2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TS version="2.1" language="zh_CN">
2021-05-06 17:26:26 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="144"/>
<location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="298"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Resume Game</source>
2021-05-06 17:26:26 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="170"/>
<location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="303"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Quit Game</source>
2021-05-06 17:26:26 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="298"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Launch Game</source>
2021-05-06 17:26:26 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="311"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Direct Launch</source>
2021-05-06 17:26:26 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="315"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Launch this app immediately when the host is selected, bypassing the app selection grid.</source>
2021-05-06 17:26:26 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="324"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Hide Game</source>
2021-05-06 17:26:26 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="328"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Hide this game from the app grid. To access hidden games, right-click on the host and choose %1.</source>
<translation>从应用程序网格中隐藏此游戏。要访问隐藏的游戏,请右键单击目标计算机并选择 %1。</translation>
2021-05-06 17:26:26 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="328"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>View All Apps</source>
2021-05-06 17:26:26 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/AppView.qml" line="343"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Are you sure you want to quit %1? Any unsaved progress will be lost.</source>
<translation>你确定要退出 %1 吗?所有未保存的游戏进度都将丢失。</translation>
<location filename="../gui/CliQuitStreamSegue.qml" line="9"/>
<source>Establishing connection to PC...</source>
<location filename="../gui/CliQuitStreamSegue.qml" line="13"/>
<source>Quitting app...</source>
<location filename="../gui/CliStartStreamSegue.qml" line="9"/>
<source>Establishing connection to PC...</source>
<location filename="../gui/CliStartStreamSegue.qml" line="13"/>
<source>Loading app list...</source>
<location filename="../gui/CliStartStreamSegue.qml" line="81"/>
<source>Are you sure you want to quit %1? Any unsaved progress will be lost.</source>
<translation>你确定要退出 %1 吗?任何未保存的进度都将丢失。</translation>
<location filename="../gui/GamepadMapper.qml" line="4"/>
<source>Gamepad Mapping</source>
2021-10-06 21:14:21 -05:00
<location filename="../backend/nvhttp.cpp" line="378"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Missing audio capture device. Reinstalling GeForce Experience should resolve this error.</source>
<translation>缺少音频捕获设备。重新安装 GeForce Experience 可以解决此错误。</translation>
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="20"/>
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="67"/>
<source>Unable to connect to the specified PC.</source>
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="70"/>
<source>This PC's Internet connection is blocking Moonlight. Streaming over the Internet may not work while connected to this network.</source>
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="73"/>
<source>Click the Help button for possible solutions.</source>
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="102"/>
<source>Searching for PCs on your local network with NVIDIA GameStream enabled...</source>
<translation>正在本地网络上搜索启用 NVIDIA GameStrea 的计算机...</translation>
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="103"/>
<source>Automatic PC discovery is disabled. Add your PC manually.</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="171"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>PC Status: %1</source>
<translation>计算机状态: %1</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="171"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="171"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="177"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>View All Apps</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="187"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Wake PC</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="193"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Test Network</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="202"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Rename PC</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="211"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Delete PC</source>
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="224"/>
<source>The version of GeForce Experience on %1 is not supported by this build of Moonlight. You must update Moonlight to stream from %1.</source>
2021-07-29 06:10:46 +00:00
<translation>在 %1 上已安装的GeForce Experience版本不支持当前版本的Moonlight。你必须升级Moonlight才能从 %1 串流。</translation>
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="247"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>You cannot pair while a previous session is still running on the host PC. Quit any running games or reboot the host PC, then try pairing again.</source>
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="302"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Please enter %1 on your GameStream PC. This dialog will close when pairing is completed.</source>
<translation>请在启用 GameStream 的计算机上输入 %1。配对完成后,此对话框将关闭。</translation>
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="313"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Are you sure you want to remove this PC?</source>
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="330"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Moonlight is testing your network connection to determine if NVIDIA GameStream is blocked.</source>
<translation>Moonlight 正在测试你的网络连接,以检测 NVIDIA GameStream 是否被阻止。</translation>
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="330"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>This may take a few seconds…</source>
2021-04-16 10:49:32 +00:00
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="337"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>The network test could not be performed because none of Moonlight's connection testing servers were reachable from this PC. Check your Internet connection or try again later.</source>
