import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import ComputerManager 1.0 import Session 1.0 Item { property string appName property Session nextSession : null property string nextAppName : "" property string stageText : "Quitting " + appName + "..." function quitAppCompleted(error) { // Display a failed dialog if we got an error if (error !== undefined) { errorDialog.text = error } // If we're supposed to launch another game after this, do so now if (error === undefined && nextSession !== null) { var component = Qt.createComponent("StreamSegue.qml") var segue = component.createObject(stackView, {"appName": nextAppName, "session": nextSession}) stackView.replace(segue) } else { // Exit this view stackView.pop() } } StackView.onActivated: { // Hide the toolbar before we start loading toolBar.visible = false // Connect the quit completion signal ComputerManager.quitAppCompleted.connect(quitAppCompleted) } StackView.onDeactivating: { // Show the toolbar again toolBar.visible = true // Disconnect the signal ComputerManager.quitAppCompleted.disconnect(quitAppCompleted) } Row { anchors.centerIn: parent spacing: 5 BusyIndicator { id: stageSpinner } Label { id: stageLabel height: stageSpinner.height text: stageText font.pointSize: 20 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter wrapMode: Text.Wrap } } ErrorMessageDialog { id: errorDialog } }