:/res/baseline-warning-24px.svg" : "qrc:/res/baseline-lock-24px.svg" sourceSize { width: 75 height: 75 } } BusyIndicator { id: statusUnknownSpinner anchors.horizontalCenter: pcIcon.horizontalCenter anchors.verticalCenter: pcIcon.verticalCenter anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -10 width: 75 height: 75 visible: !model.addPc && model.statusUnknown } Text { id: pcNameText text: color: "white" width: parent.width pcIcon.bottom font.pointSize: 36 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter wrapMode: Text.Wrap } Menu { id: pcContextMenu MenuItem { text: "Wake PC" onTriggered: computerModel.wakeComputer(index) visible: !model.addPc && ! && model.wakeable height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0 } MenuItem { text: "Delete PC" onTriggered: { deletePcDialog.pcIndex = index // get confirmation first, actual closing is called from the dialog } } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton; onClicked: { if(mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton) { if (model.addPc) { } else if ( { if (model.paired) { // go to game view var component = Qt.createComponent("AppView.qml") var appView = component.createObject(stackView) appView.computerIndex = index appView.objectName = stackView.push(appView) } else { if (!model.busy) { var pin = ("0000" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)).slice(-4) // Stop polling, since pairing may make GFE unresponsive ComputerManager.stopPollingAsync() // Kick off pairing in the background computerModel.pairComputer(index, pin) // Display the pairing dialog = pin } else { // cannot pair while something is streaming or attempting to pair errorDialog.text = "This PC is currently busy. Make sure to quit any running games and try again." } } } else if(! { } } else { // right click if(!model.addPc) { // but only for actual PCs, not the add-pc option } } } } } MessageDialog { id: errorDialog // don't allow edits to the rest of the window while open modality:Qt.WindowModal icon: StandardIcon.Critical standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok } MessageDialog { id: noHwDecoderDialog modality:Qt.WindowModal icon: StandardIcon.Warning standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Help text: "No functioning hardware accelerated H.264 video decoder was detected by Moonlight. " + "Your streaming performance may be severely degraded in this configuration. " + "Click the Help button for more information on solving this problem." onHelp: { Qt.openUrlExternally(""); } } MessageDialog { id: pairDialog // don't allow edits to the rest of the window while open modality:Qt.WindowModal property string pin : "0000" text:"Please enter " + pin + " on your GameStream PC. This dialog will close when pairing is completed." standardButtons: StandardButton.Cancel onRejected: { // FIXME: We should interrupt pairing here } } MessageDialog { id: deletePcDialog // don't allow edits to the rest of the window while open modality:Qt.WindowModal property int pcIndex : -1; text:"Are you sure you want to remove this PC?" standardButtons: StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.No onYes: { console.log("deleting PC pairing for PC at index: " + pcIndex) computerModel.deleteComputer(pcIndex); } } Dialog { id: addPcDialog property string label: "Enter the IP address of your GameStream PC" property string hint: "" property alias editText : editTextItem standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Cancel onVisibleChanged: { editTextItem.focus = true editTextItem.selectAll() } onAccepted: { ComputerManager.addNewHost(editText.text, false) } ColumnLayout { Text { id: addPcDialogLabel text: addPcDialog.label } Rectangle { implicitWidth: parent.parent.width height: editTextItem.height TextInput { id: editTextItem inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhPreferUppercase text: addPcDialog.hint } } } } ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { parent: pcGrid.parent anchors { top: left: pcGrid.right bottom: pcGrid.bottom leftMargin: -10 } } }