Reload the FPS and window mode comboboxes after changing language

Fixes #765
This commit is contained in:
Cameron Gutman 2022-04-10 13:17:42 -05:00
parent e3a7b54f90
commit 22924a1e92

View file

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ Flickable {
id: settingsPage
objectName: qsTr("Settings")
signal languageChanged()
boundsBehavior: Flickable.OvershootBounds
contentWidth: settingsColumn1.width > settingsColumn2.width ? settingsColumn1.width : settingsColumn2.width
@ -465,6 +467,7 @@ Flickable {
// ignore setting the index at first, and actually set it when the component is loaded
Component.onCompleted: {
id: fpsComboBox
@ -531,28 +534,53 @@ Flickable {
AutoResizingComboBox {
// ignore setting the index at first, and actually set it when the component is loaded
Component.onCompleted: {
function createModel() {
var model = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; ListModel {}', parent, '')
text: qsTr("Fullscreen"),
val: StreamingPreferences.WM_FULLSCREEN
text: qsTr("Borderless windowed"),
val: StreamingPreferences.WM_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP
text: qsTr("Windowed"),
val: StreamingPreferences.WM_WINDOWED
// Set the recommended option based on the OS
for (var i = 0; i < model.count; i++) {
var thisWm = model.get(i).val;
if (thisWm === StreamingPreferences.recommendedFullScreenMode) {
model.get(i).text += qsTr(" (Recommended)")
model.move(i, 0, 1)
return model
// This is used on initialization and upon retranslation
function reinitialize() {
if (!visible) {
// Do nothing if the control won't even be visible
// Set the recommended option based on the OS
for (var i = 0; i < windowModeListModel.count; i++) {
var thisWm = windowModeListModel.get(i).val;
if (thisWm === StreamingPreferences.recommendedFullScreenMode) {
windowModeListModel.get(i).text += qsTr(" (Recommended)")
windowModeListModel.move(i, 0, 1);
model = createModel()
currentIndex = 0
// Set the current value based on the saved preferences
var savedWm = StreamingPreferences.windowMode
for (var i = 0; i < windowModeListModel.count; i++) {
var thisWm = windowModeListModel.get(i).val;
for (var i = 0; i < model.count; i++) {
var thisWm = model.get(i).val;
if (savedWm === thisWm) {
currentIndex = i
@ -562,28 +590,18 @@ Flickable {
Component.onCompleted: {
id: windowModeComboBox
visible: SystemProperties.hasDesktopEnvironment
enabled: !SystemProperties.rendererAlwaysFullScreen
hoverEnabled: true
textRole: "text"
model: ListModel {
id: windowModeListModel
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Fullscreen")
val: StreamingPreferences.WM_FULLSCREEN
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Borderless windowed")
val: StreamingPreferences.WM_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP
ListElement {
text: qsTr("Windowed")
val: StreamingPreferences.WM_WINDOWED
onActivated: {
StreamingPreferences.windowMode = windowModeListModel.get(currentIndex).val
StreamingPreferences.windowMode = model.get(currentIndex).val
ToolTip.delay: 1000
@ -867,6 +885,9 @@ Flickable {
// Force the back operation to pop any AppView pages that exist.
// The AppView stops working after retranslate() for some reason.
window.clearOnBack = true
// Signal other controls to adjust their text