<translation>无法执行网络测试,因为此计算机无法访问 Moonlight 的连接测试服务器。请检查你的互联网连接或稍后再试。</translation>
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="341"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>This network does not appear to be blocking Moonlight. If you still have trouble connecting, check your PC's firewall settings.</source>
<translation>此网络似乎没有阻止 Moonlight。如果仍然无法连接,请检查计算机的防火墙设置。</translation>
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="341"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>If you are trying to stream over the Internet, install the Moonlight Internet Hosting Tool on your gaming PC and run the included Internet Streaming Tester to check your gaming PC's Internet connection.</source>
<translation>如果你想通过互联网进行流式传输,请在你的目标计算机上安装 Moonlight Internet Hosting 工具,并运行包含的互联网流式传输测试程序来检查你目标计算机的互联网连接。</translation>
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="345"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Your PC's current network connection seems to be blocking Moonlight. Streaming over the Internet may not work while connected to this network.</source>
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="345"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>The following network ports were blocked:</source>
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/PcView.qml" line="357"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Enter the new name for this PC:</source>
2021-10-06 21:14:21 -05:00
<location filename="../backend/computermanager.cpp" line="540"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>The running game wasn't started by this PC. You must quit the game on the host PC manually or use the device that originally started the game.</source>
<location filename="../cli/quitstream.cpp" line="76"/>
<location filename="../cli/startstream.cpp" line="133"/>
<source>Failed to connect to %1</source>
<translation>无法连接到 %1</translation>
<location filename="../cli/quitstream.cpp" line="88"/>
<location filename="../cli/startstream.cpp" line="89"/>
<source>Computer %1 has not been paired. Please open Moonlight to pair before streaming.</source>
<translation>计算机 %1 尚未配对。</translation>
<location filename="../cli/quitstream.cpp" line="102"/>
<location filename="../cli/startstream.cpp" line="126"/>
<source>Quitting app failed, reason: %1</source>
<translation>退出应用程序失败,原因: %1</translation>
<location filename="../cli/startstream.cpp" line="137"/>
<source>Failed to find application %1</source>
<translation>找不到应用程序 %1</translation>
<location filename="../gui/QuitSegue.qml" line="12"/>
<source>Quitting %1...</source>
<translation>正在退出 %1...</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="91"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>No video received from host.</source>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="92"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Check your firewall and port forwarding rules for port(s): %1</source>
<translation>检查防火墙和端口转发规则: %1</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="97"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Your network connection isn't performing well. Reduce your video bitrate setting or try a faster connection.</source>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="102"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Something went wrong on your host PC when starting the stream.</source>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="103"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Make sure you don't have any DRM-protected content open on your host PC. You can also try restarting your host PC.</source>
<translation>确保目标计算机上没有打开任何受 DRM 保护的内容。你也可以尝试重新启动目标计算机。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="104"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>If the issue persists, try reinstalling your GPU drivers and GeForce Experience.</source>
<translation>如果问题仍然存在,请尝试重新安装显卡驱动程序和 GeForce Experience。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="109"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Connection terminated</source>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="661"/>
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
<source>The version of GeForce Experience on %1 is not supported by this build of Moonlight. You must update Moonlight to stream from %1.</source>
2021-10-07 00:54:10 +00:00
<translation>%1 上的 GeForce Experience 版本不受当前版本的 Moonlight 支持。你必须更新 Moonlight才能从 %1 串流。</translation>
2021-04-30 20:09:15 -05:00
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="666"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Your selection to enable remote desktop mouse mode may cause problems in games.</source>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="671"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>HDR is not supported with software decoding.</source>
<translation>软件解码不支持 HDR。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="675"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Your settings selection to force software decoding may cause poor streaming performance.</source>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="680"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Using unsupported FPS options may cause stuttering or lag.</source>
<translation>使用不受支持的 FPS 选项可能会导致卡顿或延迟。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="683"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>V-sync will be disabled when streaming at a higher frame rate than the display.</source>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="710"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Using software decoding due to your selection to force HEVC without GPU support. This may cause poor streaming performance.</source>
<translation>根据你的选择使用软件解码,以在没有显卡支持的情况下强制 HEVC。这可能会导致流式传输性能不佳。</translation>
<source>This PC's GPU doesn't support HEVC decoding.</source>
2022-01-06 23:19:16 -06:00
<translation type="vanished">此计算机的显卡不支持 HEVC 解码。</translation>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="693"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Your host PC GPU doesn't support HEVC. A GeForce GTX 900-series (Maxwell) or later GPU is required for HEVC streaming.</source>
<translation>目标计算机的显卡不支持 HEVC。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="724"/>
2022-01-06 23:19:16 -06:00
<source>Using software decoding due to your selection to force H.264 without GPU support. This may cause poor streaming performance.</source>
