import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import AppModel 1.0 import ComputerManager 1.0 GridView { property int computerIndex property AppModel appModel : createModel() property bool activated id: appGrid focus: true activeFocusOnTab: true leftMargin: (parent.width % (cellWidth + rightMargin)) / 2 topMargin: 20 rightMargin: 5 bottomMargin: 5 cellWidth: 225; cellHeight: 385; function computerLost() { // Go back to the PC view on PC loss stackView.pop() } Component.onCompleted: { // Don't show any highlighted item until interacting with them. // We do this here instead of onActivated to avoid losing the user's // selection when backing out of a different page of the app. currentIndex = -1 // HACK: If this is not Qt 5.12 (which has synchronousDrag), // set anchors on creation. This will cause an anchor conflict // with the parent StackView which breaks animation, but otherwise // the grid will not be centered in the window. if (this.synchronousDrag === undefined) { anchors.fill = parent anchors.leftMargin = leftMargin anchors.rightMargin = rightMargin anchors.topMargin = topMargin anchors.bottomMargin = bottomMargin } } StackView.onActivated: { appModel.computerLost.connect(computerLost) activated = true } StackView.onDeactivating: { appModel.computerLost.disconnect(computerLost) activated = false } function createModel() { var model = Qt.createQmlObject('import AppModel 1.0; AppModel {}', parent, '') model.initialize(ComputerManager, computerIndex) return model } model: appModel delegate: NavigableItemDelegate { width: 200; height: 335; grid: appGrid Image { id: appIcon anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter y: 20 source: model.boxart sourceSize { width: 150 height: 200 } width: sourceSize.width height: sourceSize.height fillMode: Image.Pad } ToolButton { id: resumeButton anchors.verticalCenterOffset: -50 anchors.centerIn: appIcon visible: model.running implicitWidth: 125 implicitHeight: 125 Image { source: "qrc:/res/baseline-play_circle_filled_white-48px.svg" anchors.centerIn: parent sourceSize { width: 75 height: 75 } } onClicked: { launchOrResumeSelectedApp() } ToolTip.text: "Resume Game" ToolTip.delay: 1000 ToolTip.timeout: 3000 ToolTip.visible: hovered } ToolButton { id: quitButton anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 50 anchors.centerIn: appIcon visible: model.running implicitWidth: 125 implicitHeight: 125 Image { source: "qrc:/res/baseline-cancel-24px.svg" anchors.centerIn: parent sourceSize { width: 75 height: 75 } } onClicked: { doQuitGame() } ToolTip.text: "Quit Game" ToolTip.delay: 1000 ToolTip.timeout: 3000 ToolTip.visible: hovered } Label { id: appNameText text: width: parent.width height: 125 appIcon.bottom font.pointSize: 22 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter wrapMode: Text.Wrap elide: Text.ElideRight // Display a tooltip with the full name if it's truncated ToolTip.text: ToolTip.delay: 1000 ToolTip.timeout: 5000 ToolTip.visible: (parent.hovered || parent.highlighted) && truncated } function launchOrResumeSelectedApp() { var runningIndex = appModel.getRunningAppIndex() if (runningIndex >= 0 && runningIndex !== index) { quitAppDialog.appName = appModel.getRunningAppName() quitAppDialog.segueToStream = true quitAppDialog.nextAppName = quitAppDialog.nextAppIndex = index return } var component = Qt.createComponent("StreamSegue.qml") var segue = component.createObject(stackView, {"appName":, "session": appModel.createSessionForApp(index)}) stackView.push(segue) } onClicked: { if (model.running) { // This will primarily be keyboard/gamepad driven so use // open() instead of popup() } else { launchOrResumeSelectedApp() } } Keys.onMenuPressed: { if (model.running) { // This will primarily be keyboard/gamepad driven so use // open() instead of popup() } } function doQuitGame() { quitAppDialog.appName = appModel.getRunningAppName() quitAppDialog.segueToStream = false } NavigableMenu { id: appContextMenu NavigableMenuItem { parentMenu: appContextMenu text: model.running ? "Resume Game" : "Launch Game" onTriggered: { appContextMenu.close() launchOrResumeSelectedApp() } } NavigableMenuItem { parentMenu: appContextMenu text: "Quit Game" onTriggered: doQuitGame() visible: model.running } } } NavigableMessageDialog { id: quitAppDialog property string appName : "" property bool segueToStream : false property string nextAppName: "" property int nextAppIndex: 0 text:"Are you sure you want to quit " + appName +"? Any unsaved progress will be lost." standardButtons: StandardButton.Yes | StandardButton.No function quitApp() { var component = Qt.createComponent("QuitSegue.qml") var params = {"appName": appName} if (segueToStream) { // Store the session and app name if we're going to stream after // successfully quitting the old app. params.nextAppName = nextAppName params.nextSession = appModel.createSessionForApp(nextAppIndex) } else { params.nextAppName = null params.nextSession = null } stackView.push(component.createObject(stackView, params)) // Trigger the quit after pushing the quit segue on screen appModel.quitRunningApp() } onYes: quitApp() // For keyboard/gamepad navigation onAccepted: quitApp() } ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { // Manually hide the scrollbar to prevent it from being drawn on top // of the StreamSegue during the transition. It can sometimes get stuck // there since we're not consistently pumping the event loop while // starting the stream. visible: activated parent: appGrid.parent anchors { top: left: appGrid.right bottom: appGrid.bottom leftMargin: -10 } } }