2022-01-12 10:55:20 +00:00
<translation>使用软件解码,因为你选择强制使用没有 GPU 支持的H.264。这可能会导致较差的流性能。</translation>
2022-01-06 23:19:16 -06:00
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="734"/>
2022-01-06 23:19:16 -06:00
<source>Your host PC and client PC don't support the same video codecs. This may cause poor streaming performance.</source>
2022-01-12 10:55:20 +00:00
<translation>你的主机和客户端 PC 不支持相同的视频编解码器。这可能会导致较差的流性能。</translation>
2022-01-06 23:19:16 -06:00
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="737"/>
2022-01-06 23:19:16 -06:00
<source>Your client GPU doesn't support H.264 decoding. This may cause poor streaming performance.</source>
2022-01-12 10:55:20 +00:00
<translation>你的客户端 GPU 不支持 H.264 解码。这可能会导致较差的流性能。</translation>
2022-01-06 23:19:16 -06:00
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>%1 doesn't support HDR10.</source>
2022-02-20 13:41:48 -06:00
<translation type="vanished">%1 不支持 HDR10。</translation>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="748"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Your host PC GPU doesn't support HDR streaming. A GeForce GTX 1000-series (Pascal) or later GPU is required for HDR streaming.</source>
<translation>目标计算机的显卡不支持 HDR 流。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="757"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>This PC's GPU doesn't support HEVC Main10 decoding for HDR streaming.</source>
<translation>此计算机的显卡不支持 HEVC Main10 解码 HDR 流。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="770"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>GeForce Experience 3.0 or higher is required for 4K streaming.</source>
<translation>4K 流式传输需要 GeForce Experience 3.0 或更高版本。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="785"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Your selected surround sound setting is not supported by the current audio device.</source>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="792"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Failed to open audio device. Audio will be unavailable during this session.</source>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="797"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>An attached gamepad has no mapping and won't be usable. Visit the Moonlight help to resolve this.</source>
<translation>附加的手柄没有映射,因此无法使用。请访问 Moonlight 帮助解决此问题。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="805"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Your host PC's GPU doesn't support streaming video resolutions over 4K.</source>
<translation>目标计算机的显卡不支持 4K 以上的流式传输视频分辨率。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="809"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Video resolutions over 4K are only supported by the HEVC codec.</source>
<translation>只有 HEVC 编解码器才支持 4K 以上的视频分辨率。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="823"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Your selection to force hardware decoding cannot be satisfied due to missing hardware decoding support on this PC's GPU.</source>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="826"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Your codec selection and force hardware decoding setting are not compatible. This PC's GPU lacks support for decoding your chosen codec.</source>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="1159"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>GeForce Experience returned error: %1</source>
<translation>GeForce Experience 返回错误: %1</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../streaming/session.cpp" line="1691"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Unable to initialize video decoder. Please check your streaming settings and try again.</source>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="12"/>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="60"/>
<source>Basic Settings</source>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="70"/>
<source>Resolution and FPS</source>
<translation>分辨率和 FPS</translation>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="78"/>
<source>Setting values too high for your PC or network connection may cause lag, stuttering, or errors.</source>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="209"/>
2021-03-20 16:56:52 +00:00
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="215"/>
2021-03-20 16:56:52 +00:00
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="221"/>
2021-03-20 16:56:52 +00:00
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="227"/>
2021-03-20 16:56:52 +00:00
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="331"/>
<source>Custom resolutions are not officially supported by GeForce Experience, so it will not set your host display resolution. You will need to set it manually while in game.</source>
<translation>自定义分辨率不受 GeForce Experience 的正式支持,因此不会设置目标计算机的分辨率。你需要在游戏中手动设置。</translation>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="332"/>
<source>Resolutions that are not supported by your client or host PC may cause streaming errors.</source>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="338"/>
<source>Enter a custom resolution:</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="406"/>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="407"/>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="427"/>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="430"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>%1 FPS</source>
2021-03-20 16:56:52 +00:00
<translation>%1 FPS</translation>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="412"/>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="415"/>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="424"/>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="437"/>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="440"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>%1 FPS (Unsupported)</source>
<translation>%1 FPS (不支持)</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="493"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Video bitrate:</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="501"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Lower the bitrate on slower connections. Raise the bitrate to increase image quality.</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="519"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Video bitrate: %1 Mbps</source>
<translation>视频比特率: %1 Mbps</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="527"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Display mode</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="545"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source> (Recommended)</source>
<translation> (推荐)</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="573"/>
2022-02-20 14:14:34 -06:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="919"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="577"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Borderless windowed</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="581"/>
2022-02-20 14:14:34 -06:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="911"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="592"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Fullscreen generally provides the best performance, but borderless windowed may work better with features like macOS Spaces, Alt+Tab, screenshot tools, on-screen overlays, etc.</source>
<translation>全屏通常提供最好的性能,但是无边框窗口可以更好地与 macOS Spaces、Alt+Tab、屏幕截图工具、屏幕覆盖等功能配合使用。</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="599"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="609"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Disabling V-Sync allows sub-frame rendering latency, but it can display visible tearing</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="616"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Frame pacing</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="626"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Frame pacing reduces micro-stutter by delaying frames that come in too early</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="636"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Audio Settings</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="646"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Audio configuration</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="671"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="675"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>5.1 surround sound</source>
<translation>5.1 环绕声</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="679"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>7.1 surround sound</source>
<translation>7.1 环绕声</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="693"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Mute host PC speakers while streaming</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="703"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>You must restart any game currently in progress for this setting to take effect</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="709"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Mute audio stream when Moonlight is not the active window</source>
<translation>当 Moonlight 失去焦点时静音</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="720"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Mutes Moonlight's audio when you Alt+Tab out of the stream or click on a different window.</source>
<translation>当你用 Alt+Tab 键离开流式传输或者点击其他窗口时,Moonlight 将静音。</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="729"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>UI Settings</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="739"/>
2021-04-16 10:49:32 +00:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="765"/>
2021-04-16 10:49:32 +00:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
2022-02-20 14:14:34 -06:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="864"/>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<source>You must restart Moonlight for this change to take effect</source>
2021-04-16 10:49:32 +00:00
<translation>你必须重新启动 Moonlight 才能使更改生效</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
2022-02-20 14:14:34 -06:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="878"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>GUI display mode</source>
2022-02-20 14:14:34 -06:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="915"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2022-02-20 14:14:34 -06:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="932"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Show connection quality warnings</source>
2022-02-20 14:14:34 -06:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="944"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Discord Rich Presence integration</source>
<translation>Discord Rich Presence 集成</translation>
2022-02-20 14:14:34 -06:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="954"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Updates your Discord status to display the name of the game you're streaming.</source>
<translation>更新你的 Discord 状态,以显示正在运行的游戏名称。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="960"/>
<source>Keep the display awake while streaming</source>
2022-03-22 05:07:12 +00:00
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="970"/>
<source>Prevents the screensaver from starting or the display from going to sleep while streaming.</source>
2022-03-22 05:07:12 +00:00
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="988"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Input Settings</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="999"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Optimize mouse for remote desktop instead of games</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1009"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>This enables seamless mouse control without capturing the client's mouse cursor. It is ideal for remote desktop usage but will not work in most games.</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1010"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>You can toggle this while streaming using Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M.</source>
<translation>你可以使用 Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M 切换鼠标控制模式。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1011"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>NOTE: Due to a bug in GeForce Experience, this option may not work properly if your host PC has multiple monitors.</source>
<translation>注意:由于 GeForce Experience 的 Bug,如果你的目标计算机有多个显示器,则此选项可能无法正常工作。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1021"/>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<source>Capture system keyboard shortcuts</source>
2021-04-16 10:49:32 +00:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1029"/>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<source>This enables the capture of system-wide keyboard shortcuts like Alt+Tab that would normally be handled by the client OS while streaming.</source>
2021-04-16 10:49:32 +00:00
<translation>这样可以捕获系统范围的键盘快捷键,例如 Alt + Tab,这些快捷键通常在流式传输时由客户端系统处理。</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
2022-02-20 13:41:48 -06:00
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1378"/>
2022-02-20 13:41:48 -06:00
<source>Enabling HDR overrides manual codec selections.</source>
2022-03-22 05:07:12 +00:00
2022-02-20 13:41:48 -06:00
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1384"/>
2022-02-20 13:41:48 -06:00
<source>Enable HDR (Experimental)</source>
2022-03-22 05:07:12 +00:00
2022-02-20 13:41:48 -06:00
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1395"/>
2022-02-20 13:41:48 -06:00
<source>The stream will be HDR-capable, but some games may require an HDR monitor on your host PC to enable HDR mode.</source>
2022-03-22 05:07:12 +00:00
2022-02-20 13:41:48 -06:00
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1397"/>
2022-02-20 13:41:48 -06:00
<source>HDR streaming is not supported on this PC.</source>
2022-03-22 05:07:12 +00:00
2022-02-20 13:41:48 -06:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Capture system keyboard shortcuts while streaming in fullscreen</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<translation type="vanished">在全屏流式传输时捕获系统键盘快捷键</translation>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>This enables the capture of system-wide keyboard shortcuts like Alt+Tab that would normally be handled by the client OS while streaming in fullscreen.</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<translation type="vanished">这允许捕获系统范围内的键盘快捷键(如Alt+Tab),这些快捷键通常在全屏流式传输时由客户端操作系统处理。</translation>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1030"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>NOTE: Certain keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+Alt+Del on Windows cannot be intercepted by any application, including Moonlight.</source>
<translation>注意:Windows 上的某些键盘快捷键(如 Ctrl+Alt+Del)不能被任何应用程序截获,包括 Moonlight。</translation>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1059"/>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<source>in fullscreen</source>
2021-04-16 10:49:32 +00:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1063"/>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
2021-04-16 10:49:32 +00:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1093"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Use touchscreen as a virtual trackpad</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1103"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>When checked, the touchscreen acts like a trackpad. When unchecked, the touchscreen will directly control the mouse pointer.</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1110"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Swap left and right mouse buttons</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1122"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Reverse mouse scrolling direction</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1136"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Gamepad Settings</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1146"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Swap A/B and X/Y gamepad buttons</source>
<translation>交换手柄的 A/B 和 X/Y 按钮</translation>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1164"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>This switches gamepads into a Nintendo-style button layout</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1170"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Force gamepad #1 always connected</source>
<translation>强制手柄 #1 始终连接</translation>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1180"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Forces a single gamepad to always stay connected to the host, even if no gamepads are actually connected to this PC.</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1181"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Only enable this option when streaming a game that doesn't support gamepads being connected after startup.</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1188"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Enable mouse control with gamepads by holding the 'Start' button</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1199"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Process gamepad input when Moonlight is in the background</source>
<translation>当 Moonlight 在后台时处理手柄输入</translation>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1210"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Allows Moonlight to capture gamepad inputs even if it's not the current window in focus</source>
<translation>即使不是焦点窗口,也允许 Moonlight 捕获手柄的输入</translation>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1219"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Host Settings</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1229"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Optimize game settings for streaming</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1240"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Quit app on host PC after ending stream</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1250"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>This will close the app or game you are streaming when you end your stream. You will lose any unsaved progress!</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1259"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Advanced Settings</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1269"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Video decoder</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1294"/>
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1346"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Automatic (Recommended)</source>
<translation>自动 (推荐)</translation>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1298"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Force software decoding</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1302"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Force hardware decoding</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1315"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Video codec</source>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1350"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-20 16:56:52 +00:00
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1354"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>HEVC (H.265)</source>
2021-03-20 16:56:52 +00:00
<translation>HEVC (H.265)</translation>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-12-11 14:32:12 -06:00
<source>HEVC HDR (Experimental)</source>
2022-02-20 13:41:48 -06:00
<translation type="vanished">HEVC HDR (实验性)</translation>
2021-12-11 14:32:12 -06:00
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1403"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Unlock unsupported FPS options</source>
<translation>解锁不受支持的 FPS 选项</translation>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1422"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Automatically find PCs on the local network (Recommended)</source>
<translation>自动在本地网络上查找计算机 (推荐)</translation>
2022-03-16 21:59:06 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/SettingsView.qml" line="1447"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Automatically detect blocked connections (Recommended)</source>
<translation>自动检测被阻止的连接 (推荐)</translation>
<location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="11"/>
<source>Resuming %1...</source>
<translation>正在恢复 %1...</translation>
<location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="12"/>
<location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="19"/>
<source>Starting %1...</source>
<translation>正在启动 %1...</translation>
<location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="25"/>
<source>Starting %1 failed: Error %2</source>
2021-04-16 10:49:32 +00:00
<translation>启动 %1 失败: 错误 %2</translation>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="28"/>
<source>Check your firewall and port forwarding rules for port(s): %1</source>
<translation>检查防火墙和端口转发规则: %1</translation>
<location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="74"/>
<source>This PC's Internet connection is blocking Moonlight. Streaming over the Internet may not work while connected to this network.</source>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="165"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="165"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Press %1 to disconnect your session</source>
<translation>按 %1 来断开会话</translation>
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="166"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-20 16:56:52 +00:00
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2022-03-16 21:51:17 -05:00
<location filename="../gui/StreamSegue.qml" line="166"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-20 16:56:52 +00:00
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="254"/>
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="264"/>
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="393"/>
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="408"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="255"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Version %1</source>
<translation>版本 %1</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="271"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Join our community on Discord</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="283"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="290"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Add PC manually</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="330"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Update available for Moonlight: Version %1</source>
<translation>Moonlight 可用更新:版本 %1</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="354"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="377"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Gamepad Mapper</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="381"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Gamepad Mapping</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="415"/>
2022-01-06 23:19:16 -06:00
<source>No functioning hardware accelerated video decoder was detected by Moonlight. Your streaming performance may be severely degraded in this configuration.</source>
2022-01-12 10:55:20 +00:00
<translation>Moonlight 未检测到有效的硬件加速视频解码器。在此配置中,你的流性能可能会严重下降。</translation>
2022-01-06 23:19:16 -06:00
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>No functioning hardware accelerated H.264 video decoder was detected by Moonlight. Your streaming performance may be severely degraded in this configuration.</source>
2022-01-06 23:19:16 -06:00
<translation type="vanished">Moonlight 未检测到功能正常的硬件加速 H.264 视频解码器。</translation>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="417"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Click the Help button for more information on solving this problem.</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="423"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Hardware acceleration doesn't work on XWayland. Continuing on XWayland may result in poor streaming performance. Try running with QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland or switch to X11.</source>
<translation>硬件加速在 XWayland 上不起作用。在 XWayland 上继续操作可能会导致流式传输性能下降。</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="425"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Click the Help button for more information.</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="432"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>This version of Moonlight isn't optimized for your PC. Please download the '%1' version of Moonlight for the best streaming performance.</source>
<translation>此版本的 Moonlight 尚未针对你的计算机优化。请下载“%1”版本的 Moonlight,以获得最佳的流式传输性能。</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="441"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Moonlight detected gamepads without a mapping:</source>
<translation>Moonlight 检测到没有映射的手柄:</translation>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="443"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Click the Help button for information on how to map your gamepads.</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="451"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Are you sure you want to quit?</source>
2021-03-10 03:10:36 +01:00
<location filename="../gui/main.qml" line="481"/>
2021-01-31 00:10:36 +08:00
<source>Enter the IP address of your GameStream PC:</source>
<translation>输入目标计算机的 IP 地址:</translation>